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Last active January 18, 2022 00:51
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# Source:
# Create The Cluster #
# Make sure that you're using eksctl v0.1.5+.
# Follow the instructions from to intall eksctl.
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=[...] # Replace [...] with AWS access key ID
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=[...] # Replace [...] with AWS secret access key
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west-2
export NAME=devops25
mkdir -p cluster
eksctl create cluster \
-n $NAME \
--kubeconfig cluster/kubecfg-eks \
--node-type t2.small \
--nodes 3 \
--nodes-max 9 \
--nodes-min 3
export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/cluster/kubecfg-eks
# Install Ingress #
kubectl apply \
kubectl apply \
kubectl apply \
# Install Tiller #
kubectl create \
-f \
--record --save-config
helm init --service-account tiller
kubectl -n kube-system \
rollout status deploy tiller-deploy
# Metrics Server #
helm install stable/metrics-server \
--name metrics-server \
--version 2.0.2 \
--namespace metrics
kubectl -n metrics \
rollout status \
deployment metrics-server
# Get Cluster IP #
LB_HOST=$(kubectl -n ingress-nginx \
get svc ingress-nginx \
-o jsonpath="{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}")
export LB_IP="$(dig +short $LB_HOST \
| tail -n 1)"
echo $LB_IP
# Repeat the `export` command if the output is empty
# Install Prometheus Chart #
helm upgrade -i prometheus \
stable/prometheus \
--namespace metrics \
--version 7.1.3 \
--set server.ingress.hosts={$PROM_ADDR} \
--set alertmanager.ingress.hosts={$AM_ADDR} \
-f mon/prom-values.yml
kubectl -n metrics \
rollout status \
deploy prometheus-server
# Install CA #
ASG_NAME=$(aws autoscaling \
describe-auto-scaling-groups \
| jq -r ".AutoScalingGroups[] \
| select(.AutoScalingGroupName \
| startswith(\"eksctl-$NAME-nodegroup\")) \
echo $ASG_NAME
aws autoscaling \
create-or-update-tags \
--tags \
ResourceId=$ASG_NAME,ResourceType=auto-scaling-group,,Value=true,PropagateAtLaunch=true \
IAM_ROLE=$(aws iam list-roles \
| jq -r ".Roles[] \
| select(.RoleName \
| startswith(\"eksctl-$NAME-nodegroup-0-NodeInstanceRole\")) \
echo $IAM_ROLE
aws iam put-role-policy \
--role-name $IAM_ROLE \
--policy-name $NAME-AutoScaling \
--policy-document file://scaling/eks-autoscaling-policy.json
helm install stable/cluster-autoscaler \
--name aws-cluster-autoscaler \
--namespace kube-system \
--set autoDiscovery.clusterName=$NAME \
--set awsRegion=$AWS_DEFAULT_REGION \
--set sslCertPath=/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt \
--set rbac.create=true
kubectl -n kube-system \
rollout status \
deployment aws-cluster-autoscaler
# Destroy the cluster #
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west-2
IAM_ROLE=$(aws iam list-roles \
| jq -r ".Roles[] \
| select(.RoleName \
| startswith(\"eksctl-$NAME-nodegroup-0-NodeInstanceRole\")) \
echo $IAM_ROLE
aws iam delete-role-policy \
--role-name $IAM_ROLE \
--policy-name $NAME-AutoScaling
eksctl delete cluster -n $NAME
SG_NAME=$(aws ec2 describe-security-groups \
--filters Name=group-name,Values=k8s-elb-$LB_NAME \
| jq -r ".SecurityGroups[0].GroupId")
echo $SG_NAME
aws ec2 delete-security-group \
--group-id $SG_NAME
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