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Last active September 12, 2019 13:35

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am makeityours on github.
  • I am sagarbtc ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASDysjGWwRQTVw2CZil15aYAgs8yU6DrRruqm_hU-Gxvfgo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

json { "body": { "key": { "eldest_kid": "0120f2b23196c11413570d82662975e5a60082cf3253a0eb46bbaa9bf854f86c6f7e0a", "host": "", "kid": "0120f2b23196c11413570d82662975e5a60082cf3253a0eb46bbaa9bf854f86c6f7e0a", "uid": "efc69bba0a23880efd47fa58f4ac2219", "username": "sagarbtc" }, "merkle_root": { "ctime": 1568295241, "hash": "e71eb0ea48737a4a881076283dc033df839ac4adf191736a79fbac48e722ba8e8270ba5e3c15b210bb627d5ef6d3df5507306d7c65cd435bdbe0ab65687d94ae", "hash_meta": "4a2f2cc2a618edd4d51ee96e184220c713e636788863641628cc94d26c687cb7", "seqno": 6971785 }, "service": { "entropy": "sHnno3Gc5sY6aQooULCZ2Swq", "name": "github", "username": "makeityours" }, "type": "web_service_binding", "version": 2 }, "client": { "name": " go client", "version": "4.4.0" }, "ctime": 1568295250, "expire_in": 504576000, "prev": "ed8b300a526a3b6b0f3017cbb2fb44498c7492c3c2aaecc6a6d6ba845646cbb0", "seqno": 12, "tag": "signature" }

with the key ASDysjGWwRQTVw2CZil15aYAgs8yU6DrRruqm_hU-Gxvfgo, yielding the signature:


And finally, I am proving ownership of the github account by posting this as a gist.

My publicly-auditable identity:

From the command line:

Consider the keybase command line program.


look me up

keybase id sagarbtc

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