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Created August 3, 2018 04:09
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inherit (this) nixpkgs;
inherit (nixpkgs.lib) mapAttrs mapAttrsToList escapeShellArg
optionalString concatStringsSep concatMapStringsSep;
# This function simplifies the definition of Haskell projects that
# have multiple packages. It provides shells for incrementally working
# on all your packages at once using `cabal.project` files, using any
# version of GHC provided by `reflex-platform`, including GHCJS. It
# also produces individual derivations for each package, which can
# ease devops or integration with other Nix setups.
# Example:
# > default.nix
# (import ./reflex-platform {}).project ({ pkgs, ... }: {
# packages = {
# common = ./common;
# backend = ./backend;
# frontend = ./frontend;
# };
# shells = {
# ghc = ["common" "backend" "frontend"];
# ghcjs = ["common" "frontend"];
# };
# android.frontend = {
# executableName = "frontend";
# applicationId = "org.example.frontend";
# displayName = "Example App";
# };
# })
# > example commands
# $ nix-build
# $ nix-build -A all
# $ nix-build -A ghc.backend
# $ nix-build -A ghcjs.frontend
# $ nix-build -A android.frontend
# $ nix-shell -A shells.ghc
# $ nix-shell -A shells.ghcjs
{ name ? "reflex-project"
# An optional name for your entire project.
, packages
# :: { <package name> :: Path }
# An attribute set of local packages being developed. Keys are the
# cabal package name and values are the path to the source
# directory.
, shells ? {}
# :: { <platform name> :: [PackageName] }
# The `shells` field defines which platforms we'd like to develop
# for, and which packages' dependencies we want available in the
# development sandbox for that platform. Note in the example above
# that specifying `common` is important; otherwise it will be
# treated as a dependency that needs to be built by Nix for the
# sandbox. You can use these shells with `cabal.project` files to
# build all three packages in a shared incremental environment, for
# both GHC and GHCJS.
, overrides ? _: _: {}
# :: PackageSet -> PackageSet -> { <package name> :: Derivation }
# A function for overriding Haskell packages. You can use
# `callHackage` and `callCabal2nix` to bump package versions or
# build them from GitHub. e.g.
# overrides = self: super: {
# lens = self.callHackage "lens" "4.15.4" {};
# free = self.callCabal2nix "free" (pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
# owner = "ekmett";
# repo = "free";
# rev = "a0c5bef18b9609377f20ac6a153a20b7b94578c9";
# sha256 = "0vh3hj5rj98d448l647jc6b6q1km4nd4k01s9rajgkc2igigfp6s";
# }) {};
# };
, shellToolOverrides ? _: _: {}
# A function returning a record of tools to provide in the
# nix-shells.
# shellToolOverrides = ghc: super: {
# inherit (ghc) hpack;
# inherit (pkgs) chromium;
# ghc-mod = null;
# cabal-install = ghc.callHackage "cabal-install" "" {};
# ghcid = pkgs.haskell.lib.justStaticExecutables super.ghcid;
# };
# Some tools, like `ghc-mod`, have to be built with the same GHC as
# your project. The argument to the `tools` function is the haskell
# package set of the platform we are developing for, allowing you to
# build tools with the correct Haskell package set.
# The second argument, `super`, is the record of tools provided by
# default. You can override these defaults by returning values with
# the same name in your record. They can be disabled by setting them
# to null.
, tools ? _: []
# An older, obsolete version of `shellToolOverrides`.
# tools = ghc: with ghc; [ hpack pkgs.chromium ];
, withHoogle ? true
# Set to false to disable building the hoogle database when entering
# the nix-shell.
, useWarp ? false
# Configure `reflex-dom` to use `jsaddle-warp`.
, android ? {}
# ::
# { <app name> ::
# { executableName :: String
# , applicationId :: String
# , displayName :: String
# , package :: PackageSet -> Derivation
# ^ Optional
# }
# }
# Use this argument to configure android apps. The returned
# derivations will be in `android.<app name>`. The `package`
# argument can be set to use a different Haskell package than the
# one named <app name>.
, ios ? {}
# ::
# { <app name> ::
# { executableName :: String
# , bundleIdentifier :: String
# , bundleName :: String
# , package :: PackageSet -> Derivation
# ^ Optional
# }
# }
# Use this argument to configure iOS apps. The returned derivations
# will be in `ios.<app name>`. The `package` argument can be set to
# use a different Haskell package than the one named <app name>.
overrides' = nixpkgs.lib.foldr nixpkgs.lib.composeExtensions (_: _: {}) [
(self: super: mapAttrs (name: path: self.callCabal2nix name path {}) packages)
(self: super: {
reflex-dom = if useWarp && (with self.ghc.stdenv; hostPlatform == targetPlatform) && !(self.ghc.isGhcjs or false)
then nixpkgs.haskell.lib.addBuildDepend (nixpkgs.haskell.lib.enableCabalFlag super.reflex-dom "use-warp") self.jsaddle-warp
else super.reflex-dom;
mkPkgSet = name: _: this.${name}.override { overrides = overrides'; };
prj = mapAttrs mkPkgSet shells // {
shells = mapAttrs (name: pnames:
this.workOnMulti' {
env = prj.${name}.override { overrides = self: super: nixpkgs.lib.optionalAttrs withHoogle {
ghcWithPackages = self.ghcWithHoogle;
}; };
packageNames = pnames;
inherit tools shellToolOverrides;
) shells;
android =
mapAttrs (name: config:
ghcAndroidArm64 = this.ghcAndroidArm64.override { overrides = overrides'; };
ghcAndroidArmv7a = this.ghcAndroidArmv7a.override { overrides = overrides'; };
in (this.androidWithHaskellPackages { inherit ghcAndroidArm64 ghcAndroidArmv7a; }).buildApp
({ package = p: p.${name}; } // config)
) android;
ios =
mapAttrs (name: config:
let ghcIosArm64 = this.ghcIosArm64.override { overrides = overrides'; };
in (this.iosWithHaskellPackages ghcIosArm64).buildApp
({ package = p: p.${name}; } // config)
) ios;
reflex = this;
all = all true;
ghcLinks = mapAttrsToList (name: pnames: optionalString (pnames != []) ''
mkdir -p $out/${escapeShellArg name}
${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (n: ''
ln -s ${prj.${name}.${n}} $out/${escapeShellArg name}/${escapeShellArg n}
'') pnames}
'') shells;
mobileLinks = mobileName: mobile: ''
mkdir -p $out/${escapeShellArg mobileName}
${concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (name: app: ''
ln -s ${app} $out/${escapeShellArg mobileName}/${escapeShellArg name}
'') mobile)}
all = includeRemoteBuilds:
let tracedMobileLinks = mobileName: system: mobile:
build = mobileLinks mobileName mobile;
msg = ''
Skipping ${mobileName} apps; system is ${this.system}, but ${system} is needed.
Use `nix-build -A all` to build with remote machines.
in if mobile == {} then ""
else if includeRemoteBuilds then build
else if system != this.system then builtins.trace msg ""
# TODO: This is a bit of a hack. `this.iosSupport` prints
# a warning and returns false when *the local system*
# doesn't have the SDK. Just because `includeRemoteBuilds`
# is off doesn't mean we know this is the system iOS apps
# will build on. Nonetheless, it's important not to
# evaluate `this.iosSupport` if we don't need to, as it
# may `trace` an unnecessary warning.
else if system == "x86_64-darwin" -> this.iosSupport then build
else "";
in nixpkgs.runCommand name { passthru = prj; preferLocalBuild = true; } ''
${concatStringsSep "\n" ghcLinks}
${tracedMobileLinks "android" "x86_64-linux"}
${tracedMobileLinks "ios" "x86_64-darwin" prj.ios}
in all false
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