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Created March 29, 2011 17:32
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// お題:時間帯重複チェック(応用編)(リファクタリング前)
// <>
// お客さんから仕様変更を言い渡されて、さあ大変。
// まずはスパゲチーソースで即応だ! by @akihiro4chawon
object Prob1 extends Application {
type Duration = (Int, Int, Int, Int)
def timePointInMinutes(hour: Int, min: Int) =
for {
inMinutes <- Some(60 * hour + min)
if inMinutes <= 60 * 24
if 0 to 24 contains hour
if 0 to 60 contains min
} yield inMinutes
def durationInMinutes(d: Duration) = {
val (h1, m1, h2, m2) = d
for {
t1 <- timePointInMinutes(h1, m1)
t2 <- timePointInMinutes(h2, m2)
if (t1 <= t2)
} yield t1 until t2
// 仕様変更で絶賛大炎上中!!!(><)
def timeDuplicationCheck2(durations: Duration*) = {
def toHourMin(min: Int) = Seq(min / 60, min % 60)
def separate(l: List[Int]) = {
val sep = for {
(a, b) <- (-10 +: l) zip (l :+ -10) if b - a != 1
x <- Seq(a, b) if x > 0
} yield x
(sep grouped 2).toSeq flatMap {case Seq(m1, m2) => Seq(m1, m2 + 1)} flatMap toHourMin grouped 4 map {_.mkString("(", ", ", ")")}
for {
minSet <- (Option(Seq[Int]()) /: (durations map durationInMinutes)) ((xsOpt, xOpt) => for (xs <- xsOpt; x <- xOpt) yield x ++ xs)
} yield separate((minSet groupBy identity collect {case (m, ml) if ml.size > 1 => m}).toList.sorted).mkString("(", ", ", ")")
println(timeDuplicationCheck2( (10, 0, 12, 0), (11, 0, 11, 30), (10, 30, 11, 15) )) // => Sone(10, 30, 11, 30)
println(timeDuplicationCheck2( (9, 0, 17, 0), (19, 0, 21, 0) )) // => Some(())
println(timeDuplicationCheck2( (19, 0, 17, 0), (19, 0, 21, 0) )) // => None // 入力時刻がおかしい場合
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