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Created April 4, 2011 12:54
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Save akihiro4chawon/901586 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// お題:一方通行を許可した迷路を作成
// <>
// に対する答案 by @akihiro4chawon
// 基本方針:力押し(グラフ連結に関する理論は一切使っていない)
// ポイント:掘るんじゃない、閉ざしていくんだ!
// requires scala 2.9.0 RC1 or later
// scala 2.8.1 には、Enumeration にバグがあるので scala 2.9.0 RC1 を使用した
/** 方向 */
object Direction extends Enumeration {
type Direction = Value
val North, South, East, West = Value
def random: Direction = Direction(util.Random.nextInt(maxId))
import Direction.{ValueSet => DirectionSet, _}
/** 座標 */
case class Location(val x: Int, val y: Int) extends Iterable[Int] {
def +(dir: Direction) = dir match {
case North => Location(x, y - 1)
case South => Location(x, y + 1)
case East => Location(x + 1, y)
case West => Location(x - 1, y)
override def iterator = Iterator(x, y)
/** 世界 */
class Labyrinth private (val width: Int, val height: Int) {
import util.Random.nextInt
val rooms = Array.tabulate(width, height){ (x, y) =>
new Room(Location(x, y), DirectionSet.empty)
// お部屋
class Room private[Labyrinth] (
val location: Location,
var doors: DirectionSet
) {
def nextTo(dir: Direction) = Room(location + dir)
def toXml = <cell
position={location map {_ + 1} mkString ","}
doors={doors map {_+":true"} mkString ","}
object Room {
def apply(loc: Location) = rooms lift loc.x flatMap {_ lift loc.y}
def randomRoom = rooms(nextInt(width))(nextInt(height))
def iterator = rooms.iterator flatMap {_.iterator}
def countRooms = width * height
def countWalls = 4 * countRooms - 2 * (width + height)
def countDoors ={_.doors.size}.sum
def ratioOfDoor = countDoors.toDouble / countWalls
// 指定の部屋がつながっているか (from -> goal の方向)
def hasConnectionTo(from: Room, goal: Room) = {
val seen = collection.mutable.Set.empty[Room]
def recurse(room: Room): Boolean = {
seen += room // constructor の隠蔽により、同じ部屋は単一のインスタンスを保証。よって、参照透過性の比較でOK
(room == goal) || (room.doors flatMap room.nextTo filterNot seen exists recurse)
def openAllDoors() {
iterator foreach {_.doors ++= Direction.values}
rooms.head foreach {_.doors -= Direction.West}
rooms.last foreach {_.doors -= Direction.East}
rooms foreach {_.head.doors -= Direction.North}
rooms foreach {_.last.doors -= Direction.South}
def toXml = <labyrinth>{iterator map {_.toXml}}</labyrinth>
object Labyrinth {
// 縦横を指定しての生成
def apply(w: Int, h: Int) = new Labyrinth(w, h)
// ToDo: XML からの生成?
//def fromXml(e: xml.Elem)
object Main extends App {
val m, n = 10
val lab = Labyrinth(m, n)
var idx = 1
while (lab.ratioOfDoor > 0.4) {
val from = lab.randomRoom
for {
dir <- Some(Direction.random) filter from.doors
to <- from nextTo dir
} {
from.doors -= dir
if (!lab.hasConnectionTo(from, to))
from.doors += dir
else {
// 途中経過を保存(出題者である aya_eiya さんの SVG 化ルーチンを呼出)
//"x%03d.svg".format(idx), personal.ayaeiya.minos.Main.drawSVG(lab.toXml.child), "UTF-8");
idx += 1
println("Ratio: "+lab.ratioOfDoor+" (doors = "+lab.countDoors+" / walls = "+lab.countWalls+")")
// 最終図面の保存(出題者である aya_eiya さんの SVG 化ルーチンを呼出)
//"hogeg.svg", personal.ayaeiya.minos.Main.drawSVG(lab.toXml.child), "UTF-8")
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