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Created December 30, 2013 06:41
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A Min-Max search algorithm for Othello on R with simple GUI.
CONST.TIME.LIMIT <- 6 # threshold of time(sec) for searching.
CONST.MAX.DEPTH <- 3 # max depth of depth-first searching.
##' main
othello <- function(verbose = FALSE) {
## initialize.
board <- as.numeric(rep(0,8^2))
turn <- 1
board[conv.xy2index(4,4)] <- board[conv.xy2index(5,5)] <- 1
board[conv.xy2index(4,5)] <- board[conv.xy2index(5,4)] <- -1
## determine player types.
turn.type <- c()
for (i in c(3,1)) {
cat(ifelse(i == 3,"1st","2nd"),"player(",ifelse(i == 3,"WHITE","BLACK"),") is ")
turn.type[i] <- c("Human","Computer")[menu(c("Human","Computer"))]
while (TRUE) {
if ( length(get.index.available(turn, board)) == 0 ) {
if ( length(get.index.available(-turn, board)) == 0)
break # game over, no one can put disc.
turn <- turn * -1
next # pass
if ( turn.type[turn + 2] == "Human")
board <- set.disc(display.board.plot(board, input=TRUE, turn=turn), turn=turn, board=board) # input by player
if ( turn.type[turn + 2] == "Computer") {
index <- search.tree(depth = 0, depth.max=CONST.MAX.DEPTH, turn, board, verbose) # computer search the next.
board <- set.disc(index, turn=turn, board=board)
turn <- turn * -1
##' evaluating board as score
eval.board <- function(board) {
score <- c( 8,-2, 3, 3, 3, 3,-2, 8,
-2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1,-2,
3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3,
3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3,
3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3,
3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3,
-2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1,-2,
8,-2, 3, 3, 3, 3,-2, 8)
return (sum(score * board) + sum(board))
##' depth-first search, root must be depth = 0.
search.tree <- function(depth = 0, depth.max, turn, board, verbose=FALSE) {
## for verbose
outputlog <- function(str="") {
cat(paste(paste(rep(".",depth),collapse=""),"f(",index,")=",minmax$score, str, collapse=""),"\n")
if (depth == 0) {
search.tree.time <<- proc.time() # for checking condition on interruption.
search.tree.terminate <<- FALSE # for interruption event.
if (depth == depth.max) {
if (CONST.TIME.LIMIT <= (proc.time() - search.tree.time)[3])
search.tree.terminate <<- TRUE
return (eval.board(board))
minmax <- c()
minmax$score <- -1e9 * turn
minmax$index <- NA
for (index in get.index.available(turn, board)) {
board.tmp <- set.disc(index=index, turn=turn, board=board)
## depth first search by recursive function.
score <- search.tree(depth = depth + 1, depth.max = depth.max, turn= -1 * turn, board=board.tmp, verbose=verbose)
## Min Max Algorithm
## - for white turn
if (turn == 1 && minmax$score <= score) {
minmax$score <- score
minmax$index <- index
if (verbose)
## - for black turn
if (turn == -1 && score <= minmax$score ) {
minmax$score <- score
minmax$index <- index
if (verbose)
## Check exceeding the threshold time(sec) in searching.
if (search.tree.terminate) {
minmax$score <- eval.board(board)
if (verbose)
outputlog("* Termination")
## root on searching
if (depth == 0)
return (minmax$index)
return (minmax$score)
##' Display board (Or input)
##' (input = TRUE) : input by user.
display.board.plot <- function(board, input = FALSE, turn = NA) {
image(matrix(rep(c(seq(8) %% 2,(seq(8) + 1) %% 2), 4), nrow=8) ,col=c("green","darkgreen"), axes=FALSE)
title(paste(ifelse(turn== 1,"[White]"," White ")," = ",sum(board==1)," vs ",
ifelse(turn==-1,"[Black]"," Black ")," = ",sum(board==-1),sep=""))
for (i.turn in c(1,-1)) { # plot disc
place <- sapply(which(board == i.turn), conv.index2xy)
points(as.integer(place / 10 - 1) * 1/7, (place %% 10 - 1) * 1/7,
cex=5/7*min(dev.size()), col=ifelse(i.turn == 1,"white","black"),pch=16)
if (! { # plot availability
place.xy <- sapply(place.index <- get.index.available(turn, board), conv.index2xy)
if (0 < length(place.index))
points(as.integer(place.xy / 10 - 1) * 1/7, (place.xy %% 10 - 1) * 1/7,
cex=5/7*min(dev.size()), col=ifelse(turn == 1,"white","black") ,pch=1,lty=4)
while (input) { # input using locator()
input.location <- locator(1)
if (( <- conv.xy2index(min(which(input.location$x < seq(1/7/2,1+1/7/2,by=1/7) )),
min(which(input.location$y < seq(1/7/2,1+1/7/2,by=1/7) )))) %in% place.index) {
return ( )
##' convert b/w coordinate and index.
conv.xy2index <- function(x, y) {
(y-1) * 8 + x
conv.index2xy <- function(index) {
tmp <- index %% 8
ifelse(tmp == 0, 8, tmp) * 10 + ifelse(tmp == 0, as.integer(index / 8), as.integer(index / 8) + 1)
##' get all index available.
get.index.available <- function(turn, board) {
function(y) { sapply(seq(1,8),
function(x) {
set.disc(conv.xy2index(x, y) ,turn=turn, board=board, check=TRUE)
##' (check=FALSE) set turn's disc on the specified.
##' (check=TRUE) check to set turn disc on the specified index.
set.disc <- function(index=NA, turn, board, check = FALSE) {
if (check && board[index] != 0)
if (!check) <- board
for (x in seq(-1,1)) {
for (y in seq(-1,1)) {
if (x == 0 && y == 0)
next <- as.integer(conv.index2xy(index) / 10) + cumsum(rep(x,7)) <- conv.index2xy(index) %% 10 + cumsum(rep(y,7)) <- 1 <= & <= 8 & 1 <= & <= 8 # boundary validation.
move.list <- unlist(mapply(conv.xy2index,[],[]))
tmp <- unique(board[move.list])
if (2 <= length(tmp) && tmp[1] == -turn && tmp[2] == turn) {
if (check) return (TRUE) # possible to put.[ c(index, move.list[seq(1, min(which(board[move.list] == turn))-1)]) ] <- turn # reverse discs.
if (check)
return (FALSE) # impossible to put.
return (
## play
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