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Nicolas S. Montanaro 99z

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99z / Visual novel machine translation guide
Created March 8, 2015 00:39
A backup of:, but will be updated / modified as I experiment with things
Update Feb 20, 2015:
USE VNR FOR EVERYTHING. this guide is outdated VNR has made some pretty big steps into improving jp to eng machine translation and the changes have been really big. Disregard everything in this guide about chiitrans lite sucks now, VNR has updates like almost every day improving machine translation. Update this guide when I can. But basically use VNR for everything, the best translators still are
Atlas with errzotl's dictionary + TAH script > LEC offline translator (torrent power translator 15) + TAH script >>> honyaku/infoseek/excite (all similar it seems like variations of LEC) = google >>>>>>>> bing
I'll update the guide when I'm not lazy.
This is my own personal setup, I don't consider myself an expert on this, for all I know I might be doing it wrong. But it works for me as well as a few anons. Also before following this know you can just use VNR by itself since it contains everything in a neat package, these extra steps and programs are just for getting a better and more
99z / oldschool.json
Created August 27, 2015 05:22
nextstep/os9 4chan theme for oneechan
{"name":"StiligRetro [Modded]","authorName":"Myson","authorTrip":"!RiDeag.gG.","bgImg":"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
99z / gist:9449d6c779341c4d015508b7f44aa786
Last active July 15, 2016 18:13
Fix for "error: couldn't install npm packages from npm-shrinkwrap" when running Meteor
$ meteor remove meteorhacks:npm
If the remove command doesn't work, manually delete the "meteorhacks:npm" and "npm-contanier" references from the .meteor > packages file. Then delete the folder: /packages/npm-container
Add meteorhacks:npm back into the project:
$ meteor add meteorhacks:npm
99z /
Last active December 22, 2023 19:13
9front install/usage tips

Virtualbox settings

VM creation

  1. Type: Other
  2. Version: Other/Unknown, not 64bit

VM settings

  1. Audio -> Audio controller: SoundBlaster 16
  2. Network -> Advanced -> Adapter type: Intel/PRO1000 MT Server

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am niconan on github.
  • I am nsm ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 2D4F A75C 5869 957E B138 AAA3 033F 99E5 85BB 03B4

To claim this, I am signing this object:

99z /
Created July 19, 2017 22:06
multics simulator graceful shutdown

Commands from stdin wrapped in []

M-> [logout * * *]

99z /
Last active June 23, 2023 03:17
9front tutorials

9front tutorials

Current as of 9front-5966.df2c352ae695

This is a collection of notes on how to complete tasks I've found myself commonly performing while using 9front.

Note that most of what is here is straight from various parts of the 9front FQA, just ordered differently. If not from the FQA, I'll provide the source under the header for the section.

As I'm in the process of learning Plan 9/9front, feel free to comment with suggestions or corrections.