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Created March 13, 2011 11:53
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JSON Zipper
import Text.JSON
import Data.Maybe
data JSZipper = JSZipper {
parent :: Maybe JSZipper,
lefts :: [JSValue],
hole :: JSValue,
rights :: [JSValue]
toZipper :: JSValue -> JSZipper
toZipper j = JSZipper Nothing [] j []
fromZipper :: JSZipper -> JSValue
fromZipper (JSZipper Nothing _ j _) = j
fromZipper x = fromZipper $ fromJust $ up x
up :: JSZipper -> Maybe JSZipper
up (JSZipper Nothing _ j _) = Nothing
up (JSZipper (Just p) ls j rs) =
Just p{hole =(replaceChildren (hole p) children)}
where children = reverse ls ++ j : rs
replaceChildren :: JSValue -> [JSValue] -> JSValue
replaceChildren (JSArray _) children = JSArray children
replaceChildren (JSObject x) children =
JSObject (toJSObject $ zip keys children)
where keys = map fst $ fromJSObject x
replaceChildren x [] = x
replaceChildren x _ = error "OMG!! Those are probably not my children :)"
left :: JSZipper -> Maybe JSZipper
left (JSZipper p as x bs) = case as of
[] -> Nothing
a:as -> Just $ JSZipper p as a (x:bs)
right :: JSZipper -> Maybe JSZipper
right (JSZipper p as x bs) = case bs of
[] -> Nothing
b:bs -> Just $ JSZipper p (x:as) b bs
down :: JSZipper -> Maybe JSZipper
down z@(JSZipper p ls v rs) = do
(c:cs) <- getChildren v
return $ JSZipper (Just z) [] c cs
getChildren :: JSValue -> [JSValue]
getChildren (JSArray cs) = cs
getChildren (JSObject obj) = map snd $ fromJSObject obj
getChildren _ = []
field ::String -> JSZipper -> Maybe JSZipper
field n z = do
JSObject obj <- return $ hole z
i <- findIndex ((== n) . fst) (fromJSObject obj)
firstChild <- down z
applyM right i firstChild
-- foldr (\_ next jsv -> right jsv >>= next) return [0..i-1]
applyM _ 0 z = return z
applyM f n z = do next <- f z ; applyM (n-1) next
applyM :: (a -> m a) -> Int -> a -> m a
applyM f 0 x = return x
applyM f i x = applyM f (i-1) =<< f x
setHole x (JSZipper p as _ bs) = JSZipper p as x bs
update f jsz = setHole (f (hole jsz)) jsz
link test:
toZipper jsonThing >>= down >>= right >>= right >>= field "foo" >>= update (const $ showJSON "blah") >>= fromZipper
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