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Created March 3, 2017 14:06
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  • Save thumbot/78ea9f6df1c2465bbd40c67dfc4784e7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save thumbot/78ea9f6df1c2465bbd40c67dfc4784e7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
./rebar get-deps
==> develop.f79eb14.dr-th_service-poc.9eda941 (get-deps)
Pulling lager from {git,"git://",{tag,"3.2.4"}}
Cloning into 'lager'...
Pulling poolboy from {git,"git://",
Cloning into 'poolboy'...
Pulling basho_stats from {git,"git://",
Cloning into 'basho_stats'...
Pulling riak_sysmon from {git,"git://",
Cloning into 'riak_sysmon'...
Pulling eleveldb from {git,"git://",
Cloning into 'eleveldb'...
Pulling riak_ensemble from {git,"git://",
Cloning into 'riak_ensemble'...
Pulling pbkdf2 from {git,"git://",
Cloning into 'pbkdf2'...
Pulling exometer_core from {git,"git://",
Cloning into 'exometer_core'...
Pulling clique from {git,"",{tag,"0.3.8"}}
Cloning into 'clique'...
==> lager (get-deps)
Pulling goldrush from {git,"",
Cloning into 'goldrush'...
==> goldrush (get-deps)
==> poolboy (get-deps)
==> basho_stats (get-deps)
==> riak_sysmon (get-deps)
Pulling cuttlefish from {git,"",
Cloning into 'cuttlefish'...
==> cuttlefish (get-deps)
Pulling getopt from {git,"",{tag,"v0.8.2"}}
Cloning into 'getopt'...
Pulling neotoma from {git,"",
Cloning into 'neotoma'...
==> getopt (get-deps)
==> neotoma (get-deps)
==> eleveldb (get-deps)
Cloning into 'leveldb'...
Note: checking out '2.0.31'.
You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.
If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -b with the checkout command again. Example:
git checkout -b new_branch_name
HEAD is now at e6a2939... add (int) cast to fix compile errors on 10 of 16 platforms ... argh.
==> riak_ensemble (get-deps)
==> pbkdf2 (get-deps)
==> src (get-deps)
==> exometer_core (get-deps)
Pulling parse_trans from {git,"git://",
Cloning into 'parse_trans'...
Pulling folsom from {git,"git://",{tag,"0.7.4p5"}}
Cloning into 'folsom'...
Pulling setup from {git,"git://",{tag,"1.4"}}
Cloning into 'setup'...
==> parse_trans (get-deps)
Pulling edown from {git,"git://",{tag,"0.8.1"}}
Cloning into 'edown'...
==> edown (get-deps)
==> folsom (get-deps)
Pulling bear from {git,"git://",{tag,"0.1.3p1"}}
Cloning into 'bear'...
Pulling meck from {git,"git://",{tag,"0.8.2"}}
Cloning into 'meck'...
==> bear (get-deps)
==> meck (get-deps)
==> setup (get-deps)
==> clique (get-deps)
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