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Created May 4, 2011 01:11
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Recursive implementation of Shunting-yard algorithm (refactored)
(ns sy2 "based on:")
(defmacro if-eof [true-f false-f]
(catch Exception e#
(if (= (.getMessage e#) "EOF while reading")
(throw e#)))))
(defprotocol parser-p
(pop-info [this key])
(push-info [this key val])
(lower? [this op])
(->sexp [this op])
(shift-op [this op])
(step [this])
(parse* [this]))
(defrecord Parser [tokenizer out-stack op-stack ops]
(pop-info [this key]
[(peek (key this))
(assoc this key (next (key this)))])
(push-info [this key val]
(assoc this key (conj (key this) val)))
(lower? [this op]
(<= (or (ops op) 0)
(or (ops (peek op-stack)) 0)))
(->sexp [this op]
(let [[s parser] (pop-info this :out-stack)
[f parser] (pop-info parser :out-stack)]
(push-info parser :out-stack (list (resolve op) f s))))
(shift-op [this op]
(if (lower? this op)
(let [[op2 parser] (pop-info this :op-stack)]
(if op2
(-> (->sexp parser op2)
(shift-op op))
(step [this]
(let [token (tokenizer)]
(if (number? token)
(push-info this :out-stack token)
(-> this
(shift-op token)
(push-info :op-stack token)))))
(parse* [this]
(->> (iterate #(shift-op % nil) this)
(take (inc (count op-stack)))
(parse* (step this)))))
(defn make-parser [tokenizer & [ops]]
(Parser. tokenizer '() '() (or ops {'= 1 '+ 2 '* 3})))
(defn tokenizer [s]
(let [rdr (
( s))]
#(read rdr)))
(defn parse [s]
(parse* (make-parser (tokenizer s))))
; (eval (parse "1 + 1 * 2 + 3 = 3 * 2")) => true
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