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Created March 1, 2011 01:20
a way to generate etags of all installed python libraries!!!
# Originally written at:
# You may need to augment your PYTHONPATH before this works.
# For example, for my locally checked out libraries:
# $ PYTHONPATH=/home/tbielawa/rhat/nushus/src/nushus_client
# $ PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/home/tbielawa/rhat/nushus/src/nushus
# $ export PYTHONPATH
# $ do_tags
# I put this in my .emacs.d/tags/ folder.
# It still needs work. Because it gens tags for ALL libraries
# BUT -- It doesn't combine it into one singular searchable tags file :(
# Oh well, it's a start!!!
# Use completion with:
# M-.
# Or: M-x <RET> complete-symbol
# Or: M-x <RET> complete-tag
# Please help me finish this!!
# One last note, You may need to change the etags.emacs call to something on your system
# Same goes for the md5sum command's output hacking (I had to AWK it)
# Enjoy!
cd `dirname $0`
rm -f $TAGSDIR/*.tags
for ENTRY in `python -c 'import sys; print " ".join(sys.path)'` ; do
if [ -d $ENTRY ] ; then
TAGFILE=$TAGSDIR/`pwd | md5sum | awk '{print $1}'`.tags
if [ -f $TAGFILE ] ; then
echo "Skipping duplicate $ENTRY (aka `pwd`)"
echo "$ENTRY --> $TAGFILE"
find $ENTRY -type f | etags.emacs --output $TAGFILE -
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