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Last active January 18, 2022 00:21
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# Source:
# Graduated Ninjas Do NOT Use UIs: Using CLI To Configure Codefresh And Create And Manage Kubernetes Pipelines #
# Installing The `codefresh` CLI And Getting The Code #
# Replace `[...]` with the token
codefresh auth \
create-context devops-catalog \
--api-key [...]
# Fork the repo
# Replace `[...]` with the GitHub organization
export GH_ORG=[...]
git clone \$GH_ORG/codefresh-cli-examples.git
cd codefresh-cli-examples
# Setting Up The Kubernetes Prerequisites #
cat create-cluster.yaml
kubectl apply \
--filename create-cluster.yaml
# Adding Kubernetes Config #
kubectl config current-context)
codefresh create cluster \
--kube-context $CURRENT_CONTEXT \
--serviceaccount codefresh \
--namespace codefresh
codefresh get clusters
# Adding Git Context #
codefresh get contexts
export GH_TOKEN=[...]
echo "export GH_TOKEN=$GH_TOKEN" \
| tee env
cat .gitignore
codefresh create context \
git github devops-catalog \
--access-token $GH_TOKEN
codefresh get contexts
# Creating A Project #
codefresh create project devops-catalog
codefresh get projects
# Creating A Pipeline #
cp orig/codefresh.yml .
cat codefresh.yml
cat codefresh.yml \
| sed -e "s@my-cluster@$CURRENT_CONTEXT@g" \
| tee codefresh.yml
codefresh create pipeline \
-f codefresh.yml
codefresh get pipelines
# Running Pipeline Builds And Observing Logs #
git add .
git commit -m "Adding app of apps"
git push
codefresh get builds \
--pipeline-name codefresh-cli
export BUILD_ID=[...] # e.g., `5f6e10b5c343f14d8b37fd19`
codefresh logs $BUILD_ID -f
# Destroying What We Created #
codefresh delete cluster $CURRENT_CONTEXT
codefresh delete context devops-catalog
codefresh delete pipeline \
cd ..
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