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Created February 2, 2011 13:17
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  • Save MetalBeetle/807656 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MetalBeetle/807656 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simulates particles bonking into one another in a hilariously inefficient O(n^2) way. Dependencies: numpy, scipy, pygame
import pygame
import math
import numpy
import random
import scipy
import scipy.spatial
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((SCREEN_SIZE, SCREEN_SIZE))#, pygame.FULLSCREEN)
running = True
physics_framerate = 50
physics_diff = 2
tick = 0
# Atoms
ps_raw = []
ds_raw = []
# Springs
# a_1_index, a_2_index, pushy/pully flipover distance, pushy force per distance, pully force per distance, snap distance
springs = []
# Let's just make some soup
for x in range(100):
ps_raw += [(random.random() * SCREEN_SIZE, random.random() * SCREEN_SIZE)]
ds_raw += [((random.random() - 0.5) * 0.2, (random.random() - 0.5) * 0.2)]
def calc_offsets(xy1, xy2):
d0 = numpy.subtract.outer(xy1[:,0], xy2[:,0])
d1 = numpy.subtract.outer(xy1[:,1], xy2[:,1])
return numpy.vstack(([d0.T], [d1.T])).T
# Numpyfication
ps = numpy.array(ps_raw)
ds = numpy.array(ds_raw)
flip_raw = [[DEFAULT_FLIP] * len(ps_raw)] * len(ps_raw)
push_raw = [[DEFAULT_PUSHY] * len(ps_raw)] * len(ps_raw)
flip = numpy.array(flip_raw)
push = numpy.array(push_raw)
while running:
tick += 1
event = pygame.event.poll()
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
running = False
# Physics
# Movement
ps += ds
# Springs
distances = scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(ps, ps)
offsets = calc_offsets(ps, ps)
# Scale offsets
offsets /= numpy.vstack(([distances.T], [distances.T])).T
# Get rid of nans
offsets = numpy.nan_to_num(offsets)
# Figure out which atoms actually push on one another
distances -= flip
push_bitmap = numpy.less(distances, 0)
distances *= push_bitmap
# Scale the distances by the push amount
distances *= push
# Calculate the push vectors for each relation
offsets *= numpy.vstack(([distances.T], [distances.T])).T
# Flatten push vectors into a list to apply to the delta-vs
ds += numpy.add.reduce(offsets)
# Draw
if tick % physics_diff == 0:
screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
for p in ps:
screen.set_at(p, (255, 255, 255))
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