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Created January 3, 2022 16:05
Logfiles for GitLab pipeline (:no_entry:) running on GitHub PR BlueBrain/CoreNeuron#706.
Running with gitlab-runner 14.3.2 (e0218c92)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1641225748:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1641225748:resolve_secrets section_start:1641225748:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 14.3.2, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 30663, build ref 57cecb59d051b83adbca41fbe49680521b6d719f, job ID 116913
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=6
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J116913_PROD_P112_CP3_C3
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=6, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=1 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 149184
job state: PD
job state: PD
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J116913_PROD_P112_CP3_C3 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=1 --jobid=149184 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M
section_end:1641225752:prepare_executor section_start:1641225752:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i5n21 via
section_end:1641225754:prepare_script section_start:1641225754:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1641225754:get_sources section_start:1641225754:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for coreneuron-nvhpc-8...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=144809 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1641225756:restore_cache section_start:1641225756:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for spack_setup (116906)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=144952 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=116906 responseStatus=200 OK token=jwss64bz
section_end:1641225757:download_artifacts section_start:1641225757:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ SPACK_CONFIG=${PWD}/spack-config
$ mkdir ${SPACK_CONFIG}
$ cat > ${SPACK_CONFIG}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ - $tempdir/$user/spack-stage
/gpfs/ - ~/.spack/stage
/gpfs/ # - $spack/var/spack/stage
/gpfs/ # Directory in which to run tests and store test results.
/gpfs/ # Tests will be stored in directories named by date/time and package
/gpfs/ # name/hash.
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ root: $spack/opt/spack
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 36
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Locations where different types of modules should be installed.
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $spack/share/spack/modules
/gpfs/ lmod: $spack/share/spack/lmod
/gpfs/ test_stage: ~/.spack/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: ~/.spack/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ concretizer: original
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
_builtin package_lock_timeout: !!null 'None'
$ if [ "${SPACK_EXPORT_SPECS}" ]; then
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${PWD}/local_config
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE="$(spack location -p ${SPACK_PACKAGE})/"
$ if [ "${PACKAGE_REF}" ]; then
$ echo New ref for ${SPACK_PACKAGE} is ${PACKAGE_REF}
New ref for coreneuron is commit="57cecb59d051b83adbca41fbe49680521b6d719f"
$ sed -i -e "/^\s*version\s*(\s*\(['\"]\)develop\1/ { s/,\s*\(commit\|tag\|branch\)=\([\"']\)[^\"']\+\2//g; s#)#, ${PACKAGE_REF})#; }" "${SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE}"
$ (cd $(dirname "${SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE}") && git diff "${SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE}")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/
index d2ab4ef..5bc52e1 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class Coreneuron(CMakePackage):
url = ""
git = ""
- version('develop', branch='master')
+ version('develop', commit="57cecb59d051b83adbca41fbe49680521b6d719f")
# 1.0.1 > > 1.0 as far as Spack is concerned
version('', commit='e265f9d')
version('', commit='846b3a6')
$ fi
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install coreneuron@develop%nvhpc+gpu+openmp+tests~legacy-unit~report build_type=RelWithDebInfo
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][0][\"${SPACK_PACKAGE}\"][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be d4mbc44tzlxvfyp7iy3jomhrptr7oxvo
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_DIR=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_BASEDIR}
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Jan 3 17:03:26 2022
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.04 / 0.51 (8.09 %)
Files: 812
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'd4mbc44tzlxvfyp7iy3jomhrptr7oxvo'
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- coreneuron@develop%nvhpc+gpu~legacy-unit+openmp~report+tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo
- d4mbc44 coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@21.11~caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi~nmodl+openmp~profile~report+shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- ilh3i6h ^bison@3.6.4%nvhpc@21.11 patches=ad81ef1b088459a396d908295afc3809f9a25076efaa459cdd2f21eabd1f4b16 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] ugnnauj ^boost@1.73.0%nvhpc@21.11+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 patches=246508e052c44b6f4e8c2542a71c06cacaa72cd1447ab8d2a542b987bc35ace9,4dd507e1f5a29e3b87b15321a4d8c74afdc8331433edabf7aeab89b3c405d556,d56f31f2a3956630e5372b987d39cb79b5d2c71760fa150b8eb4a3f1a07e2658 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 3id4xmv ^cmake@3.15.7%nvhpc@21.11~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release patches=1c540040c7e203dd8e27aa20345ecb07fe06570d56410a24a266ae570b1c4c39,bf695e3febb222da2ed94b3beea600650e4318975da90e4a71d6f31a6d5d8c3d arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] rtdgzju ^cuda@11.5.1%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- o7642tm ^flex@2.6.4%nvhpc@21.11+lex patches=09c22e5c6fef327d3e48eb23f0d610dcd3a35ab9207f12e0f875701c677978d3 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] rvmqyas ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 6yf3e2o ^ninja@1.10.2%nvhpc@21.11 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] boepiq7 ^python@3.8.3%nvhpc@21.11+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
==> bison@3.6.4 : has external module in ['bison/3.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.6.4-ilh3i6hsazuqblyjs46wno4wkyhcaycx)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.73.0-ugnnaujozxx7u35zmkozzxs42p6ujetq)
==> cmake@3.15.7 : has external module in ['cmake/3.15.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.15.7-3id4xmvyepn3luv5kvzabnojgl4kjbvv)
==> cuda@11.5.1 : has external module in ['cuda/11.5.1']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cuda-11.5.1-rtdgzjuarsbhlad5e2q6z6hb35poq3ba)
==> flex@2.6.4 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.4-o7642tm7j36qtzmyzthrmdbfctyfsdnn)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-rvmqyashdppnfjw5xoegvqeeaassuana)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-6yf3e2oymeefngifdautp2wd347lcijn)
==> python@3.8.3 : has external module in ['python/3.8.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.8.3-boepiq7qwlm3d6e5almdw67q65o5quqn)
==> Installing coreneuron-develop-d4mbc44tzlxvfyp7iy3jomhrptr7oxvo
==> No binary for coreneuron-develop-d4mbc44tzlxvfyp7iy3jomhrptr7oxvo found: installing from source
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> Error: ProcessError: Command exited with status 1:
6 errors found in build log:
140 -- Reporting | OFF
141 -- --------------+-------------------------------------------------
142 -- See documentation :
143 -- --------------+-------------------------------------------------
144 --
145 -- Configuring done
>> 146 CMake Error at coreneuron/CMakeLists.txt:188 (add_library):
147 Target "coreneuron" links to target "CUDA::cudart" but the target
was not
148 found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or
149 an ALIAS target is missing?
>> 152 CMake Error at tests/unit/cmdline_interface/CMakeLists.txt:6 (add_e
153 Target "cmd_interface_test_bin" links to target "CUDA::cudart" bu
t the
154 target was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing f
or an
155 IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
>> 158 CMake Error at tests/unit/interleave_info/CMakeLists.txt:6 (add_exe
159 Target "interleave_info_bin" links to target "CUDA::cudart" but t
he target
160 was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an I
161 target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
>> 164 CMake Error at tests/unit/queueing/CMakeLists.txt:6 (add_executable
165 Target "queuing_test_bin" links to target "CUDA::cudart" but the
target was
166 not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPOR
167 target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
>> 170 CMake Error at tests/unit/lfp/CMakeLists.txt:10 (add_executable):
171 Target "lfp_test_bin" links to target "CUDA::cudart" but the targ
et was not
172 found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or
173 an ALIAS target is missing?
>> 176 CMake Error at coreneuron/CMakeLists.txt:188 (add_library):
177 Target "coreneuron" links to target "CUDA::cudart" but the target
was not
178 found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or
179 an ALIAS target is missing?
182 -- Generating done
See build log for details:
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Jan 3 17:04:25 2022
Hits: 7 / 7 (100.0 %)
Direct: 7 / 7 (100.0 %)
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Uncacheable: 12
Primary storage:
Hits: 14 / 14 (100.0 %)
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.04 / 0.51 (8.09 %)
Files: 812
Called for linking: 9
No input file: 3
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.8.3
Autoloading py-virtualenv/16.7.6
Autoloading py-numpy/1.19.4
Autoloading py-mpi4py/3.0.3
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
Autoloading py-h5py/3.1.0
Autoloading hdf5/1.10.7
$ echo "Returning the number of failed builds, ${num_failures}"
Returning the number of failed builds, 1
$ exit ${num_failures}
srun: error: r1i5n21: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
section_end:1641225865:step_script section_start:1641225865:upload_artifacts_on_failure Uploading artifacts for failed job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=150083 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=116913 responseStatus=201 Created token=fpjsfwdV
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=150117 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=116913 responseStatus=201 Created token=fpjsfwdV
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=150143 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=116913 responseStatus=201 Created token=fpjsfwdV
section_end:1641225867:upload_artifacts_on_failure section_start:1641225867:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1641225867:cleanup_file_variables ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

Running with gitlab-runner 14.3.2 (e0218c92)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1641225748:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1641225748:resolve_secrets section_start:1641225748:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 14.3.2, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 30663, build ref 57cecb59d051b83adbca41fbe49680521b6d719f, job ID 116910
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=6
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J116910_PROD_P112_CP2_C2
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=6, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=1 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 149183
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J116910_PROD_P112_CP2_C2 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=1 --jobid=149183 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M
section_end:1641225749:prepare_executor section_start:1641225749:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i5n21 via
section_end:1641225752:prepare_script section_start:1641225752:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1641225752:get_sources section_start:1641225752:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for coreneuron-intel-8...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=144716 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1641225756:restore_cache section_start:1641225756:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for spack_setup (116906)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=144864 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=116906 responseStatus=200 OK token=jwss64bz
section_end:1641225756:download_artifacts section_start:1641225756:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ SPACK_CONFIG=${PWD}/spack-config
$ mkdir ${SPACK_CONFIG}
$ cat > ${SPACK_CONFIG}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ - $tempdir/$user/spack-stage
/gpfs/ - ~/.spack/stage
/gpfs/ # - $spack/var/spack/stage
/gpfs/ # Directory in which to run tests and store test results.
/gpfs/ # Tests will be stored in directories named by date/time and package
/gpfs/ # name/hash.
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ root: $spack/opt/spack
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 36
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Locations where different types of modules should be installed.
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $spack/share/spack/modules
/gpfs/ lmod: $spack/share/spack/lmod
/gpfs/ test_stage: ~/.spack/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: ~/.spack/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ concretizer: original
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
_builtin package_lock_timeout: !!null 'None'
$ if [ "${SPACK_EXPORT_SPECS}" ]; then
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${PWD}/local_config
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE="$(spack location -p ${SPACK_PACKAGE})/"
$ if [ "${PACKAGE_REF}" ]; then
$ echo New ref for ${SPACK_PACKAGE} is ${PACKAGE_REF}
New ref for coreneuron is commit="57cecb59d051b83adbca41fbe49680521b6d719f"
$ sed -i -e "/^\s*version\s*(\s*\(['\"]\)develop\1/ { s/,\s*\(commit\|tag\|branch\)=\([\"']\)[^\"']\+\2//g; s#)#, ${PACKAGE_REF})#; }" "${SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE}"
$ (cd $(dirname "${SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE}") && git diff "${SPACK_PACKAGE_FILE}")
diff --git a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/
index d2ab4ef..5bc52e1 100644
--- a/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/
+++ b/var/spack/repos/builtin/packages/coreneuron/
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ class Coreneuron(CMakePackage):
url = ""
git = ""
- version('develop', branch='master')
+ version('develop', commit="57cecb59d051b83adbca41fbe49680521b6d719f")
# 1.0.1 > > 1.0 as far as Spack is concerned
version('', commit='e265f9d')
version('', commit='846b3a6')
$ fi
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install coreneuron@develop%intel+tests~legacy-unit build_type=Debug
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][0][\"${SPACK_PACKAGE}\"][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be aevgkbdozl3htdtjhrd5w65n3c6mb2jh
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_DIR=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_BASEDIR}
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Jan 3 17:03:26 2022
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.10 / 0.51 (18.78 %)
Files: 920
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'aevgkbdozl3htdtjhrd5w65n3c6mb2jh'
$ spack --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- coreneuron@develop%intel~legacy-unit+tests build_type=Debug
- aevgkbd coreneuron@develop%intel@ build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- ymcya3l ^bison@3.6.4%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] pvpzjkl ^boost@1.73.0%intel@ cxxstd=98 patches=246508e052c44b6f4e8c2542a71c06cacaa72cd1447ab8d2a542b987bc35ace9,4dd507e1f5a29e3b87b15321a4d8c74afdc8331433edabf7aeab89b3c405d556 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- mxqypex ^cmake@3.15.7%intel@ build_type=Release patches=1c540040c7e203dd8e27aa20345ecb07fe06570d56410a24a266ae570b1c4c39,bf695e3febb222da2ed94b3beea600650e4318975da90e4a71d6f31a6d5d8c3d arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- 5mabxtb ^flex@2.6.4%intel@ patches=09c22e5c6fef327d3e48eb23f0d610dcd3a35ab9207f12e0f875701c677978d3 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] nnhu6zi ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 2gn7wjx ^libsonata-report@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] pjaxv63 ^hdf5@1.10.7%intel@ api=none arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] wjshhip ^zlib@1.2.11%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] gwht6mm ^spdlog@1.8.1%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
- nayogh4 ^ninja@1.10.2%intel@ arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] icfhbit ^python@3.8.3%intel@ patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87 arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
[^] 7eg3tqe ^reportinglib@2.5.6%intel@ build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-x86_64
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} --config-scope ${SPACK_CONFIG} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
==> bison@3.6.4 : has external module in ['bison/3.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.6.4-ymcya3lbfxylkvsbomj2rbzbvecsldu2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.73.0-pvpzjklfqyl55rerdxp63j32kpqkfr4z)
==> cmake@3.15.7 : has external module in ['cmake/3.15.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.15.7-mxqypexiy6wmh4hpnmf4lbwwwqhxzscg)
==> flex@2.6.4 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.4-5mabxtbvp5xw7gfjcac32iffw27sdssk)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-nnhu6ziqp6ramcgkmky7i3e2ll5vl5ey)
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-wjshhipoj5m66agnke3p2dsjf32qntuf)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-nayogh4gvnag7ybxc2ud5dt4ckxod3cc)
==> python@3.8.3 : has external module in ['python/3.8.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.8.3-icfhbitmltpoj6w6vghr23ac5erldiic)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing coreneuron-develop-aevgkbdozl3htdtjhrd5w65n3c6mb2jh
==> No binary for coreneuron-develop-aevgkbdozl3htdtjhrd5w65n3c6mb2jh found: installing from source
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> Error: ProcessError: Command exited with status 1:
6 errors found in build log:
133 -- reportinglib_LIB | /gpfs/
134 -- --------------+-------------------------------------------------
135 -- See documentation :
136 -- --------------+-------------------------------------------------
137 --
138 -- Configuring done
>> 139 CMake Error at coreneuron/CMakeLists.txt:188 (add_library):
140 Target "coreneuron" links to target "CUDA::cudart" but the target
was not
141 found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or
142 an ALIAS target is missing?
>> 145 CMake Error at tests/unit/cmdline_interface/CMakeLists.txt:6 (add_e
146 Target "cmd_interface_test_bin" links to target "CUDA::cudart" bu
t the
147 target was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing f
or an
148 IMPORTED target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
>> 151 CMake Error at tests/unit/interleave_info/CMakeLists.txt:6 (add_exe
152 Target "interleave_info_bin" links to target "CUDA::cudart" but t
he target
153 was not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an I
154 target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
>> 157 CMake Error at tests/unit/queueing/CMakeLists.txt:6 (add_executable
158 Target "queuing_test_bin" links to target "CUDA::cudart" but the
target was
159 not found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPOR
160 target, or an ALIAS target is missing?
>> 163 CMake Error at tests/unit/lfp/CMakeLists.txt:10 (add_executable):
164 Target "lfp_test_bin" links to target "CUDA::cudart" but the targ
et was not
165 found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or
166 an ALIAS target is missing?
>> 169 CMake Error at coreneuron/CMakeLists.txt:188 (add_library):
170 Target "coreneuron" links to target "CUDA::cudart" but the target
was not
171 found. Perhaps a find_package() call is missing for an IMPORTED
target, or
172 an ALIAS target is missing?
175 -- Generating done
See build log for details:
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /gpfs/
Primary config: /gpfs/
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Jan 3 17:04:22 2022
Hits: 0 / 6 (0.00 %)
Direct: 0 / 6 (0.00 %)
Preprocessed: 0 / 6 (0.00 %)
Misses: 6
Direct: 6
Preprocessed: 6
Uncacheable: 11
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 12 (0.00 %)
Misses: 12
Cache size (GB): 0.10 / 0.51 (18.78 %)
Files: 932
Called for linking: 8
No input file: 3
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.8.3
Autoloading py-virtualenv/16.7.6
Autoloading py-numpy/1.19.4
Autoloading py-mpi4py/3.0.3
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
Autoloading py-h5py/3.1.0
Autoloading hdf5/1.10.7
$ echo "Returning the number of failed builds, ${num_failures}"
Returning the number of failed builds, 1
$ exit ${num_failures}
srun: error: r1i5n21: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
section_end:1641225863:step_script section_start:1641225863:upload_artifacts_on_failure Uploading artifacts for failed job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=149859 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=116910 responseStatus=201 Created token=2JcYAzMM
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=149882 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=116910 responseStatus=201 Created token=2JcYAzMM
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=149906 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=116910 responseStatus=201 Created token=2JcYAzMM
section_end:1641225865:upload_artifacts_on_failure section_start:1641225865:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1641225865:cleanup_file_variables ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
Log was not fetched because job had status: skipped
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