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Created March 31, 2011 09:51
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Nette issue#160 solution
* This file is part of the Nette Framework (
* Copyright (c) 2004, 2011 David Grudl (
* For the full copyright and license information, please view
* the file license.txt that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Nette\Templates;
use Nette,
* Default macros for filter LatteFilter.
* - {$variable} with escaping
* - {!$variable} without escaping
* - {*comment*} will be removed
* - {=expression} echo with escaping
* - {!=expression} echo without escaping
* - {?expression} evaluate PHP statement
* - {_expression} echo translation with escaping
* - {!_expression} echo translation without escaping
* - {link destination ...} control link
* - {plink destination ...} presenter link
* - {if ?} ... {elseif ?} ... {else} ... {/if}
* - {ifset ?} ... {elseifset ?} ... {/ifset}
* - {for ?} ... {/for}
* - {foreach ?} ... {/foreach}
* - {include ?}
* - {cache ?} ... {/cache} cached block
* - {snippet ?} ... {/snippet ?} control snippet
* - {attr ?} HTML element attributes
* - {block|texy} ... {/block} block
* - {contentType ...} HTTP Content-Type header
* - {status ...} HTTP status
* - {capture ?} ... {/capture} capture block to parameter
* - {var var => value} set template parameter
* - {default var => value} set default template parameter
* - {dump $var}
* - {debugbreak}
* - {l} {r} to display { }
* @author David Grudl
class LatteMacros extends Nette\Object
/** @var array */
public static $defaultMacros = array(
'syntax' => '%:macroSyntax%',
'/syntax' => '%:macroSyntax%',
'block' => '<?php %:macroBlock% ?>',
'/block' => '<?php %:macroBlockEnd% ?>',
'capture' => '<?php %:macroCapture% ?>',
'/capture' => '<?php %:macroCaptureEnd% ?>',
'snippet' => '<?php %:macroSnippet% ?>',
'/snippet' => '<?php %:macroSnippetEnd% ?>',
'cache' => '<?php %:macroCache% ?>',
'/cache' => '<?php array_pop($_l->g->caches)->save(); } ?>',
'if' => '<?php if (%%): ?>',
'elseif' => '<?php elseif (%%): ?>',
'else' => '<?php else: ?>',
'/if' => '<?php endif ?>',
'ifset' => '<?php if (isset(%:macroIfset%)): ?>',
'/ifset' => '<?php endif ?>',
'elseifset' => '<?php elseif (isset(%%)): ?>',
'foreach' => '<?php foreach (%:macroForeach%): ?>',
'/foreach' => '<?php endforeach; array_pop($_l->its); $iterator = end($_l->its) ?>',
'for' => '<?php for (%%): ?>',
'/for' => '<?php endfor ?>',
'while' => '<?php while (%%): ?>',
'/while' => '<?php endwhile ?>',
'continueIf' => '<?php if (%%) continue ?>',
'breakIf' => '<?php if (%%) break ?>',
'first' => '<?php if ($iterator->isFirst(%%)): ?>',
'/first' => '<?php endif ?>',
'last' => '<?php if ($iterator->isLast(%%)): ?>',
'/last' => '<?php endif ?>',
'sep' => '<?php if (!$iterator->isLast(%%)): ?>',
'/sep' => '<?php endif ?>',
'include' => '<?php %:macroInclude% ?>',
'extends' => '<?php %:macroExtends% ?>',
'layout' => '<?php %:macroExtends% ?>',
'plink' => '<?php echo %:escape%(%:macroPlink%) ?>',
'link' => '<?php echo %:escape%(%:macroLink%) ?>',
'ifCurrent' => '<?php %:macroIfCurrent% ?>', // deprecated; use n:class="$presenter->linkCurrent ? ..."
'/ifCurrent' => '<?php endif ?>',
'widget' => '<?php %:macroControl% ?>',
'control' => '<?php %:macroControl% ?>',
'@href' => ' href="<?php echo %:escape%(%:macroLink%) ?>"',
'@class' => '<?php if ($_l->tmp = trim(implode(" ", array_unique(%:formatArray%)))) echo \' class="\' . %:escape%($_l->tmp) . \'"\' ?>',
'@attr' => '<?php if (($_l->tmp = (string) (%%)) !== \'\') echo \' @@="\' . %:escape%($_l->tmp) . \'"\' ?>',
'attr' => '<?php echo Nette\Web\Html::el(NULL)->%:macroAttr%attributes() ?>',
'contentType' => '<?php %:macroContentType% ?>',
'status' => '<?php Nette\Environment::getHttpResponse()->setCode(%%) ?>',
'var' => '<?php %:macroVar% ?>',
'assign' => '<?php %:macroVar% ?>', // deprecated
'default' => '<?php %:macroDefault% ?>',
'dump' => '<?php %:macroDump% ?>',
'debugbreak' => '<?php %:macroDebugbreak% ?>',
'l' => '{',
'r' => '}',
'!_' => '<?php echo %:macroTranslate% ?>',
'_' => '<?php echo %:escape%(%:macroTranslate%) ?>',
'!=' => '<?php echo %:macroModifiers% ?>',
'=' => '<?php echo %:escape%(%:macroModifiers%) ?>',
'!$' => '<?php echo %:macroDollar% ?>',
'$' => '<?php echo %:escape%(%:macroDollar%) ?>',
'?' => '<?php %:macroModifiers% ?>',
/** @internal PHP identifier */
const RE_IDENTIFIER = '[_a-zA-Z\x7F-\xFF][_a-zA-Z0-9\x7F-\xFF]*';
/** @internal */
const T_SYMBOL = -1;
const T_NUMBER = -2;
const T_VARIABLE = -3;
/** @var array */
public $macros;
/** @var Nette\Tokenizer */
private $tokenizer;
/** @var LatteFilter */
private $filter;
/** @var array */
private $nodes = array();
/** @var array */
private $blocks = array();
/** @var array */
private $namedBlocks = array();
/** @var array **/
private $controlCalls = array();
/** @var bool */
private $extends;
/** @var string */
private $uniq;
/** @var int */
private $cacheCounter;
/**#@+ @internal block type */
const BLOCK_NAMED = 1;
const BLOCK_CAPTURE = 2;
* Constructor.
public function __construct()
$this->macros = self::$defaultMacros;
$this->tokenizer = new Nette\Tokenizer(array(
self::T_WHITESPACE => '\s+',
self::T_COMMENT => '(?s)/\*.*?\*/',
'(?:true|false|null|and|or|xor|clone|new|instanceof|return|continue|break|[A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]{2,})(?!\w)', // keyword or const
'\([a-z]+\)', // type casting
self::T_VARIABLE => '\$\w+',
self::T_NUMBER => '[+-]?[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:e[0-9]+)?',
self::T_SYMBOL => '\w+(?:-\w+)*',
'::|=>|[^"\']', // =>, any char except quotes
), 'u');
* Initializes parsing.
* @param LatteFilter
* @param string
* @return void
public function initialize($filter, & $s)
$this->filter = $filter;
$this->nodes = array();
$this->blocks = array();
$this->namedBlocks = array();
$this->extends = NULL;
$this->uniq = String::random();
$this->cacheCounter = 0;
$filter->context = LatteFilter::CONTEXT_TEXT;
$filter->escape = 'Nette\Templates\TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml';
* Finishes parsing.
* @param string
* @return void
public function finalize(& $s)
// blocks closing check
if (count($this->blocks) === 1) { // auto-close last block
$s .= $this->macro('/block');
} elseif ($this->blocks) {
throw new LatteException("There are unclosed blocks.", 0, $this->filter->line);
// extends support
if ($this->namedBlocks || $this->extends) {
$s = '<?php
if ($_l->extends) {
} elseif (isset($presenter, $control) && $presenter->isAjax() && $control->isControlInvalid()) {
return Nette\Templates\LatteMacros::renderSnippets($control, $_l, get_defined_vars());
?>' . $s . '<?php
if ($_l->extends) {
Nette\Templates\LatteMacros::includeTemplate($_l->extends, get_defined_vars(), $template)->render();
} else {
$s = '<?php
if (isset($presenter, $control) && $presenter->isAjax() && $control->isControlInvalid()) {
return Nette\Templates\LatteMacros::renderSnippets($control, $_l, get_defined_vars());
?>' . $s;
// named blocks
if ($this->namedBlocks) {
$uniq = $this->uniq;
foreach (array_reverse($this->namedBlocks, TRUE) as $name => $foo) {
$code = & $this->namedBlocks[$name];
$namere = preg_quote($name, '#');
$s = String::replace($s,
"#{block $namere} \?>(.*)<\?php {/block $namere}#sU",
function ($matches) use ($name, & $code, $uniq) {
list(, $content) = $matches;
$func = '_lb' . substr(md5($uniq . $name), 0, 10) . '_' . preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9_]#i', '_', $name);
$code = "//\n// block $name\n//\n"
. "if (!function_exists(\$_l->blocks[" . var_export($name, TRUE) . "][] = '$func')) { "
. "function $func(\$_l, \$_args) { extract(\$_args)"
. ($name[0] === '_' ? '; $control->validateControl(' . var_export(substr($name, 1), TRUE) . ')' : '') // snippet
. "\n?>$content<?php\n}}";
return '';
$s = "<?php\n\n" . implode("\n\n\n", $this->namedBlocks) . "\n\n//\n// end of blocks\n//\n?>" . $s;
$callsDump = var_export($this->controlCalls, TRUE);
$callsDump = preg_replace("~('param'\s*=>\s*)'(array.*?)'~", '$1$2', $callsDump);
// internal state holder
$s = "<?php\n"
. '$_l = Nette\Templates\LatteMacros::initRuntime($template, ' . var_export($this->extends, TRUE) . ', ' . var_export($this->uniq, TRUE) . '); unset($_extends);'
. "\n\$_l->controlCalls = " . $callsDump
. "\n?>" . $s;
* Process {macro content | modifiers}
* @param string
* @param string
* @param string
* @return string
public function macro($macro, $content = '', $modifiers = '')
if (func_num_args() === 1) { // {macro val|modifiers}
list(, $macro, $content, $modifiers) = String::match($macro, '#^(/?[a-z0-9.:]+)?(.*?)(\\|[a-z](?:'.LatteFilter::RE_STRING.'|[^\'"]+)*)?$()#is');
$content = trim($content);
if ($macro === '') {
$macro = substr($content, 0, 2);
if (!isset($this->macros[$macro])) {
$macro = substr($content, 0, 1);
if (!isset($this->macros[$macro])) {
return FALSE;
$content = substr($content, strlen($macro));
} elseif (!isset($this->macros[$macro])) {
return FALSE;
$closing = $macro[0] === '/';
if ($closing) {
$node = array_pop($this->nodes);
if (!$node || "/$node->name" !== $macro || ($content && !String::startsWith("$node->content ", "$content ")) || $modifiers) {
$macro .= $content ? ' ' : '';
throw new LatteException("Unexpected macro {{$macro}{$content}{$modifiers}}"
. ($node ? ", expecting {/$node->name}" . ($content && $node->content ? " or eventually {/$node->name $node->content}" : '') : ''), 0, $this->filter->line);
$node->content = $node->modifiers = ''; // back compatibility
} else {
$node = (object) NULL;
$node->name = $macro;
$node->content = $content;
$node->modifiers = $modifiers;
if (isset($this->macros["/$macro"])) {
$this->nodes[] = $node;
$This = $this;
return String::replace(
function ($m) use ($This, $node) {
if ($m[1]) {
return callback($m[1][0] === ':' ? array($This, substr($m[1], 1)) : $m[1])
->invoke($node->content, $node->modifiers);
} else {
return $This->formatMacroArgs($node->content);
* Process <n:tag attr> (experimental).
* @param string
* @param array
* @param bool
* @return string
public function tagMacro($name, $attrs, $closing)
$knownTags = array(
'include' => 'block',
'for' => 'each',
'block' => 'name',
'if' => 'cond',
'elseif' => 'cond',
return $this->macro(
$closing ? "/$name" : $name,
isset($knownTags[$name], $attrs[$knownTags[$name]])
? $attrs[$knownTags[$name]]
: preg_replace("#'([^\\'$]+)'#", '$1', substr(var_export($attrs, TRUE), 8, -1)),
isset($attrs['modifiers']) ? $attrs['modifiers'] : ''
* Process <tag n:attr> (experimental).
* @param string
* @param array
* @param bool
* @return string
public function attrsMacro($code, $attrs, $closing)
foreach ($attrs as $name => $content) {
if (substr($name, 0, 5) === 'attr-') {
if (!$closing) {
$pos = strrpos($code, '>');
if ($code[$pos-1] === '/') $pos--;
$code = substr_replace($code, str_replace('@@', substr($name, 5), $this->macro("@attr", $content)), $pos, 0);
$left = $right = array();
foreach ($this->macros as $name => $foo) {
if ($name[0] === '@') {
$name = substr($name, 1);
if (isset($attrs[$name])) {
if (!$closing) {
$pos = strrpos($code, '>');
if ($code[$pos-1] === '/') $pos--;
$code = substr_replace($code, $this->macro("@$name", $attrs[$name]), $pos, 0);
if (!isset($this->macros["/$name"])) { // must be pair-macro
$macro = $closing ? "/$name" : $name;
if (isset($attrs[$name])) {
if ($closing) {
$right[] = array($macro, '');
} else {
array_unshift($left, array($macro, $attrs[$name]));
$innerName = "inner-$name";
if (isset($attrs[$innerName])) {
if ($closing) {
$left[] = array($macro, '');
} else {
array_unshift($right, array($macro, $attrs[$innerName]));
$tagName = "tag-$name";
if (isset($attrs[$tagName])) {
array_unshift($left, array($name, $attrs[$tagName]));
$right[] = array("/$name", '');
unset($attrs[$name], $attrs[$innerName], $attrs[$tagName]);
if ($attrs) {
return FALSE;
$s = '';
foreach ($left as $item) {
$s .= $this->macro($item[0], $item[1]);
$s .= $code;
foreach ($right as $item) {
$s .= $this->macro($item[0], $item[1]);
return $s;
/********************* macros ****************d*g**/
* {$var |modifiers}
public function macroDollar($var, $modifiers)
return $this->formatModifiers($this->formatMacroArgs('$' . $var), $modifiers);
* {_$var |modifiers}
public function macroTranslate($var, $modifiers)
return $this->formatModifiers($this->formatMacroArgs($var), '|translate' . $modifiers);
* {syntax ...}
public function macroSyntax($var)
switch ($var) {
case '':
case 'latte':
$this->filter->setDelimiters('\\{(?![\\s\'"{}])', '\\}'); // {...}
case 'double':
$this->filter->setDelimiters('\\{\\{(?![\\s\'"{}])', '\\}\\}'); // {{...}}
case 'asp':
$this->filter->setDelimiters('<%\s*', '\s*%>'); /* <%...%> */
case 'python':
$this->filter->setDelimiters('\\{[{%]\s*', '\s*[%}]\\}'); // {% ... %} | {{ ... }}
case 'off':
$this->filter->setDelimiters('[^\x00-\xFF]', '');
throw new LatteException("Unknown syntax '$var'", 0, $this->filter->line);
* {include ...}
public function macroInclude($content, $modifiers, $isDefinition = FALSE)
$destination = $this->fetchToken($content); // destination [,] [params]
$params = $this->formatArray($content) . ($content ? ' + ' : '');
if ($destination === NULL) {
throw new LatteException("Missing destination in {include}", 0, $this->filter->line);
} elseif ($destination[0] === '#') { // include #block
$destination = ltrim($destination, '#');
if (!String::match($destination, '#^' . self::RE_IDENTIFIER . '$#')) {
throw new LatteException("Included block name must be alphanumeric string, '$destination' given.", 0, $this->filter->line);
$parent = $destination === 'parent';
if ($destination === 'parent' || $destination === 'this') {
$item = end($this->blocks);
while ($item && $item[0] !== self::BLOCK_NAMED) $item = prev($this->blocks);
if (!$item) {
throw new LatteException("Cannot include $destination block outside of any block.", 0, $this->filter->line);
$destination = $item[1];
$name = var_export($destination, TRUE);
$params .= $isDefinition ? 'get_defined_vars()' : '$template->getParams()';
$cmd = isset($this->namedBlocks[$destination]) && !$parent
? "call_user_func(reset(\$_l->blocks[$name]), \$_l, $params)"
: 'Nette\Templates\LatteMacros::callBlock' . ($parent ? 'Parent' : '') . "(\$_l, $name, $params)";
return $modifiers
? "ob_start(); $cmd; echo " . $this->formatModifiers('ob_get_clean()', $modifiers)
: $cmd;
} else { // include "file"
$destination = $this->formatString($destination);
$cmd = 'Nette\Templates\LatteMacros::includeTemplate(' . $destination . ', ' . $params . '$template->getParams(), $_l->templates[' . var_export($this->uniq, TRUE) . '])';
return $modifiers
? 'echo ' . $this->formatModifiers($cmd . '->__toString(TRUE)', $modifiers)
: $cmd . '->render()';
* {extends ...}
public function macroExtends($content)
if (!$content) {
throw new LatteException("Missing destination in {extends}", 0, $this->filter->line);
if (!empty($this->blocks)) {
throw new LatteException("{extends} must be placed outside any block.", 0, $this->filter->line);
if ($this->extends !== NULL) {
throw new LatteException("Multiple {extends} declarations are not allowed.", 0, $this->filter->line);
$this->extends = $content !== 'none';
return $this->extends ? '$_l->extends = ' . ($content === 'auto' ? '$layout' : $this->formatMacroArgs($content)) : '';
* {block ...}
public function macroBlock($content, $modifiers)
$name = $this->fetchToken($content); // block [,] [params]
if ($name === NULL) { // anonymous block
$this->blocks[] = array(self::BLOCK_ANONYMOUS, NULL, $modifiers);
return $modifiers === '' ? '' : 'ob_start()';
} else { // #block
$name = ltrim($name, '#');
if (!String::match($name, '#^' . self::RE_IDENTIFIER . '$#')) {
throw new LatteException("Block name must be alphanumeric string, '$name' given.", 0, $this->filter->line);
} elseif (isset($this->namedBlocks[$name])) {
throw new LatteException("Cannot redeclare block '$name'", 0, $this->filter->line);
$top = empty($this->blocks);
$this->namedBlocks[$name] = $name;
$this->blocks[] = array(self::BLOCK_NAMED, $name, '');
if ($name[0] === '_') { // snippet
$tag = $this->fetchToken($content); // [name [,]] [tag]
$tag = trim($tag, '<>');
$namePhp = var_export(substr($name, 1), TRUE);
if (!$tag) $tag = 'div';
return "?><$tag id=\"<?php echo \$control->getSnippetId($namePhp) ?>\"><?php "
. $this->macroInclude('#' . $name, $modifiers)
. " ?></$tag><?php {block $name}";
} elseif (!$top) {
return $this->macroInclude('#' . $name, $modifiers, TRUE) . "{block $name}";
} elseif ($this->extends) {
return "{block $name}";
} else {
return 'if (!$_l->extends) { ' . $this->macroInclude('#' . $name, $modifiers, TRUE) . "; } {block $name}";
* {/block}
public function macroBlockEnd($content)
list($type, $name, $modifiers) = array_pop($this->blocks);
if ($type === self::BLOCK_CAPTURE) { // capture - back compatibility
$this->blocks[] = array($type, $name, $modifiers);
return $this->macroCaptureEnd($content);
} elseif ($type === self::BLOCK_NAMED) { // block
return "{/block $name}";
} else { // anonymous block
return $modifiers === '' ? '' : 'echo ' . $this->formatModifiers('ob_get_clean()', $modifiers);
* {snippet ...}
public function macroSnippet($content)
return $this->macroBlock('_' . $content, '');
* {snippet ...}
public function macroSnippetEnd($content)
return $this->macroBlockEnd('', '');
* {capture ...}
public function macroCapture($content, $modifiers)
$name = $this->fetchToken($content); // $variable
if (substr($name, 0, 1) !== '$') {
throw new LatteException("Invalid capture block parameter '$name'", 0, $this->filter->line);
$this->blocks[] = array(self::BLOCK_CAPTURE, $name, $modifiers);
return 'ob_start()';
* {/capture}
public function macroCaptureEnd($content)
list($type, $name, $modifiers) = array_pop($this->blocks);
return $name . '=' . $this->formatModifiers('ob_get_clean()', $modifiers);
* {cache ...}
public function macroCache($content)
return 'if (Nette\Templates\CachingHelper::create('
. var_export($this->uniq . ':' . $this->cacheCounter++, TRUE)
. ', $_l->g->caches' . $this->formatArray($content, ', ') . ')) {';
* {foreach ...}
public function macroForeach($content)
return '$iterator = $_l->its[] = new Nette\SmartCachingIterator(' . preg_replace('#(.*)\s+as\s+#i', '$1) as ', $this->formatMacroArgs($content), 1);
* {ifset ...}
public function macroIfset($content)
if (strpos($content, '#') === FALSE) return $content;
$list = array();
while (($name = $this->fetchToken($content)) !== NULL) {
$list[] = $name[0] === '#' ? '$_l->blocks["' . substr($name, 1) . '"]' : $name;
return implode(', ', $list);
* {attr ...}
public function macroAttr($content)
return String::replace($content . ' ', '#\)\s+#', ')->');
* {contentType ...}
public function macroContentType($content)
if (strpos($content, 'html') !== FALSE) {
$this->filter->escape = 'Nette\Templates\TemplateHelpers::escapeHtml';
$this->filter->context = LatteFilter::CONTEXT_TEXT;
} elseif (strpos($content, 'xml') !== FALSE) {
$this->filter->escape = 'Nette\Templates\TemplateHelpers::escapeXml';
$this->filter->context = LatteFilter::CONTEXT_NONE;
} elseif (strpos($content, 'javascript') !== FALSE) {
$this->filter->escape = 'Nette\Templates\TemplateHelpers::escapeJs';
$this->filter->context = LatteFilter::CONTEXT_NONE;
} elseif (strpos($content, 'css') !== FALSE) {
$this->filter->escape = 'Nette\Templates\TemplateHelpers::escapeCss';
$this->filter->context = LatteFilter::CONTEXT_NONE;
} elseif (strpos($content, 'plain') !== FALSE) {
$this->filter->escape = '';
$this->filter->context = LatteFilter::CONTEXT_NONE;
} else {
$this->filter->escape = '$template->escape';
$this->filter->context = LatteFilter::CONTEXT_NONE;
// temporary solution
return strpos($content, '/') ? 'Nette\Environment::getHttpResponse()->setHeader("Content-Type", "' . $content . '")' : '';
* {dump ...}
public function macroDump($content)
return 'Nette\Debug::barDump('
. ($content ? 'array(' . var_export($this->formatMacroArgs($content), TRUE) . " => $content)" : 'get_defined_vars()')
. ', "Template " . str_replace(dirname(dirname($template->getFile())), "\xE2\x80\xA6", $template->getFile()))';
* {debugbreak}
public function macroDebugbreak()
return 'if (function_exists("debugbreak")) debugbreak(); elseif (function_exists("xdebug_break")) xdebug_break()';
* {control ...}
public function macroControl($content)
$pair = $this->fetchToken($content); // control[:method]
if ($pair === NULL) {
throw new LatteException("Missing control name in {control}", 0, $this->filter->line);
$pair = explode(':', $pair, 2);
$name = $this->formatString($pair[0]);
$method = isset($pair[1]) ? ucfirst($pair[1]) : '';
$method = String::match($method, '#^(' . self::RE_IDENTIFIER . '|)$#') ? "render$method" : "{\"render$method\"}";
$param = $this->formatArray($content);
$this->controlCalls[$pair[0]] = array('method' => $method, 'param' => $param);
if (strpos($content, '=>') === FALSE) $param = substr($param, 6, -1); // removes array()
return ($name[0] === '$' ? "if (is_object($name)) \$_ctrl = $name; else " : '')
. '$_ctrl = $control->getWidget(' . $name . '); '
. 'if ($_ctrl instanceof Nette\Application\IPartiallyRenderable) $_ctrl->validateControl(); '
. "\$_ctrl->$method($param)";
* {link ...}
public function macroLink($content, $modifiers)
return $this->formatModifiers('$control->link(' . $this->formatLink($content) .')', $modifiers);
* {plink ...}
public function macroPlink($content, $modifiers)
return $this->formatModifiers('$presenter->link(' . $this->formatLink($content) .')', $modifiers);
* {ifCurrent ...}
public function macroIfCurrent($content)
return ($content ? 'try { $presenter->link(' . $this->formatLink($content) . '); } catch (Nette\Application\InvalidLinkException $e) {}' : '')
. '; if ($presenter->getLastCreatedRequestFlag("current")):';
* Formats {*link ...} parameters.
private function formatLink($content)
return $this->formatString($this->fetchToken($content)) . $this->formatArray($content, ', '); // destination [,] args
* {var ...}
public function macroVar($content, $modifiers, $extract = FALSE)
$out = '';
$var = TRUE;
foreach ($this->parseMacro($content) as $rec) {
list($token, $name, $depth) = $rec;
if ($var && ($name === self::T_SYMBOL || $name === self::T_VARIABLE)) {
if ($extract) {
$token = "'" . trim($token, "'$") . "'";
} else {
$token = '$' . trim($token, "'$");
} elseif (($token === '=' || $token === '=>') && $depth === 0) {
$token = $extract ? '=>' : '=';
$var = FALSE;
} elseif ($token === ',' && $depth === 0) {
$token = $extract ? ',' : ';';
$var = TRUE;
$out .= $token;
return $out;
* {default ...}
public function macroDefault($content)
return 'extract(array(' . $this->macroVar($content, '', TRUE) . '), EXTR_SKIP)';
* Just modifiers helper.
public function macroModifiers($content, $modifiers)
return $this->formatModifiers($this->formatMacroArgs($content), $modifiers);
* Escaping helper.
public function escape($content)
return $this->filter->escape;
/********************* compile-time helpers ****************d*g**/
* Applies modifiers.
* @param string
* @param string
* @return string
public function formatModifiers($var, $modifiers)
if (!$modifiers) return $var;
$inside = FALSE;
foreach ($this->parseMacro(ltrim($modifiers, '|')) as $rec) {
list($token, $name) = $rec;
if ($name === self::T_WHITESPACE) {
$var = rtrim($var) . ' ';
} elseif (!$inside) {
if ($name === self::T_SYMBOL) {
$var = "\$template->" . trim($token, "'") . "($var";
$inside = TRUE;
} else {
throw new LatteException("Modifier name must be alphanumeric string, '$token' given.", 0, $this->filter->line);
} else {
if ($token === ':' || $token === ',') {
$var = $var . ', ';
} elseif ($token === '|') {
$var = $var . ')';
$inside = FALSE;
} else {
$var .= $token;
return $inside ? "$var)" : $var;
* Reads single token (optionally delimited by comma) from string.
* @param string
* @return string
public function fetchToken(& $s)
if ($matches = String::match($s, '#^((?>'.LatteFilter::RE_STRING.'|[^\'"\s,]+)+)\s*,?\s*(.*)$#s')) { // token [,] tail
$s = $matches[2];
return $matches[1];
return NULL;
* Reformats Latte to PHP code.
* @param string
* @param string
* @return string
public function formatMacroArgs($input)
$out = '';
foreach ($this->parseMacro($input) as $token) {
$out .= $token[0];
return $out;
* Reformats Latte to PHP array.
* @param string
* @param string
* @return string
public function formatArray($input, $prefix = '')
$tokens = $this->parseMacro($input);
if (!$tokens) {
return '';
$out = '';
$expand = NULL;
$tokens[] = NULL; // sentinel
foreach ($tokens as $rec) {
list($token, $name, $depth) = $rec;
if ($token === '(expand)' && $depth === 0) {
$expand = TRUE;
$token = '),';
} elseif ($expand && ($token === ',' || $token === NULL) && !$depth) {
$expand = FALSE;
$token = ', array(';
$out .= $token;
return $prefix . ($expand === NULL ? "array($out)" : "array_merge(array($out))");
* Formats parameter to PHP string.
* @param string
* @return string
public function formatString($s)
static $keywords = array('true'=>1, 'false'=>1, 'null'=>1);
return (is_numeric($s) || strspn($s, '\'"$') || isset($keywords[strtolower($s)])) ? $s : '"' . $s . '"';
* Tokenizer and preparser.
* @return array
private function parseMacro($input)
$this->tokenizer->tokens[] = NULL; // sentinel
$inTernary = $lastSymbol = $prev = NULL;
$tokens = $arrays = array();
$n = -1;
while (++$n < count($this->tokenizer->tokens)) {
list($token, $name) = $current = $this->tokenizer->tokens[$n];
$depth = count($arrays);
if ($name === self::T_COMMENT) {
continue; // remove comments
} elseif ($name === self::T_WHITESPACE) {
$current[2] = $depth;
$tokens[] = $current;
} elseif ($name === self::T_SYMBOL && in_array($prev[0], array(',', '(', '[', '=', '=>', ':', '?', NULL), TRUE)) {
$lastSymbol = count($tokens); // quoting pre-requirements
} elseif (is_int($lastSymbol) && in_array($token, array(',', ')', ']', '=', '=>', ':', '|', NULL), TRUE)) {
$tokens[$lastSymbol][0] = "'" . $tokens[$lastSymbol][0] . "'"; // quote symbols
$lastSymbol = NULL;
} else {
$lastSymbol = NULL;
if ($token === '?') { // short ternary operators without :
$inTernary = $depth;
} elseif ($token === ':') {
$inTernary = NULL;
} elseif ($inTernary === $depth && ($token === ',' || $token === ')' || $token === ']' || $token === NULL)) { // close ternary
$tokens[] = array(':', NULL, $depth);
$tokens[] = array('null', NULL, $depth);
$inTernary = NULL;
if ($token === '[') { // simplified array syntax [...]
if ($arrays[] = $prev[0] !== ']' && $prev[1] !== self::T_SYMBOL && $prev[1] !== self::T_VARIABLE) {
$tokens[] = array('array', NULL, $depth);
$current = array('(', NULL);
} elseif ($token === ']') {
if (array_pop($arrays) === TRUE) {
$current = array(')', NULL);
} elseif ($token === '(') { // only count
$arrays[] = '(';
} elseif ($token === ')') { // only count
if ($current) {
$current[2] = $depth;
$tokens[] = $prev = $current;
return $tokens;
/********************* run-time helpers ****************d*g**/
* Calls block.
* @param stdClass
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
public static function callBlock($context, $name, $params)
if (empty($context->blocks[$name])) {
throw new \InvalidStateException("Cannot include undefined block '$name'.");
$block = reset($context->blocks[$name]);
$block($context, $params);
* Calls parent block.
* @param stdClass
* @param string
* @param array
* @return void
public static function callBlockParent($context, $name, $params)
if (empty($context->blocks[$name]) || ($block = next($context->blocks[$name])) === FALSE) {
throw new \InvalidStateException("Cannot include undefined parent block '$name'.");
$block($context, $params);
* Includes subtemplate.
* @param mixed included file name or template
* @param array parameters
* @param ITemplate current template
* @return Template
public static function includeTemplate($destination, $params, $template)
if ($destination instanceof ITemplate) {
$tpl = $destination;
} elseif ($destination == NULL) { // intentionally ==
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Template file name was not specified.");
} else {
$tpl = clone $template;
if ($template instanceof IFileTemplate) {
if (substr($destination, 0, 1) !== '/' && substr($destination, 1, 1) !== ':') {
$destination = dirname($template->getFile()) . '/' . $destination;
$tpl->setParams($params); // interface?
return $tpl;
* Initializes local & global storage in template.
* @param ITemplate
* @param bool
* @param string
* @return stdClass
public static function initRuntime($template, $extends, $realFile)
$local = (object) NULL;
// extends support
if (isset($template->_l)) {
$local->blocks = & $template->_l->blocks;
$local->templates = & $template->_l->templates;
$local->templates[$realFile] = $template;
$local->extends = is_bool($extends) ? $extends : (empty($template->_extends) ? FALSE : $template->_extends);
unset($template->_l, $template->_extends);
// global storage
if (!isset($template->_g)) {
$template->_g = (object) NULL;
$local->g = $template->_g;
// cache support
if (!empty($local->g->caches)) {
return $local;
public static function renderSnippets($control, $local, $params)
$payload = $control->getPresenter()->getPayload();
if (isset($local->blocks)) {
foreach ($local->blocks as $name => $function) {
if ($name[0] !== '_' || !$control->isControlInvalid(substr($name, 1))) continue;
$function = reset($function);
$function($local, $params);
$payload->snippets[$control->getSnippetId(substr($name, 1))] = ob_get_clean();
if ($control instanceof Nette\Application\Control) {
foreach ($control->getComponents(FALSE, 'Nette\Application\Control') as $child) {
if ($child->isControlInvalid()) {
if( isset($local->controlCalls[$child->name]) ) {
array( $child,
else {
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