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Created October 24, 2010 18:36
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' Shp-layer2osm.vb
' This script export selected shp layer to osm file
' @author Rafał Rudzik, (RafalR) OpenStreetMap
' @license GPL
' @version v2 2010-oct-24
'How to
' Download MapWindow GIS
' Open SHP file (projction properties must be set), select layer
' Plug-ins -> Script...
Imports MapWindow.Interfaces
Imports MapWinGIS
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System
Public Module OSM
Public Sub ScriptMain(ByRef m_MapWin As IMapWin)
Dim Lr As Layer
Dim Osm, osmFile, SrcProj, DstProj As String
Dim SrcFile, DstFile As New MapWinGIS.Shapefile()
Dim Sh As new MapWinGIS.shape
Dim Poly() As Integer
Dim success As Boolean
Dim a, b, ElCount, NodCount As Integer
If -1=m_MapWin.Layers.CurrentLayer Then
MsgBox("Select layer first!")
End If
'If IsNothing(Lr.GetGridObject)
' MsgBox("Select raster layer first!")
' Return
'End if
DstProj = "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs"
success = MapWinGeoProc.SpatialReference.ProjectShapefile(SrcProj, DstProj, SrcFile, DstFile)
If success Then
MsgBox("Projection failed")
End If
MsgBox("Error caught!")' Projection must be defined
End Try
' ^ Ok this WORKS :)
End Sub
Private Function BakeOsmCake()
Osm = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>" & vbNewLine & "<osm version='0.6' generator='MapWindow GIS Script'>" & vbNewLine
ElCount = 0
NodCount= 0
ReDim Poly(DstFile.NumShapes - 1)
for a = 0 to DstFile.NumShapes - 1
for b = 0 to Sh.numPoints - 1
ElCount += 1
Osm = Osm & vbTab & "<node id='-" & ElCount & "' visible='true' lat='" & new String(Sh.Point(b).y & "").Replace(",",".") & "' lon='" & new String("" & Sh.Point(b).x).Replace(",",".") & "' />" & vbNewLine
next b
Poly(a) = Sh.numPoints - 1
next a
for a = 0 to Poly.Length -1
ElCount += 1
Osm = Osm & vbTab & "<way id='-" & ElCount & "' visible='true'>" & vbNewLine
for b = 0 to Poly(a)
NodCount += 1
Osm = Osm & vbTab & vbTab & "<nd ref='-" & NodCount & "' />" & vbNewLine
next b
Osm = Osm & vbTab & vbTab & "<tag k='debug:file_name' v='" & IO.Path.GetFileName(Lr.FileName) & "' />" & vbNewLine
Osm = Osm & vbTab & "</way>" & vbNewLine
next a
Osm = Osm & "</osm>"
osmFile=IO.Path.GetFullPath(Lr.FileName) & ".osm"
FileOpen (1,osmFile,OpenMode.Output,OpenAccess.Write)
FileClose (1)
End Function
End Module
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