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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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import random
import sys
def print_grid(grid):
print ("\n%s\n" % "+".join([('-' * 4)] * 4)).join(
["|".join(["%4d" % item if item > 0 else " " * 4 for item in line]) for line in grid])
def get_available_cells(grid):
return [(y, x) for y in range(4) for x in range(4) if not grid[y][x]]
def insert_new_item(grid):
available_cells = get_available_cells(grid)
if len(available_cells) == 0:
return False
y, x = random.choice(available_cells)
grid[y][x] = 2 if random.random() < 0.9 else 4
return True
def is_legal_position(y, x):
return 0 <= y <= 3 and 0 <= x <= 3
def get_next_position(y, x, (y_offset, x_offset)):
return y + y_offset, x + x_offset
def get_next_nonzero_cell(grid, y, x, (y_offset, x_offset)):
next_y, next_x = get_next_position(y, x, (y_offset, x_offset))
if is_legal_position(next_y, next_x):
if grid[next_y][next_x]:
return next_y, next_x
return get_next_nonzero_cell(grid, next_y, next_x, (y_offset, x_offset))
return None, None
def merge_cells(grid, (write_y, write_x), (read_y, read_x), direction, virtual, winning=False):
if (write_y, write_x) == (read_y, read_x):
read_y, read_x = get_next_nonzero_cell(grid, read_y, read_x, direction)
if not is_legal_position(write_y, write_x) or not is_legal_position(read_y, read_x):
return winning if not virtual else False
if grid[write_y][write_x]:
if grid[read_y][read_x] == grid[write_y][write_x]:
if virtual:
return True
grid[write_y][write_x] *= 2
grid[read_y][read_x] = 0
return merge_cells(grid, get_next_position(write_y, write_x, direction),
get_next_nonzero_cell(grid, read_y, read_x, direction), direction, virtual,
winning or grid[write_y][write_x] > 1024)
return merge_cells(grid, get_next_position(write_y, write_x, direction),
(read_y, read_x), direction, virtual, winning)
if virtual:
return True
grid[write_y][write_x] = grid[read_y][read_x]
grid[read_y][read_x] = 0
return merge_cells(grid, (write_y, write_x),
get_next_nonzero_cell(grid, read_y, read_x, direction), direction, virtual, winning)
def get_movable_directions(grid):
return [direction for direction in ["a", "d", "w", "s"] if move(grid, direction, True)]
def move(grid, direction, virtual):
if direction == "a": #left
return any([merge_cells(grid, (i, 0), (i, 0), (0, 1), virtual) for i in range(4)])
elif direction == "d": #right
return any([merge_cells(grid, (i, 3), (i, 3), (0, -1), virtual) for i in range(4)])
elif direction == "w": #up
return any([merge_cells(grid, (0, i), (0, i), (1, 0), virtual) for i in range(4)])
elif direction == "s": #down
return any([merge_cells(grid, (3, i), (3, i), (-1, 0), virtual) for i in range(4)])
grid = [[0 for x in range(4)] for y in range(4)]
while True:
movable_directions = get_movable_directions(grid)
if len(movable_directions) == 0:
print "You lose!"
direction_name = sys.stdin.readline().strip().lower()
while direction_name not in movable_directions:
print "Invalid direction."
direction_name = sys.stdin.readline().strip().lower()
if move(grid, direction_name, False):
print "You win!"
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