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Created May 1, 2011 18:11
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open System.IO
open System.Collections.Generic
let main (args : string[]) =
let g_maxSize = 4480
let fileSizes = [ 1 .. 99 ]
let optimalResults = new Dictionary<_,_>()
let lastStep = new Dictionary<_,_>()
let FetchOrZero (dict:Dictionary<_,_>) k =
match (dict.TryGetValue k) with
| true, v -> v
| _ -> 0
for containerSize in 0 .. g_maxSize do
for (idx,fileSize) in List.mapi (fun i x -> (i,x)) fileSizes do
// We will index the "optimalResults" via tuples:
let cellCurrent = (containerSize, idx) // The current cell
let cellOnTheLeftOfCurrent = (containerSize, idx-1) // The cell on our left
// Does the file on column "idx" fit inside containerSize?
if containerSize<fileSize then
// it doesn't fit in containerSize
// so copy optimal value from the cell on its left
optimalResults.[cellCurrent] <- FetchOrZero optimalResults cellOnTheLeftOfCurrent
// Copy last step from cell on the left...
lastStep.[cellCurrent] <- FetchOrZero lastStep cellOnTheLeftOfCurrent
// It fits!
// Using file of column "idx", the remaining space is...
let remainingSpace = containerSize - fileSize
// and for that remaining space, the optimal result
// using the first idx-1 files has been found to be:
let optimalResultOfRemainingSpace = FetchOrZero optimalResults (remainingSpace,(idx-1))
// so let's check: do we improve things by using "idx"?
if optimalResultOfRemainingSpace + fileSize > FetchOrZero optimalResults cellOnTheLeftOfCurrent then
// we improved the best result, store it!
optimalResults.[cellCurrent] <- optimalResultOfRemainingSpace + fileSize
// Store last step - i.e. using file "idx"
lastStep.[cellCurrent] <- fileSize
// no improvement by using "idx" - copy from left...
optimalResults.[cellCurrent] <- FetchOrZero optimalResults cellOnTheLeftOfCurrent
// Copy last step from cell on the left...
lastStep.[cellCurrent] <- FetchOrZero lastStep cellOnTheLeftOfCurrent
printfn "Attainable: %d" (FetchOrZero optimalResults (g_maxSize,fileSizes.Length-1))
// Navigate backwards... starting from the optimal result:
let rightMostIndex = fileSizes.Length-1
let mutable total = FetchOrZero optimalResults (g_maxSize, rightMostIndex)
while total>0 do
// The last step we used to get to "total" was...
let lastFileSize = lastStep.[(total, rightMostIndex)]
printfn "%d removing %d" total lastFileSize
// And the one before the last step was... (loop)
total <- total - lastFileSize
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