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Created January 2, 2014 09:27
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Save elleryq/8216816 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
According the photo's taken date to classify photos like this: your_path/2014/1/1 You have to install exifread: pip install exifread
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
import os
import exifread
import glob
from datetime import datetime
import shutil
def main():
if len(sys.argv)<2:
print("Need arguments")
print("For example: *.jpg d:\\tmp")
jpgs = glob.glob(sys.argv[1])
outputBase = sys.argv[2]
for jpg in jpgs:
tags = exifread.process_file(open(jpg, "rb"))
if not tags:
takenDate = tags['EXIF DateTimeOriginal']
dt = datetime.strptime(str(takenDate), "%Y:%m:%d %H:%M:%S")
destPath = os.path.join(outputBase, str(dt.year),
str(dt.month), str(
if not os.path.exists(destPath):
shutil.copy(jpg, destPath)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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