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meowsus/ Secret

Created October 30, 2018 22:15
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Heeeere's Tubby!

The Tubning

Tom Scott (Gene Shalit) becomes winter bugfixer at the isolated Weblinc Corporation headquarters in Philadelphia, hoping to cure his "programmer's block." He settles in along with his cat, Sassafras (as herself), and his son, Bigly (Eric Bigler), who is plagued by psychic premonitions of an upcoming patch release. As Tom's coding goes nowhere and Bigly's Jira queries become more disturbing, Tom discovers the office's dark secrets and begins to unravel into a homicidal maniac hell-bent on terrorizing his ticket queue... and family.



Workarea v3.0.44, v3.1.31, v3.2.20, v3.3.12

All patches receive:

  • Add Weblinc IPs to Rack::Attack safelist
  • Prevent Faker Translations From Loading In i18n-js
  • Populate Product Attributes In create_placed_order
  • Convert Attribute Case in Customizations Subclasses
  • Report client-id and ruby version to homebase
  • Add Alert Logic IP addresses to Rack::Attack safelist

v3.2.11 and v3.3.12 also receive:

  • Skip admin taxonomy content block system test

v3.3.12 also receives:

  • Fix selection of an option with only one possible selection
  • Update app_template.rb to provide common configuration for projects
  • Retain Row Type in Imports/Exports

Release notes: v3.0.44, v3.1.31, v3.2.20 and v3.3.12

Change logs: v3.0.44, v3.1.31, v3.2.20 and v3.3.12

Weblinc v2.1.37, v2.2.29, v2.3.19

Note: this patch includes a fix required to allow Homebase, our internal usage and monitoring app, to operate properly. The Product Team strongly urges everyone on Weblinc v2.x to take this patch in order for us to more accurately track usage of our platform across projects.

Change logs: v2.1.37, v2.2.29 and v2.3.19

Multi-Site v3.0.5

Note: this patch contains no executable code change. If your project is already running v3.0.4 you can simply bump to this version without issue.

  • Document in the README how to set up domain names

Change log

Reviews v3.0.3

  • Change DateTime to Time in ScheduleReviewRequestsTests
  • Extend list-reset trump for review group UI

Change log

Share v1.2.2

Note: Google+ is Shutting Down

  • Remove Google+ from Share Links

Change log

Shipping Estimation v1.1.1

  • Recalculate Shipping when Cart is Updated

Change log

Sitemaps v2.1.1 *

Note: this patch fixes issues with external URLs in the generated sitemap. Please upgrade your project to this version immediately. Unless you've customized the sitemap functionality in your project, the upgrade effort should be minor.

  • Fix External Links in Sitemap

Change log

Swatches v1.0.3

  • Correct BrowseSwatchesSystemTest class name to not conflic with other tests

Change log



Haven 1.0.1

  • Styled back to top button to match the theme
  • Add version requirements to dependencies in gemspec
  • Close search UI on escape keypress
  • Fixes bug with region field initialization - no default select value.
  • Loosen version dependencies

Change log

Google Tag Manager 4.2.3

  • Update implementation of container ID to use configuration rather than secrets

Change log


Product Badges 1.2.0

  • Allow field used for new badge to be configured

Change log

Styled Selects 1.1.0

  • Adds option for modifier

Change log


Dynamic Yield 1.0.0

A complete integration for the Dynamic Yield personalization engine, featuring

  • Product Feed via CSV
  • JavaScript SDK
  • Page Context API
  • Ecommerce Events Integration

More information


Don't forget to use the upgrade gem and remember:

Great party, isn't it?

Curt "A Very Willful Boy" Howard

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