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Created May 3, 2011 19:59
{- |
Stability: beta
Portability: portable
Criterion benchmarks for hash and block ciphers.
Example hash benchmark:
> import Data.Digest.Pure.MD5
> import Benchmark.Crypto
> import Criterion.Main
> main = defaultMain [benchmarkHash (undefined :: MD5Digest) "pureMD5"]
example block cipher benchmark:
> main = do
> let (Just k128) = buildKey (B.pack [0..15]) :: Maybe AESKey
> (Just k192) = buildKey (B.pack [0..23]) :: Maybe AESKey
> (Just k256) = buildKey (B.pack [0..31]) :: Maybe AESKey
> defaultMain [ benchmarkBlockCipher k128 "SimpleAES-128"
> , benchmarkBlockCipher k192 "SimpleAES-192"
> , benchmarkBlockCipher k256 "SimpleAES-256"]
module Benchmark.Crypto
( benchmarkHash
, benchmarkBlockCipher
, benchmarkBlockCipherCBC
, benchmarkStreamCipher
, benchmarkRNG
, benchmarkCryptoRandomGen
) where
import Crypto.Classes
import Crypto.Modes (ecb', unEcb', ctr', unCtr', cbc', unCbc', incIV, zeroIV)
import Crypto.Random
import qualified Data.Serialize as Ser
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Serialize as Ser
import Criterion
import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Data.IORef
-- 128KB strings
ps = B.replicate (2^20) 0
lps = L.replicate (2^20) 0
-- 4MB strings
ps4MB = B.replicate (2^22) 0
lps4MB = B.replicate (2^22) 0
-- |Benchmark a hash by calling the 'hash' and 'hash'' functions
-- on 128KB bytestrings.
benchmarkHash :: Hash c d => d -> String -> Benchmark
benchmarkHash h name =
let benchs = bgroup name [ bench "lazy" (whnf (hashFunc h) lps)
, bench "strict" (whnf (hashFunc' h) ps)] :: Benchmark
in benchs
op :: Ser.Serialize d => (a -> d) -> a -> Pure
op f str = whnf (B.unpack . Ser.encode . f) str
-- |Benchmark a block cipher by calling the 'ecb'' and 'unEcb'' functions
-- on 128KB strings
benchmarkBlockCipher :: BlockCipher k => k -> String -> Benchmark
benchmarkBlockCipher k name =
let benchs = bgroup name [ bench "enc" (whnf (ecb' k) ps)
, bench "dec" (whnf (unEcb' k) ps)] :: Benchmark
in benchs
benchmarkBlockCipherCBC :: BlockCipher k => k -> String -> Benchmark
benchmarkBlockCipherCBC k name =
let enc k = fst . cbc' k zeroIV
dec k = fst . unCbc' k zeroIV in
let benchs = bgroup name [ bench "enc" (whnf (enc k) ps)
, bench "dec" (whnf (dec k) ps)] :: Benchmark
in benchs
benchmarkStreamCipher :: BlockCipher k => k -> String -> Benchmark
benchmarkStreamCipher k name =
let enc k = fst . (ctr' incIV k zeroIV) in
let benchs = bgroup name [ bench "ctr" (whnf (enc k) ps)
, bench "unCtr" (whnf (enc k) ps)] :: Benchmark
in benchs
-- |Benchmark an RNG by requesting 256K of random data
benchmarkRNG :: (Int -> IO B.ByteString) -> String -> Benchmark
benchmarkRNG rng name = bench name (nfIO $ liftM B.head (rng (2^18)))
-- | Benchmark a CryptoRandomGen by storing it in a IORef, and generating
-- 256k per call.
benchmarkCryptoRandomGen :: CryptoRandomGen g => g -> String -> IO Benchmark
benchmarkCryptoRandomGen g name = do
g' <- useGenIO g
return $ bench name (nfIO $ liftM B.head (g' (2^18)))
useGenIO :: CryptoRandomGen g => g -> IO (Int -> IO B.ByteString)
useGenIO g = do
gRef <- newIORef g
return $ \i -> do
gen <- readIORef gRef
let v = genBytes i gen
case v of
Left _ -> error "blah"
Right (b,gen') -> do
writeIORef gRef gen'
return b
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