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ibdknox/todo.clj Secret

Created September 28, 2011 07:02
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todo cljs
(ns todo.core
(:require [pinot.html :as ph]
[pinot.html.tags :as tags]
[pinot.dom :as dom]
[ :as pe])
(:require-macros [pinot.macros :as pm]))
(def todos (atom {1 "Get milk"
2 "Pay bills"
3 "Do stuff"}))
(defn add-todo [text]
(let [neue-key (inc (apply max (keys @todos)))]
(swap! todos assoc neue-key text)
[neue-key text]))
(defn remove-todo [id]
(swap! todos dissoc id))
(pm/defpartial todo-item [[id item]]
[:li (tags/link-to {:class "remove" :id id} "#" item)])
(pm/defpartial todo-form []
(tags/form-to {:id "todoForm"} [:post "/todos"]
(tags/label "todoText" "Todo: ")
(tags/text-field "todoText")
(tags/submit-button {:class "submit"} "add todo")))
(dom/append (dom/query "body")
(map todo-item @todos)]]))
(pe/on todo-form :submit
(fn [me e]
(let [text (dom/val (dom/query "#todoText"))
neue (add-todo text)]
(dom/append (dom/query "ul") (todo-item neue))
(pe/prevent e))))
(pe/on (dom/query "li") :click
(fn [me e]
(let [id (dom/attr me :id)]
(remove-todo id)
(dom/unappend me)
(pe/prevent e))))
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