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Parth Modi 8parth

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shad / parse_date.rb
Created May 20, 2009 11:02
Ruby helper for parsing dates of an unknown format.
# ParseDate
# A helper for parsing dates of an unknown format.
# Takes a randomly formatted date and makes a best guess at the date, or throws and exception if
# there's no best guess. Will take international dates into account if you pass in a 'short form' date
# to help suggest a starting point for the search.
# Will also try Chronic parsing to get relative dates (yesterday, tomorrow, in 3 days, etc.)
# Examples:
rdetert / application.html.erb
Created March 1, 2011 06:28
How to logout completely from Facebook using Ruby on Rails and Devise + Omniauth. I'm just modifying the Omniauth Railscast
<div id="user_nav">
<% if user_signed_in? %>
<img src="<%= user_avatar %>" id="main_avatar"> Signed in as <%= %>.<br />
Not you?
<% if session[:fb_token].nil? %>
<%= link_to "Sign out", destroy_user_session_path %>
<% else %>
<%= link_to "Sign out", facebook_logout_path %>
<% end %>
markembling / gist:1104836
Created July 25, 2011 18:42
A small ruby script which basically spams an MQTT broker.
require 'mqtt/client'
mqtt ='')
loop do
mqtt.connect do |c|
c.publish('test/foo/bar','this is a test message #{}')
puts "published a msg"
denmarkin / resque.rake
Created September 20, 2011 11:02
My rake task for clearing Resque queues and stats
# see - old version
# see
# see - new commands
namespace :resque do
desc "Clear pending tasks"
task :clear => :environment do
queues = Resque.queues
queues.each do |queue_name|
puts "Clearing #{queue_name}..."
sauloarruda / receipt
Created April 30, 2012 15:47
Apple iOS in app purchase validate receipt in Ruby
ches / follow_observer_spec.rb
Last active November 29, 2018 01:34
Example of testing Rails observers in isolation for cross-cutting concerns
require 'spec_helper'
# Bustle is a pubsub system used for activity streams:
# Here when a person follows another (or a discussion, for instance), the observer wires
# up pubsub between them for future activity notifications. The Follow model knows nothing
# about the implementation choices for the pubsub system.
describe FollowObserver do
subject { FollowObserver.instance }
ryansobol / gist:5252653
Last active November 22, 2023 11:53
15 Questions to Ask During a Ruby Interview

Originally published in June 2008

When hiring Ruby on Rails programmers, knowing the right questions to ask during an interview was a real challenge for me at first. In 30 minutes or less, it's difficult to get a solid read on a candidate's skill set without looking at code they've previously written. And in the corporate/enterprise world, I often don't have access to their previous work.

To ensure we hired competent ruby developers at my last job, I created a list of 15 ruby questions -- a ruby measuring stick if you will -- to select the cream of the crop that walked through our doors.

What to expect

Candidates will typically give you a range of responses based on their experience and personality. So it's up to you to decide the correctness of their answer.

ryancheung / deploy.rb
Created April 8, 2013 07:01
Capistrano config file example with Resque and Resque Scheduler
require "rvm/capistrano" # Load RVM's capistrano plugin.
require "bundler/capistrano"
set :rvm_ruby_string, '1.9.3'
set :rvm_type, :user # Literal ":user"
set :application, "blog_test"
set :repository, ""
set :scm, :git
alex-zige / gist:5795358
Last active June 8, 2023 07:49
Rails Rspec API Testing Notes

Rails Rspec APIs Testing Notes

Folders Structure

  |--- apis #do not put into controllers folder. 
        |--- your_api_test_spec.rb  
  |--- controllers
  |--- models
  |--- factories
 |--- views
andypiper / list-broker-topics.rb
Created June 26, 2013 11:01
Ruby script to list the topics known by an MQTT broker. These will be topics with retained messages published.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rubygems'
require 'mqtt'
MQTT::Client.connect('localhost',1883) do |client|
client.get('#') do |topic,message|
puts "#{topic}: #{message}"