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Created March 14, 2011 21:07
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Save joeyadams/869887 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Long division sample program and test suite
#if 0
function invoke {
# Add a line below to call your program. Examples:
# ./program-taking-arguments $n $d
# { echo $n; echo $d; } | ./program-reading-stdin
# This "script" can be used in two ways:
# * As a bash script.
# - Without arguments, it runs the test suite, using the embedded C program
# to compute the expected results.
# - With two arguments, it runs the embedded C program with the arguments given.
# * As a C program. Compile it, then run it, passing the numerator
# and denominator as arguments. This will print the expected output.
if [ $# -ne 0 -a $# -ne 2 ] ; then
echo "Usage: $0 [<numerator> <denominator>]" >&1
exit 1
gcc -x c "$0" -o "$control" || exit 1
# Colorized pass/fail strings
PASS="$(printf '\e[32mPASS\e[0m')"
FAIL="$(printf '\e[1;31mFAIL\e[0m')"
function testcase {
# One-liner for deleting trailing blank lines
# acquired from :
# sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba'
if cmp <("$control" $n $d | sed 's/\s*$//' | sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba') \
<({ invoke $n $d; echo; } | sed 's/\s*$//' | sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba') \
&>/dev/null; then
echo "$PASS $n ÷ $d"
(( pass++ ))
echo "$FAIL $n ÷ $d"
(( total++ ))
if [ $# -eq 2 ] ; then
"$control" "$1" "$2"
testcase 1234 56
testcase 1002012 12
testcase 1 1
testcase 0 1
testcase 10 1
testcase 100 1
testcase 300 1
testcase 100 3
testcase 100 10
testcase 100 100
testcase 100 1000
testcase 1 7
testcase 10 7
testcase 100 7
testcase 1000 7
testcase 10000 7
testcase 100000 7
testcase 10000000000 7
testcase 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 7
testcase 1 13
testcase 10 13
testcase 100 13
testcase 1000 13
testcase 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 13
testcase 123123123 123
testcase 123000123000123 123
testcase 124000124000124000124000 123
testcase 1 9999999
testcase 1000000 9999999
testcase 10000000000000 9999999
testcase 100000000000000 9999999
testcase 100000000000000000000 9999999
testcase 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 9999999
testcase 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 9999999
testcase 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 1
echo "Score: $pass / $total"
if [ $pass -eq $expected ] ; then
echo "All tests passed!"
elif [ $pass -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "No tests passed."
echo "Not all tests passed."
rm "$control"
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
char canvas[999][99];
const char *numerator_str, *denominator_str;
int denominator;
const char *numerator_cursor;
char *quotient_cursor;
static void divide(int row, int col, int difference);
static void printCanvas(void);
static bool printRow(int row);
static int digitCount(int n);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
assert(argc == 3);
numerator_str = argv[1];
denominator_str = argv[2];
assert(strlen(numerator_str) > 0);
assert(strlen(denominator_str) > 0);
assert(atoi(denominator_str) > 0);
assert((int) strlen(denominator_str) == digitCount(atoi(denominator_str)));
denominator = atoi(denominator_str);
numerator_cursor = numerator_str;
quotient_cursor = canvas[0] + strlen(denominator_str) + 1;
char *quotient_start = quotient_cursor;
int numerator_column = strlen(denominator_str) + 1;
memset(canvas[0], ' ', numerator_column);
memset(canvas[0] + numerator_column, '0', strlen(numerator_str));
memset(canvas[1], ' ', numerator_column);
memset(canvas[1] + numerator_column, '-', strlen(numerator_str));
sprintf(canvas[2], "%s|%s", denominator_str, numerator_str);
/* Start the recursion by "bringing down" digits on top of the numerator. */
divide(2, numerator_column, 0);
/* Remove leading zeros in the quotient. */
char *s = quotient_start;
char *e = s + strlen(numerator_str);
for (; s < e-1 && *s == '0'; s++)
*s = ' ';
return 0;
* row: Row of the difference, and row onto which to bring down digits.
* col: Column following the difference and preceeding where to bring down more digits.
* difference: Result of previous subtraction.
static void divide(int row, int col, int difference)
int line_start;
int brought_down;
assert(difference < denominator);
if (difference != 0) {
/* Print the difference */
line_start = col - digitCount(difference);
sprintf(canvas[row] + line_start, "%d", difference);
} else {
/* Skip zeros in the numerator. */
for (; *numerator_cursor == '0'; numerator_cursor++, quotient_cursor++, col++)
line_start = col;
brought_down = difference;
/* Bring down digits until we have a big enough number.
* Add digits to the quotient accordingly. */
while (brought_down < denominator) {
if (*numerator_cursor == '\0')
return; /* No more digits to bring down. */
canvas[row][col++] = *numerator_cursor;
brought_down *= 10;
brought_down += *numerator_cursor++ - '0';
*quotient_cursor++ = '0' + brought_down / denominator;
/* Print the subtrahend and draw the line,
* then proceed to the next iteration. */
int q = brought_down / denominator;
int m = q * denominator;
assert(q >= 1 && q <= 9);
sprintf(canvas[row + 1] + col - digitCount(m), "%d", m);
memset(canvas[row + 2] + line_start, '-', col - line_start);
divide(row + 3, col, brought_down - m);
static void printCanvas(void)
int row;
for (row = 0; row < 999 && printRow(row); row++)
static bool printRow(int row)
int col;
for (col = 0; col < 99 - 1; col++) {
if (canvas[row][col] != '\0') {
while (col > 0)
canvas[row][--col] = ' ';
return true;
return false;
/* Note: digitCount(0) == 0 (as in "") rather than 1 (as in "0"). */
static int digitCount(int n)
int i;
for (i = 0; n > 0; i++, n /= 10)
return i;
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