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Last active May 25, 2024 10:18
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ZIO learning - providing custom service through environments / published by #101472db-4a9c-4b7f-99fc-e0a7304cb6fb/4472ac6859266bf548f2bea189c0951306048634
// summary : ZIO learning - providing custom service through environments
// keywords : scala, zio, learning, services, pure-functional, @testable
// publish : gist
// authors : Adam Warski, David Crosson
// license : unknown BUT Machine Learning models training is not allowed by the author
// id : 101472db-4a9c-4b7f-99fc-e0a7304cb6fb
// created-on : 2021-05-01T21:42:05+02:00
// managed-by :
// run-with : scala-cli $file
// ---------------------
//> using scala "3.4.2"
//> using dep "dev.zio::zio:2.0.13"
// ---------------------
import zio.*
// Originally inspired from Adam Warski (but diverged a lot since a while) :
// -
// -
// ===========================================================================================
case class DBConfig(url: String)
// ===========================================================================================
class ConnectionPool(url: String) {
def close(): Unit = ()
override def toString: String = s"ConnectionPool($url)"
// integration with ZIO
object ConnectionPoolIntegration {
def createConnectionPool(dbConfig: DBConfig): ZIO[Any, Throwable, ConnectionPool] =
for {
connectionPool <- ZIO.attempt(new ConnectionPool(dbConfig.url))
_ <- ZIO.logInfo("connection pool created")
} yield connectionPool
def closeConnectionPool: ConnectionPool => ZIO[Any, Nothing, Unit] = (cp: ConnectionPool) =>
for {
_ <- ZIO.attempt(cp.close()).catchAll(_ => ZIO.unit)
_ <- ZIO.logInfo("connection pool closed")
} yield ()
val live: ZLayer[DBConfig & Scope, Throwable, ConnectionPool] = ZLayer.fromZIO(
for {
dbConfig <- ZIO.service[DBConfig]
connectionPool <- ZIO.acquireRelease(createConnectionPool(dbConfig))(closeConnectionPool)
} yield connectionPool
// ===========================================================================================
trait DB {
def execute(sql: String): Task[Unit]
case class DBRelationalLive(cp: ConnectionPool) extends DB {
override def execute(sql: String): Task[Unit] =
ZIO.attempt {
println(s"Running: $sql, on: $cp")
object DB {
val live = ZLayer.fromFunction(DBRelationalLive.apply)
def execute(sql: String): ZIO[DB, Throwable, Unit] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.execute(sql))
// ===========================================================================================
case class User(name: String, email: String)
// -------------------------------------------
object UserModel {
def insert(u: User): ZIO[DB, Throwable, Unit] = DB.execute(s"INSERT INTO user VALUES ('${}')")
// -------------------------------------------
object UserNotifier {
def notify(u: User, msg: String): Task[Unit] = {
Clock.currentDateTime.flatMap { dateTime =>
ZIO.attempt {
println(s"Sending $msg to ${} @ $dateTime")
// -------------------------------------------
object UserRegistration {
def register(u: User): ZIO[DB, Throwable, User] = {
for {
_ <- UserModel.insert(u)
_ <- UserNotifier.notify(u, "Welcome!")
} yield u
// ===========================================================================================
object Main extends ZIOApp {
override type Environment = DB & ConnectionPool
override val environmentTag: Tag[Environment] = Tag[Environment]
override val bootstrap: ZLayer[ZIOAppArgs, Any, DB & ConnectionPool] =
ZLayer.make[DB & ConnectionPool](,,
val logic = for {
user <- UserRegistration.register(User("adam", ""))
_ <- Console.printLine(s"Registered user: $user (layers)")
} yield ()
override val run: ZIO[DB, Any, Any] = logic
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