From ≈2018-06-18T00:54:00Z to ≈2018-06-25T00:00:00Z
Open tickets before: 1869
Open tickets after: 1884
Number of tickets touched: 46
[resolved] RT#124998 Type of $¢ is Any instead of Cursor [resolved] RT#131392 [@LARRY] Remove magic $/ shortcuts %() and @() [resolved] RT#133016 Wrong set difference of Bag and List [closed] GH#1880 HTTP::UserAgent test fails with 2018.05 but not 2018.04.1 [closed] GH#1918 assuming a sub that has a **@param slurpy gives a compile error [closed] GH#1934 Prepend inst# to home when setting up repositories [closed] GH#1944 Can't directly iterate CORE::.kv with a for loop [closed] GH#1956 Rakudo::Internals.DIR-RECURSE fails if directory is deleted before iterating over it [closed] GH#1957 => "Tison", truth => 42) produces
[testneeded] GH#1923 Regression related to MONKEY-TYPING and spesh-plugins merge
[updated] RT#114276 Cannot return junctions from .classify blocks in Rakudo [updated] RT#116595 Nesting wrapping roles bind 'callsame' to the wrong recipient in Rakudo [updated] RT#125908 duplicate triggers of .act when using parallel greps on an IO::Notification.watch_path supply [new→open] RT#129197 "Invalid free()" when passing the output of one Proc to the input of another [updated] GH#756 elaborate on different kinds of profiles for --profile [updated] GH#1206 Can’t override !~, =~, >>, << [updated] GH#1289 [6.d BLOCKER] Implement a Way to Know Caller's Language [updated] GH#1356 Let's remove most (if not all) perl5-oriented error messages for variables [updated] GH#1571 Flaws in implied sinkage / `&unwanted` helper [updated] GH#1791 GH#1758: Only suggest a submethod if it's local [updated] GH#1852 Pod convert non-breaking space into normal space. [updated] GH#1875 Experimental pack function return incorrect data [updated] GH#1917 Binding in constant def silently ignores missing name [updated] GH#1930 LTA REPL with Unicode [updated] GH#1936 Wanted configuration option to exclude home dir from repos
[open] GH#1937 MoarVM panic: Internal error: Unwound entire stack and missed handler [open] GH#1938 `:foo<...>` colonpair doesn't follow numeric literal rules followed by `<...>` quoter [open] GH#1939 Possible regression after NativeCall speedups [open] GH#1940 IterationEnd and fail to smart matching against Mu [open] GH#1941 Document Rakudo-specific classes to support Perl 6 documentation [open] GH#1942 Incorrect error in &map with wrongly-precedenced … [open] GH#1943 LTA error when using `,` instead of `;` to index a shaped array [closed] GH#1944 Can't directly iterate CORE::.kv with a for loop [open] GH#1945 routine 'say' can not print large data [open] GH#1946 %(), @(), $() are evil/weird [open] GH#1947 Multi sub with smiley creates ambiguous dispatch [open] GH#1948 .combinations unnecessarily requires non-lazy list [open] GH#1949 array is a type [open] GH#1950 Can't race certain code [open] GH#1951 Improve empty hash creation performance with {} [open] GH#1952 module + constant + BEGIN + code = `Expected MAST::Frame, but didn't get one` [open] GH#1953 module + constant + .map( ...).eager = MVMHash representation requires MVMString keys [open] GH#1954 module + constant + unreified Seq = `Cannot call method 'new' on a null object` [open] GH#1955 Investigate whether $rat**$huge-power can be optimized with math smarts [closed] GH#1956 Rakudo::Internals.DIR-RECURSE fails if directory is deleted before iterating over it [closed] GH#1957 => "Tison", truth => 42) produces [open] GH#1958 Set.perl inconsistent with Bag/Mix.perl [open] GH#1959 Empty set()/bag()/mix() do not return a unique object [open] GH#1960 RFC: Provide methods for sending signals natively in Rakudo/Perl 6