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Created March 17, 2011 09:33
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// ==UserScript==
// @name SelfUpdatingScript
// @version 1.0.0
// @namespace Benjol (
// @description Template script for a self-updating script
// @credits Kudos to
// @include*
// ==/UserScript==
function with_jquery(f) {
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.textContent = "(" + f.toString() + ")(jQuery)";
with_jquery(function ($) {
$(function () {
//how does this work?
// 1. The installed script loads first, and sets the local VERSION variable with the currently installed version number
// 2. window["selfUpdaterCallback:" + URL] is not defined, so this is skipped
// 3. When updateCheck() is called, it defines window["selfUpdaterCallback:" + URL], which retains the installed version number in VERSION (closure)
// 4. updateCheck() then loads the external version of the script into the page header
// 5. when the external version of the script loads, it defines its own local VERSION with the external (potentially new) version number
// 6. window["selfUpdaterCallback:" + URL] is now defined, so it is invoked, and the external version number is passed in
// 7. if the external version number (ver) is greater than the installed version (VERSION), the notification is invoked
var VERSION = 1.0; //<--- YOUR VERSION HERE (careful, 1.2 is > than 1.13; if you mean 1.02, say so!)
var URL = ""; //<--- URL OF SCRIPT SOURCE HERE (don't forget to change @includes too!)
if(window["selfUpdaterCallback:" + URL]) {
window["selfUpdaterCallback:" + URL](VERSION);
function updateCheck(notifier) {
window["selfUpdaterCallback:" + URL] = function (ver) {
if(ver > VERSION)
notifier(ver, VERSION, URL);
$("<script />").attr("src", URL).appendTo("head");
//Customize this code in the following ways
// - modify the callback to show your own custom notification
// - You could decide to check for updates less frequently that on every page load
updateCheck(function (newver, oldver, url) {
alert("A new version (" + newver + ", your current version is " + oldver + ") of the SelfUpdatingScript is available for download here: " + url);
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