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Created August 30, 2017 01:02
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This id is already being used перевод

This id is already being used перевод

This id is already being used перевод

Англо-русский перевод THIS FILE ALREADY EXISTS
Перевод "already being used" на русский
Перевод "already is used" на русский

В Англии и Америке окна часто открываются не вбок, а вверх. Эта вакцина используется уже регулярно. Лосось уже выпотрошен и филетирован. Эта игра уже стала бестселлером в Японии. Уже прошло полторы недели. Уже появляются признаки заживления раны. Город уже обклеен огромными плакатами. Рабство уже мертво, и не может воскреснуть. Последствия этого решения уже ощутимы. Половина выигранных им денег уже помещены под проценты. Майкл Оуэн уже является одним из самых востребованных футболистов то есть очень популярных артистов или спортсменов. Я уже заложил свои часы. Собака уже не мочится в квартире, а просится гулять. A food shortage is already on the cards for next year. Вполне вероятно, что в будущем году будет нехватка продуктов. The picture is clear and I fear the horse is already dead. Хватит на эту тему. Картина ясна, и я боюсь, что это уже не имеет никакого значения. Я уже вытащил свой меч. Солнце было уже высоко в небе. Датчик бензина был уже на нуле. Он заранее относился к нему с неприязнью. Её тело уже начало разлагаться. Пролив уже был заполнен плавучими льдами. Когда пробило два часа, она уже была дома. Поезд уже стоял у платформы. Я чувствовал себя так, как будто петля уже затягивалась у меня на шее. Он уже готовился для самой важной в своей жизни работы. Нужное вам доказательство уже получено. Верёвка была уже изношенной, и, едва мы попытались, она с треском лопнула. Когда мы дошли до деревни, уже смеркалось. Сытный пудинг подали, когда все уже наелись. He is balding already. Our train was already under way. Matthews was already in his mid 40s. The tree is already sprouting leaves. Outside the snow was already melting. Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера. Главная Упражнения Редактор Перевод примеров Дополнения. The window is already up. The salmon is already gutted and filleted. The game is already a bestseller in Japan. One week and half of another is already gone. The wound is already showing signs of healing. The town is already placarded with huge posters. Slavery is already dead, and cannot be resurrected. The aftershock of this decision is already being felt. Half the money that he won is already lying out at interest. My watch is already in hock. The dog is already housebroken. My sword was already out. The sun was already high in the sky. The petrol gauge was already at zero. He was already indisposed towards him. Her body was already starting to decay. The strait was already filled with ice-drift. At the stroke of two she was already at home. The train was already standing at the platform. I feel as if the rope was already round my neck. The proof which you desire has been already furnished. The rope was already fraying and after a try it snapped. Night was already pressing in as we reached the village. A stodgy pudding was served up when everyone was already full. By the time Anthony arrived, Richard was already deep in his cups. Oтзывы, предложения, вопросы WooordHunt — ваш помощник в мире английского языка.

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Start FREE email English course now! Join more than , learners! Latest topics on ESL EFL Forums. ESL Forums English Vocabulary, Grammar and Idioms. E-mail is already used on a daily basis by millions of people all over the world and its use is growing rapidly. I would like to know if "has been already used" is appropriate to replace the bold phrase. Could you explain about the reason for using simple present here? Saying "has been already used" suggests that the use of email has been tried and abandoned. Learn some cool expressions in the following cool story. Are you a native speaker of English? Then you should read this! Learn how to explore English words! Subscribe to free email English course. Thanks a lot, Steve! I have taught that the present perfect can be used to talk about continuing situation. This is a action that started in the past, continues in the present and will probably continue into the future. Therefore, I thought that "has been already used" is appropriate. And how about "has already been being used"? It a passive form of the present perfect progressive, but rarely used But its ACTIVE FORM could be appropriate here: E-mail IS ALREADY USED on daily basis The simple present indicates that the use of the E-mail is currently or presently in use by million persons. Thanks for sharing your opinion. Could you point out why the simple present is appropriate in this case? Is it because that the action "using email" happens all the time, in the past, present and in the future? Thanks for the interest shown. And the question asked. Now the following could help: The use of the simple present enable the reader to see or picture events happening now. The author of your sentence might have written it many days, month or years ago, but the usage of the simple present in the sentence would enable or force the reader to feel the event going on now. He could have chosen to have put it in the past simple or the past perfect form. But he used the simple present. I think you cotton on. Display posts from previous: Latest topics on ESL EFL Forums Start FREE email English course now! You cannot post new topics in this forum You cannot reply to topics in this forum You cannot edit your posts in this forum You cannot delete your posts in this forum You cannot vote in polls in this forum.

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