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Created December 23, 2015 17:27
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  • Save evanlinde/7eb2211e24f3ead02733 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save evanlinde/7eb2211e24f3ead02733 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
batch file to display self-contained ASCII art
:: Display an ASCII Art image defined in this file.
:: ASCII Art images are declared with a line like "::IMAGE:name::" where
:: the name may contain letters, numbers, and the characters '_' and '-'.
:: Lines beginning with ":::name:::" define the image.
@echo off
:: Display usage info, including available images, if no argument is given.
if "%~1"=="" (
echo Usage: %0 image_name
echo Image names: ^(case sensitive^)
for /f "delims=: tokens=2" %%A in (
'findstr /rb "^::IMAGE:[A-Za-z0-9_-][A-Za-z0-9_-]*::" "%~f0"'
) do (echo. %%A)
exit /b 0)
:: Display the specified image
for /f "delims=: tokens=1*" %%A in ('findstr /b ":::%~1:::" "%~f0"') do (echo.%%B)
exit /b 0
:: End of executable code.
:: Image definitions are below.
:::BUNNY::: //
:::BUNNY::: _//
:::BUNNY::: (')---.
:::BUNNY::: _/-_( )o
:::PISTOL_PETE::: _._
:::PISTOL_PETE::: ,-/ `*,
:::PISTOL_PETE::: \ , \_, `*,
:::PISTOL_PETE::: _._ \ __\--**`-,
:::PISTOL_PETE::: ,* *,|_,,--**`` `*,
:::PISTOL_PETE::: ,` ``` >#.__ `*,
:::PISTOL_PETE::: ! ,-~@##X,*=-._ `*,
:::PISTOL_PETE::: / /- - JZ )
:::PISTOL_PETE::: | \-,_ , _,w` AK .%`
:::PISTOL_PETE::: \ ,r(`@`, -@`) P'-, .%`
:::PISTOL_PETE::: \ }######( /#+,_ , .Y/_,.%
:::PISTOL_PETE::: `-,>#KP^*^LsY####x, +^-"
:::PISTOL_PETE::: } ' -._ '`*#`_/
:::PISTOL_PETE::: \ T`
:::PISTOL_PETE::: \_._ ,*
:::PISTOL_PETE::: ``-*`
:::O_STATE::: ___________________
:::O_STATE::: / \
:::O_STATE::: / ________ \
:::O_STATE::: / / / /
:::O_STATE::: / O K L A H O M A /
:::O_STATE::: #### ####### / ## ####### #######
:::O_STATE::: ## / ## /## # / ## /##
:::O_STATE::: ## / ## / ## ## / ## /#####
:::O_STATE::: ##/ ## /########/ ## / ##
:::O_STATE::: ####/ ## /## ## ## / #######
:::O_STATE::: / /________/ /
:::O_STATE::: \ /
:::O_STATE::: \___________________/
:::OSU::: ________
:::OSU::: / ____ \_________________
:::OSU::: ________ / / \__________________/
:::OSU::: / ____ \ / / ___ ___
:::OSU::: / / / / \ \__ / / / /
:::OSU::: / / / / \__ \__ / / / /
:::OSU::: / /___/ / \__ \ / / / /
:::OSU::: \________/ \ \ / /___/ /
:::OSU::: __________________ / / \________/
:::OSU::: /________________ \____/ /
:::OSU::: \________/
:::ONEOCII::: _________________________
:::ONEOCII::: |________ ___ _ _ ___ | ___ ___ _ _
:::ONEOCII::: | / \| \ || __|\ / \| _/| || |
:::ONEOCII::: | | | || || _| || | || |_ | || |
:::ONEOCII::: | \___/|_\_||___| |\___/|___\|_||_|
:::ONEOCII::: `'~~-,.,.,~-.~-..|
:::ONEOCII::: OneOklahoma Cyberinfrastructure Initiative
:::OK_FLAG::: ___
:::OK_FLAG::: _*`` ``*_ _x
:::OK_FLAG::: _\_/ + + + _/'
:::OK_FLAG::: __\_/ _/'|\
:::OK_FLAG::: . __\_/ _/' | .
:::OK_FLAG::: | __\_/' | |
:::OK_FLAG::: |' ___\_/ '|
:::OK_FLAG::: | \ _/' __\_/ / |
:::OK_FLAG::: '*_/_ + + __\_/ '
:::OK_FLAG::: /`| *._ _.* \_
:::OK_FLAG::: | | ``` | | \
:::OK_FLAG::: | | |
:::OK_FLAG::: '
:::OK_FLAG::: O K L A H O M A
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