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Created May 11, 2011 09:43
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Eco multi-line blocks and comments.
<h1>Multi-Line Blocks</h1>
It would be great to support multi-line blocks.
Here are some use cases:
# Documentation via multiple lines of single-line comments.
# Like so.
# view logic that belongs together in a group.
# e.g. constants:
FOO = 'foo'
BAR = 'bar'
BAZ = 'baz'
# helper functions that really want to be multiple lines,
# e.g. for readability or inline code comments:
# make phrase suitable for use as id/class attribute
idify = (phrase) ->
.replace(/\s/g, '-') # replace whitespace w/ dashes
.replace(/[',?]/g, '') # strip punctuation
# or to comment out an entire block of HTML.
# this is better than <!-- ... --> both because it takes precedence
# but also because the commented HTML won't get sent to the client,
# which is good for perf but can also be useful for security,
# e.g. to put a FIXME for an XSS vulnerability. ;)
<% ###
I don't want this HTML to show up in my output.
### %>
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