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# This configuration file is provided on an "as is" basis,
# with no warranties or representations, and any use of it
# is at the user's own risk.
user www-data;
worker_processes 4;
pid /run/;
events {
worker_connections 768;
7error / nginx.conf
Created October 6, 2019 12:21 — forked from plentz/nginx.conf
Best nginx configuration for improved security(and performance). Complete blog post here
# to generate your dhparam.pem file, run in the terminal
openssl dhparam -out /etc/nginx/ssl/dhparam.pem 2048
7error / cors.nginxconf
Created October 6, 2019 12:29 — forked from pauloricardomg/cors.nginxconf
Nginx configuration for CORS-enabled HTTPS proxy with origin white-list defined by a simple regex
# Acts as a nginx HTTPS proxy server
# enabling CORS only to domains matched by regex
# /https?://.*\.mckinsey\.com(:[0-9]+)?)/
# Based on:
# *
# *
server {
7error /
Created October 7, 2019 01:30 — forked from denji/
NGINX tuning for best performance

Moved to git repository:

NGINX Tuning For Best Performance

For this configuration you can use web server you like, i decided, because i work mostly with it to use nginx.

Generally, properly configured nginx can handle up to 400K to 500K requests per second (clustered), most what i saw is 50K to 80K (non-clustered) requests per second and 30% CPU load, course, this was 2 x Intel Xeon with HyperThreading enabled, but it can work without problem on slower machines.

You must understand that this config is used in testing environment and not in production so you will need to find a way to implement most of those features best possible for your servers.

7error /
Created October 7, 2019 01:32 — forked from hgfischer/
Benchmarking Nginx with Go

Benchmarking Nginx with Go

There are a lot of ways to serve a Go HTTP application. The best choices depend on each use case. Currently nginx looks to be the standard web server for every new project even though there are other great web servers as well. However, how much is the overhead of serving a Go application behind an nginx server? Do we need some nginx features (vhosts, load balancing, cache, etc) or can you serve directly from Go? If you need nginx, what is the fastest connection mechanism? This are the kind of questions I'm intended to answer here. The purpose of this benchmark is not to tell that Go is faster or slower than nginx. That would be stupid.

So, these are the different settings we are going to compare:

  • Go HTTP standalone (as the control group)
  • Nginx proxy to Go HTTP
  • Nginx fastcgi to Go TCP FastCGI
  • Nginx fastcgi to Go Unix Socket FastCGI
7error / nginx.conf
Created October 7, 2019 01:35 — forked from thoop/nginx.conf
Official nginx.conf for nginx
# Change YOUR_TOKEN to your prerender token
# Change (server_name) to your website url
# Change /path/to/your/root to the correct value
server {
listen 80;
root /path/to/your/root;
index index.html;
7error / magento-nginx.conf
Created October 7, 2019 02:00 — forked from gwillem/magento-nginx.conf
Battle-tested Nginx configuration for Magento (source:
# This is an annotated subset of the Nginx configuration from our Magento production platform @
# See
# !!!! If you are a Hypernode customer, do not use this config as it will result in duplicate statements. !!!!!
user app;
worker_processes 4;
pid /var/run/;
events {
7error / cert.cnf
Created October 7, 2019 13:00 — forked from ZloyPotroh/cert.cnf
openssl output
[ req ]
default_bits = 2048
default_md = sha512
default_keyfile = vernemq.key
prompt = no
encrypt_key = no
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
[ req_distinguished_name ]
countryName = RU
7error / config.txt
Created October 7, 2019 13:07 — forked from nordineb/config.txt
Custom certificate authority with OpenSSL
[ intermediate_ca_ext ]
basicConstraints = critical, CA:true, pathlen:0
keyUsage = critical, cRLSign, digitalSignature, keyCertSign
subjectKeyIdentifier = hash
authorityKeyIdentifier = keyid:always, issuer:always
[ server_ext ]
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
keyUsage = critical, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
extendedKeyUsage = critical, serverAuth, clientAuth
Description=The NGINX HTTP and reverse proxy server
ExecStartPre=/data/nginx/sbin/nginx -t