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Created July 13, 2019 13:52
    + Add/Remove space, fix comma [d4ceb97e]
    + Bump NQP for default-int [290cd792]
    + Use num ops in NQP code [5876d38a]
    + Fix for bare_complex_number [62e2555e]
    + More fixes for default-int behavior [1e4d3ac4]
    + Merge pull request #2670 from MasterDuke17/default_nqp_vars_and_ops_to_int_instead_of_num [669a3b9f]
    + Default-int fixes for zef and Inline::Perl5 [cf6f6d92]
    + Fix for R#3035 [eb88e64e]
    + Make sure the signal proto matches [fcf1f761]
    + Optimizer: Don't use Int*Ref in first arg of if/unless/while/until [84ee0c8c]
    + Only initialize HLL version of nqp::getsignals once [a46c414f]
    + NativeCall: no need to create lots of Int/Num to "CArray.allocate" [f44c14c3]
    + Optimizer: Direct assignment between native vars don't need refs [80bf3d00]
    + NativeCall: turns out CArray nulls itself out when resizing [82fc4e57]
    + Don't use HLL ! for negation [af108863]
    + Propagate laziness in KeyValue/Pair Iterators [abbd1285]
    + Merge pull request #3042 from jstuder-gh/lazy_kv_pair_iters [20e74837]
    + Further refine test for showing message [7668301d]
    + Fix "Missing serialize REPR function for REPR NativeRef (StrLexRef)" [f13ac2c0]
    + Move VERSION file back to the root of build directory [33844cb4]
    + Don't fail if $!source isn't defined in X::Numeric::CannotConvert [fd9b826f]
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