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Created April 24, 2011 20:22
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Save cldwalker/939846 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ripl multi-line history plugin - two ways to easily access last edited code block
# Add to ~/.riplrc
module Ripl::MultiLineHistory
attr_reader :last_buffer
# hacks multi-line's loop_once
def loop_once
catch(:multiline) do
@last_buffer = @buffer && @input ? (@buffer << @input).dup : @input
history << @last_buffer.join('; ') if @buffer && @input
@buffer = nil
require 'tempfile'
module Commands
def last_edit(editor=ENV['EDITOR'])
t ='seed'), 'w') {|f| f.write(Array("\n")) }
system(editor, t.path)
Ripl::Shell.include Ripl::MultiLineHistory
Ripl::Commands.include Ripl::MultiLineHistory::Commands
$ ripl
>> module Cow
> def moo
> end
> end
=> nil
# Press UP to edit code block as a semi-colon delimited one-liner
>> module Cow; def moo; end; end
# or use last_edit
>> last_edit
# Opens the code block in your $EDITOR.
# Code is automatically evaled upon exiting file
module Cow
def moo
=> nil
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nice! I'll include the single-line history as an option in the next multi_line version.

btw, why didn't you call super in line 8?

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Because supering would have called MultiLine#loop_once which is not what I want. I only want the last_buffer code to get called at the end of a code block, not on every #loop_once. This as an option would be great. Fyi, I wrote this as a response to

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Hm, I've implemented it with janlelis/ripl-multi_line@279d07d but I'm not sure whether to activate it by default, because it wrongly puts ; into string literals...

I am also playing around with advanced multi-line analyzing (:statement, :string, ...), but then I would need to save the kind of every buffer entry in the @buffer to achieve correct functionality.

What's your opinion about this?

Update: I think I'll go the second way ;)

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I see you've made ripper an optional engine. Looks good :)

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