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Created November 8, 2011 15:52
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2011-11-08T15:50:02+00:00 app[hub.1]: Completed in 0.1776 seconds
2011-11-08T15:50:02+00:00 app[hub.1]: Handling event "job:test:log" with payload : "{\"id\":20600,\"log\":\"Installing ZenTest (4.6.2) \"}"
2011-11-08T15:50:02+00:00 app[hub.1]: Job::Test Load (1.4ms) SELECT id, repository_id, owner_id, owner_type, state FROM "jobs" WHERE "jobs"."type" IN ('Job::Test') AND "jobs"."id" = $1 LIMIT 1 [["id", 20600]]
2011-11-08T15:50:02+00:00 app[hub.1]: Repository Load (1.6ms) SELECT "repositories".* FROM "repositories" WHERE "repositories"."id" IN (130)
2011-11-08T15:50:02+00:00 app[hub.1]: Artifact::Log Load (3.9ms) SELECT "artifacts".* FROM "artifacts" WHERE "artifacts"."job_id" = 20600 AND "artifacts"."type" = 'Artifact::Log' LIMIT 1
2011-11-08T15:50:02+00:00 app[hub.1]: SQL (1.5ms) UPDATE "artifacts" SET content = COALESCE(content, '') || 'Installing ZenTest (4.6.2) ' WHERE "artifacts"."type" IN ('Artifact::Log') AND (id = 19524)
2011-11-08T15:50:02+00:00 app[hub.1]: notifying Travis::Notifications::Pusher about "job:test:log" (#<Job::Test id: 20600, repository_id: 130, owner_id: 20599, owner_type: "Build", state: "started", config: {}>, {:build=>{:_log=>"Installing ZenTest (4.6.2) "}})
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