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Created February 27, 2011 03:07
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for 「JVM上で動くプログラミング言語のまとめ」
groovy makeJvmBasedLanguage.groovy > out.txt
header {
name = '*言語名'
wiki = '*Wikipedia'
description = '*説明'
langs {
// --------------------------------------------------
Scala {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
ja = ''
en = ''
description = '''
history {
add = '2010-10-17'
// --------------------------------------------------
Clojure {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
witdh = 100
wiki {
ja = ''
en = ''
description = '''
history {
add = '2010-10-17'
// --------------------------------------------------
Groovy {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
ja = ''
en = ''
description = '''
|Groovy(グルービー)は、Javaプラットフォーム (Java仮想マシン、JVM) 上で動作するアジャイルな動的言語である。
history {
add = '2010-10-17'
// --------------------------------------------------
Rhino {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
ja = ''
en = ''
description = '''
history {
add = '2010-10-17'
// --------------------------------------------------
Jaskell {
url = ''
description = '''
|Jaskell is a lazy functional scripting language for Java. It features higher-order function,
|function currying, string interpolation, lazy evaluation, monad, dynamic typing,
|simple syntax and semantics etc.
history {
add = '2010-10-18'
// --------------------------------------------------
BeanShell {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
en = ''
description = '''
|Lightweight Scripting for Java
history {
add = '2010-10-18'
// --------------------------------------------------
Jython {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
ja = ''
en = ''
description = '''
history {
add = '2010-10-17'
// --------------------------------------------------
JRuby {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
ja = ''
en = ''
description = '''
history {
add = '2010-10-17'
// --------------------------------------------------
Ioke {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
en = ''
description = '''
history {
add = '2010-10-17'
// --------------------------------------------------
Nice {
url = ''
wiki {
en = ''
description = '''
|Nice is an advanced object-oriented programming language.
history {
add = '2010-10-17'
// --------------------------------------------------
url = ''
wiki {
en = ''
description = '''
|SISC is an extensible Java based interpreter of the algorithmic language Scheme.
history {
add = '2010-10-18'
// --------------------------------------------------
Jawk {
url = ''
description = '''
|Jawk is the implementation of AWK in Java. Jawk parses,
|analyzes, and interprets and/or compiles AWK scripts.
|Compilation is targetted for the JVM.
history {
add = '2010-10-18'
// --------------------------------------------------
Fantom {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
ja = ''
en = ''
description = '''
history {
add = '2010-10-17'
// --------------------------------------------------
Sleep {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
description = '''
|Sleep is a multi-paradigm scripting language for the Java Platform.
|Easy to learn with Perl and Objective-C inspired syntax.
history {
add = '2010-10-18'
// --------------------------------------------------
jacl {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
height = 100
wiki {
en = ''
description = '''
history {
add = '2010-10-18'
// --------------------------------------------------
Mirah {
url = ''
description = '''
|Mirah (nee Duby) is a new experimental language born out of the JRuby project.
|In order to make implementing Ruby on the JVM easier and more approachable for Java and Ruby developers alike.
history {
add = '2010-10-29'
// --------------------------------------------------
FreeMarker {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
en = ''
description = '''
|FreeMarker is a "template engine"; a generic tool to generate text output (anything from HTML to autogenerated source code)
|based on templates. It's a Java package, a class library for Java programmers.
|It's not an application for end-users in itself, but something that programmers can embed into their products.
history {
add = '2010-10-25'
// --------------------------------------------------
Quercus {
url = ''
description = '''
|Quercus is Caucho Technology's 100% Java implementation of PHP 5 released under the Open Source GPL license.
history {
add = '2010-10-23'
// --------------------------------------------------
'Apache Velocity' {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
ja = ''
en = ''
description = '''
|Velocity is a project of the Apache Software Foundation,
|charged with the creation and maintenance of open-source software related to the Apache Velocity Engine .
|All software created at the Velocity project is available under the Apache Software License and free of charge for the public.
history {
add = '2010-10-25'
// --------------------------------------------------
JavaFX {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
ja = ''
en = ''
description = '''
history {
add = '2010-10-24'
// --------------------------------------------------
Fortress {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
en = ''
description = '''
history {
add = '2010-10-20'
// --------------------------------------------------
Pnuts {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
en = ''
description = '''
|Pnuts is a script language for Java environment.
|It enables interaction with Java environment, simple Web scripting, customization for Java programs, and so on.
history {
add = '2010-10-25'
// --------------------------------------------------
url = ''
wiki {
en = ''
description = '''
|OGNL stands for Object-Graph Navigation Language; it is an expression language for getting and setting properties of Java objects. You use the same expression for both getting and setting the value of a property.
history {
add = '2010-10-25'
// --------------------------------------------------
Gosu {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
en = ''
description = '''
|Gosu is an imperative statically-typed object-oriented programming language that is designed to be expressive,
|easy-to-read, and reasonably fast.
history {
add = '2010-11-14'
// --------------------------------------------------
'OCaml-Java' {
url = ''
description = '''
|The goal of the OCaml-Java project is to allow seamless integration of Objective Caml and Java.
history {
add = '2010-10-23'
// --------------------------------------------------
Erjang {
url = ''
description = '''
|Erjang is a virtual machine for Erlang.
history {
add = '2010-10-20'
modified = '2010-10-25'
// --------------------------------------------------
Kahlua {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
description = '''
|Kahlua is a Virtual Machine together with a standard library, all implemented in Java.
|It tries to emulate Lua as much as possible, while still reusing as much as possible from Java.
history {
add = '2010-10-23'
// --------------------------------------------------
Jelly {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
en = ''
description = '''
|Jelly is a tool for turning XML into executable code.
|So Jelly is a Java and XML based scripting and processing engine.
|Jelly can be used as a more flexible and powerful front end to Ant.
history {
add = '2010-10-25'
// --------------------------------------------------
'Jep Java' {
url = ''
description = '''
|Jep is a Java library for parsing and evaluating mathematical expressions.
|With this package you can allow your users to enter an arbitrary formula as a string, and instantly evaluate it.
|Jep supports user defined variables, constants, and functions.
|A number of common mathematical functions and constants are included.
history {
add = '2010-10-25'
// --------------------------------------------------
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
en = ''
description = '''
|JUEL is an implementation of the Unified Expression Language (EL)
history {
add = '2010-10-25'
// --------------------------------------------------
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
description = '''
|The COBOL for Java platforms. なんか製品っぽいんだがよくわからない。情報求む。
history {
add = '2010-10-23'
// --------------------------------------------------
renjin {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
description = '''
history {
add = '2011-02-23'
// --------------------------------------------------
Noop {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
ja = ''
en = ''
description = '''
|Noop (発音 /ˈnoʊ.ɒp/) は新しいプログラミング言語を開発することを意図するGoogle社の新しいプログラミング言語である。
|Noopは古い言語と新しい言語の最もよい特徴の組合を試みる言語である。 NoopがターゲットとするプラットフォームはJava仮想マシンである。
history {
add = '2011-02-28'
// --------------------------------------------------
Kawa {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
en = ''
description = '''
|Kawa is a framework written in Java for implementing high-level and dynamic languages,
|compiling them into Java bytecodes.
|Kawa is an implementation of Scheme, which is in the Lisp family of programming languages.
|Implementations of other programming languages, including XQuery (Qexo) and Emacs Lisp (JEmacs).
history {
add = '2011-02-28'
// --------------------------------------------------
RingoJS {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
ja = ''
en = ''
description = '''
|RingoJS is a JavaScript runtime written in Java,
|based on the Mozilla Rhino JavaScript engine.
|It is geared to web applications,
|but can be used for command line or even GUI applications as well.
history {
add = '2011-04-20'
// --------------------------------------------------
Kotlin {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
description = '''
|"Project Kotlin" is the codename for a statically-typed
|JVM-targeted programming language developed by JetBrains
|and intended for industrial use.
history {
add = '2011-07-21'
// --------------------------------------------------
Judoscript {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
en = ''
description = '''
|The Judo language is the key technology hosted herein.
|You can find the latest software, news, the most current documentation, sample code and tutorials.
history {
add = '2011-08-25'
modified = '2011-08-25'
// --------------------------------------------------
Jamaica {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
en = ''
description = '''
|Jamaica, the JVM Macro Assembler, is an easy-to-learn and easy-to-use assembly language for JVM bytecode programming.
history {
add = '2011-08-25'
modified = '2011-08-25'
// --------------------------------------------------
Jasmin {
url = ''
logo {
url = ''
width = 100
wiki {
en = ''
description = '''
|Jasmin is an assembler for the Java Virtual Machine.
|It takes ASCII descriptions of Java classes, written in a simple assembler-like syntax using the Java Virtual Machine instruction set.
|It converts them into binary Java class files, suitable for loading by a Java runtime system.
history {
add = '2011-08-25'
modified = '2011-08-25'
// --------------------------------------------------
SampleLanguage {
url = 'http://www.xxxx/'
logo {
url = 'http://xxxxx/logo.jpg'
width = 100
height = 100
wiki {
ja = ''
en = ''
description = '''
history {
add = '2011-02-28'
modified = '2011-02-28'
import groovy.text.*
// see:
String.metaClass.strip = { first ->
def reg = (first ?: '|').with{ [/^.*\${it}.*$/, /^.*\${it}/] }
.grep(~reg[0])*.replaceFirst(reg[1], '')
List.metaClass.collectWithIndex = { clos ->
def result = []
delegate.eachWithIndex { item, idx ->
result << clos(item, idx)
// ===== Input =====
def config = new ConfigSlurper().parse(new File('jvm_based_language.config').toURL())
// convert to header string
def toHeader = { h ->
"|${['*No.',,, h.description].join('|')}|"
// convert to langs string
def toLangs = { langs ->
langs.collect{ name, lang ->
[ hatebu: getHatenaBookmarkNumber(lang.url),
line : """|${
[toName(name, lang.url, lang.logo),
a, b -> b.hatebu <=> a.hatebu // order by desc
}.collectWithIndex { item, idx ->
"|${idx + 1}${item.line}"
// ===== Output =====
def engine = new SimpleTemplateEngine()
def binding = [
header: toHeader(config.header),
langs : toLangs(config.langs)
def template = engine.createTemplate(new File('template.txt')).make(binding)
println template.toString()
// ===== Function =====
def getHatenaBookmarkNumber(url) {
try {
new URL("${URLEncoder.encode(url, 'UTF-8')}").getText('UTF-8') as int
} catch (e) { 0 }
// convert to name string
def toName(name, url, logo) {
assert name, 'required name'
assert url, 'required url'
def logoStr = {
if (logo) {
assert logo.url, 'required logo.url'
def r = '' << ''
r << "<br/>"
r << "<a href=${wrap(logo.url)}>"
r << "<img src=${wrap(logo.url)}"
if (logo.width) {
r << " width=${wrap(logo.width)}"
if (logo.height) {
r << " height=${wrap(logo.height)}"
r << " border=${wrap('0')}"
r << "/>"
r << "</a>"
} else ''
// convert to wikipedia string
def toWikipedia(wiki) {
if (wiki) {
def list = [
wiki.ja ? "[${wiki.ja}:title=ja]" : null,
wiki.en ? "[${wiki.en}:title=en]" : null
] - null
} else ' '
// convert to description string
def toDescription(desc) {
desc.strip().replace(['line.separator'], '')
// wrapping string with double quote
def wrap(x) {
if (!x) return '""'
JVM (Java Virtual Machine)上で動くプログラミング言語が増えてきたのでここらへんでまとめて行きたいと思います。新しいのを見つけ次第追加して行きます。
**JVM上で動くプログラミング言語一覧 ※はてブエントリ数順((手動です。時々見直します。))
<%= header %>
<% langs.each { lang -> %><%= lang %>
<% } %>
-2011-08-25 Judoscript, Jamaica, Jasmin を追加。
-2011-07-21 Kotlin を追加。
-2011-04-20 RingoJS を追加。
-2011-02-28 Noop, Kawa を追加。
-2011-02-23 renjin を追加。
-2010-11-14 Gosu を追加。
-2010-10-29 Mirah を追加。
-2010-10-25 Pnuts, Jelly, JUEL, OGNL, FreeMarker, Jep Java, Apache Velocity を追加。ErjangのURL修正。
-2010-10-24 JavaFX を追加。
-2010-10-23 isCOBOL, Kahlua, OCaml-Java, Quercus を追加。
-2010-10-20 参考にリンクを追加。Fortress, Erjang を追加。
-2010-10-18 参考にリンクを追加。Jawk, BeanShell, Jaskell, SISC, Sleep, jacl を追加。
-2010-10-17 新規作成
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