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Created April 21, 2011 17:50
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/****************** loadevents.js ******************/
(function (g) {
// set up this global object for the page UI to know what text
// blurbs have been shown already (or not)
g.tweens = {};
// start preloading images right away
var ga, // Google Analytics
current_panel = 0,
comment_cache = {},
already_preloaded = [],
latest_youtube_id = null,
ajax_frag = g.location.href.split(/[\?\&\=\#]/).indexOf('_escaped_fragment_') >= 0,
panel_names = ['#intro', '#faq', '#videos', '#contact', '#about', '#store', '#youtube', '#error'];
function preload( )
var i, l, img = new g.Image( );
for( i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; ++i )
if( already_preloaded.indexOf( arguments[ i ] ) < 0 )
img.src = arguments[ i ];
already_preloaded.push( arguments[ i ] );
// for showing youtubes within hotdamtv
function startYouTube( video_id )
latest_youtube_id = video_id;
g.$( 'youtube_flash_content' ).innerHTML =
'<object width="580" height="360">' +
'<param name="movie" value="' + video_id + '&hl=en&fs=1&border=1"></param>' +
'<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>' +
'<param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param>' +
'<param name="Wmode" value="opaque"></param>' +
'<embed src="' + video_id + '&hl=en&fs=1&autoplay=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" wmode="opaque" width="580" height="360"></embed>' +
var yql_jsonp_node;
if (comment_cache.hasOwnProperty(video_id)) {
g.$( 'youtube_comments' ).innerHTML = comment_cache[video_id];
// navigate to the video page
g.location.hash = '#!youtube';
else {
yql_jsonp_node = g.$('yql_jsonp_node');
if (yql_jsonp_node) {
yql_jsonp_node = g.document.createElement('script'); = 'yql_jsonp_node';
yql_jsonp_node.async = true;
yql_jsonp_node.src = '\'\'%3B%20select%20*\'' + video_id + '\'%3B&format=json&diagnostics=true&callback=yql_youtube_comments';
g.$( 'youtube_comments' ).innerHTML = '<img src="ajax_loading.gif" /> Loading comments...';
// function called by interval set ondomready to slide window to the right content
function moveToPanelByHash( override )
var new_hash = g.location.hash.replace('!', '');
if( new_hash !== old_hash || true === override )
//window.console && console.log && console.log( 'is: ' + new_hash + ', used to be: ' + old_hash );
// exiting video playback
if( '#youtube' === old_hash )
g.$( 'youtube_flash_content' ).innerHTML = '';
g.$( 'youtube_comments' ).innerHTML = '';
// if we clicked a normal link and went back to playing video accidentally
if( '#youtube' === new_hash && !/#youtube(.+)/.test( old_hash ) )
//window.console && console.log && console.log( 'got in here, too' );
g.history.back( );
// returning from video playback
if( /^#youtube(.+)/.test( new_hash ) )
// new video
if( '#youtube' !== old_hash )
//window.console && console.log && console.log( 'found new video! history.length: ' + g.history.length );
if ( g.history.length <= 2 && g.history.pushState ) { g.history.pushState( new_hash ); }
// someone clicked to a video or started with it
startYouTube( new_hash.slice( 8 ) );
// deep link / return from playback
if ( g.history.length > 3 )
g.history.back( );
g.location.hash = '#videos';
// try to find an existing panel
if( panel_names.indexOf( new_hash ) >= 0 )
current_panel = panel_names.indexOf( new_hash );
fx_mover.start( 'left', -( current_panel * div_container.offsetWidth ) + 'px' );
fx_height.start( 'height', div_panels[ current_panel ].offsetHeight + 'px' );
g.document.title = 'HotDamnTV - ' + panel_names[ current_panel ].substr(1).replace(/^(.)|\s(.)/g,function($1){return $1.toUpperCase();});
// TODO make this a queue
old_hash = new_hash;
function renderComments (comments) {
var i, l, content = ['<table class="youtube_comments" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td colspan="2"><strong>YouTube Comments</strong></td></tr>'];
for (i = 0, l = comments.length; i < l; ++i) {
content.push('<tr' + (i % 2 ? ' class="alternate"' : '') + '>' +
'<th><a href="' + comments[i].author + '" target="_blank">' + comments[i].author + '</a></th>' +
'<td>' + comments[i].content + '</td>' +
return content.join('');
// hit YQL w/JSONP to load all the comments from YouTube
g.yql_youtube_comments = function (resp) {
// helper variables
var content,
yql_jsonp_node = g.$('yql_jsonp_node'),
youtube_id = resp && resp.query && resp.query.diagnostics && resp.query.diagnostics.url && resp.query.diagnostics.url[1] && 'string' === typeof resp.query.diagnostics.url[1].content
? (resp.query.diagnostics.url[1].content.match(/videos\/([^\/]+)\/comments/) || [0,null])[1]
: null;
// check that we got results
if (resp && resp.query && resp.query.results && resp.query.results.comment) {
content = renderComments(resp.query.results.comment);
else {
content = '<table class="youtube_comments" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td>There are no comments on this video</td></tr></table>';
// insert the rendered mark-up into the cache
comment_cache[youtube_id] = content;
// if we're still on the youtube page, redirect
if (youtube_id === latest_youtube_id && /youtube(.+)/.test(g.location.hash.slice(1).replace('!',''))) {
// show the comments
g.$( 'youtube_comments' ).innerHTML = content;
// navigate to the video page
g.location.hash = '!youtube';
// remove the <script> node
// when dom is ready, do all this
g.addEvent( "domready", function( )
var i, l, bits;
// tell the body we have javascript
g.document.body.className = 'js';
// set the height of the main bar to 0 so we see a cool animation
g.$( 'mainbar' ).style.height = '0px';
if ( g.$( 'top_3_images' ) )
for( i = 0, l = g.top_3.length; i < l; ++i )
bits = g.top_3[i].split(':');
g.$( 'top_3_images' ).innerHTML += '<div style="background: url(video_thumbs/' + bits[0] + '.jpg) top center; height: 6' + (2 === i ? '3' : '0') + 'px; width: 100px;"></div>';
g.$( 'top_' + (i+1) + '_map' ).href = '#!youtube' + bits[0];
g.$( 'top_' + (i+1) + '_map' ).title = bits[1];
// preload crucial images
preload( 'hotdamn_header.png', 'footer_bg3.jpg' );
// scrape DOM
div_mover = g.$( 'mover' );
div_container = g.$( 'mainbar' );
div_panels = g.$$( 'div.restrainer' );
for( i = 0, l = div_panels.length; i < l; ++i )
div_panels[ i ].style.width = div_container.offsetWidth + 'px';
} = ( 100 * div_panels.length ) + '%';
// set up Fx objects
fx_height = new g.Fx.Tween( div_container );
fx_mover = new g.Fx.Tween( div_mover );
// if we're an ajax fragment (i.e. Google is crawling /?_escaped_fragment=XXX), do certain things
if (ajax_frag)
fx_mover.start( 'left', '0px' );
fx_height.start( 'height', div_panels[0].offsetHeight + 'px' );
// otherwise do other things
// start at first panel
if( '#youtube' === g.location.hash.replace('!','') || '' === g.location.hash.slice( 1 ) ){ g.location.hash = '#!intro'; }
// load window according to hash (if one exists), otherwise force "#!intro". also, keep checking for changes
moveToPanelByHash( );
g.setInterval( moveToPanelByHash, 200 );
if ( g.$( 'contact_form' ) )
// contact form bindings
g.$( 'contact_form' ).addEvent( 'submit', function( e )
e.preventDefault( );
new g.Request(
'url' : 'contact_ajax.php',
'method' : 'POST',
'data' : 'email='+g.encodeURI('&name='+g.encodeURI('&message='+g.encodeURI(this.message.value),
'onSuccess' : function( data ){ g.$( 'response' ).innerHTML = data; }
} ).send( );
} );
g.$( 'email' ).onfocus = function() { if(this.value==='Your email'){ this.value=''; } };
g.$( 'email' ).onblur = function() { if(this.value===''){ this.value='Your email'; } };
g.$( 'name' ).onfocus = function() { if(this.value==='Your name'){ this.value=''; } };
g.$( 'name' ).onblur = function() { if(this.value===''){ this.value='Your name'; } };
g.$( 'message' ).onfocus = function() { if(this.value==='Your message to me...'){ this.value=''; } };
g.$( 'message' ).onblur = function() { if(this.value===''){ this.value='Your message to me...'; } };
// make external links go to new windows
g.$$('a[href*="://"][rel!="sameframe"], area[href*="://"][rel!="sameframe"]').set('target','_blank');
if (g.$('newshit'))
// get the ID of the newest video
g.$('newshit').set('href', g.$$(' a').get('href')[0]);
// slimbox domready stuff
// preload more images
preload( 'top_rollover_bg3.jpg', 'ajax_loading.gif', 'loading.gif', 'closelabel.gif', 'nextlabel.gif' ); // load non-visible images
} );
// set up super-gay unicorn flip
g.document.onKonami = function( )
g.location.hash = '#!youtubevHRuKGgdKSY';
// YQL JSONP callback to scrape CafePress
g.yql_cafe_press = function (resp) {
var i, l, yql_cafe_press, content = [], results;
if (resp && resp.query && resp.query.results) {
for (results = resp.query.results, i = 0, l = results.p.length; i < l; ++i) {
content.push('<div class="store-item"><a style="-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;border-radius:3px;" href="' + results.a[i].href + '" title="' + results.a[i].content + '" target="_blank"><img src="' + results.img[i].src + '" /><br />' + results.a[i].content + ' (' + results.p[i] + ')</a></div>');
g.$( 'store_content' ).innerHTML = content.join('');
// only run moveToPanelByHash() if we're already viewing the store
if ('store' === g.location.hash.slice(1).replace('!', '')) {
moveToPanelByHash( true );
else {
g.$( 'store_content' ).innerHTML = 'YQL or CafePress are having difficulties right now, :(. Try going there <a href="">directly</a> instead.';
yql_cafe_press = g.$('yql_cafe_press');
g.addEvent('domready', function () {
if ( g.$( 'store_content' ) ) {
var script = g.document.createElement('script'); = 'yql_cafe_press';
script.src = '\'\'%20and%20xpath%3D\'%2F%2Ful%5B%40class%3D%22products%22%5D%2Fli%2Fa%2Fimg%7C%2F%2Ful%5B%40class%3D%22products%22%5D%2Fli%2Fa%5Bnot(contains(%40class%2C%20%22productImageLink%22))%5D%7C%2F%2Ful%5B%40class%3D%22products%22%5D%2Fli%2Fp\'&format=json&';
// Google Analytics (slightly modified)
g.addEvent('domready', function () {
// push operations into async queue
g._gaq = g._gaq || [];
g._gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-21879968-1']);
// asynchronously load remote Google Analytics js
ga = g.document.createElement('script');
ga.type = 'text/javascript';
ga.async = true;
ga.src = ('https:' === g.document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '';
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