From ≈2017-12-01T07:33:00Z to ≈2017-12-03T06:00:00Z
Open tickets before: 1741
Open tickets after: 1743
Number of tickets touched: 114
[resolved] RT#116719 Internal error message on Z=> in enum declaration in Rakudo [resolved] RT#123457 enum A <Code> "P6opaque: no such attribute '$!signature'" [resolved] RT#123979 %064b format doesn't deal with negatives [resolved] RT#125027 Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S05-modifier/perl5_9.t line:35 reason: 'Quantifier quantifies nothing' [resolved] RT#125488 Some phaser blorsts don't see outer $_
[testneeded] RT#119521 “ctxlexpad needs an MVMContext” when reaching too far out to get to the truth in Rakudo [testneeded] RT#122980 LTA error message on fairly strange input, complaining about the lack of a semicolon when the semicolon's right there in Rakudo [testneeded] RT#123116 Weird error for code parameters with subsignatures in Rakudo [testneeded] RT#123216 QRPA: Can't pop from an empty array! [testneeded] RT#124083 Problem with metaops on num32 [testneeded] RT#124434 Passing an Exception object to segfaults (SEGV) in sink context in Rakudo [testneeded] RT#125299 LTA error message when forgetting to close block inside string in Rakudo [testneeded] RT#125384 Could not find symbol '&parse-string' in installed module, local version works fine. [testneeded] RT#125985 Internal error when a constant, unspace, and a map are involved in Rakudo
[updated] RT#111164 [@LARRY] Cannot slice a Range that is bound to an array variable [updated] RT#111674 Can't refer to a constant in RHS of the constant declaration in Rakudo [updated] RT#114480 Pod table cell contents should be parsed as para [open→stalled] RT#114708 LTA message when splicing into string [updated] RT#115364 LTA error message when doing 'is' on a package declaration in Rakudo [updated] RT#116012 What's clearly a postfix is called a prefix in an error message in Rakudo [updated] RT#119215 empty-list adverb on literal hash yields LTA, too-internal error message in Rakudo [updated] RT#119401 < $< $> > yields a one-element list, not a two-element list in Rakudo [new→open] RT#121154 Int type object is much stricter with infix:<%> than Any in Rakudo [new→open] RT#121843 my @words <== sort <== ("c", "b", "a"); # feed failing to parse [updated] RT#121987 Negated generic comparisons do not chain correctly [new→open] RT#122289 unexpected behaviour during EVAL() [new→open] RT#122653 'is iffy' for custom infix operators [updated] RT#122896 'is cached' routines break when precompiled [new→open] RT#123060 `$++` statements in routines sometimes give the anonymous variable `my` scoping, sometimes `state` scoping in Rakudo [new→open] RT#123445 [@LARRY] More generic arguments should be acceptable for blocks supplied as closure parameters [new→open] RT#123446 Closure parameter call site types should be checked at compile time if possible [new→open] RT#123583 Two different enum values with the same short name should "poison" the slot they're in, rather than refuse to merge global symbols in Rakudo [new→open] RT#123596 vars from subsigs are not available to where blocks [new→open] RT#123709 error message (for what maybe shouldn't be an error at all) when prefixing a sub name with '&' in Rakudo [new→open] RT#123776 [@LARRY] Binding a variable at BEGIN time doesn't stick aruond for runtime [new→open] RT#123827 Callframe.package not yet implemented [updated] RT#123862 Negative exponents not parsed in radix literals [updated] RT#123919 Error message about impossible call occurs at runtime when it could occur at compile time, because there's a non-constant argument in Rakudo [new→open] RT#124018 Differing behavior of multi grammar rules with and without "multi" [new→open] RT#124036 The compiler shouldn't yell at a call to a subroutine that has been wrapped by a trait in Rakudo [new→open] RT#124098 Passing an argument list to the export trait slows the parse stage down a lot. [new→open] RT#124142 Something is off with multi dispatch, natives and where clauses [new→open] RT#124150 Match.caps is inconsistent across backends [new→open] RT#124161 failure to bind to pointy block param [new→open] RT#124210 Assignment to several declared SSA-style \x variables fails in Rakudo [new→open] RT#124341 Proxy object also works on non- "is rw" subs/methods [updated] RT#124581 :./S02-magicals/PERL.t line:8 reason: 'unimpl 0PERL' [updated] RT#124582 Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S02-magicals/PERL.t line:46 reason: 'no Perl.signature yet' [updated] RT#124585 Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S02-magicals/PERL.t line:50 reason: 'no Perl.desc yet' [updated] RT#124588 Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S02-magicals/PERL.t line:61 reason: 'no Perl.signature yet' [updated] RT#124591 Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S02-magicals/PERL.t line:71 reason: 'no Perl.compiler.signature yet' [updated] RT#124594 Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S02-magicals/PERL.t line:75 reason: 'no Perl.compiler.desc yet' [updated] RT#124597 Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S02-magicals/PERL.t line:79 reason: 'no Perl.compiler.release yet' [updated] RT#124600 Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S02-magicals/PERL.t line:84 reason: 'no Perl.compiler.codename yet' [updated] RT#124606 Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S02-magicals/VM.t line:7 reason: ' does not exist' [updated] RT#124608 ./S02-magicals/VM.t line:16 reason: 'unimpl 0VM' [updated] RT#124609 Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S02-magicals/VM.t line:45 reason: 'no VM.signature yet' [updated] RT#124616 :./S02-magicals/DISTRO.t line:18 reason: 'unimpl 0DISTRO' [new→open] RT#124617 Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S02-magicals/DISTRO.t line:44 reason: 'no Distro.signature yet' [new→open] RT#124624 $?KERNEL, $?DISTRO, $?VM megaticket [updated] RT#124625 Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S02-magicals/KERNEL.t line:36 reason: 'no Kernel.signature yet' [updated] RT#124626 Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S02-magicals/KERNEL.t line:38 reason: 'no Kernel.desc yet' [updated] RT#124679 [@LARRY] Rakudo allows using '#`' (embedded comment) without following opening bracket, should not [new→open] RT#124960 leave [new→open] RT#125053 Roast rakudo skip/todo test:./S04-declarations/multiple.t line:30 reason: 'nom regression' [new→open] RT#125130 cannot access pod blocks as a Hash [new→open] RT#125168 a way to open files in "r+" mode in Rakudo [new→open] RT#125343 Using an earliest { ... wait 0 { ... } } causes [updated] RT#125353 %(:a:b) ignores all elements after the first one [new→open] RT#125398 with no strict temp does not autcreate hashes and hash elements [new→open] RT#125575 negation of before/after cannot be chained [updated] RT#125596 error message with if; and unless; without conditions [updated] RT#125614 Can't store whole 1&2 junctions in Mu-keyed hash in Rakudo [new→open] RT#125640 Attribute initialization with ::= in Rakudo [new→open] RT#125659 Internal error when doing $::<a> in Rakudo [new→open] RT#125662 Unknown type error being hidden in trait definittion. [updated] RT#125674 error message prints wrong eject position (if True if { };) [new→open] RT#125732 Subsignatures of a capture param not used to sort MMD candidates [new→open] RT#125800 :radix[] form allows too-large place values [new→rejected] RT#125828 Unexpected behavior with `getc` in raw mode [new→open] RT#125899 Just-declared variable should be visible inside 'will <phaser>' block, but isn't in Rakudo [new→open] RT#125934 &?ROUTINE changes to something else in gather in for loop [new→open] RT#125935 Cannot print a type captured copied into a variable in the parameter list of a role in Rakudo [new→open] RT#125940 Missed frame handler abort when returning from start { } in a sub [new→open] RT#125964 assigning to AOB List elem does not hint right [updated] RT#125975 our \NOW =; [updated] RT#125996 Complex parametric role composition fails badly when no candidate found [updated] RT#126088 "Do not know how to load code from <foo>" due to wrong capitalization of <Foo> [updated] RT#126097 lossy .perl for 0 but True [new→open] RT#126098 [@LARRY] malformed .perl for Mu but True [new→open] RT#126099 .WHICH fails for Block but True [updated] RT#126102 Rat.perl doesn't round-trip numerical value [new→open] RT#126103 Rat literal fails for moderately large numerator [new→open] RT#126111 coercive type constraint for variable inconsistently accepted [updated] RT#126112 instantiated Numeric hangs on numeric ops [new→open] RT#126118 Nil.gist goes missing via type parameter [new→open] RT#126120 Cannot change native role attribute from consuming class [new→open] RT#126123 clashing type constraints accepted [updated] RT#126130 hangs on .gist [new→open] RT#126142 [@LARRY][NYI] Syntactic Categories in Grammars [new→open] RT#126184 Error in supply block reported at call context instead of definition [updated] RT#126278 Dynamic variable binding doesn't check for proper container [updated] RT#126818 on "is cached" subs: getlex: outer index out of range [updated] RT#128636 is cached in a precompiled module results in error [updated] RT#131099 is assoc('list') gives "MVMArray: Can't pop from an empty array" [updated] RT#132313 Rat literal syntax creates Rats with denominators larger than 64 bits
[new] RT#132525 type constraints to Array[Pair] don't work when precompiled [open] GH#1289 [6.d BLOCKER] Implement a Way to Know Caller's Language [open] GH#1290 KEEP does not set $_ to the return value [open] GH#1291 Fix table caption RT #126740 [open] GH#1292 MOP ^add_method could be renamed as ^add-method [open] GH#1293 Proposal: easier syntax for multiple param aliases [open] GH#1294 Passing named args without spaces between them silently fails in some cases [open] GH#1295 LTA error with named args in method call in where clause