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Created March 27, 2011 05:28
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モナドとしての Option を for式 で連結
// お題:ランダム文字列
// <>
// に対する scala での答案(Iterator.continually編)by @akihiro4chawon
object Prob2 extends Application{
def gen(nDigits: Int) = {
val range = ('a' to 'z') ++ ('A' to 'Z') ++ ('0' to '9') :+ '_'
Iterator.continually(range(Random.nextInt(range.size))) take nDigits mkString
// お題:時間帯重複チェック
// <>
// に対する scala での答案(for式とOption編)by @akihiro4chawon
// jikoku の for
object Prob1 extends Application {
type Duration = (Int, Int, Int, Int)
def timePointInMinutes(hour: Int, min: Int) =
for {
inMinutes <- Some(60 * hour + min)
if inMinutes <= 60 * 24
if 0 to 24 contains hour
if 0 to 60 contains min
} yield inMinutes
val durationInMinutes = (d: Duration) => {
val (h1, m1, h2, m2) = d
for {
t1 <- timePointInMinutes(h1, m1)
t2 <- timePointInMinutes(h2, m2)
if (t1 <= t2)
} yield t1 until t2
// 問題への回答となる関数
def timeDuplicationCheck(duration1: Duration, duration2: Duration) =
for {
d1 <- durationInMinutes(duration1)
d2 <- durationInMinutes(duration2)
intersection = d1 intersect d2
} yield intersection.nonEmpty
println(timeDuplicationCheck((1, 0, 5, 30), (9, 0, 23, 0))) // => Some(false) (重複なし)
println(timeDuplicationCheck((1, 0, 2, 0), (2, 0, 3, 0))) // => Some(false) (重複なし)
println(timeDuplicationCheck((1, 0, 2, 1), (1, 59, 3, 0))) // => Some(true) (重複あり)
println(timeDuplicationCheck((1, 0, 5, 75), (9, 0, 23, 0))) // => None 範囲外の時刻
println(timeDuplicationCheck((5, 30, 1, 5), (9, 0, 23, 0))) // => None 範囲外の時刻
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