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Last active November 15, 2018 13:47
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Skype Technical Interview's Questions about JavaScript
* Write a JavaScript function that takes a number n and returns the sum of the even numbers from 1 to n.
function firstFunc(n) {
let result = 0;
for (let index = 1; index <= n; index++) {
if (index % 2 === 0) {
result += index;
return result;
* Write a function that takes an integer n and returns the next number greater than n that is a multiple of 7.
function secondFunc(n) {
if (n < 7) { return 7; }
for (var aux = 1; aux * 7 <= n; aux++) {}
return aux * 7;
* Write the "Factorial" function recursively, without using a loop: "function factorial ( n ) {…}"
* (A factorial is the product of a positive number and all the numbers below it.
* So the factorial of 4 equals 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24. The factorial of 1 equals 1.)
function factorial(n) {
return n > 1 ? n * factorial(n - 1) : 1;
* What would this function return?
* Returns `undefined`.
function foo() {
bar: "hello"
* What is a "closure" in JavaScript?
* Closures are functions that refer to independent (free) variables (variables that are used locally,
* but defined in an enclosing scope). In other words, these functions 'remember' the environment in which they were created.
(function init(name) {
(function displayName() {
* How does the "this" keyword work in JavaScript?
* See this link for a full-detail explanation.
* What do the "apply" and "call" functions do? What are the differences between the two?
* The `apply()` method calls a function with a given `this` value and arguments provided as an array (or an array-like object).
* The `call()` method calls a function with a given `this` value and arguments provided individually.
* While the syntax of this function is almost identical to that of `call()`,
* the fundamental difference is that `call()` accepts an argument list, while `apply()` accepts a single array of arguments.
function log(x, y, z) {
console.log(x, y, z);
var args = [1, 2, 3];
log.apply(null, args); // with `apply()`, ...args); // with `call()`
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