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tomjack/nn.clj Secret

Created September 6, 2009 08:09
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(ns com.tomojack.clj-neat.nn
(defn sigmoid [x]
(/ 1 (inc (Math/exp (- x)))))
(defn random-weight []
(dec (rand 2)))
(defstruct network
:input-nodes :hidden-nodes :output-nodes)
(defstruct node
:activation :connections :activation-fn)
(defstruct connection
:weight :incoming-node :cached-activation)
(defn random-connections [nodes]
(for [n nodes]
(struct connection (random-weight) n nil)))
(defn random-network [input hidden output]
(let [input-nodes (take input (repeatedly #(ref (struct node (rand) [] sigmoid))))
hidden-nodes (take hidden (repeatedly #(ref (struct node nil (random-connections input-nodes) sigmoid))))
output-nodes (take output (repeatedly #(ref (struct node nil (random-connections hidden-nodes) sigmoid))))]
(struct network input-nodes hidden-nodes output-nodes)))
(defn pprint-network [net]
(doseq [node-type [:input-nodes :hidden-nodes :output-nodes]]
(println (apply str (name node-type) ": "
(interpose ", "
(map #(str (:activation @%) " (" (apply str (interpose ", " (map :cached-activation (:connections @%)))) ")")
(node-type net)))))))
(defn connection-activation [conn]
(let [cached (:cached-activation conn)]
(if cached
(* cached (:weight conn)))))
(defn update-node [node]
(assoc node :activation
(let [incoming-activations (seq (remove nil? (map connection-activation (:connections node))))]
(if incoming-activations
((:activation-fn node) (reduce + incoming-activations))))))
(defn update-nodes [net]
(doseq [node (concat (:hidden-nodes net) (:output-nodes net))]
(alter node update-node)))
(defn update-connections [net]
(doseq [node (concat (:hidden-nodes net) (:output-nodes net))]
(alter node #(assoc % :connections
(for [conn (:connections %)]
(assoc conn :cached-activation (:activation @(:incoming-node conn))))))))
(defn update [net]
(println "updating")
(doto net
(defn read-outputs [net]
(map #(:activation @%) (:output-nodes net)))
(defn set-inputs [net inputs]
(defn update-until-settled
([net n]
(update-until-settled net n n nil))
([net n settled-count previous-outputs]
(if (= settled-count 0)
(let [current-outputs (read-outputs (update net))]
(if (= current-outputs previous-outputs)
(recur net n (dec settled-count) current-outputs)
(recur net n n current-outputs))))))
(defn add-connection [from-node to-node]
(alter to-node #(update-in % [:connections] conj (struct connection (random-weight) from-node (:activation @from-node)))))
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