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Created March 2, 2011 13:33
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rsa crypto
/* Copyright(C) by William Estrada Jul 16, 2008, All rights reserved *
* */
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <openssl/rsa.h>
#include <openssl/bio.h>
#include <openssl/rand.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <openssl/blowfish.h>
#define K_Size 128
#define B_Size 1024
#define Say(M) \
printf( "%3d %s \tIn: %3d: '%s'\n\t\tOut: %3d: '%s'\n", \
__LINE__, M, strlen(In), In, strlen(Out), Out );
#define ON_ERR(Test,M, Action) \
if( Test ) { printf( "%3d %s\n", __LINE__,M ); Action; }
#define DUMP() \
printf("Out:"); \
for( _P = Out, I=0; I < 32; I++, _P++ ) { \
if( I%4 == 0 ) printf(" "); \
printf( "%2.2X", *_P ); } \
#define REFORMAT(T) \
ERR_load_crypto_strings(); \
Code = ERR_get_error(); \
ERR_error_string( Code, Error ); \
L = strlen(Error); _P = Error; \
for(I=0,B=0;I<L;I++, ++_P ) { \
if( *_P == ':' ) { \
if( ++B%2 == 0 ) { \
*_P = '\n'; } } } \
printf( "\n%.3d %s failed:\nCode: %d\n%s\n\n", \
__LINE__, T, Code, Error );
char Scale [] = " ---------|---------|---------|"
RSA *My_RSA, *Pub_RSA, *New_RSA;
char Public_Key[B_Size];
char Error[200]; unsigned long Code;
char In[ B_Size], Out[ B_Size], Work[B_Size], msg[100], *Key, *Ptr,
Sym_Data[K_Size], *_P;
int RC, Size, Len, Run, Key_Size;
BF_KEY Sym_Key;
BUF_MEM *Pbuf;
int Number, Done, I, B, L;
main( ) {
// Genterate random seed
Number = open( "/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY );
ON_ERR( Number < 0, "Random device failed open: ", return 0; );
RC = read( Number, Sym_Data, K_Size );
RAND_add( &Sym_Data, K_Size, K_Size );
RAND_bytes( Sym_Data, K_Size );
// Create Symmetric Key
BF_set_key( &Sym_Key, K_Size, Sym_Data );
// Test Sym Encryption and Decryption --------------------------------- */
printf( "Begin Sym test\n" );
for( Run = 1; Run; ) {
printf( "%s\nEnter text string: ", Scale );fflush(stdout);
fgets( In, 80, stdin );
if( !strcmp( "q\n", In ) ) return;
if( In[0] == '\n' ) break;
Len = strlen(In)-1;
In[Len] = Out[0] = '\0';
Sym_Encrypt( In, Work, Len );
Sym_Decrypt( Work, Out, Len );
Say("After"); }
BIO *bio = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
// Create RSA Public/Private Keys
My_RSA = RSA_generate_key( 1024, 65537, NULL, NULL );
if( !RSA_check_key( My_RSA )) { printf( " RSA failed\n" ); return 1; }
// Extract Public Key from RSA
Key = Ptr = malloc( B_Size );
Key_Size = i2d_RSAPublicKey( My_RSA, &Ptr );
Pub_RSA = d2i_RSAPublicKey( NULL, (const unsigned char **) &Key, Key_Size );
ON_ERR( Pub_RSA == NULL, " Pub_RSA failed NULL\n", return 1; );
RC = PEM_write_bio_RSAPublicKey( bio, Pub_RSA );
Size = BIO_get_mem_data( bio, &Pbuf );
printf("%3d Size: %d\n%*s", __LINE__, Size, Size, Pbuf );
if( Size < B_Size ) { sprintf( Public_Key, "%.*s", Size, Pbuf ); }
else { printf( "Public Key too large\n" ); return 0; }
// Create Public RSA for Sym encryption.
RC = BIO_write( bio, &Public_Key, Size );
New_RSA = (RSA*) PEM_read_bio_RSAPublicKey( bio, NULL, NULL, NULL );
// Test RSA Encryption and Decryption --------------------------------- */
printf( "Begin RSA test\n" );
for( Run = 1; Run; ) {
printf( "%s\nEnter text string: ", Scale );fflush(stdout);
fgets( In, 80, stdin );
if( !strcmp( "q\n", In ) ) return;
if( In[0] == '\n' ) break;
Len = strlen(In)-1;
In[Len] = Out[0] = '\0';
Size = RSA_Encrypt( In, Work, Len );
if( !Size ) continue;
bzero(Out, B_Size);
RC = RSA_Decrypt( Work, Out, Size );
Say("After"); }
/* RSA Encrypt the Symmetric Key -------------------------------------- */
printf( "Testing RSA encryption of Symmertic key\n" );
bzero(Work, B_Size);
Size = RSA_Encrypt( (unsigned char*) &Sym_Key, Work, K_Size );
ON_ERR( Size < 1, "Symmetric key encryption failed", ; );
return 1; }
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
RSA_Encrypt( unsigned char *In, unsigned char *Out, unsigned int Bytes ) {
int Size;
printf("%.3d Encrypt In bytes: %4d, ", __LINE__, Bytes );
Size = RSA_public_encrypt( Bytes, In, Out, New_RSA, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING );
if( Size < 0 ) { REFORMAT("Encript"); }
printf( "Out bytes: %d\n", Size );
return Size; }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
RSA_Decrypt( unsigned char *In, unsigned char *Out, unsigned int Bytes ) {
int Size;
printf("%.3d Decrypt in bytes: %4d, ", __LINE__, Bytes );
Size = RSA_private_decrypt( Bytes, In, Out, My_RSA, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING );
if( Size < 0 ) { REFORMAT("Decript"); }
return 0; }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
Sym_Decrypt( unsigned char *In, unsigned char *Out, unsigned int Bytes ) {
int Count = 0;
unsigned char Vector[8];
memset( Vector, '\0', 8 );
memset( Out, '\0', B_Size );
BF_cfb64_encrypt( In, Out, Bytes, &Sym_Key, Vector, &Count, BF_DECRYPT );
return Count; }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
Sym_Encrypt( unsigned char *In, unsigned char *Out, unsigned int Bytes ) {
int Count = 0;
unsigned char Vector[8];
memset( Vector, '\0', 8 );
memset( Out, '\0', B_Size );
BF_cfb64_encrypt( In, Out, Bytes, &Sym_Key, Vector, &Count, BF_ENCRYPT );
return Count; }
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
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