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Created January 16, 2012 17:07
11:56 < csurgi> whack: the numbers are wrong in the map
11:56 < whack> csurgi: oh? Hmm
11:57 < csurgi> uhh.. I1ve just forget to scroll down...
11:58 < csurgi> it's about the gelf output plugin
11:58 < whack> right
11:58 < csurgi> ok
11:58 -!- cparedes [u4235@lopsa/member/merc248] has joined #logstash
11:58 < csurgi> so
11:58 < csurgi> # 0 => debug # 1 => info # 2 => notice
11:58 < whack> the numbers look OK to me
11:58 < whack> they match mostly what RFC 3164 says about them
11:59 < whack> which is what the GELF docs say they shoudl be
11:59 < csurgi> the graylog webinterface says the list above
11:59 < whack> 1 == alert, etc
12:00 < csurgi> (v0.9.6, i think this is the current release)
12:00 -!- ali3n0 [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
12:02 < csurgi> I tried the list you said, iit's not worked properly, I tried to list I wrote now, it's works.
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