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Created December 15, 2011 01:28
random projection lsh
import numpy
import math
# LSH signature generation using random projection
def get_signature(user_vector, rand_proj):
res = 0
for p in (rand_proj):
res = res << 1
val =, user_vector)
if val >= 0:
res |= 1
return res
# get number of '1's in binary
# running time: O(# of '1's)
def nnz(num):
if num == 0:
return 0
res = 1
num = num & (num-1)
while num:
res += 1
num = num & (num-1)
return res
# angular similarity using definitions
def angular_similarity(a,b):
dot_prod =,b)
sum_a = sum(a**2) **.5
sum_b = sum(b**2) **.5
cosine = dot_prod/sum_a/sum_b # cosine similarity
theta = math.acos(cosine)
return 1.0-(theta/math.pi)
if __name__ == '__main__':
dim = 200 # number of dimensions per data
d = 2**10 # number of bits per signature
nruns = 24 # repeat times
avg = 0
for run in xrange(nruns):
user1 = numpy.random.randn(dim)
user2 = numpy.random.randn(dim)
randv = numpy.random.randn(d, dim)
r1 = get_signature(user1, randv)
r2 = get_signature(user2, randv)
xor = r1^r2
true_sim, hash_sim = (angular_similarity(user1, user2), (d-nnz(xor))/float(d))
diff = abs(hash_sim-true_sim)/true_sim
avg += diff
print 'true %.4f, hash %.4f, diff %.4f' % (true_sim, hash_sim, diff)
print 'avg diff' , avg / nruns
"""running result:
true 0.5010, hash 0.5098, diff 0.0176
true 0.4936, hash 0.4814, diff 0.0247
true 0.4963, hash 0.4844, diff 0.0240
true 0.5140, hash 0.4883, diff 0.0500
true 0.5266, hash 0.5127, diff 0.0265
true 0.5041, hash 0.5176, diff 0.0268
true 0.5024, hash 0.5107, diff 0.0167
true 0.5265, hash 0.5049, diff 0.0411
true 0.4939, hash 0.4922, diff 0.0035
true 0.4983, hash 0.5107, diff 0.0249
true 0.4838, hash 0.4912, diff 0.0154
true 0.4515, hash 0.4463, diff 0.0117
true 0.4996, hash 0.5176, diff 0.0360
true 0.4942, hash 0.5264, diff 0.0651
true 0.4854, hash 0.5000, diff 0.0302
true 0.4590, hash 0.4609, diff 0.0042
true 0.4742, hash 0.5068, diff 0.0688
true 0.5515, hash 0.5449, diff 0.0120
true 0.4940, hash 0.4873, diff 0.0135
true 0.4924, hash 0.5000, diff 0.0154
true 0.4510, hash 0.4355, diff 0.0342
true 0.4556, hash 0.4492, diff 0.0141
true 0.4789, hash 0.4795, diff 0.0012
true 0.4831, hash 0.4629, diff 0.0419
avg diff 0.0257997833009"""
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sv4u commented Jul 2, 2014

in the updated python 3.4, change xrange to range. otherwise it wont work

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I had to change get_signature to use +=1 instead of |= 1. Also, I moved the dot product out of the loop; makes it considerably faster.

def get_signature(user_vector, rand_proj): 
    res = 0
    val =, user_vector)
    for v in val:
        res = res << 1
        if v >= 0:
            res += 1
    return res

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sepans commented Jan 4, 2016

Thanks for the code (and explanation). I ported the code into JS (will post the gist) and after profiling realized a string matching implementation of nnz function is much faster. That might not be the case for python, but in JS where a third party library needed to be used for big integers it was.

var numString = num.toString(2); // get bit string, num is a big-integer
var nnzCount = (numString.match(/1/g) || []).length; // count 1's

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sepans commented Jan 4, 2016

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gg4u commented Jan 20, 2017

@greeness thank you, I am learning a new thing here: LSH (from your answer on SO) and also bit operations.

Could you please explain the logic of bit operations in the function get_signature?
You have a random projection vector, for each point in vector you do a left bitshift : what does it mean? and then if the dot product between user vector and point is positive, you assigne result of val 'or' 1 : what does it mean?

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coolbei commented Nov 12, 2019

great stuff. simple and clear.

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