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Created August 29, 2022 12:17
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  • Save bbpbuildbot/9a4b8a5f752d2c455603482e6d40e757 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save bbpbuildbot/9a4b8a5f752d2c455603482e6d40e757 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Logfiles for GitLab pipeline (:no_entry:) running on GitHub PR BlueBrain/CoreNeuron#844.
Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661772814:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661772814:resolve_secrets section_start:1661772814:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340008
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=8, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340008_PROD_P112_CP6_C9
Job parameters: memory=76G, cpus_per_task=8, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=2 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750822
job state: PD
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=2 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G --job-name=GL_J340008_PROD_P112_CP6_C9 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=2 --jobid=750822 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G
section_end:1661772816:prepare_executor section_start:1661772816:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i6n20 via
section_end:1661772820:prepare_script section_start:1661772820:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661772821:get_sources section_start:1661772821:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for build:coreneuron:mod2c:intel:shared:debug-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=235874 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1661772822:restore_cache section_start:1661772822:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for spack_setup (340002)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=235942 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340002 responseStatus=200 OK token=K65kj6gr
section_end:1661772823:download_artifacts section_start:1661772823:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ export SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH=${PWD}/spack-config
$ cat > ${SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/software
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ all: install_{}-{compiler.version}-{target}/{name}-{version}-{hash:6}
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $user_cache_path/modules
/gpfs/ environments:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/environments
/gpfs/ concretization: separately
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 8
/gpfs/ extensions:
/gpfs/ - $spack/bluebrain/spack-scripting
/gpfs/ # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
/gpfs/ # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Temporary locations Spack can try to use for builds.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Recommended options are given below.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Builds can be faster in temporary directories on some (e.g., HPC) systems.
/gpfs/ # Specifying `$tempdir` will ensure use of the default temporary directory
/gpfs/ # (i.e., ``$TMP` or ``$TMPDIR``).
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Another option that prevents conflicts and potential permission issues is
/gpfs/ # to specify `$user_cache_path/stage`, which ensures each user builds in their
/gpfs/ # home directory.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # A more traditional path uses the value of `$spack/var/spack/stage`, which
/gpfs/ # builds directly inside Spack's instance without staging them in a
/gpfs/ # temporary space. Problems with specifying a path inside a Spack instance
/gpfs/ # are that it precludes its use as a system package and its ability to be
/gpfs/ # pip installable.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # In any case, if the username is not already in the path, Spack will append
/gpfs/ # the value of `$user` in an attempt to avoid potential conflicts between
/gpfs/ # users in shared temporary spaces.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # The build stage can be purged with `spack clean --stage` and
/gpfs/ # `spack clean -a`, so it is important that the specified directory uniquely
/gpfs/ # identifies Spack staging to avoid accidentally wiping out non-Spack work.
/gpfs/ test_stage: $user_cache_path/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: $user_cache_path/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ deprecated: False
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ url_fetch_method: urllib
/gpfs/ concretizer: clingo
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
/gpfs/ package_lock_timeout: null
/gpfs/ shared_linking: rpath
/gpfs/ allow_sgid: True
/gpfs/ terminal_title: False
_builtin debug: False
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${CI_BUILDS_DIR}/J${CI_JOB_ID}_local_config
$ echo "Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (${XDG_CONFIG_HOME})"
Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (/gpfs/
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install coreneuron%intel +caliper~gpu~legacy-unit~nmodl~openmp+shared+tests~unified build_type=Debug ^hpe-mpi%gcc ^caliper%gcc+cuda cuda_arch=70
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(module load unstable python; echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][\"nodes\"][0][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be udoqinvar6cp75viyxkh44mgzbht4q76
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_BASEDIR=$(realpath -P ${CI_BUILDS_DIR})
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ export CCACHE_DIR="${TMPDIR}/ccache"
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_DIR}
$ if [ -f ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar ]; then
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -xf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar"
$ fi
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750822/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750822/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:34:12 2022
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.02 / 0.51 (4.60 %)
Files: 276
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'udoqinvar6cp75viyxkh44mgzbht4q76'
$ spack spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- coreneuron%intel+caliper~gpu~legacy-unit~nmodl~openmp+shared+tests~unified build_type=Debug
- ^caliper%gcc+cuda cuda_arch=70
- ^hpe-mpi%gcc
- udoqinv coreneuron@develop%intel@2021.4.0+caliper~codegenopt~gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi~nmodl~openmp~profile+report+shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- dwdch6b ^bison@3.8.2%intel@2021.4.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] rdrurry ^boost@1.79.0%intel@2021.4.0+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] pfqy3p5 ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] at3kmf2 ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 2qmvlfy ^cmake@3.21.4%gcc@11.2.0~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hyunzkn ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] wu42aul ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] p6adpyi ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] iu2b5hx ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3rmq3zx ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hxxlexb ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dnxqn2k ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ihxi5rl ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jzpqn5y ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] evtnqzd ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ams67cx ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ir7xtbl ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- bmpk6ez ^m4@1.4.16%gcc@11.2.0+sigsegv arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gc2ivgg ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vcit7s5 ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 72xzp3v ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- s4ueg72 ^flex@2.6.3%intel@2021.4.0+lex~nls arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- za4z336 ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] utj47fz ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r74vcyb ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7lotjqk ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 6ggc5yr ^ninja@1.10.2%intel@2021.4.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 5fkun4i ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} || install_failed=1
==> bison@3.8.2 : has external module in ['bison/3.8.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.8.2-dwdch6bmdeclr2novthsywtrryotawwz)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.79.0-rdrurryqe5eahijb4xf6mbqfryg7ezod)
==> cmake@3.21.4 : has external module in ['cmake/3.21.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.21.4-2qmvlfyylrv3t5ankluyr5cqey2nlfzd)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-hyunzknktdzri34bx26bupkvapehonql)
==> cuda@11.6.1 : has external module in ['cuda/11.6.1']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cuda-11.6.1-wu42aulcivrayjquerqpqvvjeadgosp2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external bzip2-1.0.8-3rmq3zxuntsiphthnvty6gtydbmbkwr5)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-evtnqzdtuvprwnbd2nljimpzywrhw4uo)
[+] /gpfs/ (external ncurses-6.2-ams67cxbq5vc7wiay2ndr2ksce2igbfw)
[+] /usr (external tar-1.28-ir7xtblauhq3vtkpjrl7ou3nzevcsi3u)
[+] /usr (external m4-1.4.16-bmpk6ezkxo3553jsm5thxh7ygtrom3dn)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> python@3.9.7 : has external module in ['python/3.9.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.9.7-72xzp3vgzh5b424qevkfruhs3ajzqbiy)
==> flex@2.6.3 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.3-s4ueg72j7l6vkdyvfxj2tweo7v7s3otx)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-6ggc5yre7qddwxdjmn7sfptpdoiy4dtp)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing libsonata-report-1.1.1_lfp-za4z336pgqylgpjq4szfzmkquwej2xtz
==> No binary for libsonata-report-1.1.1_lfp-za4z336pgqylgpjq4szfzmkquwej2xtz found: installing from source
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
==> Warning: Expected user 904556 to own /gpfs/, but it is owned by 0
==> No patches needed for libsonata-report
==> libsonata-report: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> libsonata-report: Executing phase: 'build'
==> libsonata-report: Executing phase: 'install'
==> libsonata-report: Successfully installed libsonata-report-1.1.1_lfp-za4z336pgqylgpjq4szfzmkquwej2xtz
Fetch: 2.29s. Build: 19.93s. Total: 22.23s.
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing coreneuron-develop-udoqinvar6cp75viyxkh44mgzbht4q76
==> No binary for coreneuron-develop-udoqinvar6cp75viyxkh44mgzbht4q76 found: installing from source
==> No patches needed for coreneuron
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'build'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'install'
==> coreneuron: Successfully installed coreneuron-develop-udoqinvar6cp75viyxkh44mgzbht4q76
Fetch: 4.67s. Build: 3m 14.55s. Total: 3m 19.22s.
[+] /gpfs/
$ chmod -R g+rX "${SPACK_BUILD}"
$ if [[ ${install_failed} == 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750822/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750822/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:38:46 2022
Hits: 52 / 137 (37.96 %)
Direct: 2 / 137 (1.46 %)
Preprocessed: 50 / 135 (37.04 %)
Misses: 85
Direct: 135
Preprocessed: 85
Uncacheable: 43
Primary storage:
Hits: 54 / 274 (19.71 %)
Misses: 220
Cache size (GB): 0.05 / 0.51 (9.36 %)
Files: 478
Called for linking: 32
No input file: 11
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -cf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar" .
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_SLUGIFY=$(echo -n ${SPACK_PACKAGE} | tr -c '[:alnum:]' '_' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.9.7
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
$ if [[ ${num_failures} > 0 ]]; then exit ${num_failures}; fi
section_end:1661773126:step_script section_start:1661773126:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache build:coreneuron:mod2c:intel:shared:debug-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=241434 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ccache.tar: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading to
Created cache
section_end:1661773132:archive_cache section_start:1661773132:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=241716 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340008 responseStatus=201 Created token=K65kj6gr
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=241755 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340008 responseStatus=201 Created token=K65kj6gr
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=241796 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=340008 responseStatus=201 Created token=K65kj6gr
section_end:1661773134:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1661773134:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661773134:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661772814:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661772814:resolve_secrets section_start:1661772814:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340013
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=8, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340013_PROD_P112_CP7_C10
Job parameters: memory=76G, cpus_per_task=8, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=2 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750823
job state: PD
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=2 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G --job-name=GL_J340013_PROD_P112_CP7_C10 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=2 --jobid=750823 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G
section_end:1661772817:prepare_executor section_start:1661772817:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i6n22 via
section_end:1661772820:prepare_script section_start:1661772820:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661772821:get_sources section_start:1661772821:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for build:coreneuron:mod2c:nvhpc:acc:debug:unified-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=165293 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1661772822:restore_cache section_start:1661772822:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for spack_setup (340002)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=165396 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340002 responseStatus=200 OK token=yvzENdBx
section_end:1661772823:download_artifacts section_start:1661772823:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ export SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH=${PWD}/spack-config
$ cat > ${SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/software
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ all: install_{}-{compiler.version}-{target}/{name}-{version}-{hash:6}
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $user_cache_path/modules
/gpfs/ environments:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/environments
/gpfs/ concretization: separately
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 8
/gpfs/ extensions:
/gpfs/ - $spack/bluebrain/spack-scripting
/gpfs/ # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
/gpfs/ # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Temporary locations Spack can try to use for builds.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Recommended options are given below.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Builds can be faster in temporary directories on some (e.g., HPC) systems.
/gpfs/ # Specifying `$tempdir` will ensure use of the default temporary directory
/gpfs/ # (i.e., ``$TMP` or ``$TMPDIR``).
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Another option that prevents conflicts and potential permission issues is
/gpfs/ # to specify `$user_cache_path/stage`, which ensures each user builds in their
/gpfs/ # home directory.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # A more traditional path uses the value of `$spack/var/spack/stage`, which
/gpfs/ # builds directly inside Spack's instance without staging them in a
/gpfs/ # temporary space. Problems with specifying a path inside a Spack instance
/gpfs/ # are that it precludes its use as a system package and its ability to be
/gpfs/ # pip installable.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # In any case, if the username is not already in the path, Spack will append
/gpfs/ # the value of `$user` in an attempt to avoid potential conflicts between
/gpfs/ # users in shared temporary spaces.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # The build stage can be purged with `spack clean --stage` and
/gpfs/ # `spack clean -a`, so it is important that the specified directory uniquely
/gpfs/ # identifies Spack staging to avoid accidentally wiping out non-Spack work.
/gpfs/ test_stage: $user_cache_path/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: $user_cache_path/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ deprecated: False
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ url_fetch_method: urllib
/gpfs/ concretizer: clingo
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
/gpfs/ package_lock_timeout: null
/gpfs/ shared_linking: rpath
/gpfs/ allow_sgid: True
/gpfs/ terminal_title: False
_builtin debug: False
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${CI_BUILDS_DIR}/J${CI_JOB_ID}_local_config
$ echo "Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (${XDG_CONFIG_HOME})"
Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (/gpfs/
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install coreneuron%nvhpc +caliper+gpu~legacy-unit~nmodl+openmp~shared+tests+unified build_type=Debug ^hpe-mpi%gcc ^caliper%gcc+cuda cuda_arch=70
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(module load unstable python; echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][\"nodes\"][0][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be 2asi2me356b2upp2q2whulfko55yuxye
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_BASEDIR=$(realpath -P ${CI_BUILDS_DIR})
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ export CCACHE_DIR="${TMPDIR}/ccache"
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_DIR}
$ if [ -f ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar ]; then
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -xf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar"
$ fi
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750823/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750823/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:34:12 2022
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.03 / 0.51 (5.74 %)
Files: 426
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: '2asi2me356b2upp2q2whulfko55yuxye'
$ spack spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- coreneuron%nvhpc+caliper+gpu~legacy-unit~nmodl+openmp~shared+tests+unified build_type=Debug
- ^caliper%gcc+cuda cuda_arch=70
- ^hpe-mpi%gcc
- 2asi2me coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi~nmodl+openmp~profile+report~shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests+unified build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 6s6wcfe ^bison@3.8.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] fnw44jf ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] pfqy3p5 ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] at3kmf2 ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 2qmvlfy ^cmake@3.21.4%gcc@11.2.0~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hyunzkn ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] wu42aul ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] p6adpyi ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] iu2b5hx ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3rmq3zx ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hxxlexb ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dnxqn2k ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ihxi5rl ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jzpqn5y ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] evtnqzd ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ams67cx ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ir7xtbl ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- bmpk6ez ^m4@1.4.16%gcc@11.2.0+sigsegv arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gc2ivgg ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vcit7s5 ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 72xzp3v ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- ajxdymq ^flex@2.6.3%nvhpc@22.3+lex~nls arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- za4z336 ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] utj47fz ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r74vcyb ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7lotjqk ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- cp3ofsp ^ninja@1.10.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 5fkun4i ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} || install_failed=1
==> bison@3.8.2 : has external module in ['bison/3.8.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.8.2-6s6wcfeanp2mkdib4c3n3ivkcuosopgm)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.79.0-fnw44jfbxyivagsnavjnk6zdaghmffbt)
==> cmake@3.21.4 : has external module in ['cmake/3.21.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.21.4-2qmvlfyylrv3t5ankluyr5cqey2nlfzd)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-hyunzknktdzri34bx26bupkvapehonql)
==> cuda@11.6.1 : has external module in ['cuda/11.6.1']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cuda-11.6.1-wu42aulcivrayjquerqpqvvjeadgosp2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external bzip2-1.0.8-3rmq3zxuntsiphthnvty6gtydbmbkwr5)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-evtnqzdtuvprwnbd2nljimpzywrhw4uo)
[+] /gpfs/ (external ncurses-6.2-ams67cxbq5vc7wiay2ndr2ksce2igbfw)
[+] /usr (external tar-1.28-ir7xtblauhq3vtkpjrl7ou3nzevcsi3u)
[+] /usr (external m4-1.4.16-bmpk6ezkxo3553jsm5thxh7ygtrom3dn)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> python@3.9.7 : has external module in ['python/3.9.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.9.7-72xzp3vgzh5b424qevkfruhs3ajzqbiy)
==> flex@2.6.3 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.3-ajxdymqhnzqgeuhvk5nu5zfymzq35n6i)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-cp3ofspgkdqaqih5vrhotmdwvkozfswp)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing coreneuron-develop-2asi2me356b2upp2q2whulfko55yuxye
==> No binary for coreneuron-develop-2asi2me356b2upp2q2whulfko55yuxye found: installing from source
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
==> Warning: Expected user 904556 to own /gpfs/, but it is owned by 0
==> No patches needed for coreneuron
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'build'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'install'
==> coreneuron: Successfully installed coreneuron-develop-2asi2me356b2upp2q2whulfko55yuxye
Fetch: 4.13s. Build: 5m 19.36s. Total: 5m 23.49s.
[+] /gpfs/
$ chmod -R g+rX "${SPACK_BUILD}"
$ if [[ ${install_failed} == 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750823/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750823/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:40:52 2022
Hits: 29 / 116 (25.00 %)
Direct: 0 / 116 (0.00 %)
Preprocessed: 29 / 116 (25.00 %)
Misses: 87
Direct: 116
Preprocessed: 87
Uncacheable: 22
Primary storage:
Hits: 29 / 232 (12.50 %)
Misses: 203
Cache size (GB): 0.05 / 0.51 (9.99 %)
Files: 611
Called for linking: 19
No input file: 3
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -cf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar" .
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_SLUGIFY=$(echo -n ${SPACK_PACKAGE} | tr -c '[:alnum:]' '_' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.9.7
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
$ if [[ ${num_failures} > 0 ]]; then exit ${num_failures}; fi
section_end:1661773252:step_script section_start:1661773252:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache build:coreneuron:mod2c:nvhpc:acc:debug:unified-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=176673 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ccache.tar: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading to
Created cache
section_end:1661773257:archive_cache section_start:1661773257:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=176745 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340013 responseStatus=201 Created token=yvzENdBx
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=176785 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340013 responseStatus=201 Created token=yvzENdBx
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=176826 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=340013 responseStatus=201 Created token=yvzENdBx
section_end:1661773258:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1661773258:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661773259:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661772815:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661772815:resolve_secrets section_start:1661772815:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340015
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=8, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340015_PROD_P112_CP10_C11
Job parameters: memory=76G, cpus_per_task=8, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=2 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750824
job state: PD
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=2 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G --job-name=GL_J340015_PROD_P112_CP10_C11 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=2 --jobid=750824 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G
section_end:1661772817:prepare_executor section_start:1661772817:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i6n22 via
section_end:1661772820:prepare_script section_start:1661772820:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661772821:get_sources section_start:1661772821:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for build:coreneuron:mod2c:nvhpc:acc:shared-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=165328 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1661772824:restore_cache section_start:1661772824:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for spack_setup (340002)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=165802 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340002 responseStatus=200 OK token=b7oRxPZq
section_end:1661772824:download_artifacts section_start:1661772824:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ export SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH=${PWD}/spack-config
$ cat > ${SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/software
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ all: install_{}-{compiler.version}-{target}/{name}-{version}-{hash:6}
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $user_cache_path/modules
/gpfs/ environments:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/environments
/gpfs/ concretization: separately
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 8
/gpfs/ extensions:
/gpfs/ - $spack/bluebrain/spack-scripting
/gpfs/ # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
/gpfs/ # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Temporary locations Spack can try to use for builds.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Recommended options are given below.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Builds can be faster in temporary directories on some (e.g., HPC) systems.
/gpfs/ # Specifying `$tempdir` will ensure use of the default temporary directory
/gpfs/ # (i.e., ``$TMP` or ``$TMPDIR``).
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Another option that prevents conflicts and potential permission issues is
/gpfs/ # to specify `$user_cache_path/stage`, which ensures each user builds in their
/gpfs/ # home directory.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # A more traditional path uses the value of `$spack/var/spack/stage`, which
/gpfs/ # builds directly inside Spack's instance without staging them in a
/gpfs/ # temporary space. Problems with specifying a path inside a Spack instance
/gpfs/ # are that it precludes its use as a system package and its ability to be
/gpfs/ # pip installable.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # In any case, if the username is not already in the path, Spack will append
/gpfs/ # the value of `$user` in an attempt to avoid potential conflicts between
/gpfs/ # users in shared temporary spaces.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # The build stage can be purged with `spack clean --stage` and
/gpfs/ # `spack clean -a`, so it is important that the specified directory uniquely
/gpfs/ # identifies Spack staging to avoid accidentally wiping out non-Spack work.
/gpfs/ test_stage: $user_cache_path/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: $user_cache_path/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ deprecated: False
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ url_fetch_method: urllib
/gpfs/ concretizer: clingo
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
/gpfs/ package_lock_timeout: null
/gpfs/ shared_linking: rpath
/gpfs/ allow_sgid: True
/gpfs/ terminal_title: False
_builtin debug: False
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${CI_BUILDS_DIR}/J${CI_JOB_ID}_local_config
$ echo "Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (${XDG_CONFIG_HOME})"
Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (/gpfs/
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install coreneuron%nvhpc +caliper+gpu~legacy-unit~nmodl~openmp+shared+tests~unified build_type=RelWithDebInfo ^hpe-mpi%gcc ^caliper%gcc+cuda cuda_arch=70
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(module load unstable python; echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][\"nodes\"][0][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be w2z6dfwdq6k5tkwudhpbj7owhrne5qzi
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_BASEDIR=$(realpath -P ${CI_BUILDS_DIR})
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ export CCACHE_DIR="${TMPDIR}/ccache"
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_DIR}
$ if [ -f ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar ]; then
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -xf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar"
$ fi
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750824/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750824/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:34:12 2022
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.21 / 0.51 (40.67 %)
Files: 2156
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'w2z6dfwdq6k5tkwudhpbj7owhrne5qzi'
$ spack spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- coreneuron%nvhpc+caliper+gpu~legacy-unit~nmodl~openmp+shared+tests~unified build_type=RelWithDebInfo
- ^caliper%gcc+cuda cuda_arch=70
- ^hpe-mpi%gcc
- w2z6dfw coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi~nmodl~openmp~profile+report+shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 6s6wcfe ^bison@3.8.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] fnw44jf ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] pfqy3p5 ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] at3kmf2 ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 2qmvlfy ^cmake@3.21.4%gcc@11.2.0~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hyunzkn ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] wu42aul ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] p6adpyi ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] iu2b5hx ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3rmq3zx ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hxxlexb ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dnxqn2k ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ihxi5rl ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jzpqn5y ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] evtnqzd ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ams67cx ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ir7xtbl ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- bmpk6ez ^m4@1.4.16%gcc@11.2.0+sigsegv arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gc2ivgg ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vcit7s5 ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 72xzp3v ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- ajxdymq ^flex@2.6.3%nvhpc@22.3+lex~nls arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- za4z336 ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] utj47fz ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r74vcyb ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7lotjqk ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- cp3ofsp ^ninja@1.10.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 5fkun4i ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} || install_failed=1
==> bison@3.8.2 : has external module in ['bison/3.8.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.8.2-6s6wcfeanp2mkdib4c3n3ivkcuosopgm)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.79.0-fnw44jfbxyivagsnavjnk6zdaghmffbt)
==> cmake@3.21.4 : has external module in ['cmake/3.21.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.21.4-2qmvlfyylrv3t5ankluyr5cqey2nlfzd)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-hyunzknktdzri34bx26bupkvapehonql)
==> cuda@11.6.1 : has external module in ['cuda/11.6.1']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cuda-11.6.1-wu42aulcivrayjquerqpqvvjeadgosp2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external bzip2-1.0.8-3rmq3zxuntsiphthnvty6gtydbmbkwr5)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-evtnqzdtuvprwnbd2nljimpzywrhw4uo)
[+] /gpfs/ (external ncurses-6.2-ams67cxbq5vc7wiay2ndr2ksce2igbfw)
[+] /usr (external tar-1.28-ir7xtblauhq3vtkpjrl7ou3nzevcsi3u)
[+] /usr (external m4-1.4.16-bmpk6ezkxo3553jsm5thxh7ygtrom3dn)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> python@3.9.7 : has external module in ['python/3.9.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.9.7-72xzp3vgzh5b424qevkfruhs3ajzqbiy)
==> flex@2.6.3 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.3-ajxdymqhnzqgeuhvk5nu5zfymzq35n6i)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-cp3ofspgkdqaqih5vrhotmdwvkozfswp)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing coreneuron-develop-w2z6dfwdq6k5tkwudhpbj7owhrne5qzi
==> No binary for coreneuron-develop-w2z6dfwdq6k5tkwudhpbj7owhrne5qzi found: installing from source
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
==> Warning: Expected user 904556 to own /gpfs/, but it is owned by 0
==> No patches needed for coreneuron
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'build'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'install'
==> coreneuron: Successfully installed coreneuron-develop-w2z6dfwdq6k5tkwudhpbj7owhrne5qzi
Fetch: 4.16s. Build: 5m 13.20s. Total: 5m 17.36s.
[+] /gpfs/
$ chmod -R g+rX "${SPACK_BUILD}"
$ if [[ ${install_failed} == 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750824/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750824/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:40:46 2022
Hits: 50 / 115 (43.48 %)
Direct: 0 / 115 (0.00 %)
Preprocessed: 50 / 115 (43.48 %)
Misses: 65
Direct: 115
Preprocessed: 65
Uncacheable: 21
Primary storage:
Hits: 50 / 230 (21.74 %)
Misses: 180
Cache size (GB): 0.22 / 0.51 (43.23 %)
Files: 2318
Called for linking: 18
No input file: 3
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -cf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar" .
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_SLUGIFY=$(echo -n ${SPACK_PACKAGE} | tr -c '[:alnum:]' '_' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.9.7
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
$ if [[ ${num_failures} > 0 ]]; then exit ${num_failures}; fi
section_end:1661773246:step_script section_start:1661773246:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache build:coreneuron:mod2c:nvhpc:acc:shared-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=176399 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ccache.tar: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading to
Created cache
section_end:1661773259:archive_cache section_start:1661773259:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=176942 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340015 responseStatus=201 Created token=b7oRxPZq
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=176980 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340015 responseStatus=201 Created token=b7oRxPZq
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=177019 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=340015 responseStatus=201 Created token=b7oRxPZq
section_end:1661773261:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1661773261:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661773261:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773133:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773133:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773133:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340009
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=8, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340009_PROD_P112_CP5_C8
Job parameters: memory=76G, cpus_per_task=8, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=2 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750833
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=2 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G --job-name=GL_J340009_PROD_P112_CP5_C8 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=2 --jobid=750833 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G
section_end:1661773134:prepare_executor section_start:1661773134:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i6n20 via
section_end:1661773136:prepare_script section_start:1661773136:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773137:get_sources section_start:1661773137:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for build:coreneuron:nmodl:intel:debug:legacy-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=242282 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading from
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1661773139:restore_cache section_start:1661773139:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:nmodl (340006)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=242442 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340006 responseStatus=200 OK token=Ru4sCfj5
section_end:1661773140:download_artifacts section_start:1661773140:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ export SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH=${PWD}/spack-config
$ cat > ${SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/software
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ all: install_{}-{compiler.version}-{target}/{name}-{version}-{hash:6}
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $user_cache_path/modules
/gpfs/ environments:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/environments
/gpfs/ concretization: separately
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 8
/gpfs/ extensions:
/gpfs/ - $spack/bluebrain/spack-scripting
/gpfs/ # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
/gpfs/ # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Temporary locations Spack can try to use for builds.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Recommended options are given below.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Builds can be faster in temporary directories on some (e.g., HPC) systems.
/gpfs/ # Specifying `$tempdir` will ensure use of the default temporary directory
/gpfs/ # (i.e., ``$TMP` or ``$TMPDIR``).
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Another option that prevents conflicts and potential permission issues is
/gpfs/ # to specify `$user_cache_path/stage`, which ensures each user builds in their
/gpfs/ # home directory.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # A more traditional path uses the value of `$spack/var/spack/stage`, which
/gpfs/ # builds directly inside Spack's instance without staging them in a
/gpfs/ # temporary space. Problems with specifying a path inside a Spack instance
/gpfs/ # are that it precludes its use as a system package and its ability to be
/gpfs/ # pip installable.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # In any case, if the username is not already in the path, Spack will append
/gpfs/ # the value of `$user` in an attempt to avoid potential conflicts between
/gpfs/ # users in shared temporary spaces.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # The build stage can be purged with `spack clean --stage` and
/gpfs/ # `spack clean -a`, so it is important that the specified directory uniquely
/gpfs/ # identifies Spack staging to avoid accidentally wiping out non-Spack work.
/gpfs/ test_stage: $user_cache_path/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: $user_cache_path/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ deprecated: False
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ url_fetch_method: urllib
/gpfs/ concretizer: clingo
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
/gpfs/ package_lock_timeout: null
/gpfs/ shared_linking: rpath
/gpfs/ allow_sgid: True
/gpfs/ terminal_title: False
_builtin debug: False
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${CI_BUILDS_DIR}/J${CI_JOB_ID}_local_config
$ echo "Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (${XDG_CONFIG_HOME})"
Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (/gpfs/
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install coreneuron%intel +caliper~gpu~legacy-unit+nmodl~openmp~shared~sympy+tests~unified build_type=Debug ^hpe-mpi%gcc ^caliper%gcc+cuda cuda_arch=70 ^/4dzxcpsuksxgtuoesheax4sf76wrhkqb
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(module load unstable python; echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][\"nodes\"][0][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be zuoxzsx3dntc3wdakjdbmuw53lm7b7fk
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_BASEDIR=$(realpath -P ${CI_BUILDS_DIR})
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ export CCACHE_DIR="${TMPDIR}/ccache"
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_DIR}
$ if [ -f ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar ]; then
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -xf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar"
$ fi
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750833/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750833/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:39:28 2022
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.05 / 0.51 (9.78 %)
Files: 637
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'zuoxzsx3dntc3wdakjdbmuw53lm7b7fk'
$ spack spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- coreneuron%intel+caliper~gpu~legacy-unit+nmodl~openmp~shared~sympy+tests~unified build_type=Debug
- ^caliper%gcc+cuda cuda_arch=70
- ^hpe-mpi%gcc
[+] ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- zuoxzsx coreneuron@develop%intel@2021.4.0+caliper~codegenopt~gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl~openmp~profile+report~shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- dwdch6b ^bison@3.8.2%intel@2021.4.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] rdrurry ^boost@1.79.0%intel@2021.4.0+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] pfqy3p5 ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] at3kmf2 ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 2qmvlfy ^cmake@3.21.4%gcc@11.2.0~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hyunzkn ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] wu42aul ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] p6adpyi ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] iu2b5hx ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3rmq3zx ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hxxlexb ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dnxqn2k ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ihxi5rl ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jzpqn5y ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] evtnqzd ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ams67cx ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ir7xtbl ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- bmpk6ez ^m4@1.4.16%gcc@11.2.0+sigsegv arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gc2ivgg ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vcit7s5 ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 72xzp3v ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- s4ueg72 ^flex@2.6.3%intel@2021.4.0+lex~nls arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] za4z336 ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] utj47fz ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r74vcyb ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7lotjqk ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 6ggc5yr ^ninja@1.10.2%intel@2021.4.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] 4dzxcps ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] atktt2p ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] e5qqxxq ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jjl6cjc ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] onq3mhg ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 4ectow5 ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] z5kzef6 ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 22arfs4 ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ascbeii ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] kvw3vhm ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7iyiygo ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] c7qvw2q ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] mazoiox ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] y7rfzdj ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] v4z3s5e ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] w4gddqx ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ci5oe5b ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] xj2wlac ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vt2or7v ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dzb2mfs ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 5fkun4i ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} || install_failed=1
==> bison@3.8.2 : has external module in ['bison/3.8.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.8.2-dwdch6bmdeclr2novthsywtrryotawwz)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.79.0-rdrurryqe5eahijb4xf6mbqfryg7ezod)
==> cmake@3.21.4 : has external module in ['cmake/3.21.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.21.4-2qmvlfyylrv3t5ankluyr5cqey2nlfzd)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-hyunzknktdzri34bx26bupkvapehonql)
==> cuda@11.6.1 : has external module in ['cuda/11.6.1']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cuda-11.6.1-wu42aulcivrayjquerqpqvvjeadgosp2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external bzip2-1.0.8-3rmq3zxuntsiphthnvty6gtydbmbkwr5)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-evtnqzdtuvprwnbd2nljimpzywrhw4uo)
[+] /gpfs/ (external ncurses-6.2-ams67cxbq5vc7wiay2ndr2ksce2igbfw)
[+] /usr (external tar-1.28-ir7xtblauhq3vtkpjrl7ou3nzevcsi3u)
[+] /usr (external m4-1.4.16-bmpk6ezkxo3553jsm5thxh7ygtrom3dn)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> python@3.9.7 : has external module in ['python/3.9.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.9.7-72xzp3vgzh5b424qevkfruhs3ajzqbiy)
==> flex@2.6.3 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.3-s4ueg72j7l6vkdyvfxj2tweo7v7s3otx)
[+] /gpfs/
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-6ggc5yre7qddwxdjmn7sfptpdoiy4dtp)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing coreneuron-develop-zuoxzsx3dntc3wdakjdbmuw53lm7b7fk
==> No binary for coreneuron-develop-zuoxzsx3dntc3wdakjdbmuw53lm7b7fk found: installing from source
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
==> Warning: Expected user 904556 to own /gpfs/, but it is owned by 0
==> No patches needed for coreneuron
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'build'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'install'
==> coreneuron: Successfully installed coreneuron-develop-zuoxzsx3dntc3wdakjdbmuw53lm7b7fk
Fetch: 4.66s. Build: 5m 23.13s. Total: 5m 27.79s.
[+] /gpfs/
$ chmod -R g+rX "${SPACK_BUILD}"
$ if [[ ${install_failed} == 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750833/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750833/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:45:49 2022
Hits: 8 / 96 (8.33 %)
Direct: 0 / 96 (0.00 %)
Preprocessed: 8 / 96 (8.33 %)
Misses: 88
Direct: 96
Preprocessed: 88
Uncacheable: 21
Primary storage:
Hits: 8 / 192 (4.17 %)
Misses: 184
Cache size (GB): 0.07 / 0.51 (12.87 %)
Files: 821
Called for linking: 18
No input file: 3
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -cf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar" .
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_SLUGIFY=$(echo -n ${SPACK_PACKAGE} | tr -c '[:alnum:]' '_' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.9.7
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
$ if [[ ${num_failures} > 0 ]]; then exit ${num_failures}; fi
section_end:1661773550:step_script section_start:1661773550:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache build:coreneuron:nmodl:intel:debug:legacy-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=251980 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ccache.tar: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading to
Created cache
section_end:1661773558:archive_cache section_start:1661773558:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=252056 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340009 responseStatus=201 Created token=Ru4sCfj5
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=252096 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340009 responseStatus=201 Created token=Ru4sCfj5
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=252140 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=340009 responseStatus=201 Created token=Ru4sCfj5
section_end:1661773559:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1661773559:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661773560:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773133:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773133:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773133:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340011
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=8, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340011_PROD_P112_CP11_C15
Job parameters: memory=76G, cpus_per_task=8, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=2 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750834
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=2 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G --job-name=GL_J340011_PROD_P112_CP11_C15 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=2 --jobid=750834 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G
section_end:1661773134:prepare_executor section_start:1661773134:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i6n29 via
section_end:1661773136:prepare_script section_start:1661773136:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773137:get_sources section_start:1661773137:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for build:coreneuron:nmodl:intel:shared:debug-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=215424 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1661773138:restore_cache section_start:1661773138:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:nmodl (340006)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=215526 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340006 responseStatus=200 OK token=nTrmLA_J
section_end:1661773139:download_artifacts section_start:1661773139:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ export SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH=${PWD}/spack-config
$ cat > ${SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/software
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ all: install_{}-{compiler.version}-{target}/{name}-{version}-{hash:6}
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $user_cache_path/modules
/gpfs/ environments:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/environments
/gpfs/ concretization: separately
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 8
/gpfs/ extensions:
/gpfs/ - $spack/bluebrain/spack-scripting
/gpfs/ # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
/gpfs/ # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Temporary locations Spack can try to use for builds.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Recommended options are given below.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Builds can be faster in temporary directories on some (e.g., HPC) systems.
/gpfs/ # Specifying `$tempdir` will ensure use of the default temporary directory
/gpfs/ # (i.e., ``$TMP` or ``$TMPDIR``).
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Another option that prevents conflicts and potential permission issues is
/gpfs/ # to specify `$user_cache_path/stage`, which ensures each user builds in their
/gpfs/ # home directory.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # A more traditional path uses the value of `$spack/var/spack/stage`, which
/gpfs/ # builds directly inside Spack's instance without staging them in a
/gpfs/ # temporary space. Problems with specifying a path inside a Spack instance
/gpfs/ # are that it precludes its use as a system package and its ability to be
/gpfs/ # pip installable.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # In any case, if the username is not already in the path, Spack will append
/gpfs/ # the value of `$user` in an attempt to avoid potential conflicts between
/gpfs/ # users in shared temporary spaces.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # The build stage can be purged with `spack clean --stage` and
/gpfs/ # `spack clean -a`, so it is important that the specified directory uniquely
/gpfs/ # identifies Spack staging to avoid accidentally wiping out non-Spack work.
/gpfs/ test_stage: $user_cache_path/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: $user_cache_path/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ deprecated: False
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ url_fetch_method: urllib
/gpfs/ concretizer: clingo
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
/gpfs/ package_lock_timeout: null
/gpfs/ shared_linking: rpath
/gpfs/ allow_sgid: True
/gpfs/ terminal_title: False
_builtin debug: False
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${CI_BUILDS_DIR}/J${CI_JOB_ID}_local_config
$ echo "Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (${XDG_CONFIG_HOME})"
Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (/gpfs/
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install coreneuron%intel ~caliper~gpu~legacy-unit+nmodl~openmp+shared+sympy+tests~unified build_type=Debug ^hpe-mpi%gcc ^/4dzxcpsuksxgtuoesheax4sf76wrhkqb
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(module load unstable python; echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][\"nodes\"][0][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be llrathjfizt2srhxvycobladth2ilof2
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_BASEDIR=$(realpath -P ${CI_BUILDS_DIR})
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ export CCACHE_DIR="${TMPDIR}/ccache"
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_DIR}
$ if [ -f ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar ]; then
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -xf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar"
$ fi
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750834/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750834/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:39:27 2022
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.02 / 0.51 (4.53 %)
Files: 226
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'llrathjfizt2srhxvycobladth2ilof2'
$ spack spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- coreneuron%intel~caliper~gpu~legacy-unit+nmodl~openmp+shared+sympy+tests~unified build_type=Debug
- ^hpe-mpi%gcc
[+] ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- llrathj coreneuron@develop%intel@2021.4.0~caliper~codegenopt~gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl~openmp~profile+report+shared+sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- dwdch6b ^bison@3.8.2%intel@2021.4.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] rdrurry ^boost@1.79.0%intel@2021.4.0+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 2qmvlfy ^cmake@3.21.4%gcc@11.2.0~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- s4ueg72 ^flex@2.6.3%intel@2021.4.0+lex~nls arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hyunzkn ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] za4z336 ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] utj47fz ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ihxi5rl ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] evtnqzd ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r74vcyb ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7lotjqk ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 6ggc5yr ^ninja@1.10.2%intel@2021.4.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] 4dzxcps ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] atktt2p ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] e5qqxxq ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jjl6cjc ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] onq3mhg ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 4ectow5 ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 72xzp3v ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] z5kzef6 ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 22arfs4 ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ascbeii ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] kvw3vhm ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7iyiygo ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] c7qvw2q ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] mazoiox ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] y7rfzdj ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] v4z3s5e ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] w4gddqx ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ci5oe5b ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] xj2wlac ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vt2or7v ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dzb2mfs ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 5fkun4i ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} || install_failed=1
==> bison@3.8.2 : has external module in ['bison/3.8.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.8.2-dwdch6bmdeclr2novthsywtrryotawwz)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.79.0-rdrurryqe5eahijb4xf6mbqfryg7ezod)
==> cmake@3.21.4 : has external module in ['cmake/3.21.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.21.4-2qmvlfyylrv3t5ankluyr5cqey2nlfzd)
==> flex@2.6.3 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.3-s4ueg72j7l6vkdyvfxj2tweo7v7s3otx)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-hyunzknktdzri34bx26bupkvapehonql)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-evtnqzdtuvprwnbd2nljimpzywrhw4uo)
[+] /gpfs/
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-6ggc5yre7qddwxdjmn7sfptpdoiy4dtp)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> python@3.9.7 : has external module in ['python/3.9.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.9.7-72xzp3vgzh5b424qevkfruhs3ajzqbiy)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing coreneuron-develop-llrathjfizt2srhxvycobladth2ilof2
==> No binary for coreneuron-develop-llrathjfizt2srhxvycobladth2ilof2 found: installing from source
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
==> Warning: Expected user 904556 to own /gpfs/, but it is owned by 0
==> No patches needed for coreneuron
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'build'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'install'
==> coreneuron: Successfully installed coreneuron-develop-llrathjfizt2srhxvycobladth2ilof2
Fetch: 4.73s. Build: 2m 59.33s. Total: 3m 4.06s.
[+] /gpfs/
$ chmod -R g+rX "${SPACK_BUILD}"
$ if [[ ${install_failed} == 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750834/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750834/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:43:28 2022
Hits: 29 / 92 (31.52 %)
Direct: 0 / 92 (0.00 %)
Preprocessed: 29 / 92 (31.52 %)
Misses: 63
Direct: 92
Preprocessed: 63
Uncacheable: 17
Primary storage:
Hits: 29 / 184 (15.76 %)
Misses: 155
Cache size (GB): 0.04 / 0.51 (7.25 %)
Files: 381
Called for linking: 14
No input file: 3
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -cf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar" .
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_SLUGIFY=$(echo -n ${SPACK_PACKAGE} | tr -c '[:alnum:]' '_' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.9.7
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
$ if [[ ${num_failures} > 0 ]]; then exit ${num_failures}; fi
section_end:1661773410:step_script section_start:1661773410:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache build:coreneuron:nmodl:intel:shared:debug-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=222280 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ccache.tar: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading to
Created cache
section_end:1661773413:archive_cache section_start:1661773413:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=222562 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340011 responseStatus=201 Created token=nTrmLA_J
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=222601 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340011 responseStatus=201 Created token=nTrmLA_J
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=222649 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=340011 responseStatus=201 Created token=nTrmLA_J
section_end:1661773414:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1661773414:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661773415:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773133:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773133:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773133:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340017
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=8, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340017_PROD_P112_CP12_C16
Job parameters: memory=76G, cpus_per_task=8, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=2 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750835
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=2 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G --job-name=GL_J340017_PROD_P112_CP12_C16 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=2 --jobid=750835 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G
section_end:1661773135:prepare_executor section_start:1661773135:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i6n20 via
section_end:1661773137:prepare_script section_start:1661773137:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773138:get_sources section_start:1661773138:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for build:coreneuron:nmodl:nvhpc:acc:debug:legacy-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=242377 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1661773142:restore_cache section_start:1661773142:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:nmodl (340006)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=242934 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340006 responseStatus=200 OK token=d8_af-FL
section_end:1661773143:download_artifacts section_start:1661773143:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ export SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH=${PWD}/spack-config
$ cat > ${SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/software
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ all: install_{}-{compiler.version}-{target}/{name}-{version}-{hash:6}
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $user_cache_path/modules
/gpfs/ environments:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/environments
/gpfs/ concretization: separately
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 8
/gpfs/ extensions:
/gpfs/ - $spack/bluebrain/spack-scripting
/gpfs/ # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
/gpfs/ # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Temporary locations Spack can try to use for builds.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Recommended options are given below.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Builds can be faster in temporary directories on some (e.g., HPC) systems.
/gpfs/ # Specifying `$tempdir` will ensure use of the default temporary directory
/gpfs/ # (i.e., ``$TMP` or ``$TMPDIR``).
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Another option that prevents conflicts and potential permission issues is
/gpfs/ # to specify `$user_cache_path/stage`, which ensures each user builds in their
/gpfs/ # home directory.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # A more traditional path uses the value of `$spack/var/spack/stage`, which
/gpfs/ # builds directly inside Spack's instance without staging them in a
/gpfs/ # temporary space. Problems with specifying a path inside a Spack instance
/gpfs/ # are that it precludes its use as a system package and its ability to be
/gpfs/ # pip installable.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # In any case, if the username is not already in the path, Spack will append
/gpfs/ # the value of `$user` in an attempt to avoid potential conflicts between
/gpfs/ # users in shared temporary spaces.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # The build stage can be purged with `spack clean --stage` and
/gpfs/ # `spack clean -a`, so it is important that the specified directory uniquely
/gpfs/ # identifies Spack staging to avoid accidentally wiping out non-Spack work.
/gpfs/ test_stage: $user_cache_path/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: $user_cache_path/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ deprecated: False
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ url_fetch_method: urllib
/gpfs/ concretizer: clingo
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
/gpfs/ package_lock_timeout: null
/gpfs/ shared_linking: rpath
/gpfs/ allow_sgid: True
/gpfs/ terminal_title: False
_builtin debug: False
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${CI_BUILDS_DIR}/J${CI_JOB_ID}_local_config
$ echo "Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (${XDG_CONFIG_HOME})"
Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (/gpfs/
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install coreneuron%nvhpc +caliper+gpu~legacy-unit+nmodl~openmp~shared~sympy+tests~unified build_type=Debug ^hpe-mpi%gcc ^caliper%gcc+cuda cuda_arch=70 ^/4dzxcpsuksxgtuoesheax4sf76wrhkqb
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(module load unstable python; echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][\"nodes\"][0][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be c4ejopvtyojmvulo3446oacx63lpkltx
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_BASEDIR=$(realpath -P ${CI_BUILDS_DIR})
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ export CCACHE_DIR="${TMPDIR}/ccache"
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_DIR}
$ if [ -f ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar ]; then
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -xf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar"
$ fi
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750835/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750835/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:39:28 2022
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.28 / 0.51 (54.84 %)
Files: 876
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'c4ejopvtyojmvulo3446oacx63lpkltx'
$ spack spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- coreneuron%nvhpc+caliper+gpu~legacy-unit+nmodl~openmp~shared~sympy+tests~unified build_type=Debug
- ^caliper%gcc+cuda cuda_arch=70
- ^hpe-mpi%gcc
[+] ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- c4ejopv coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl~openmp~profile+report~shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 6s6wcfe ^bison@3.8.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] fnw44jf ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] pfqy3p5 ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] at3kmf2 ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 2qmvlfy ^cmake@3.21.4%gcc@11.2.0~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hyunzkn ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] wu42aul ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] p6adpyi ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] iu2b5hx ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3rmq3zx ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hxxlexb ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dnxqn2k ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ihxi5rl ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jzpqn5y ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] evtnqzd ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ams67cx ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ir7xtbl ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- bmpk6ez ^m4@1.4.16%gcc@11.2.0+sigsegv arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gc2ivgg ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vcit7s5 ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 72xzp3v ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- ajxdymq ^flex@2.6.3%nvhpc@22.3+lex~nls arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] za4z336 ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] utj47fz ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r74vcyb ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7lotjqk ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- cp3ofsp ^ninja@1.10.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] 4dzxcps ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] atktt2p ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] e5qqxxq ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jjl6cjc ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] onq3mhg ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 4ectow5 ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] z5kzef6 ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 22arfs4 ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ascbeii ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] kvw3vhm ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7iyiygo ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] c7qvw2q ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] mazoiox ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] y7rfzdj ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] v4z3s5e ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] w4gddqx ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ci5oe5b ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] xj2wlac ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vt2or7v ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dzb2mfs ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 5fkun4i ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} || install_failed=1
==> bison@3.8.2 : has external module in ['bison/3.8.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.8.2-6s6wcfeanp2mkdib4c3n3ivkcuosopgm)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.79.0-fnw44jfbxyivagsnavjnk6zdaghmffbt)
==> cmake@3.21.4 : has external module in ['cmake/3.21.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.21.4-2qmvlfyylrv3t5ankluyr5cqey2nlfzd)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-hyunzknktdzri34bx26bupkvapehonql)
==> cuda@11.6.1 : has external module in ['cuda/11.6.1']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cuda-11.6.1-wu42aulcivrayjquerqpqvvjeadgosp2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external bzip2-1.0.8-3rmq3zxuntsiphthnvty6gtydbmbkwr5)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-evtnqzdtuvprwnbd2nljimpzywrhw4uo)
[+] /gpfs/ (external ncurses-6.2-ams67cxbq5vc7wiay2ndr2ksce2igbfw)
[+] /usr (external tar-1.28-ir7xtblauhq3vtkpjrl7ou3nzevcsi3u)
[+] /usr (external m4-1.4.16-bmpk6ezkxo3553jsm5thxh7ygtrom3dn)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> python@3.9.7 : has external module in ['python/3.9.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.9.7-72xzp3vgzh5b424qevkfruhs3ajzqbiy)
==> flex@2.6.3 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.3-ajxdymqhnzqgeuhvk5nu5zfymzq35n6i)
[+] /gpfs/
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-cp3ofspgkdqaqih5vrhotmdwvkozfswp)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing coreneuron-develop-c4ejopvtyojmvulo3446oacx63lpkltx
==> No binary for coreneuron-develop-c4ejopvtyojmvulo3446oacx63lpkltx found: installing from source
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
==> Warning: Expected user 904556 to own /gpfs/, but it is owned by 0
==> No patches needed for coreneuron
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'build'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'install'
==> coreneuron: Successfully installed coreneuron-develop-c4ejopvtyojmvulo3446oacx63lpkltx
Fetch: 4.20s. Build: 8m 32.26s. Total: 8m 36.46s.
[+] /gpfs/
$ chmod -R g+rX "${SPACK_BUILD}"
$ if [[ ${install_failed} == 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750835/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750835/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:48:58 2022
Hits: 8 / 95 (8.42 %)
Direct: 0 / 95 (0.00 %)
Preprocessed: 8 / 95 (8.42 %)
Misses: 87
Direct: 95
Preprocessed: 87
Uncacheable: 19
Primary storage:
Hits: 8 / 190 (4.21 %)
Misses: 182
Cache size (GB): 0.31 / 0.51 (59.87 %)
Files: 1058
Called for linking: 16
No input file: 3
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -cf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar" .
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_SLUGIFY=$(echo -n ${SPACK_PACKAGE} | tr -c '[:alnum:]' '_' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.9.7
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
$ if [[ ${num_failures} > 0 ]]; then exit ${num_failures}; fi
section_end:1661773739:step_script section_start:1661773739:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache build:coreneuron:nmodl:nvhpc:acc:debug:legacy-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=254886 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ccache.tar: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading to
Created cache
section_end:1661773753:archive_cache section_start:1661773753:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=254965 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340017 responseStatus=201 Created token=d8_af-FL
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=255006 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340017 responseStatus=201 Created token=d8_af-FL
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=255046 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=340017 responseStatus=201 Created token=d8_af-FL
section_end:1661773754:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1661773754:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661773755:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773134:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773134:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773134:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340019
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=8, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340019_PROD_P112_CP13_C17
Job parameters: memory=76G, cpus_per_task=8, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=2 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750836
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=2 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G --job-name=GL_J340019_PROD_P112_CP13_C17 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=2 --jobid=750836 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G
section_end:1661773135:prepare_executor section_start:1661773135:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i6n29 via
section_end:1661773137:prepare_script section_start:1661773137:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773138:get_sources section_start:1661773138:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for build:coreneuron:nmodl:nvhpc:acc:shared-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=215580 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1661773141:restore_cache section_start:1661773141:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:nmodl (340006)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=216040 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340006 responseStatus=200 OK token=mCbsqAVm
section_end:1661773141:download_artifacts section_start:1661773141:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ export SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH=${PWD}/spack-config
$ cat > ${SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/software
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ all: install_{}-{compiler.version}-{target}/{name}-{version}-{hash:6}
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $user_cache_path/modules
/gpfs/ environments:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/environments
/gpfs/ concretization: separately
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 8
/gpfs/ extensions:
/gpfs/ - $spack/bluebrain/spack-scripting
/gpfs/ # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
/gpfs/ # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Temporary locations Spack can try to use for builds.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Recommended options are given below.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Builds can be faster in temporary directories on some (e.g., HPC) systems.
/gpfs/ # Specifying `$tempdir` will ensure use of the default temporary directory
/gpfs/ # (i.e., ``$TMP` or ``$TMPDIR``).
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Another option that prevents conflicts and potential permission issues is
/gpfs/ # to specify `$user_cache_path/stage`, which ensures each user builds in their
/gpfs/ # home directory.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # A more traditional path uses the value of `$spack/var/spack/stage`, which
/gpfs/ # builds directly inside Spack's instance without staging them in a
/gpfs/ # temporary space. Problems with specifying a path inside a Spack instance
/gpfs/ # are that it precludes its use as a system package and its ability to be
/gpfs/ # pip installable.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # In any case, if the username is not already in the path, Spack will append
/gpfs/ # the value of `$user` in an attempt to avoid potential conflicts between
/gpfs/ # users in shared temporary spaces.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # The build stage can be purged with `spack clean --stage` and
/gpfs/ # `spack clean -a`, so it is important that the specified directory uniquely
/gpfs/ # identifies Spack staging to avoid accidentally wiping out non-Spack work.
/gpfs/ test_stage: $user_cache_path/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: $user_cache_path/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ deprecated: False
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ url_fetch_method: urllib
/gpfs/ concretizer: clingo
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
/gpfs/ package_lock_timeout: null
/gpfs/ shared_linking: rpath
/gpfs/ allow_sgid: True
/gpfs/ terminal_title: False
_builtin debug: False
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${CI_BUILDS_DIR}/J${CI_JOB_ID}_local_config
$ echo "Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (${XDG_CONFIG_HOME})"
Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (/gpfs/
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install coreneuron%nvhpc +caliper+gpu~legacy-unit+nmodl~openmp+shared+sympy+tests~unified build_type=RelWithDebInfo ^hpe-mpi%gcc ^caliper%gcc+cuda cuda_arch=70 ^/4dzxcpsuksxgtuoesheax4sf76wrhkqb
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(module load unstable python; echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][\"nodes\"][0][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be 5ic77t43uub7ftzfth3y7tno3vxw2oiv
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_BASEDIR=$(realpath -P ${CI_BUILDS_DIR})
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ export CCACHE_DIR="${TMPDIR}/ccache"
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_DIR}
$ if [ -f ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar ]; then
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -xf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar"
$ fi
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750836/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750836/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:39:28 2022
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.14 / 0.51 (27.22 %)
Files: 1013
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: '5ic77t43uub7ftzfth3y7tno3vxw2oiv'
$ spack spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- coreneuron%nvhpc+caliper+gpu~legacy-unit+nmodl~openmp+shared+sympy+tests~unified build_type=RelWithDebInfo
- ^caliper%gcc+cuda cuda_arch=70
- ^hpe-mpi%gcc
[+] ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 5ic77t4 coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl~openmp~profile+report+shared+sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 6s6wcfe ^bison@3.8.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] fnw44jf ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] pfqy3p5 ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] at3kmf2 ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 2qmvlfy ^cmake@3.21.4%gcc@11.2.0~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hyunzkn ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] wu42aul ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] p6adpyi ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] iu2b5hx ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3rmq3zx ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hxxlexb ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dnxqn2k ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ihxi5rl ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jzpqn5y ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] evtnqzd ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ams67cx ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ir7xtbl ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- bmpk6ez ^m4@1.4.16%gcc@11.2.0+sigsegv arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gc2ivgg ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vcit7s5 ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 72xzp3v ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- ajxdymq ^flex@2.6.3%nvhpc@22.3+lex~nls arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] za4z336 ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] utj47fz ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r74vcyb ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7lotjqk ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- cp3ofsp ^ninja@1.10.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] 4dzxcps ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] atktt2p ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] e5qqxxq ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jjl6cjc ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] onq3mhg ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 4ectow5 ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] z5kzef6 ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 22arfs4 ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ascbeii ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] kvw3vhm ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7iyiygo ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] c7qvw2q ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] mazoiox ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] y7rfzdj ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] v4z3s5e ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] w4gddqx ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ci5oe5b ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] xj2wlac ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vt2or7v ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dzb2mfs ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 5fkun4i ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} || install_failed=1
==> bison@3.8.2 : has external module in ['bison/3.8.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.8.2-6s6wcfeanp2mkdib4c3n3ivkcuosopgm)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.79.0-fnw44jfbxyivagsnavjnk6zdaghmffbt)
==> cmake@3.21.4 : has external module in ['cmake/3.21.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.21.4-2qmvlfyylrv3t5ankluyr5cqey2nlfzd)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-hyunzknktdzri34bx26bupkvapehonql)
==> cuda@11.6.1 : has external module in ['cuda/11.6.1']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cuda-11.6.1-wu42aulcivrayjquerqpqvvjeadgosp2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external bzip2-1.0.8-3rmq3zxuntsiphthnvty6gtydbmbkwr5)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-evtnqzdtuvprwnbd2nljimpzywrhw4uo)
[+] /gpfs/ (external ncurses-6.2-ams67cxbq5vc7wiay2ndr2ksce2igbfw)
[+] /usr (external tar-1.28-ir7xtblauhq3vtkpjrl7ou3nzevcsi3u)
[+] /usr (external m4-1.4.16-bmpk6ezkxo3553jsm5thxh7ygtrom3dn)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> python@3.9.7 : has external module in ['python/3.9.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.9.7-72xzp3vgzh5b424qevkfruhs3ajzqbiy)
==> flex@2.6.3 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.3-ajxdymqhnzqgeuhvk5nu5zfymzq35n6i)
[+] /gpfs/
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-cp3ofspgkdqaqih5vrhotmdwvkozfswp)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing coreneuron-develop-5ic77t43uub7ftzfth3y7tno3vxw2oiv
==> No binary for coreneuron-develop-5ic77t43uub7ftzfth3y7tno3vxw2oiv found: installing from source
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
==> Warning: Expected user 904556 to own /gpfs/, but it is owned by 0
==> No patches needed for coreneuron
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'build'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'install'
==> coreneuron: Successfully installed coreneuron-develop-5ic77t43uub7ftzfth3y7tno3vxw2oiv
Fetch: 4.16s. Build: 9m 29.79s. Total: 9m 33.95s.
[+] /gpfs/
$ chmod -R g+rX "${SPACK_BUILD}"
$ if [[ ${install_failed} == 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750836/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750836/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:49:55 2022
Hits: 29 / 95 (30.53 %)
Direct: 0 / 95 (0.00 %)
Preprocessed: 29 / 95 (30.53 %)
Misses: 66
Direct: 95
Preprocessed: 66
Uncacheable: 19
Primary storage:
Hits: 29 / 190 (15.26 %)
Misses: 161
Cache size (GB): 0.15 / 0.51 (30.26 %)
Files: 1174
Called for linking: 16
No input file: 3
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -cf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar" .
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_SLUGIFY=$(echo -n ${SPACK_PACKAGE} | tr -c '[:alnum:]' '_' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.9.7
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
$ if [[ ${num_failures} > 0 ]]; then exit ${num_failures}; fi
section_end:1661773796:step_script section_start:1661773796:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache build:coreneuron:nmodl:nvhpc:acc:shared-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=225863 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ccache.tar: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading to
Created cache
section_end:1661773807:archive_cache section_start:1661773807:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=225944 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340019 responseStatus=201 Created token=mCbsqAVm
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=225982 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340019 responseStatus=201 Created token=mCbsqAVm
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=226024 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=340019 responseStatus=201 Created token=mCbsqAVm
section_end:1661773808:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1661773808:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661773809:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773135:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773135:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773135:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340023
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=8, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340023_PROD_P112_CP15_C19
Job parameters: memory=76G, cpus_per_task=8, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=2 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750838
job state: PD
job state: PD
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=2 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G --job-name=GL_J340023_PROD_P112_CP15_C19 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=2 --jobid=750838 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G
section_end:1661773138:prepare_executor section_start:1661773138:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i6n32 via
section_end:1661773140:prepare_script section_start:1661773140:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773141:get_sources section_start:1661773141:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for build:coreneuron:nmodl:nvhpc:omp:debug-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=248663 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1661773146:restore_cache section_start:1661773146:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:nmodl (340006)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=249313 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340006 responseStatus=200 OK token=em6EQ64Z
section_end:1661773146:download_artifacts section_start:1661773146:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ export SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH=${PWD}/spack-config
$ cat > ${SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/software
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ all: install_{}-{compiler.version}-{target}/{name}-{version}-{hash:6}
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $user_cache_path/modules
/gpfs/ environments:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/environments
/gpfs/ concretization: separately
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 8
/gpfs/ extensions:
/gpfs/ - $spack/bluebrain/spack-scripting
/gpfs/ # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
/gpfs/ # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Temporary locations Spack can try to use for builds.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Recommended options are given below.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Builds can be faster in temporary directories on some (e.g., HPC) systems.
/gpfs/ # Specifying `$tempdir` will ensure use of the default temporary directory
/gpfs/ # (i.e., ``$TMP` or ``$TMPDIR``).
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Another option that prevents conflicts and potential permission issues is
/gpfs/ # to specify `$user_cache_path/stage`, which ensures each user builds in their
/gpfs/ # home directory.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # A more traditional path uses the value of `$spack/var/spack/stage`, which
/gpfs/ # builds directly inside Spack's instance without staging them in a
/gpfs/ # temporary space. Problems with specifying a path inside a Spack instance
/gpfs/ # are that it precludes its use as a system package and its ability to be
/gpfs/ # pip installable.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # In any case, if the username is not already in the path, Spack will append
/gpfs/ # the value of `$user` in an attempt to avoid potential conflicts between
/gpfs/ # users in shared temporary spaces.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # The build stage can be purged with `spack clean --stage` and
/gpfs/ # `spack clean -a`, so it is important that the specified directory uniquely
/gpfs/ # identifies Spack staging to avoid accidentally wiping out non-Spack work.
/gpfs/ test_stage: $user_cache_path/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: $user_cache_path/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ deprecated: False
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ url_fetch_method: urllib
/gpfs/ concretizer: clingo
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
/gpfs/ package_lock_timeout: null
/gpfs/ shared_linking: rpath
/gpfs/ allow_sgid: True
/gpfs/ terminal_title: False
_builtin debug: False
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${CI_BUILDS_DIR}/J${CI_JOB_ID}_local_config
$ echo "Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (${XDG_CONFIG_HOME})"
Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (/gpfs/
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install coreneuron%nvhpc +caliper+gpu~legacy-unit+nmodl+openmp~shared+sympy+tests~unified build_type=Debug ^hpe-mpi%gcc ^caliper%gcc+cuda cuda_arch=70 ^/4dzxcpsuksxgtuoesheax4sf76wrhkqb
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(module load unstable python; echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][\"nodes\"][0][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be cvp73izzgopbpcpcpjbysuhuaizams3t
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_BASEDIR=$(realpath -P ${CI_BUILDS_DIR})
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ export CCACHE_DIR="${TMPDIR}/ccache"
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_DIR}
$ if [ -f ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar ]; then
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -xf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar"
$ fi
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750838/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750838/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:39:42 2022
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.36 / 0.51 (70.92 %)
Files: 1025
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'cvp73izzgopbpcpcpjbysuhuaizams3t'
$ spack spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- coreneuron%nvhpc+caliper+gpu~legacy-unit+nmodl+openmp~shared+sympy+tests~unified build_type=Debug
- ^caliper%gcc+cuda cuda_arch=70
- ^hpe-mpi%gcc
[+] ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- cvp73iz coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl+openmp~profile+report~shared+sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 6s6wcfe ^bison@3.8.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] fnw44jf ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] pfqy3p5 ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] at3kmf2 ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 2qmvlfy ^cmake@3.21.4%gcc@11.2.0~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hyunzkn ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] wu42aul ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] p6adpyi ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] iu2b5hx ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3rmq3zx ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hxxlexb ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dnxqn2k ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ihxi5rl ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jzpqn5y ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] evtnqzd ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ams67cx ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ir7xtbl ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- bmpk6ez ^m4@1.4.16%gcc@11.2.0+sigsegv arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gc2ivgg ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vcit7s5 ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 72xzp3v ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- ajxdymq ^flex@2.6.3%nvhpc@22.3+lex~nls arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] za4z336 ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] utj47fz ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r74vcyb ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7lotjqk ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- cp3ofsp ^ninja@1.10.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] 4dzxcps ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] atktt2p ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] e5qqxxq ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jjl6cjc ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] onq3mhg ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 4ectow5 ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] z5kzef6 ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 22arfs4 ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ascbeii ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] kvw3vhm ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7iyiygo ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] c7qvw2q ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] mazoiox ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] y7rfzdj ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] v4z3s5e ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] w4gddqx ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ci5oe5b ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] xj2wlac ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vt2or7v ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dzb2mfs ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 5fkun4i ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} || install_failed=1
==> bison@3.8.2 : has external module in ['bison/3.8.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.8.2-6s6wcfeanp2mkdib4c3n3ivkcuosopgm)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.79.0-fnw44jfbxyivagsnavjnk6zdaghmffbt)
==> cmake@3.21.4 : has external module in ['cmake/3.21.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.21.4-2qmvlfyylrv3t5ankluyr5cqey2nlfzd)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-hyunzknktdzri34bx26bupkvapehonql)
==> cuda@11.6.1 : has external module in ['cuda/11.6.1']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cuda-11.6.1-wu42aulcivrayjquerqpqvvjeadgosp2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external bzip2-1.0.8-3rmq3zxuntsiphthnvty6gtydbmbkwr5)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-evtnqzdtuvprwnbd2nljimpzywrhw4uo)
[+] /gpfs/ (external ncurses-6.2-ams67cxbq5vc7wiay2ndr2ksce2igbfw)
[+] /usr (external tar-1.28-ir7xtblauhq3vtkpjrl7ou3nzevcsi3u)
[+] /usr (external m4-1.4.16-bmpk6ezkxo3553jsm5thxh7ygtrom3dn)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> python@3.9.7 : has external module in ['python/3.9.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.9.7-72xzp3vgzh5b424qevkfruhs3ajzqbiy)
==> flex@2.6.3 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.3-ajxdymqhnzqgeuhvk5nu5zfymzq35n6i)
[+] /gpfs/
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-cp3ofspgkdqaqih5vrhotmdwvkozfswp)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing coreneuron-develop-cvp73izzgopbpcpcpjbysuhuaizams3t
==> No binary for coreneuron-develop-cvp73izzgopbpcpcpjbysuhuaizams3t found: installing from source
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
==> Warning: Expected user 904556 to own /gpfs/, but it is owned by 0
==> No patches needed for coreneuron
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'build'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'install'
==> coreneuron: Successfully installed coreneuron-develop-cvp73izzgopbpcpcpjbysuhuaizams3t
Fetch: 4.19s. Build: 9m 42.11s. Total: 9m 46.30s.
[+] /gpfs/
$ chmod -R g+rX "${SPACK_BUILD}"
$ if [[ ${install_failed} == 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750838/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750838/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:50:47 2022
Hits: 8 / 96 (8.33 %)
Direct: 0 / 96 (0.00 %)
Preprocessed: 8 / 96 (8.33 %)
Misses: 88
Direct: 96
Preprocessed: 88
Uncacheable: 20
Primary storage:
Hits: 8 / 192 (4.17 %)
Misses: 184
Cache size (GB): 0.39 / 0.51 (76.14 %)
Files: 1209
Called for linking: 17
No input file: 3
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -cf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar" .
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_SLUGIFY=$(echo -n ${SPACK_PACKAGE} | tr -c '[:alnum:]' '_' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.9.7
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
$ if [[ ${num_failures} > 0 ]]; then exit ${num_failures}; fi
section_end:1661773848:step_script section_start:1661773848:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache build:coreneuron:nmodl:nvhpc:omp:debug-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=266257 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ccache.tar: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading to
Created cache
section_end:1661773866:archive_cache section_start:1661773866:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=266359 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340023 responseStatus=201 Created token=em6EQ64Z
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=266397 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340023 responseStatus=201 Created token=em6EQ64Z
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=266439 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=340023 responseStatus=201 Created token=em6EQ64Z
section_end:1661773868:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1661773868:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661773868:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773134:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773134:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773134:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340021
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=8, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340021_PROD_P112_CP14_C18
Job parameters: memory=76G, cpus_per_task=8, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=2 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750837
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=2 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G --job-name=GL_J340021_PROD_P112_CP14_C18 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=2 --jobid=750837 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G
section_end:1661773136:prepare_executor section_start:1661773136:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i6n32 via
section_end:1661773138:prepare_script section_start:1661773138:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773138:get_sources section_start:1661773138:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for build:coreneuron:nmodl:nvhpc:omp:legacy-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=248388 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading from
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1661773142:restore_cache section_start:1661773142:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:nmodl (340006)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=248758 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340006 responseStatus=200 OK token=ius3Suj6
section_end:1661773142:download_artifacts section_start:1661773142:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ export SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH=${PWD}/spack-config
$ cat > ${SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/software
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ all: install_{}-{compiler.version}-{target}/{name}-{version}-{hash:6}
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $user_cache_path/modules
/gpfs/ environments:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/environments
/gpfs/ concretization: separately
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 8
/gpfs/ extensions:
/gpfs/ - $spack/bluebrain/spack-scripting
/gpfs/ # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
/gpfs/ # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Temporary locations Spack can try to use for builds.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Recommended options are given below.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Builds can be faster in temporary directories on some (e.g., HPC) systems.
/gpfs/ # Specifying `$tempdir` will ensure use of the default temporary directory
/gpfs/ # (i.e., ``$TMP` or ``$TMPDIR``).
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Another option that prevents conflicts and potential permission issues is
/gpfs/ # to specify `$user_cache_path/stage`, which ensures each user builds in their
/gpfs/ # home directory.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # A more traditional path uses the value of `$spack/var/spack/stage`, which
/gpfs/ # builds directly inside Spack's instance without staging them in a
/gpfs/ # temporary space. Problems with specifying a path inside a Spack instance
/gpfs/ # are that it precludes its use as a system package and its ability to be
/gpfs/ # pip installable.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # In any case, if the username is not already in the path, Spack will append
/gpfs/ # the value of `$user` in an attempt to avoid potential conflicts between
/gpfs/ # users in shared temporary spaces.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # The build stage can be purged with `spack clean --stage` and
/gpfs/ # `spack clean -a`, so it is important that the specified directory uniquely
/gpfs/ # identifies Spack staging to avoid accidentally wiping out non-Spack work.
/gpfs/ test_stage: $user_cache_path/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: $user_cache_path/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ deprecated: False
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ url_fetch_method: urllib
/gpfs/ concretizer: clingo
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
/gpfs/ package_lock_timeout: null
/gpfs/ shared_linking: rpath
/gpfs/ allow_sgid: True
/gpfs/ terminal_title: False
_builtin debug: False
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${CI_BUILDS_DIR}/J${CI_JOB_ID}_local_config
$ echo "Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (${XDG_CONFIG_HOME})"
Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (/gpfs/
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install coreneuron%nvhpc +caliper+gpu~legacy-unit+nmodl+openmp~shared~sympy+tests~unified build_type=RelWithDebInfo ^hpe-mpi%gcc ^caliper%gcc+cuda cuda_arch=70 ^/4dzxcpsuksxgtuoesheax4sf76wrhkqb
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(module load unstable python; echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][\"nodes\"][0][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be juy4j57jnl7fobgtudu53xegsbbxen53
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_BASEDIR=$(realpath -P ${CI_BUILDS_DIR})
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ export CCACHE_DIR="${TMPDIR}/ccache"
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_DIR}
$ if [ -f ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar ]; then
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -xf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar"
$ fi
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750837/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750837/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:39:41 2022
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.15 / 0.51 (29.63 %)
Files: 1117
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'juy4j57jnl7fobgtudu53xegsbbxen53'
$ spack spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- coreneuron%nvhpc+caliper+gpu~legacy-unit+nmodl+openmp~shared~sympy+tests~unified build_type=RelWithDebInfo
- ^caliper%gcc+cuda cuda_arch=70
- ^hpe-mpi%gcc
[+] ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- juy4j57 coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl+openmp~profile+report~shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 6s6wcfe ^bison@3.8.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] fnw44jf ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] pfqy3p5 ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] at3kmf2 ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 2qmvlfy ^cmake@3.21.4%gcc@11.2.0~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hyunzkn ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] wu42aul ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] p6adpyi ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] iu2b5hx ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3rmq3zx ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hxxlexb ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dnxqn2k ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ihxi5rl ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jzpqn5y ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] evtnqzd ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ams67cx ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ir7xtbl ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- bmpk6ez ^m4@1.4.16%gcc@11.2.0+sigsegv arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gc2ivgg ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vcit7s5 ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 72xzp3v ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- ajxdymq ^flex@2.6.3%nvhpc@22.3+lex~nls arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] za4z336 ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] utj47fz ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r74vcyb ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7lotjqk ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- cp3ofsp ^ninja@1.10.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] 4dzxcps ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] atktt2p ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] e5qqxxq ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jjl6cjc ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] onq3mhg ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 4ectow5 ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] z5kzef6 ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 22arfs4 ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ascbeii ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] kvw3vhm ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7iyiygo ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] c7qvw2q ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] mazoiox ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] y7rfzdj ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] v4z3s5e ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] w4gddqx ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ci5oe5b ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] xj2wlac ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vt2or7v ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dzb2mfs ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 5fkun4i ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} || install_failed=1
==> bison@3.8.2 : has external module in ['bison/3.8.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.8.2-6s6wcfeanp2mkdib4c3n3ivkcuosopgm)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.79.0-fnw44jfbxyivagsnavjnk6zdaghmffbt)
==> cmake@3.21.4 : has external module in ['cmake/3.21.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.21.4-2qmvlfyylrv3t5ankluyr5cqey2nlfzd)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-hyunzknktdzri34bx26bupkvapehonql)
==> cuda@11.6.1 : has external module in ['cuda/11.6.1']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cuda-11.6.1-wu42aulcivrayjquerqpqvvjeadgosp2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external bzip2-1.0.8-3rmq3zxuntsiphthnvty6gtydbmbkwr5)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-evtnqzdtuvprwnbd2nljimpzywrhw4uo)
[+] /gpfs/ (external ncurses-6.2-ams67cxbq5vc7wiay2ndr2ksce2igbfw)
[+] /usr (external tar-1.28-ir7xtblauhq3vtkpjrl7ou3nzevcsi3u)
[+] /usr (external m4-1.4.16-bmpk6ezkxo3553jsm5thxh7ygtrom3dn)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> python@3.9.7 : has external module in ['python/3.9.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.9.7-72xzp3vgzh5b424qevkfruhs3ajzqbiy)
==> flex@2.6.3 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.3-ajxdymqhnzqgeuhvk5nu5zfymzq35n6i)
[+] /gpfs/
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-cp3ofspgkdqaqih5vrhotmdwvkozfswp)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing coreneuron-develop-juy4j57jnl7fobgtudu53xegsbbxen53
==> No binary for coreneuron-develop-juy4j57jnl7fobgtudu53xegsbbxen53 found: installing from source
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
==> Warning: Expected user 904556 to own /gpfs/, but it is owned by 0
==> No patches needed for coreneuron
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'build'
==> coreneuron: Executing phase: 'install'
==> coreneuron: Successfully installed coreneuron-develop-juy4j57jnl7fobgtudu53xegsbbxen53
Fetch: 4.73s. Build: 11m 34.48s. Total: 11m 39.21s.
[+] /gpfs/
$ chmod -R g+rX "${SPACK_BUILD}"
$ if [[ ${install_failed} == 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750837/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750837/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:52:15 2022
Hits: 8 / 96 (8.33 %)
Direct: 0 / 96 (0.00 %)
Preprocessed: 8 / 96 (8.33 %)
Misses: 88
Direct: 96
Preprocessed: 88
Uncacheable: 20
Primary storage:
Hits: 8 / 192 (4.17 %)
Misses: 184
Cache size (GB): 0.17 / 0.51 (33.45 %)
Files: 1301
Called for linking: 17
No input file: 3
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -cf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar" .
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_SLUGIFY=$(echo -n ${SPACK_PACKAGE} | tr -c '[:alnum:]' '_' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.9.7
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
$ if [[ ${num_failures} > 0 ]]; then exit ${num_failures}; fi
section_end:1661773936:step_script section_start:1661773936:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache build:coreneuron:nmodl:nvhpc:omp:legacy-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=267401 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ccache.tar: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading to
Created cache
section_end:1661773948:archive_cache section_start:1661773948:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=267495 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340021 responseStatus=201 Created token=ius3Suj6
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=267537 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340021 responseStatus=201 Created token=ius3Suj6
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=267575 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=340021 responseStatus=201 Created token=ius3Suj6
section_end:1661773950:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1661773950:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661773950:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773136:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773136:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773136:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340025
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=8, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340025_PROD_P112_CP6_C9
Job parameters: memory=76G, cpus_per_task=8, duration=2:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=2 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750839
job state: PD
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=2 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G --job-name=GL_J340025_PROD_P112_CP6_C9 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=2:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=2 --jobid=750839 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G
section_end:1661773138:prepare_executor section_start:1661773138:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i4n21 via
section_end:1661773140:prepare_script section_start:1661773140:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773141:get_sources section_start:1661773141:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for build:neuron:mod2c:intel:shared:debug-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=83800 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1661773142:restore_cache section_start:1661773142:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:mod2c:intel:shared:debug (340008)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=83869 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340008 responseStatus=200 OK token=qg58-Uic
section_end:1661773143:download_artifacts section_start:1661773143:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ export SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH=${PWD}/spack-config
$ cat > ${SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/software
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ all: install_{}-{compiler.version}-{target}/{name}-{version}-{hash:6}
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $user_cache_path/modules
/gpfs/ environments:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/environments
/gpfs/ concretization: separately
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 8
/gpfs/ extensions:
/gpfs/ - $spack/bluebrain/spack-scripting
/gpfs/ # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
/gpfs/ # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Temporary locations Spack can try to use for builds.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Recommended options are given below.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Builds can be faster in temporary directories on some (e.g., HPC) systems.
/gpfs/ # Specifying `$tempdir` will ensure use of the default temporary directory
/gpfs/ # (i.e., ``$TMP` or ``$TMPDIR``).
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Another option that prevents conflicts and potential permission issues is
/gpfs/ # to specify `$user_cache_path/stage`, which ensures each user builds in their
/gpfs/ # home directory.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # A more traditional path uses the value of `$spack/var/spack/stage`, which
/gpfs/ # builds directly inside Spack's instance without staging them in a
/gpfs/ # temporary space. Problems with specifying a path inside a Spack instance
/gpfs/ # are that it precludes its use as a system package and its ability to be
/gpfs/ # pip installable.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # In any case, if the username is not already in the path, Spack will append
/gpfs/ # the value of `$user` in an attempt to avoid potential conflicts between
/gpfs/ # users in shared temporary spaces.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # The build stage can be purged with `spack clean --stage` and
/gpfs/ # `spack clean -a`, so it is important that the specified directory uniquely
/gpfs/ # identifies Spack staging to avoid accidentally wiping out non-Spack work.
/gpfs/ test_stage: $user_cache_path/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: $user_cache_path/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ deprecated: False
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ url_fetch_method: urllib
/gpfs/ concretizer: clingo
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
/gpfs/ package_lock_timeout: null
/gpfs/ shared_linking: rpath
/gpfs/ allow_sgid: True
/gpfs/ terminal_title: False
_builtin debug: False
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${CI_BUILDS_DIR}/J${CI_JOB_ID}_local_config
$ echo "Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (${XDG_CONFIG_HOME})"
Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (/gpfs/
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install neuron%intel +coreneuron+debug+tests~legacy-unit~rx3d model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy ^/udoqinvar6cp75viyxkh44mgzbht4q76
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(module load unstable python; echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][\"nodes\"][0][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be s77gjicwo5ylkg7eo5lj7yebxwdk3plh
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_BASEDIR=$(realpath -P ${CI_BUILDS_DIR})
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ export CCACHE_DIR="${TMPDIR}/ccache"
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_DIR}
$ if [ -f ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar ]; then
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -xf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar"
$ fi
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750839/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750839/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:39:28 2022
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.04 / 0.51 (7.12 %)
Files: 1811
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 's77gjicwo5ylkg7eo5lj7yebxwdk3plh'
$ spack spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- neuron%intel+coreneuron+debug~legacy-unit~rx3d+tests model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy
[+] ^coreneuron@develop%intel@2021.4.0+caliper~codegenopt~gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi~nmodl~openmp~profile+report+shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^boost@1.79.0%intel@2021.4.0+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- s77gjic neuron@develop%intel@2021.4.0+binary+caliper+coreneuron+debug~interviews~ipo+legacy-fr~legacy-unit+memacs+mod-compatibility+mpi~profile+python~rx3d+tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy patches=708cb04826b394a858069d93e8c08e1e81e914c23e1ef3da0486e8233834ff6c sanitizers=None arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- dwdch6b ^bison@3.8.2%intel@2021.4.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] pfqy3p5 ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] at3kmf2 ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hyunzkn ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] wu42aul ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] p6adpyi ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] iu2b5hx ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3rmq3zx ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hxxlexb ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dnxqn2k ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jzpqn5y ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] evtnqzd ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ams67cx ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ir7xtbl ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gc2ivgg ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vcit7s5 ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- z3q5f3x ^cmake@3.21.4%intel@2021.4.0~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] udoqinv ^coreneuron@develop%intel@2021.4.0+caliper~codegenopt~gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi~nmodl~openmp~profile+report+shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] rdrurry ^boost@1.79.0%intel@2021.4.0+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] za4z336 ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] utj47fz ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ihxi5rl ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r74vcyb ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7lotjqk ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 72xzp3v ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 5fkun4i ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- s4ueg72 ^flex@2.6.3%intel@2021.4.0+lex~nls arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 6ggc5yr ^ninja@1.10.2%intel@2021.4.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] n6q4vfz ^py-mpi4py@3.1.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] v4z3s5e ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gjm7kkq ^py-numpy@1.19.5%gcc@11.2.0+blas+lapack patches=8a9d5d1b3f145c043b8b04869e7d46c6ff95c3f486d84f69693017c7e6190c7d arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r5cvgru ^intel-mkl@2020.4.304%gcc@11.2.0~ilp64+shared threads=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] h2fsi6i ^py-cython@0.29.24%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 22arfs4 ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ascbeii ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] kvw3vhm ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7iyiygo ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] c7qvw2q ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] mazoiox ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ciusbmc ^py-setuptools-scm@6.3.2%gcc@11.2.0+toml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hmcew6w ^py-tomli@1.2.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] sxd7srs ^py-pip@21.1.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] y7rfzdj ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] w4gddqx ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] q5n7ofc ^py-pytest-cov@2.8.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] fudvy5v ^py-coverage@5.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 5abs2t7 ^readline@8.1%intel@2021.4.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} || install_failed=1
==> bison@3.8.2 : has external module in ['bison/3.8.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.8.2-dwdch6bmdeclr2novthsywtrryotawwz)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-hyunzknktdzri34bx26bupkvapehonql)
==> cuda@11.6.1 : has external module in ['cuda/11.6.1']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cuda-11.6.1-wu42aulcivrayjquerqpqvvjeadgosp2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external bzip2-1.0.8-3rmq3zxuntsiphthnvty6gtydbmbkwr5)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-evtnqzdtuvprwnbd2nljimpzywrhw4uo)
[+] /gpfs/ (external ncurses-6.2-ams67cxbq5vc7wiay2ndr2ksce2igbfw)
[+] /usr (external tar-1.28-ir7xtblauhq3vtkpjrl7ou3nzevcsi3u)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> cmake@3.21.4 : has external module in ['cmake/3.21.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.21.4-z3q5f3xwpuibd3qbgdscqmu3efarbu42)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.79.0-rdrurryqe5eahijb4xf6mbqfryg7ezod)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> python@3.9.7 : has external module in ['python/3.9.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.9.7-72xzp3vgzh5b424qevkfruhs3ajzqbiy)
==> flex@2.6.3 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.3-s4ueg72j7l6vkdyvfxj2tweo7v7s3otx)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-6ggc5yre7qddwxdjmn7sfptpdoiy4dtp)
[+] /gpfs/ (external intel-mkl-2020.4.304-r5cvgrurdnt6y267arsmmmgqi75ouxd2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external readline-8.1-5abs2t7f6dtgbejv6kjzd4gjwhdlr7qr)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing neuron-develop-s77gjicwo5ylkg7eo5lj7yebxwdk3plh
==> No binary for neuron-develop-s77gjicwo5ylkg7eo5lj7yebxwdk3plh found: installing from source
==> Warning: Expected user 904556 to own /gpfs/, but it is owned by 0
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
==> Applied patch /gpfs/
==> neuron: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> neuron: Executing phase: 'build'
==> neuron: Executing phase: 'install'
==> neuron: Successfully installed neuron-develop-s77gjicwo5ylkg7eo5lj7yebxwdk3plh
Fetch: 22.64s. Build: 27m 28.08s. Total: 27m 50.72s.
[+] /gpfs/
$ chmod -R g+rX "${SPACK_BUILD}"
$ if [[ ${install_failed} == 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750839/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750839/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 14:08:11 2022
Hits: 80 / 808 (9.90 %)
Direct: 44 / 818 (5.38 %)
Preprocessed: 36 / 768 (4.69 %)
Misses: 728
Direct: 774
Preprocessed: 732
Uncacheable: 133
Primary storage:
Hits: 124 / 1630 (7.61 %)
Misses: 1506
Cache size (GB): 0.07 / 0.51 (13.14 %)
Files: 3211
Autoconf compile/link: 7
Called for linking: 109
Called for preprocessing: 1
Compilation failed: 4
No input file: 6
Preprocessing failed: 6
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -cf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar" .
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_SLUGIFY=$(echo -n ${SPACK_PACKAGE} | tr -c '[:alnum:]' '_' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.9.7
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
$ if [[ ${num_failures} > 0 ]]; then exit ${num_failures}; fi
section_end:1661774891:step_script section_start:1661774891:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache build:neuron:mod2c:intel:shared:debug-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=120177 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ccache.tar: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading to
Created cache
section_end:1661774897:archive_cache section_start:1661774897:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=120250 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340025 responseStatus=201 Created token=qg58-Uic
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=120288 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340025 responseStatus=201 Created token=qg58-Uic
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=120330 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=340025 responseStatus=201 Created token=qg58-Uic
section_end:1661774899:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1661774899:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661774899:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773265:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773265:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773265:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340031
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=8, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340031_PROD_P112_CP10_C11
Job parameters: memory=76G, cpus_per_task=8, duration=2:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=2 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750852
job state: PD
job state: PD
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=2 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G --job-name=GL_J340031_PROD_P112_CP10_C11 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=2:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=2 --jobid=750852 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G
section_end:1661773268:prepare_executor section_start:1661773268:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i6n22 via
section_end:1661773270:prepare_script section_start:1661773270:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773271:get_sources section_start:1661773271:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for build:neuron:mod2c:nvhpc:acc:shared-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=177437 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1661773276:restore_cache section_start:1661773276:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:mod2c:nvhpc:acc:shared (340015)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=177507 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340015 responseStatus=200 OK token=d6M7311y
section_end:1661773277:download_artifacts section_start:1661773277:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ export SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH=${PWD}/spack-config
$ cat > ${SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/software
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ all: install_{}-{compiler.version}-{target}/{name}-{version}-{hash:6}
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $user_cache_path/modules
/gpfs/ environments:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/environments
/gpfs/ concretization: separately
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 8
/gpfs/ extensions:
/gpfs/ - $spack/bluebrain/spack-scripting
/gpfs/ # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
/gpfs/ # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Temporary locations Spack can try to use for builds.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Recommended options are given below.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Builds can be faster in temporary directories on some (e.g., HPC) systems.
/gpfs/ # Specifying `$tempdir` will ensure use of the default temporary directory
/gpfs/ # (i.e., ``$TMP` or ``$TMPDIR``).
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Another option that prevents conflicts and potential permission issues is
/gpfs/ # to specify `$user_cache_path/stage`, which ensures each user builds in their
/gpfs/ # home directory.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # A more traditional path uses the value of `$spack/var/spack/stage`, which
/gpfs/ # builds directly inside Spack's instance without staging them in a
/gpfs/ # temporary space. Problems with specifying a path inside a Spack instance
/gpfs/ # are that it precludes its use as a system package and its ability to be
/gpfs/ # pip installable.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # In any case, if the username is not already in the path, Spack will append
/gpfs/ # the value of `$user` in an attempt to avoid potential conflicts between
/gpfs/ # users in shared temporary spaces.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # The build stage can be purged with `spack clean --stage` and
/gpfs/ # `spack clean -a`, so it is important that the specified directory uniquely
/gpfs/ # identifies Spack staging to avoid accidentally wiping out non-Spack work.
/gpfs/ test_stage: $user_cache_path/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: $user_cache_path/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ deprecated: False
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ url_fetch_method: urllib
/gpfs/ concretizer: clingo
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
/gpfs/ package_lock_timeout: null
/gpfs/ shared_linking: rpath
/gpfs/ allow_sgid: True
/gpfs/ terminal_title: False
_builtin debug: False
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${CI_BUILDS_DIR}/J${CI_JOB_ID}_local_config
$ echo "Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (${XDG_CONFIG_HOME})"
Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (/gpfs/
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install neuron%nvhpc +coreneuron+debug+tests~legacy-unit~rx3d model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy ^/w2z6dfwdq6k5tkwudhpbj7owhrne5qzi
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(module load unstable python; echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][\"nodes\"][0][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be l2m23kl5pt4peljgzlgpdgd7wfdramzw
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_BASEDIR=$(realpath -P ${CI_BUILDS_DIR})
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ export CCACHE_DIR="${TMPDIR}/ccache"
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_DIR}
$ if [ -f ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar ]; then
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -xf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar"
$ fi
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750852/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750852/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:41:43 2022
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.44 / 0.51 (86.77 %)
Files: 11258
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'l2m23kl5pt4peljgzlgpdgd7wfdramzw'
$ spack spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- neuron%nvhpc+coreneuron+debug~legacy-unit~rx3d+tests model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy
[+] ^coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi~nmodl~openmp~profile+report+shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- l2m23kl neuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+binary+caliper+coreneuron+debug~interviews~ipo+legacy-fr~legacy-unit+memacs+mod-compatibility+mpi~profile+python~rx3d+tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy patches=708cb04826b394a858069d93e8c08e1e81e914c23e1ef3da0486e8233834ff6c sanitizers=None arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 6s6wcfe ^bison@3.8.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] pfqy3p5 ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] at3kmf2 ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hyunzkn ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] wu42aul ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] p6adpyi ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] iu2b5hx ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3rmq3zx ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hxxlexb ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dnxqn2k ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jzpqn5y ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] evtnqzd ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ams67cx ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ir7xtbl ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gc2ivgg ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vcit7s5 ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- ucwiakr ^cmake@3.21.4%nvhpc@22.3~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] w2z6dfw ^coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi~nmodl~openmp~profile+report+shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] fnw44jf ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] za4z336 ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] utj47fz ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ihxi5rl ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r74vcyb ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7lotjqk ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 72xzp3v ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 5fkun4i ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- ajxdymq ^flex@2.6.3%nvhpc@22.3+lex~nls arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- cp3ofsp ^ninja@1.10.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] n6q4vfz ^py-mpi4py@3.1.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] v4z3s5e ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gjm7kkq ^py-numpy@1.19.5%gcc@11.2.0+blas+lapack patches=8a9d5d1b3f145c043b8b04869e7d46c6ff95c3f486d84f69693017c7e6190c7d arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r5cvgru ^intel-mkl@2020.4.304%gcc@11.2.0~ilp64+shared threads=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] h2fsi6i ^py-cython@0.29.24%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 22arfs4 ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ascbeii ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] kvw3vhm ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7iyiygo ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] c7qvw2q ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] mazoiox ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ciusbmc ^py-setuptools-scm@6.3.2%gcc@11.2.0+toml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hmcew6w ^py-tomli@1.2.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] sxd7srs ^py-pip@21.1.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] y7rfzdj ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] w4gddqx ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] q5n7ofc ^py-pytest-cov@2.8.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] fudvy5v ^py-coverage@5.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3333cwm ^readline@8.1%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} || install_failed=1
==> bison@3.8.2 : has external module in ['bison/3.8.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.8.2-6s6wcfeanp2mkdib4c3n3ivkcuosopgm)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-hyunzknktdzri34bx26bupkvapehonql)
==> cuda@11.6.1 : has external module in ['cuda/11.6.1']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cuda-11.6.1-wu42aulcivrayjquerqpqvvjeadgosp2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external bzip2-1.0.8-3rmq3zxuntsiphthnvty6gtydbmbkwr5)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-evtnqzdtuvprwnbd2nljimpzywrhw4uo)
[+] /gpfs/ (external ncurses-6.2-ams67cxbq5vc7wiay2ndr2ksce2igbfw)
[+] /usr (external tar-1.28-ir7xtblauhq3vtkpjrl7ou3nzevcsi3u)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> cmake@3.21.4 : has external module in ['cmake/3.21.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.21.4-ucwiakreeghdgbo22kbqqhgnnlwxqtnn)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.79.0-fnw44jfbxyivagsnavjnk6zdaghmffbt)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> python@3.9.7 : has external module in ['python/3.9.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.9.7-72xzp3vgzh5b424qevkfruhs3ajzqbiy)
==> flex@2.6.3 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.3-ajxdymqhnzqgeuhvk5nu5zfymzq35n6i)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-cp3ofspgkdqaqih5vrhotmdwvkozfswp)
[+] /gpfs/ (external intel-mkl-2020.4.304-r5cvgrurdnt6y267arsmmmgqi75ouxd2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external readline-8.1-3333cwmykvahrsdydir4qeyasic3liq6)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing neuron-develop-l2m23kl5pt4peljgzlgpdgd7wfdramzw
==> No binary for neuron-develop-l2m23kl5pt4peljgzlgpdgd7wfdramzw found: installing from source
==> Warning: Expected user 904556 to own /gpfs/, but it is owned by 0
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
==> Error: AttributeError: Query of package 'coreneuron' for 'libs' failed
prefix : /gpfs/
spec : coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi~nmodl~openmp~profile+report+shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
queried as : coreneuron
extra parameters : []
/gpfs/, in _setup_pkg_and_run:
1041 tb_string = traceback.format_exc()
1043 # build up some context from the offending package so we can
>> 1044 # show that, too.
1045 package_context = get_package_context(tb)
1047 logfile = None
$ chmod -R g+rX "${SPACK_BUILD}"
$ if [[ ${install_failed} == 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi
srun: error: r1i6n22: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
section_end:1661773353:step_script section_start:1661773353:upload_artifacts_on_failure Uploading artifacts for failed job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=179634 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340031 responseStatus=201 Created token=d6M7311y
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=179788 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340031 responseStatus=201 Created token=d6M7311y
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=179862 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=340031 responseStatus=201 Created token=d6M7311y
section_end:1661773354:upload_artifacts_on_failure section_start:1661773354:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661773355:cleanup_file_variables ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773562:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773562:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773562:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340027
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=8, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340027_PROD_P112_CP5_C8
Job parameters: memory=76G, cpus_per_task=8, duration=2:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=2 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750922
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=2 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G --job-name=GL_J340027_PROD_P112_CP5_C8 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=2:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=2 --jobid=750922 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G
section_end:1661773563:prepare_executor section_start:1661773563:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i7n30 via
section_end:1661773566:prepare_script section_start:1661773566:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773567:get_sources section_start:1661773567:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for build:neuron:nmodl:intel:debug:legacy-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=136118 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1661773568:restore_cache section_start:1661773568:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:nmodl:intel:debug:legacy (340009)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=136196 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340009 responseStatus=200 OK token=pDauuoas
section_end:1661773569:download_artifacts section_start:1661773569:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ export SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH=${PWD}/spack-config
$ cat > ${SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/software
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ all: install_{}-{compiler.version}-{target}/{name}-{version}-{hash:6}
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $user_cache_path/modules
/gpfs/ environments:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/environments
/gpfs/ concretization: separately
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 8
/gpfs/ extensions:
/gpfs/ - $spack/bluebrain/spack-scripting
/gpfs/ # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
/gpfs/ # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Temporary locations Spack can try to use for builds.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Recommended options are given below.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Builds can be faster in temporary directories on some (e.g., HPC) systems.
/gpfs/ # Specifying `$tempdir` will ensure use of the default temporary directory
/gpfs/ # (i.e., ``$TMP` or ``$TMPDIR``).
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Another option that prevents conflicts and potential permission issues is
/gpfs/ # to specify `$user_cache_path/stage`, which ensures each user builds in their
/gpfs/ # home directory.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # A more traditional path uses the value of `$spack/var/spack/stage`, which
/gpfs/ # builds directly inside Spack's instance without staging them in a
/gpfs/ # temporary space. Problems with specifying a path inside a Spack instance
/gpfs/ # are that it precludes its use as a system package and its ability to be
/gpfs/ # pip installable.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # In any case, if the username is not already in the path, Spack will append
/gpfs/ # the value of `$user` in an attempt to avoid potential conflicts between
/gpfs/ # users in shared temporary spaces.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # The build stage can be purged with `spack clean --stage` and
/gpfs/ # `spack clean -a`, so it is important that the specified directory uniquely
/gpfs/ # identifies Spack staging to avoid accidentally wiping out non-Spack work.
/gpfs/ test_stage: $user_cache_path/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: $user_cache_path/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ deprecated: False
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ url_fetch_method: urllib
/gpfs/ concretizer: clingo
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
/gpfs/ package_lock_timeout: null
/gpfs/ shared_linking: rpath
/gpfs/ allow_sgid: True
/gpfs/ terminal_title: False
_builtin debug: False
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${CI_BUILDS_DIR}/J${CI_JOB_ID}_local_config
$ echo "Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (${XDG_CONFIG_HOME})"
Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (/gpfs/
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install neuron%intel +coreneuron+debug+tests~legacy-unit~rx3d model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy ^/zuoxzsx3dntc3wdakjdbmuw53lm7b7fk
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(module load unstable python; echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][\"nodes\"][0][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be 5w5sttatna3qi6vw7zwfpxhcfgzo6lw7
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_BASEDIR=$(realpath -P ${CI_BUILDS_DIR})
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ export CCACHE_DIR="${TMPDIR}/ccache"
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_DIR}
$ if [ -f ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar ]; then
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -xf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar"
$ fi
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750922/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750922/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:46:35 2022
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.06 / 0.51 (12.68 %)
Files: 2985
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: '5w5sttatna3qi6vw7zwfpxhcfgzo6lw7'
$ spack spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- neuron%intel+coreneuron+debug~legacy-unit~rx3d+tests model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy
[+] ^coreneuron@develop%intel@2021.4.0+caliper~codegenopt~gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl~openmp~profile+report~shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^boost@1.79.0%intel@2021.4.0+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 5w5stta neuron@develop%intel@2021.4.0+binary+caliper+coreneuron+debug~interviews~ipo+legacy-fr~legacy-unit+memacs+mod-compatibility+mpi~profile+python~rx3d+tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy patches=708cb04826b394a858069d93e8c08e1e81e914c23e1ef3da0486e8233834ff6c sanitizers=None arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- dwdch6b ^bison@3.8.2%intel@2021.4.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] pfqy3p5 ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] at3kmf2 ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hyunzkn ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] wu42aul ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] p6adpyi ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] iu2b5hx ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3rmq3zx ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hxxlexb ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dnxqn2k ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jzpqn5y ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] evtnqzd ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ams67cx ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ir7xtbl ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gc2ivgg ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vcit7s5 ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- z3q5f3x ^cmake@3.21.4%intel@2021.4.0~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] zuoxzsx ^coreneuron@develop%intel@2021.4.0+caliper~codegenopt~gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl~openmp~profile+report~shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] rdrurry ^boost@1.79.0%intel@2021.4.0+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] za4z336 ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] utj47fz ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ihxi5rl ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r74vcyb ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7lotjqk ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] 4dzxcps ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] atktt2p ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] e5qqxxq ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jjl6cjc ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] onq3mhg ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 4ectow5 ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 72xzp3v ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] z5kzef6 ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 22arfs4 ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ascbeii ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] kvw3vhm ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7iyiygo ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] c7qvw2q ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] mazoiox ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] y7rfzdj ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] v4z3s5e ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] w4gddqx ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ci5oe5b ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] xj2wlac ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vt2or7v ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dzb2mfs ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 5fkun4i ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- s4ueg72 ^flex@2.6.3%intel@2021.4.0+lex~nls arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 6ggc5yr ^ninja@1.10.2%intel@2021.4.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] n6q4vfz ^py-mpi4py@3.1.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gjm7kkq ^py-numpy@1.19.5%gcc@11.2.0+blas+lapack patches=8a9d5d1b3f145c043b8b04869e7d46c6ff95c3f486d84f69693017c7e6190c7d arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r5cvgru ^intel-mkl@2020.4.304%gcc@11.2.0~ilp64+shared threads=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] h2fsi6i ^py-cython@0.29.24%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] q5n7ofc ^py-pytest-cov@2.8.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] fudvy5v ^py-coverage@5.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 5abs2t7 ^readline@8.1%intel@2021.4.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} || install_failed=1
==> bison@3.8.2 : has external module in ['bison/3.8.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.8.2-dwdch6bmdeclr2novthsywtrryotawwz)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-hyunzknktdzri34bx26bupkvapehonql)
==> cuda@11.6.1 : has external module in ['cuda/11.6.1']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cuda-11.6.1-wu42aulcivrayjquerqpqvvjeadgosp2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external bzip2-1.0.8-3rmq3zxuntsiphthnvty6gtydbmbkwr5)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-evtnqzdtuvprwnbd2nljimpzywrhw4uo)
[+] /gpfs/ (external ncurses-6.2-ams67cxbq5vc7wiay2ndr2ksce2igbfw)
[+] /usr (external tar-1.28-ir7xtblauhq3vtkpjrl7ou3nzevcsi3u)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> cmake@3.21.4 : has external module in ['cmake/3.21.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.21.4-z3q5f3xwpuibd3qbgdscqmu3efarbu42)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.79.0-rdrurryqe5eahijb4xf6mbqfryg7ezod)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> python@3.9.7 : has external module in ['python/3.9.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.9.7-72xzp3vgzh5b424qevkfruhs3ajzqbiy)
[+] /gpfs/
==> flex@2.6.3 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.3-s4ueg72j7l6vkdyvfxj2tweo7v7s3otx)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-6ggc5yre7qddwxdjmn7sfptpdoiy4dtp)
[+] /gpfs/ (external intel-mkl-2020.4.304-r5cvgrurdnt6y267arsmmmgqi75ouxd2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external readline-8.1-5abs2t7f6dtgbejv6kjzd4gjwhdlr7qr)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing neuron-develop-5w5sttatna3qi6vw7zwfpxhcfgzo6lw7
==> No binary for neuron-develop-5w5sttatna3qi6vw7zwfpxhcfgzo6lw7 found: installing from source
==> Warning: Expected user 904556 to own /gpfs/, but it is owned by 0
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
==> Error: AttributeError: Query of package 'coreneuron' for 'libs' failed
prefix : /gpfs/
spec : coreneuron@develop%intel@2021.4.0+caliper~codegenopt~gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl~openmp~profile+report~shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^boost@1.79.0%intel@2021.4.0+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
queried as : coreneuron
extra parameters : []
/gpfs/, in _setup_pkg_and_run:
1041 tb_string = traceback.format_exc()
1043 # build up some context from the offending package so we can
>> 1044 # show that, too.
1045 package_context = get_package_context(tb)
1047 logfile = None
$ chmod -R g+rX "${SPACK_BUILD}"
$ if [[ ${install_failed} == 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi
srun: error: r1i7n30: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
section_end:1661773648:step_script section_start:1661773648:upload_artifacts_on_failure Uploading artifacts for failed job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=141992 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340027 responseStatus=201 Created token=pDauuoas
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=142037 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340027 responseStatus=201 Created token=pDauuoas
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=142087 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=340027 responseStatus=201 Created token=pDauuoas
section_end:1661773650:upload_artifacts_on_failure section_start:1661773650:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661773650:cleanup_file_variables ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773418:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773418:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773418:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340029
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=8, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340029_PROD_P112_CP4_C7
Job parameters: memory=76G, cpus_per_task=8, duration=2:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=2 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750907
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=2 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G --job-name=GL_J340029_PROD_P112_CP4_C7 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=2:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=2 --jobid=750907 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G
section_end:1661773419:prepare_executor section_start:1661773419:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i7n30 via
section_end:1661773423:prepare_script section_start:1661773423:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773423:get_sources section_start:1661773423:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for build:neuron:nmodl:intel:shared:debug-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=133627 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1661773425:restore_cache section_start:1661773425:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:nmodl:intel:shared:debug (340011)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=133739 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340011 responseStatus=200 OK token=_CPy8zL5
section_end:1661773426:download_artifacts section_start:1661773426:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ export SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH=${PWD}/spack-config
$ cat > ${SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/software
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ all: install_{}-{compiler.version}-{target}/{name}-{version}-{hash:6}
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $user_cache_path/modules
/gpfs/ environments:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/environments
/gpfs/ concretization: separately
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 8
/gpfs/ extensions:
/gpfs/ - $spack/bluebrain/spack-scripting
/gpfs/ # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
/gpfs/ # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Temporary locations Spack can try to use for builds.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Recommended options are given below.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Builds can be faster in temporary directories on some (e.g., HPC) systems.
/gpfs/ # Specifying `$tempdir` will ensure use of the default temporary directory
/gpfs/ # (i.e., ``$TMP` or ``$TMPDIR``).
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Another option that prevents conflicts and potential permission issues is
/gpfs/ # to specify `$user_cache_path/stage`, which ensures each user builds in their
/gpfs/ # home directory.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # A more traditional path uses the value of `$spack/var/spack/stage`, which
/gpfs/ # builds directly inside Spack's instance without staging them in a
/gpfs/ # temporary space. Problems with specifying a path inside a Spack instance
/gpfs/ # are that it precludes its use as a system package and its ability to be
/gpfs/ # pip installable.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # In any case, if the username is not already in the path, Spack will append
/gpfs/ # the value of `$user` in an attempt to avoid potential conflicts between
/gpfs/ # users in shared temporary spaces.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # The build stage can be purged with `spack clean --stage` and
/gpfs/ # `spack clean -a`, so it is important that the specified directory uniquely
/gpfs/ # identifies Spack staging to avoid accidentally wiping out non-Spack work.
/gpfs/ test_stage: $user_cache_path/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: $user_cache_path/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ deprecated: False
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ url_fetch_method: urllib
/gpfs/ concretizer: clingo
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
/gpfs/ package_lock_timeout: null
/gpfs/ shared_linking: rpath
/gpfs/ allow_sgid: True
/gpfs/ terminal_title: False
_builtin debug: False
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${CI_BUILDS_DIR}/J${CI_JOB_ID}_local_config
$ echo "Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (${XDG_CONFIG_HOME})"
Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (/gpfs/
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install neuron%intel +coreneuron+debug+tests~legacy-unit~rx3d model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy ^/llrathjfizt2srhxvycobladth2ilof2
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(module load unstable python; echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][\"nodes\"][0][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be psvv2tsoowxvmr4nysmi4locl3sxuw7o
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_BASEDIR=$(realpath -P ${CI_BUILDS_DIR})
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ export CCACHE_DIR="${TMPDIR}/ccache"
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_DIR}
$ if [ -f ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar ]; then
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -xf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar"
$ fi
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750907/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750907/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:44:26 2022
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.05 / 0.51 (9.33 %)
Files: 2165
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'psvv2tsoowxvmr4nysmi4locl3sxuw7o'
$ spack spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- neuron%intel+coreneuron+debug~legacy-unit~rx3d+tests model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy
[+] ^coreneuron@develop%intel@2021.4.0~caliper~codegenopt~gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl~openmp~profile+report+shared+sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^boost@1.79.0%intel@2021.4.0+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- psvv2ts neuron@develop%intel@2021.4.0+binary~caliper+coreneuron+debug~interviews~ipo+legacy-fr~legacy-unit+memacs+mod-compatibility+mpi~profile+python~rx3d+tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy patches=708cb04826b394a858069d93e8c08e1e81e914c23e1ef3da0486e8233834ff6c sanitizers=None arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- dwdch6b ^bison@3.8.2%intel@2021.4.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- z3q5f3x ^cmake@3.21.4%intel@2021.4.0~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] llrathj ^coreneuron@develop%intel@2021.4.0~caliper~codegenopt~gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl~openmp~profile+report+shared+sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] rdrurry ^boost@1.79.0%intel@2021.4.0+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hyunzkn ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] za4z336 ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] utj47fz ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ihxi5rl ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] evtnqzd ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r74vcyb ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7lotjqk ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] 4dzxcps ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] atktt2p ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] e5qqxxq ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jjl6cjc ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] onq3mhg ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 4ectow5 ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 72xzp3v ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] z5kzef6 ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 22arfs4 ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ascbeii ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] kvw3vhm ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7iyiygo ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] c7qvw2q ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] mazoiox ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] y7rfzdj ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] v4z3s5e ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] w4gddqx ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ci5oe5b ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] xj2wlac ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vt2or7v ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dzb2mfs ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 5fkun4i ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- s4ueg72 ^flex@2.6.3%intel@2021.4.0+lex~nls arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] iu2b5hx ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3rmq3zx ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hxxlexb ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dnxqn2k ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jzpqn5y ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ams67cx ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ir7xtbl ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 6ggc5yr ^ninja@1.10.2%intel@2021.4.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] n6q4vfz ^py-mpi4py@3.1.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gjm7kkq ^py-numpy@1.19.5%gcc@11.2.0+blas+lapack patches=8a9d5d1b3f145c043b8b04869e7d46c6ff95c3f486d84f69693017c7e6190c7d arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r5cvgru ^intel-mkl@2020.4.304%gcc@11.2.0~ilp64+shared threads=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] h2fsi6i ^py-cython@0.29.24%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] q5n7ofc ^py-pytest-cov@2.8.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] fudvy5v ^py-coverage@5.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 5abs2t7 ^readline@8.1%intel@2021.4.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} || install_failed=1
==> bison@3.8.2 : has external module in ['bison/3.8.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.8.2-dwdch6bmdeclr2novthsywtrryotawwz)
==> cmake@3.21.4 : has external module in ['cmake/3.21.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.21.4-z3q5f3xwpuibd3qbgdscqmu3efarbu42)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.79.0-rdrurryqe5eahijb4xf6mbqfryg7ezod)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-hyunzknktdzri34bx26bupkvapehonql)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-evtnqzdtuvprwnbd2nljimpzywrhw4uo)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> python@3.9.7 : has external module in ['python/3.9.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.9.7-72xzp3vgzh5b424qevkfruhs3ajzqbiy)
[+] /gpfs/
==> flex@2.6.3 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.3-s4ueg72j7l6vkdyvfxj2tweo7v7s3otx)
[+] /gpfs/ (external bzip2-1.0.8-3rmq3zxuntsiphthnvty6gtydbmbkwr5)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external ncurses-6.2-ams67cxbq5vc7wiay2ndr2ksce2igbfw)
[+] /usr (external tar-1.28-ir7xtblauhq3vtkpjrl7ou3nzevcsi3u)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-6ggc5yre7qddwxdjmn7sfptpdoiy4dtp)
[+] /gpfs/ (external intel-mkl-2020.4.304-r5cvgrurdnt6y267arsmmmgqi75ouxd2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external readline-8.1-5abs2t7f6dtgbejv6kjzd4gjwhdlr7qr)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing neuron-develop-psvv2tsoowxvmr4nysmi4locl3sxuw7o
==> No binary for neuron-develop-psvv2tsoowxvmr4nysmi4locl3sxuw7o found: installing from source
==> Warning: Expected user 904556 to own /gpfs/, but it is owned by 0
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
==> Applied patch /gpfs/
==> neuron: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> neuron: Executing phase: 'build'
==> neuron: Executing phase: 'install'
==> neuron: Successfully installed neuron-develop-psvv2tsoowxvmr4nysmi4locl3sxuw7o
Fetch: 17.87s. Build: 21m 56.67s. Total: 22m 14.54s.
[+] /gpfs/
$ chmod -R g+rX "${SPACK_BUILD}"
$ if [[ ${install_failed} == 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750907/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750907/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 14:08:20 2022
Hits: 76 / 793 (9.58 %)
Direct: 8 / 803 (1.00 %)
Preprocessed: 68 / 789 (8.62 %)
Misses: 717
Direct: 795
Preprocessed: 721
Uncacheable: 129
Primary storage:
Hits: 84 / 1600 (5.25 %)
Misses: 1516
Cache size (GB): 0.09 / 0.51 (16.70 %)
Files: 3583
Autoconf compile/link: 7
Called for linking: 105
Called for preprocessing: 1
Compilation failed: 4
No input file: 6
Preprocessing failed: 6
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -cf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar" .
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_SLUGIFY=$(echo -n ${SPACK_PACKAGE} | tr -c '[:alnum:]' '_' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.9.7
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
$ if [[ ${num_failures} > 0 ]]; then exit ${num_failures}; fi
section_end:1661774902:step_script section_start:1661774902:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache build:neuron:nmodl:intel:shared:debug-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=173396 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ccache.tar: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading to
Created cache
section_end:1661774907:archive_cache section_start:1661774907:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=173522 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340029 responseStatus=201 Created token=_CPy8zL5
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=173567 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340029 responseStatus=201 Created token=_CPy8zL5
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=173620 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=340029 responseStatus=201 Created token=_CPy8zL5
section_end:1661774909:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1661774909:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661774910:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773757:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773757:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773757:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340033
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=8, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340033_PROD_P112_CP10_C16
Job parameters: memory=76G, cpus_per_task=8, duration=2:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=2 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750932
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=2 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G --job-name=GL_J340033_PROD_P112_CP10_C16 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=2:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=2 --jobid=750932 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G
section_end:1661773758:prepare_executor section_start:1661773758:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i7n30 via
section_end:1661773761:prepare_script section_start:1661773761:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773762:get_sources section_start:1661773762:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for build:neuron:nmodl:nvhpc:acc:debug:legacy-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=146405 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1661773764:restore_cache section_start:1661773764:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:nmodl:nvhpc:acc:debug:legacy (340017)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=146479 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340017 responseStatus=200 OK token=qzCijMyV
section_end:1661773765:download_artifacts section_start:1661773765:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ export SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH=${PWD}/spack-config
$ cat > ${SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/software
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ all: install_{}-{compiler.version}-{target}/{name}-{version}-{hash:6}
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $user_cache_path/modules
/gpfs/ environments:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/environments
/gpfs/ concretization: separately
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 8
/gpfs/ extensions:
/gpfs/ - $spack/bluebrain/spack-scripting
/gpfs/ # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
/gpfs/ # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Temporary locations Spack can try to use for builds.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Recommended options are given below.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Builds can be faster in temporary directories on some (e.g., HPC) systems.
/gpfs/ # Specifying `$tempdir` will ensure use of the default temporary directory
/gpfs/ # (i.e., ``$TMP` or ``$TMPDIR``).
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Another option that prevents conflicts and potential permission issues is
/gpfs/ # to specify `$user_cache_path/stage`, which ensures each user builds in their
/gpfs/ # home directory.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # A more traditional path uses the value of `$spack/var/spack/stage`, which
/gpfs/ # builds directly inside Spack's instance without staging them in a
/gpfs/ # temporary space. Problems with specifying a path inside a Spack instance
/gpfs/ # are that it precludes its use as a system package and its ability to be
/gpfs/ # pip installable.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # In any case, if the username is not already in the path, Spack will append
/gpfs/ # the value of `$user` in an attempt to avoid potential conflicts between
/gpfs/ # users in shared temporary spaces.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # The build stage can be purged with `spack clean --stage` and
/gpfs/ # `spack clean -a`, so it is important that the specified directory uniquely
/gpfs/ # identifies Spack staging to avoid accidentally wiping out non-Spack work.
/gpfs/ test_stage: $user_cache_path/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: $user_cache_path/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ deprecated: False
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ url_fetch_method: urllib
/gpfs/ concretizer: clingo
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
/gpfs/ package_lock_timeout: null
/gpfs/ shared_linking: rpath
/gpfs/ allow_sgid: True
/gpfs/ terminal_title: False
_builtin debug: False
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${CI_BUILDS_DIR}/J${CI_JOB_ID}_local_config
$ echo "Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (${XDG_CONFIG_HOME})"
Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (/gpfs/
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install neuron%nvhpc +coreneuron+debug+tests~legacy-unit~rx3d model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy ^/c4ejopvtyojmvulo3446oacx63lpkltx
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(module load unstable python; echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][\"nodes\"][0][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be zn5og5e4cuu2gmr6r22v7o5cwfqvhos5
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_BASEDIR=$(realpath -P ${CI_BUILDS_DIR})
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ export CCACHE_DIR="${TMPDIR}/ccache"
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_DIR}
$ if [ -f ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar ]; then
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -xf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar"
$ fi
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750932/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750932/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:50:08 2022
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.14 / 0.51 (27.60 %)
Files: 2979
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'zn5og5e4cuu2gmr6r22v7o5cwfqvhos5'
$ spack spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- neuron%nvhpc+coreneuron+debug~legacy-unit~rx3d+tests model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy
[+] ^coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl~openmp~profile+report~shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- zn5og5e neuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+binary+caliper+coreneuron+debug~interviews~ipo+legacy-fr~legacy-unit+memacs+mod-compatibility+mpi~profile+python~rx3d+tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy patches=708cb04826b394a858069d93e8c08e1e81e914c23e1ef3da0486e8233834ff6c sanitizers=None arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 6s6wcfe ^bison@3.8.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] pfqy3p5 ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] at3kmf2 ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hyunzkn ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] wu42aul ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] p6adpyi ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] iu2b5hx ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3rmq3zx ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hxxlexb ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dnxqn2k ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jzpqn5y ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] evtnqzd ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ams67cx ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ir7xtbl ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gc2ivgg ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vcit7s5 ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- ucwiakr ^cmake@3.21.4%nvhpc@22.3~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] c4ejopv ^coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl~openmp~profile+report~shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] fnw44jf ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] za4z336 ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] utj47fz ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ihxi5rl ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r74vcyb ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7lotjqk ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] 4dzxcps ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] atktt2p ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] e5qqxxq ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jjl6cjc ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] onq3mhg ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 4ectow5 ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 72xzp3v ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] z5kzef6 ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 22arfs4 ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ascbeii ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] kvw3vhm ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7iyiygo ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] c7qvw2q ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] mazoiox ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] y7rfzdj ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] v4z3s5e ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] w4gddqx ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ci5oe5b ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] xj2wlac ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vt2or7v ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dzb2mfs ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 5fkun4i ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- ajxdymq ^flex@2.6.3%nvhpc@22.3+lex~nls arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- cp3ofsp ^ninja@1.10.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] n6q4vfz ^py-mpi4py@3.1.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gjm7kkq ^py-numpy@1.19.5%gcc@11.2.0+blas+lapack patches=8a9d5d1b3f145c043b8b04869e7d46c6ff95c3f486d84f69693017c7e6190c7d arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r5cvgru ^intel-mkl@2020.4.304%gcc@11.2.0~ilp64+shared threads=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] h2fsi6i ^py-cython@0.29.24%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] q5n7ofc ^py-pytest-cov@2.8.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] fudvy5v ^py-coverage@5.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3333cwm ^readline@8.1%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} || install_failed=1
==> bison@3.8.2 : has external module in ['bison/3.8.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.8.2-6s6wcfeanp2mkdib4c3n3ivkcuosopgm)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-hyunzknktdzri34bx26bupkvapehonql)
==> cuda@11.6.1 : has external module in ['cuda/11.6.1']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cuda-11.6.1-wu42aulcivrayjquerqpqvvjeadgosp2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external bzip2-1.0.8-3rmq3zxuntsiphthnvty6gtydbmbkwr5)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-evtnqzdtuvprwnbd2nljimpzywrhw4uo)
[+] /gpfs/ (external ncurses-6.2-ams67cxbq5vc7wiay2ndr2ksce2igbfw)
[+] /usr (external tar-1.28-ir7xtblauhq3vtkpjrl7ou3nzevcsi3u)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> cmake@3.21.4 : has external module in ['cmake/3.21.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.21.4-ucwiakreeghdgbo22kbqqhgnnlwxqtnn)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.79.0-fnw44jfbxyivagsnavjnk6zdaghmffbt)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> python@3.9.7 : has external module in ['python/3.9.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.9.7-72xzp3vgzh5b424qevkfruhs3ajzqbiy)
[+] /gpfs/
==> flex@2.6.3 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.3-ajxdymqhnzqgeuhvk5nu5zfymzq35n6i)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-cp3ofspgkdqaqih5vrhotmdwvkozfswp)
[+] /gpfs/ (external intel-mkl-2020.4.304-r5cvgrurdnt6y267arsmmmgqi75ouxd2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external readline-8.1-3333cwmykvahrsdydir4qeyasic3liq6)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing neuron-develop-zn5og5e4cuu2gmr6r22v7o5cwfqvhos5
==> No binary for neuron-develop-zn5og5e4cuu2gmr6r22v7o5cwfqvhos5 found: installing from source
==> Warning: Expected user 904556 to own /gpfs/, but it is owned by 0
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
==> Error: AttributeError: Query of package 'coreneuron' for 'libs' failed
prefix : /gpfs/
spec : coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl~openmp~profile+report~shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
queried as : coreneuron
extra parameters : []
/gpfs/, in _setup_pkg_and_run:
1041 tb_string = traceback.format_exc()
1043 # build up some context from the offending package so we can
>> 1044 # show that, too.
1045 package_context = get_package_context(tb)
1047 logfile = None
$ chmod -R g+rX "${SPACK_BUILD}"
$ if [[ ${install_failed} == 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi
srun: error: r1i7n30: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
section_end:1661773909:step_script section_start:1661773909:upload_artifacts_on_failure Uploading artifacts for failed job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=149702 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340033 responseStatus=201 Created token=qzCijMyV
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=149747 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340033 responseStatus=201 Created token=qzCijMyV
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=149790 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=340033 responseStatus=201 Created token=qzCijMyV
section_end:1661773911:upload_artifacts_on_failure section_start:1661773911:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661773911:cleanup_file_variables ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773811:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773811:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773811:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340035
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=8, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340035_PROD_P112_CP5_C8
Job parameters: memory=76G, cpus_per_task=8, duration=2:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=2 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750935
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=2 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G --job-name=GL_J340035_PROD_P112_CP5_C8 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=2:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=2 --jobid=750935 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G
section_end:1661773812:prepare_executor section_start:1661773812:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i6n20 via
section_end:1661773815:prepare_script section_start:1661773815:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773816:get_sources section_start:1661773816:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for build:neuron:nmodl:nvhpc:acc:shared-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=255562 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1661773817:restore_cache section_start:1661773817:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:nmodl:nvhpc:acc:shared (340019)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=255630 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340019 responseStatus=200 OK token=yyfE52y_
section_end:1661773818:download_artifacts section_start:1661773818:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ export SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH=${PWD}/spack-config
$ cat > ${SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/software
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ all: install_{}-{compiler.version}-{target}/{name}-{version}-{hash:6}
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $user_cache_path/modules
/gpfs/ environments:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/environments
/gpfs/ concretization: separately
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 8
/gpfs/ extensions:
/gpfs/ - $spack/bluebrain/spack-scripting
/gpfs/ # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
/gpfs/ # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Temporary locations Spack can try to use for builds.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Recommended options are given below.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Builds can be faster in temporary directories on some (e.g., HPC) systems.
/gpfs/ # Specifying `$tempdir` will ensure use of the default temporary directory
/gpfs/ # (i.e., ``$TMP` or ``$TMPDIR``).
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Another option that prevents conflicts and potential permission issues is
/gpfs/ # to specify `$user_cache_path/stage`, which ensures each user builds in their
/gpfs/ # home directory.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # A more traditional path uses the value of `$spack/var/spack/stage`, which
/gpfs/ # builds directly inside Spack's instance without staging them in a
/gpfs/ # temporary space. Problems with specifying a path inside a Spack instance
/gpfs/ # are that it precludes its use as a system package and its ability to be
/gpfs/ # pip installable.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # In any case, if the username is not already in the path, Spack will append
/gpfs/ # the value of `$user` in an attempt to avoid potential conflicts between
/gpfs/ # users in shared temporary spaces.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # The build stage can be purged with `spack clean --stage` and
/gpfs/ # `spack clean -a`, so it is important that the specified directory uniquely
/gpfs/ # identifies Spack staging to avoid accidentally wiping out non-Spack work.
/gpfs/ test_stage: $user_cache_path/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: $user_cache_path/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ deprecated: False
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ url_fetch_method: urllib
/gpfs/ concretizer: clingo
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
/gpfs/ package_lock_timeout: null
/gpfs/ shared_linking: rpath
/gpfs/ allow_sgid: True
/gpfs/ terminal_title: False
_builtin debug: False
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${CI_BUILDS_DIR}/J${CI_JOB_ID}_local_config
$ echo "Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (${XDG_CONFIG_HOME})"
Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (/gpfs/
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install neuron%nvhpc +coreneuron+debug+tests~legacy-unit~rx3d model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy ^/5ic77t43uub7ftzfth3y7tno3vxw2oiv
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(module load unstable python; echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][\"nodes\"][0][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be 7vvnsdx23gilqycoww5myt6h46347243
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_BASEDIR=$(realpath -P ${CI_BUILDS_DIR})
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ export CCACHE_DIR="${TMPDIR}/ccache"
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_DIR}
$ if [ -f ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar ]; then
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -xf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar"
$ fi
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750935/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750935/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:50:43 2022
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.09 / 0.51 (17.85 %)
Files: 2985
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: '7vvnsdx23gilqycoww5myt6h46347243'
$ spack spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- neuron%nvhpc+coreneuron+debug~legacy-unit~rx3d+tests model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy
[+] ^coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl~openmp~profile+report+shared+sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 7vvnsdx neuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+binary+caliper+coreneuron+debug~interviews~ipo+legacy-fr~legacy-unit+memacs+mod-compatibility+mpi~profile+python~rx3d+tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy patches=708cb04826b394a858069d93e8c08e1e81e914c23e1ef3da0486e8233834ff6c sanitizers=None arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 6s6wcfe ^bison@3.8.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] pfqy3p5 ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] at3kmf2 ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hyunzkn ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] wu42aul ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] p6adpyi ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] iu2b5hx ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3rmq3zx ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hxxlexb ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dnxqn2k ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jzpqn5y ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] evtnqzd ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ams67cx ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ir7xtbl ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gc2ivgg ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vcit7s5 ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- ucwiakr ^cmake@3.21.4%nvhpc@22.3~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] 5ic77t4 ^coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl~openmp~profile+report+shared+sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] fnw44jf ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] za4z336 ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] utj47fz ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ihxi5rl ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r74vcyb ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7lotjqk ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] 4dzxcps ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] atktt2p ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] e5qqxxq ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jjl6cjc ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] onq3mhg ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 4ectow5 ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 72xzp3v ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] z5kzef6 ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 22arfs4 ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ascbeii ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] kvw3vhm ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7iyiygo ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] c7qvw2q ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] mazoiox ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] y7rfzdj ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] v4z3s5e ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] w4gddqx ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ci5oe5b ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] xj2wlac ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vt2or7v ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dzb2mfs ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 5fkun4i ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- ajxdymq ^flex@2.6.3%nvhpc@22.3+lex~nls arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- cp3ofsp ^ninja@1.10.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] n6q4vfz ^py-mpi4py@3.1.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gjm7kkq ^py-numpy@1.19.5%gcc@11.2.0+blas+lapack patches=8a9d5d1b3f145c043b8b04869e7d46c6ff95c3f486d84f69693017c7e6190c7d arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r5cvgru ^intel-mkl@2020.4.304%gcc@11.2.0~ilp64+shared threads=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] h2fsi6i ^py-cython@0.29.24%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] q5n7ofc ^py-pytest-cov@2.8.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] fudvy5v ^py-coverage@5.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3333cwm ^readline@8.1%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} || install_failed=1
==> bison@3.8.2 : has external module in ['bison/3.8.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.8.2-6s6wcfeanp2mkdib4c3n3ivkcuosopgm)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-hyunzknktdzri34bx26bupkvapehonql)
==> cuda@11.6.1 : has external module in ['cuda/11.6.1']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cuda-11.6.1-wu42aulcivrayjquerqpqvvjeadgosp2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external bzip2-1.0.8-3rmq3zxuntsiphthnvty6gtydbmbkwr5)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-evtnqzdtuvprwnbd2nljimpzywrhw4uo)
[+] /gpfs/ (external ncurses-6.2-ams67cxbq5vc7wiay2ndr2ksce2igbfw)
[+] /usr (external tar-1.28-ir7xtblauhq3vtkpjrl7ou3nzevcsi3u)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> cmake@3.21.4 : has external module in ['cmake/3.21.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.21.4-ucwiakreeghdgbo22kbqqhgnnlwxqtnn)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.79.0-fnw44jfbxyivagsnavjnk6zdaghmffbt)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> python@3.9.7 : has external module in ['python/3.9.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.9.7-72xzp3vgzh5b424qevkfruhs3ajzqbiy)
[+] /gpfs/
==> flex@2.6.3 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.3-ajxdymqhnzqgeuhvk5nu5zfymzq35n6i)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-cp3ofspgkdqaqih5vrhotmdwvkozfswp)
[+] /gpfs/ (external intel-mkl-2020.4.304-r5cvgrurdnt6y267arsmmmgqi75ouxd2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external readline-8.1-3333cwmykvahrsdydir4qeyasic3liq6)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing neuron-develop-7vvnsdx23gilqycoww5myt6h46347243
==> No binary for neuron-develop-7vvnsdx23gilqycoww5myt6h46347243 found: installing from source
==> Warning: Expected user 904556 to own /gpfs/, but it is owned by 0
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
==> Error: AttributeError: Query of package 'coreneuron' for 'libs' failed
prefix : /gpfs/
spec : coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl~openmp~profile+report+shared+sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
queried as : coreneuron
extra parameters : []
/gpfs/, in _setup_pkg_and_run:
1041 tb_string = traceback.format_exc()
1043 # build up some context from the offending package so we can
>> 1044 # show that, too.
1045 package_context = get_package_context(tb)
1047 logfile = None
$ chmod -R g+rX "${SPACK_BUILD}"
$ if [[ ${install_failed} == 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
section_end:1661773893:step_script section_start:1661773893:upload_artifacts_on_failure Uploading artifacts for failed job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=257184 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340035 responseStatus=201 Created token=yyfE52y_
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=257221 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340035 responseStatus=201 Created token=yyfE52y_
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=257261 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=340035 responseStatus=201 Created token=yyfE52y_
section_end:1661773894:upload_artifacts_on_failure section_start:1661773894:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661773895:cleanup_file_variables ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773871:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773871:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773871:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340039
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=8, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340039_PROD_P112_CP13_C0
Job parameters: memory=76G, cpus_per_task=8, duration=2:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=2 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750941
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=2 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G --job-name=GL_J340039_PROD_P112_CP13_C0 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=2:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=2 --jobid=750941 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G
section_end:1661773872:prepare_executor section_start:1661773872:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i6n20 via
section_end:1661773875:prepare_script section_start:1661773875:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773876:get_sources section_start:1661773876:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for build:neuron:nmodl:nvhpc:omp:debug-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=256541 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1661773878:restore_cache section_start:1661773878:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:nmodl:nvhpc:omp:debug (340023)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=256619 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340023 responseStatus=200 OK token=ScPwBzpk
section_end:1661773879:download_artifacts section_start:1661773879:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ export SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH=${PWD}/spack-config
$ cat > ${SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/software
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ all: install_{}-{compiler.version}-{target}/{name}-{version}-{hash:6}
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $user_cache_path/modules
/gpfs/ environments:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/environments
/gpfs/ concretization: separately
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 8
/gpfs/ extensions:
/gpfs/ - $spack/bluebrain/spack-scripting
/gpfs/ # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
/gpfs/ # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Temporary locations Spack can try to use for builds.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Recommended options are given below.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Builds can be faster in temporary directories on some (e.g., HPC) systems.
/gpfs/ # Specifying `$tempdir` will ensure use of the default temporary directory
/gpfs/ # (i.e., ``$TMP` or ``$TMPDIR``).
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Another option that prevents conflicts and potential permission issues is
/gpfs/ # to specify `$user_cache_path/stage`, which ensures each user builds in their
/gpfs/ # home directory.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # A more traditional path uses the value of `$spack/var/spack/stage`, which
/gpfs/ # builds directly inside Spack's instance without staging them in a
/gpfs/ # temporary space. Problems with specifying a path inside a Spack instance
/gpfs/ # are that it precludes its use as a system package and its ability to be
/gpfs/ # pip installable.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # In any case, if the username is not already in the path, Spack will append
/gpfs/ # the value of `$user` in an attempt to avoid potential conflicts between
/gpfs/ # users in shared temporary spaces.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # The build stage can be purged with `spack clean --stage` and
/gpfs/ # `spack clean -a`, so it is important that the specified directory uniquely
/gpfs/ # identifies Spack staging to avoid accidentally wiping out non-Spack work.
/gpfs/ test_stage: $user_cache_path/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: $user_cache_path/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ deprecated: False
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ url_fetch_method: urllib
/gpfs/ concretizer: clingo
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
/gpfs/ package_lock_timeout: null
/gpfs/ shared_linking: rpath
/gpfs/ allow_sgid: True
/gpfs/ terminal_title: False
_builtin debug: False
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${CI_BUILDS_DIR}/J${CI_JOB_ID}_local_config
$ echo "Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (${XDG_CONFIG_HOME})"
Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (/gpfs/
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install neuron%nvhpc +coreneuron+debug+tests~legacy-unit~rx3d model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy ^/cvp73izzgopbpcpcpjbysuhuaizams3t
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(module load unstable python; echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][\"nodes\"][0][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be ygqt56xqjbrqmpeyeqoz3m7mg5bcncis
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_BASEDIR=$(realpath -P ${CI_BUILDS_DIR})
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ export CCACHE_DIR="${TMPDIR}/ccache"
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_DIR}
$ if [ -f ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar ]; then
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -xf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar"
$ fi
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750941/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750941/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:51:44 2022
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.17 / 0.51 (32.91 %)
Files: 2985
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'ygqt56xqjbrqmpeyeqoz3m7mg5bcncis'
$ spack spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- neuron%nvhpc+coreneuron+debug~legacy-unit~rx3d+tests model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy
[+] ^coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl+openmp~profile+report~shared+sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- ygqt56x neuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+binary+caliper+coreneuron+debug~interviews~ipo+legacy-fr~legacy-unit+memacs+mod-compatibility+mpi~profile+python~rx3d+tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy patches=708cb04826b394a858069d93e8c08e1e81e914c23e1ef3da0486e8233834ff6c sanitizers=None arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 6s6wcfe ^bison@3.8.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] pfqy3p5 ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] at3kmf2 ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hyunzkn ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] wu42aul ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] p6adpyi ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] iu2b5hx ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3rmq3zx ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hxxlexb ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dnxqn2k ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jzpqn5y ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] evtnqzd ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ams67cx ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ir7xtbl ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gc2ivgg ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vcit7s5 ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- ucwiakr ^cmake@3.21.4%nvhpc@22.3~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] cvp73iz ^coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl+openmp~profile+report~shared+sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] fnw44jf ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] za4z336 ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] utj47fz ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ihxi5rl ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r74vcyb ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7lotjqk ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] 4dzxcps ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] atktt2p ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] e5qqxxq ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jjl6cjc ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] onq3mhg ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 4ectow5 ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 72xzp3v ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] z5kzef6 ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 22arfs4 ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ascbeii ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] kvw3vhm ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7iyiygo ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] c7qvw2q ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] mazoiox ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] y7rfzdj ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] v4z3s5e ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] w4gddqx ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ci5oe5b ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] xj2wlac ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vt2or7v ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dzb2mfs ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 5fkun4i ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- ajxdymq ^flex@2.6.3%nvhpc@22.3+lex~nls arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- cp3ofsp ^ninja@1.10.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] n6q4vfz ^py-mpi4py@3.1.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gjm7kkq ^py-numpy@1.19.5%gcc@11.2.0+blas+lapack patches=8a9d5d1b3f145c043b8b04869e7d46c6ff95c3f486d84f69693017c7e6190c7d arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r5cvgru ^intel-mkl@2020.4.304%gcc@11.2.0~ilp64+shared threads=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] h2fsi6i ^py-cython@0.29.24%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] q5n7ofc ^py-pytest-cov@2.8.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] fudvy5v ^py-coverage@5.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3333cwm ^readline@8.1%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} || install_failed=1
==> bison@3.8.2 : has external module in ['bison/3.8.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.8.2-6s6wcfeanp2mkdib4c3n3ivkcuosopgm)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-hyunzknktdzri34bx26bupkvapehonql)
==> cuda@11.6.1 : has external module in ['cuda/11.6.1']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cuda-11.6.1-wu42aulcivrayjquerqpqvvjeadgosp2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external bzip2-1.0.8-3rmq3zxuntsiphthnvty6gtydbmbkwr5)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-evtnqzdtuvprwnbd2nljimpzywrhw4uo)
[+] /gpfs/ (external ncurses-6.2-ams67cxbq5vc7wiay2ndr2ksce2igbfw)
[+] /usr (external tar-1.28-ir7xtblauhq3vtkpjrl7ou3nzevcsi3u)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> cmake@3.21.4 : has external module in ['cmake/3.21.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.21.4-ucwiakreeghdgbo22kbqqhgnnlwxqtnn)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.79.0-fnw44jfbxyivagsnavjnk6zdaghmffbt)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> python@3.9.7 : has external module in ['python/3.9.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.9.7-72xzp3vgzh5b424qevkfruhs3ajzqbiy)
[+] /gpfs/
==> flex@2.6.3 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.3-ajxdymqhnzqgeuhvk5nu5zfymzq35n6i)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-cp3ofspgkdqaqih5vrhotmdwvkozfswp)
[+] /gpfs/ (external intel-mkl-2020.4.304-r5cvgrurdnt6y267arsmmmgqi75ouxd2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external readline-8.1-3333cwmykvahrsdydir4qeyasic3liq6)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing neuron-develop-ygqt56xqjbrqmpeyeqoz3m7mg5bcncis
==> No binary for neuron-develop-ygqt56xqjbrqmpeyeqoz3m7mg5bcncis found: installing from source
==> Warning: Expected user 904556 to own /gpfs/, but it is owned by 0
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
==> Error: AttributeError: Query of package 'coreneuron' for 'libs' failed
prefix : /gpfs/
spec : coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl+openmp~profile+report~shared+sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=Debug arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
queried as : coreneuron
extra parameters : []
/gpfs/, in _setup_pkg_and_run:
1041 tb_string = traceback.format_exc()
1043 # build up some context from the offending package so we can
>> 1044 # show that, too.
1045 package_context = get_package_context(tb)
1047 logfile = None
$ chmod -R g+rX "${SPACK_BUILD}"
$ if [[ ${install_failed} == 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
section_end:1661773954:step_script section_start:1661773954:upload_artifacts_on_failure Uploading artifacts for failed job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=257648 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340039 responseStatus=201 Created token=ScPwBzpk
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=257687 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340039 responseStatus=201 Created token=ScPwBzpk
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=257726 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=340039 responseStatus=201 Created token=ScPwBzpk
section_end:1661773956:upload_artifacts_on_failure section_start:1661773956:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661773956:cleanup_file_variables ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773952:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773952:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773952:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340037
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=8, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340037_PROD_P112_CP5_C5
Job parameters: memory=76G, cpus_per_task=8, duration=2:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=2 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750945
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=2 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G --job-name=GL_J340037_PROD_P112_CP5_C5 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=2:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=2 --jobid=750945 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G
section_end:1661773953:prepare_executor section_start:1661773953:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i7n30 via
section_end:1661773955:prepare_script section_start:1661773955:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773956:get_sources section_start:1661773956:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for build:neuron:nmodl:nvhpc:omp:legacy-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=150787 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1661773958:restore_cache section_start:1661773958:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:nmodl:nvhpc:omp:legacy (340021)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=150887 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340021 responseStatus=200 OK token=ZH5yTvom
section_end:1661773959:download_artifacts section_start:1661773959:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ export SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH=${PWD}/spack-config
$ cat > ${SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/software
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ all: install_{}-{compiler.version}-{target}/{name}-{version}-{hash:6}
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $user_cache_path/modules
/gpfs/ environments:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/environments
/gpfs/ concretization: separately
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 8
/gpfs/ extensions:
/gpfs/ - $spack/bluebrain/spack-scripting
/gpfs/ # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
/gpfs/ # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Temporary locations Spack can try to use for builds.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Recommended options are given below.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Builds can be faster in temporary directories on some (e.g., HPC) systems.
/gpfs/ # Specifying `$tempdir` will ensure use of the default temporary directory
/gpfs/ # (i.e., ``$TMP` or ``$TMPDIR``).
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Another option that prevents conflicts and potential permission issues is
/gpfs/ # to specify `$user_cache_path/stage`, which ensures each user builds in their
/gpfs/ # home directory.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # A more traditional path uses the value of `$spack/var/spack/stage`, which
/gpfs/ # builds directly inside Spack's instance without staging them in a
/gpfs/ # temporary space. Problems with specifying a path inside a Spack instance
/gpfs/ # are that it precludes its use as a system package and its ability to be
/gpfs/ # pip installable.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # In any case, if the username is not already in the path, Spack will append
/gpfs/ # the value of `$user` in an attempt to avoid potential conflicts between
/gpfs/ # users in shared temporary spaces.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # The build stage can be purged with `spack clean --stage` and
/gpfs/ # `spack clean -a`, so it is important that the specified directory uniquely
/gpfs/ # identifies Spack staging to avoid accidentally wiping out non-Spack work.
/gpfs/ test_stage: $user_cache_path/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: $user_cache_path/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ deprecated: False
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ url_fetch_method: urllib
/gpfs/ concretizer: clingo
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
/gpfs/ package_lock_timeout: null
/gpfs/ shared_linking: rpath
/gpfs/ allow_sgid: True
/gpfs/ terminal_title: False
_builtin debug: False
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${CI_BUILDS_DIR}/J${CI_JOB_ID}_local_config
$ echo "Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (${XDG_CONFIG_HOME})"
Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (/gpfs/
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install neuron%nvhpc +coreneuron+debug+tests~legacy-unit~rx3d model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy ^/juy4j57jnl7fobgtudu53xegsbbxen53
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(module load unstable python; echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][\"nodes\"][0][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be g5ryraz7n7vvzgs6zxyf5rnkwck2t3lm
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_BASEDIR=$(realpath -P ${CI_BUILDS_DIR})
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ export CCACHE_DIR="${TMPDIR}/ccache"
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_DIR}
$ if [ -f ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar ]; then
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -xf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar"
$ fi
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750945/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750945/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:53:21 2022
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.09 / 0.51 (17.77 %)
Files: 2977
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: 'g5ryraz7n7vvzgs6zxyf5rnkwck2t3lm'
$ spack spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- neuron%nvhpc+coreneuron+debug~legacy-unit~rx3d+tests model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy
[+] ^coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl+openmp~profile+report~shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- g5ryraz neuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+binary+caliper+coreneuron+debug~interviews~ipo+legacy-fr~legacy-unit+memacs+mod-compatibility+mpi~profile+python~rx3d+tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo model_tests=channel-benchmark,olfactory,tqperf-heavy patches=708cb04826b394a858069d93e8c08e1e81e914c23e1ef3da0486e8233834ff6c sanitizers=None arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 6s6wcfe ^bison@3.8.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] pfqy3p5 ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] at3kmf2 ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hyunzkn ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] wu42aul ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] p6adpyi ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] iu2b5hx ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3rmq3zx ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hxxlexb ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dnxqn2k ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jzpqn5y ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] evtnqzd ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ams67cx ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ir7xtbl ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gc2ivgg ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vcit7s5 ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- ucwiakr ^cmake@3.21.4%nvhpc@22.3~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] juy4j57 ^coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl+openmp~profile+report~shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] fnw44jf ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] za4z336 ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] utj47fz ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ihxi5rl ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r74vcyb ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7lotjqk ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[+] 4dzxcps ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] atktt2p ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] e5qqxxq ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jjl6cjc ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] onq3mhg ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 4ectow5 ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 72xzp3v ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] z5kzef6 ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 22arfs4 ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ascbeii ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] kvw3vhm ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7iyiygo ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] c7qvw2q ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] mazoiox ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] y7rfzdj ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] v4z3s5e ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] w4gddqx ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ci5oe5b ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] xj2wlac ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vt2or7v ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dzb2mfs ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 5fkun4i ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- ajxdymq ^flex@2.6.3%nvhpc@22.3+lex~nls arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- cp3ofsp ^ninja@1.10.2%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] n6q4vfz ^py-mpi4py@3.1.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] gjm7kkq ^py-numpy@1.19.5%gcc@11.2.0+blas+lapack patches=8a9d5d1b3f145c043b8b04869e7d46c6ff95c3f486d84f69693017c7e6190c7d arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r5cvgru ^intel-mkl@2020.4.304%gcc@11.2.0~ilp64+shared threads=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] h2fsi6i ^py-cython@0.29.24%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] q5n7ofc ^py-pytest-cov@2.8.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] fudvy5v ^py-coverage@5.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 3333cwm ^readline@8.1%nvhpc@22.3 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} || install_failed=1
==> bison@3.8.2 : has external module in ['bison/3.8.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.8.2-6s6wcfeanp2mkdib4c3n3ivkcuosopgm)
==> hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt : has external module in ['hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt']
[+] /gpfs/ (external hpe-mpi-2.25.hmpt-hyunzknktdzri34bx26bupkvapehonql)
==> cuda@11.6.1 : has external module in ['cuda/11.6.1']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cuda-11.6.1-wu42aulcivrayjquerqpqvvjeadgosp2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external bzip2-1.0.8-3rmq3zxuntsiphthnvty6gtydbmbkwr5)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/ (external zlib-1.2.11-evtnqzdtuvprwnbd2nljimpzywrhw4uo)
[+] /gpfs/ (external ncurses-6.2-ams67cxbq5vc7wiay2ndr2ksce2igbfw)
[+] /usr (external tar-1.28-ir7xtblauhq3vtkpjrl7ou3nzevcsi3u)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> cmake@3.21.4 : has external module in ['cmake/3.21.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.21.4-ucwiakreeghdgbo22kbqqhgnnlwxqtnn)
[+] /gpfs/ (external boost-1.79.0-fnw44jfbxyivagsnavjnk6zdaghmffbt)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> python@3.9.7 : has external module in ['python/3.9.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.9.7-72xzp3vgzh5b424qevkfruhs3ajzqbiy)
[+] /gpfs/
==> flex@2.6.3 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.3-ajxdymqhnzqgeuhvk5nu5zfymzq35n6i)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-cp3ofspgkdqaqih5vrhotmdwvkozfswp)
[+] /gpfs/ (external intel-mkl-2020.4.304-r5cvgrurdnt6y267arsmmmgqi75ouxd2)
[+] /gpfs/ (external readline-8.1-3333cwmykvahrsdydir4qeyasic3liq6)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing neuron-develop-g5ryraz7n7vvzgs6zxyf5rnkwck2t3lm
==> No binary for neuron-develop-g5ryraz7n7vvzgs6zxyf5rnkwck2t3lm found: installing from source
==> Warning: Expected user 904556 to own /gpfs/, but it is owned by 0
==> Warning: Missing a source id for libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp
==> Error: AttributeError: Query of package 'coreneuron' for 'libs' failed
prefix : /gpfs/
spec : coreneuron@develop%nvhpc@22.3+caliper~codegenopt+gpu~ipo~ispc~knl~legacy-unit+mpi+nmodl+openmp~profile+report~shared~sympy~sympyopt+tests~unified build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^adiak@0.2.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^boost@1.79.0%nvhpc@22.3+atomic+chrono~clanglibcpp~container~context~coroutine+date_time~debug+exception~fiber+filesystem+graph~icu+iostreams+locale+log+math~mpi+multithreaded~numpy+pic+program_options~python+random+regex+serialization+shared+signals~singlethreaded+system~taggedlayout+test+thread+timer~versionedlayout+wave cxxstd=98 visibility=hidden arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^bzip2@1.0.8%gcc@11.2.0~debug~pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^caliper@2.7.0%gcc@11.2.0+adiak+cuda~fortran+gotcha~ipo+libdw~libpfm+libunwind+mpi+papi+sampler+shared~sosflow build_type=RelWithDebInfo cuda_arch=70 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^cuda@11.6.1%gcc@11.2.0~allow-unsupported-compilers~dev arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^elfutils@0.186%gcc@11.2.0~bzip2~debuginfod+nls~xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^gettext@0.21%gcc@11.2.0+bzip2+curses+git~libunistring+libxml2+tar+xz arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^hdf5@1.10.7%gcc@11.2.0+cxx~fortran+hl~ipo~java+mpi+shared~szip~threadsafe+tools api=default build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^hpe-mpi@2.25.hmpt%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libiconv@1.16%gcc@11.2.0 libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libsonata-report@1.1.1_lfp%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+mpi build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libunwind@1.5.0%gcc@11.2.0~block_signals~conservative_checks~cxx_exceptions~debug~debug_frame+docs~pic+tests+weak_backtrace~xz~zlib components=none libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libxml2@2.9.12%gcc@11.2.0~python arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^ncurses@6.2%gcc@11.2.0~symlinks+termlib abi=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^papi@ amdgpu_target=none arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^pkgconf@1.8.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^reportinglib@2.5.6%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~profile+shared~tests build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^tar@1.28%gcc@11.2.0 patches=08921fcbd732050c74ddf1de7d8ad95ffdbc09f8b4342456fa2f6a0dd02a957c,125cd6142fac2cc339e9aebfe79e40f90766022b8e8401532b1729e84fc148c2,5c314db58d005043bf407abaf25eb9823b9032a22fd12a0b142d4bf548130fa4,d428578be7fb99b831eb61e53b8d88a859afe08b479a21238180899707d79ce4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^xz@5.2.5%gcc@11.2.0~pic libs=shared,static arch=linux-rhel7-skylake ^zlib@1.2.11%gcc@11.2.0+optimize+pic+shared arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
queried as : coreneuron
extra parameters : []
/gpfs/, in _setup_pkg_and_run:
1041 tb_string = traceback.format_exc()
1043 # build up some context from the offending package so we can
>> 1044 # show that, too.
1045 package_context = get_package_context(tb)
1047 logfile = None
$ chmod -R g+rX "${SPACK_BUILD}"
$ if [[ ${install_failed} == 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi
srun: error: r1i7n30: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
section_end:1661774102:step_script section_start:1661774102:upload_artifacts_on_failure Uploading artifacts for failed job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=153189 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340037 responseStatus=201 Created token=ZH5yTvom
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=153227 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340037 responseStatus=201 Created token=ZH5yTvom
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=153273 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=340037 responseStatus=201 Created token=ZH5yTvom
section_end:1661774103:upload_artifacts_on_failure section_start:1661774103:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661774104:cleanup_file_variables ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661772813:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661772813:resolve_secrets section_start:1661772813:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340006
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=8, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340006_PROD_P112_CP5_C8
Job parameters: memory=76G, cpus_per_task=8, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=2 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750821
job state: PD
job state: PD
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=2 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G --job-name=GL_J340006_PROD_P112_CP5_C8 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=2 --jobid=750821 --cpus-per-task=8 --mem=76G
section_end:1661772817:prepare_executor section_start:1661772817:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i6n20 via
section_end:1661772820:prepare_script section_start:1661772820:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661772821:get_sources section_start:1661772821:restore_cache Restoring cache
Checking cache for build:nmodl-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=235821 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0 is up to date 
Successfully extracted cache
section_end:1661772826:restore_cache section_start:1661772826:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for spack_setup (340002)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=236433 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340002 responseStatus=200 OK token=jNsTVr14
section_end:1661772827:download_artifacts section_start:1661772827:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ SPACK_BUILD="${PWD}/spack-build"
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ export SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH=${PWD}/spack-config
$ cat > ${SPACK_USER_CONFIG_PATH}/config.yaml << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ spack config blame config
--- config:
/gpfs/ build_stage:
/gpfs/ - /gpfs/
/gpfs/ source_cache: /gpfs/
/gpfs/ ccache: True
/gpfs/ install_tree:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/software
/gpfs/ projections:
/gpfs/ all: install_{}-{compiler.version}-{target}/{name}-{version}-{hash:6}
/gpfs/ module_roots:
/gpfs/ tcl: $user_cache_path/modules
/gpfs/ environments:
/gpfs/ root: $user_cache_path/environments
/gpfs/ concretization: separately
/gpfs/ build_jobs: 8
/gpfs/ extensions:
/gpfs/ - $spack/bluebrain/spack-scripting
/gpfs/ # This is the path to the root of the Spack install tree.
/gpfs/ # You can use $spack here to refer to the root of the spack instance.
/gpfs/ template_dirs:
/gpfs/ - $spack/share/spack/templates
/gpfs/ # Temporary locations Spack can try to use for builds.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Recommended options are given below.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Builds can be faster in temporary directories on some (e.g., HPC) systems.
/gpfs/ # Specifying `$tempdir` will ensure use of the default temporary directory
/gpfs/ # (i.e., ``$TMP` or ``$TMPDIR``).
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # Another option that prevents conflicts and potential permission issues is
/gpfs/ # to specify `$user_cache_path/stage`, which ensures each user builds in their
/gpfs/ # home directory.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # A more traditional path uses the value of `$spack/var/spack/stage`, which
/gpfs/ # builds directly inside Spack's instance without staging them in a
/gpfs/ # temporary space. Problems with specifying a path inside a Spack instance
/gpfs/ # are that it precludes its use as a system package and its ability to be
/gpfs/ # pip installable.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # In any case, if the username is not already in the path, Spack will append
/gpfs/ # the value of `$user` in an attempt to avoid potential conflicts between
/gpfs/ # users in shared temporary spaces.
/gpfs/ #
/gpfs/ # The build stage can be purged with `spack clean --stage` and
/gpfs/ # `spack clean -a`, so it is important that the specified directory uniquely
/gpfs/ # identifies Spack staging to avoid accidentally wiping out non-Spack work.
/gpfs/ test_stage: $user_cache_path/test
/gpfs/ misc_cache: $user_cache_path/cache
/gpfs/ connect_timeout: 10
/gpfs/ verify_ssl: True
/gpfs/ suppress_gpg_warnings: False
/gpfs/ install_missing_compilers: False
/gpfs/ checksum: True
/gpfs/ deprecated: False
/gpfs/ dirty: False
/gpfs/ build_language: C
/gpfs/ locks: True
/gpfs/ url_fetch_method: urllib
/gpfs/ concretizer: clingo
/gpfs/ db_lock_timeout: 300
/gpfs/ package_lock_timeout: null
/gpfs/ shared_linking: rpath
/gpfs/ allow_sgid: True
/gpfs/ terminal_title: False
_builtin debug: False
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${CI_BUILDS_DIR}/J${CI_JOB_ID}_local_config
$ echo "Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (${XDG_CONFIG_HOME})"
Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (/gpfs/
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ echo "Preparing to install ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}"
Preparing to install nmodl%gcc ~legacy-unit
$ JSON_SPEC=$(spack spec --json ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC})
$ SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH=$(module load unstable python; echo "${JSON_SPEC}" | python -c "import json, sys; print(json.loads([\"spec\"][\"nodes\"][0][\"hash\"])")
$ echo "Determined its hash will be ${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH}"
Determined its hash will be 4dzxcpsuksxgtuoesheax4sf76wrhkqb
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ module load unstable ccache
$ export CCACHE_BASEDIR=$(realpath -P ${CI_BUILDS_DIR})
$ export CCACHE_MAXSIZE=512M
$ export CCACHE_DIR="${TMPDIR}/ccache"
$ mkdir -p ${CCACHE_DIR}
$ if [ -f ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar ]; then
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -xf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar"
$ fi
$ ccache --zero-stats
Statistics zeroed
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750821/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750821/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:34:10 2022
Hits: 0 / 0
Direct: 0 / 0
Preprocessed: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Direct: 0
Preprocessed: 0
Primary storage:
Hits: 0 / 0
Misses: 0
Cache size (GB): 0.44 / 0.51 (86.23 %)
Files: 497
$ fi
$ module load unstable git ${SPACK_EXTRA_MODULES}
$ spack uninstall -y --dependents /${SPACK_INSTALLED_HASH} || true
==> Error: No installed spec matches the hash: '4dzxcpsuksxgtuoesheax4sf76wrhkqb'
$ spack spec -Il ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}
Input spec
- nmodl%gcc~legacy-unit
- 4dzxcps nmodl@develop%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~legacy-unit~llvm~llvm_cuda~python build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- cppb7al ^bison@3.8.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] atktt2p ^catch2@2.13.8%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 2qmvlfy ^cmake@3.21.4%gcc@11.2.0~doc+ncurses+openssl+ownlibs~qt build_type=Release arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] e5qqxxq ^cli11@2.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- 4bt76dp ^flex@2.6.3%gcc@11.2.0+lex~nls arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7lotjqk ^fmt@8.1.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+pic~shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo cxxstd=11 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
- utrxbc3 ^ninja@1.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] jjl6cjc ^nlohmann-json@3.10.4%gcc@11.2.0~ipo~multiple_headers build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] onq3mhg ^py-jinja2@3.0.1%gcc@11.2.0~i18n arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 4ectow5 ^py-markupsafe@2.0.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] v4z3s5e ^py-setuptools@57.4.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 72xzp3v ^python@3.9.7%gcc@11.2.0+bz2+ctypes+dbm~debug+libxml2+lzma~nis~optimizations+pic+pyexpat+pythoncmd+readline+shared+sqlite3+ssl~tix~tkinter~ucs4+uuid+zlib patches=0d98e93189bc278fbc37a50ed7f183bd8aaf249a8e1670a465f0db6bb4f8cf87,4c2457325f2b608b1b6a2c63087df8c26e07db3e3d493caf36a56f0ecf6fb768,f2fd060afc4b4618fe8104c4c5d771f36dc55b1db5a4623785a4ea707ec72fb4 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] z5kzef6 ^py-pybind11@2.9.1%gcc@11.2.0~ipo build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 22arfs4 ^py-pytest@6.2.4%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ascbeii ^py-attrs@21.2.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] kvw3vhm ^py-iniconfig@1.1.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] 7iyiygo ^py-packaging@21.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] c7qvw2q ^py-pyparsing@2.4.7%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] mazoiox ^py-pluggy@0.13.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ciusbmc ^py-setuptools-scm@6.3.2%gcc@11.2.0+toml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] hmcew6w ^py-tomli@1.2.1%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] sxd7srs ^py-pip@21.1.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] y7rfzdj ^py-py@1.9.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] w4gddqx ^py-toml@0.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] ci5oe5b ^py-pyyaml@5.3.1%gcc@11.2.0+libyaml arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] xj2wlac ^libyaml@0.2.5%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] vt2or7v ^py-sympy@1.9%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] dzb2mfs ^py-mpmath@1.1.0%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
[^] r74vcyb ^spdlog@1.9.2%gcc@11.2.0~ipo+shared build_type=RelWithDebInfo arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
$ spack ${SPACK_INSTALL_EXTRA_FLAGS} install -j${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} --log-format=junit --log-file=${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml --keep-stage ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} || install_failed=1
==> bison@3.8.2 : has external module in ['bison/3.8.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external bison-3.8.2-cppb7alftvhxbedsuxqv72z2thjuoizw)
==> cmake@3.21.4 : has external module in ['cmake/3.21.4']
[+] /gpfs/ (external cmake-3.21.4-2qmvlfyylrv3t5ankluyr5cqey2nlfzd)
==> flex@2.6.3 : has external module in ['flex/2.6.3']
[+] /gpfs/ (external flex-2.6.3-4bt76dpxbix6ep4qtz3mv5i2iddilv53)
==> ninja@1.10.2 : has external module in ['ninja/1.10.2']
[+] /gpfs/ (external ninja-1.10.2-utrxbc3aohnru5eynalc3hyv4ca4jqte)
==> python@3.9.7 : has external module in ['python/3.9.7']
[+] /gpfs/ (external python-3.9.7-72xzp3vgzh5b424qevkfruhs3ajzqbiy)
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
[+] /gpfs/
==> Installing nmodl-develop-4dzxcpsuksxgtuoesheax4sf76wrhkqb
==> No binary for nmodl-develop-4dzxcpsuksxgtuoesheax4sf76wrhkqb found: installing from source
==> Warning: Expected user 904556 to own /gpfs/, but it is owned by 0
==> No patches needed for nmodl
==> nmodl: Executing phase: 'cmake'
==> nmodl: Executing phase: 'build'
==> nmodl: Executing phase: 'install'
==> nmodl: Successfully installed nmodl-develop-4dzxcpsuksxgtuoesheax4sf76wrhkqb
Fetch: 57.98s. Build: 2m 23.83s. Total: 3m 21.81s.
[+] /gpfs/
$ chmod -R g+rX "${SPACK_BUILD}"
$ if [[ ${install_failed} == 1 ]]; then exit 1; fi
$ if [ ${SPACK_USE_CCACHE+x} ]; then
$ ccache --cleanup
$ ccache --show-stats --verbose
Cache directory: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750821/ccache
Primary config: /nvme/bbpcihpcproj12/750821/ccache/ccache.conf
Secondary config: /gpfs/
Stats updated: Mon Aug 29 13:38:20 2022
Hits: 131 / 133 (98.50 %)
Direct: 28 / 133 (21.05 %)
Preprocessed: 103 / 105 (98.10 %)
Misses: 2
Direct: 105
Preprocessed: 2
Uncacheable: 26
Primary storage:
Hits: 159 / 266 (59.77 %)
Misses: 107
Cache size (GB): 0.44 / 0.51 (86.26 %)
Files: 501
Called for linking: 25
No input file: 1
$ tar -C "${CCACHE_DIR}" -cf "${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ccache.tar" .
$ fi
$ touch ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-configure-args.txt
$ cp ${SPACK_STAGE_DIR}/spack-{build-env,build-out,configure-args}.txt ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ echo "SPACK_BUILD_DIR=${SPACK_BUILD_DIR}" > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_FULL_SPEC=${SPACK_FULL_SPEC}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ echo "SPACK_SOURCE_DIR=${SPACK_SOURCE_DIR}" >> ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/spack_build_info.env
$ SPACK_PACKAGE_SLUGIFY=$(echo -n ${SPACK_PACKAGE} | tr -c '[:alnum:]' '_' | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]')
$ num_failures=$(module load unstable python-dev; python -c "from lxml import etree; xml = etree.parse('${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/install.xml'); print(sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('failure')) + sum(1 for _ in xml.getroot().iter('error')))")
Autoloading python/3.9.7
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
$ if [[ ${num_failures} > 0 ]]; then exit ${num_failures}; fi
section_end:1661773103:step_script section_start:1661773103:archive_cache Saving cache for successful job
Creating cache build:nmodl-8-non_protected...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=241178 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ccache.tar: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading to
Created cache
section_end:1661773128:archive_cache section_start:1661773128:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=241514 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-env.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-build-out.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
spack-configure-args.txt: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340006 responseStatus=201 Created token=jNsTVr14
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=241553 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
install.xml: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340006 responseStatus=201 Created token=jNsTVr14
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=241595 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_build_info.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=340006 responseStatus=201 Created token=jNsTVr14
section_end:1661773130:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1661773130:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661773130:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661772719:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661772719:resolve_secrets section_start:1661772719:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340002
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=6, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340002_PROD_P112_CP2_C5
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=6, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=1 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750816
job state: PD
job state: PD
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=1 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J340002_PROD_P112_CP2_C5 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=1 --jobid=750816 --cpus-per-task=6 --mem=30750M
section_end:1661772722:prepare_executor section_start:1661772722:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i7n30 via
section_end:1661772725:prepare_script section_start:1661772725:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661772725:get_sources section_start:1661772725:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ if [[ -n "${SPACK_ENV_FILE_URL}" && "${PARSE_GITHUB_PR_DESCRIPTIONS,,}" == "true" ]]; then
$ cat > << END_SCRIPT # collapsed multi-line command
$ cat
import os
import re
import requests
pr_info = requests.get("{}/pulls/{}".format(
headers={'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'})
pr_body = pr_info.json()["body"]
# match something like NEURON_BRANCH=foo/bar
pat = re.compile('^([A-Z0-9_]+)_([A-Z]+)=([A-Z0-9\-\_\/\+]+)$', re.IGNORECASE)
def parse_term(m):
ref_type =
if ref_type not in {'branch', 'tag', 'ref'}: return
print( + '_' + ref_type.upper() + '=' +
if pr_body is not None:
for pr_body_line in pr_body.splitlines():
if not pr_body_line.startswith('CI_BRANCHES:'): continue
for config_term in pr_body_line[12:].split(','):
pat.sub(parse_term, config_term)
$ (module load unstable python-dev; python > input_variables.env
Autoloading python/3.9.7
Autoloading hpe-mpi/2.25.hmpt
$ else
$ cat input_variables.env
$ for var_to_unset in $(sed 's/^\(.*\?\)_\(BRANCH\|COMMIT\|TAG\)=.*$/\1_BRANCH\n\1_COMMIT\n\1_TAG/' input_variables.env); do # collapsed multi-line command
$ set -o allexport
$ . input_variables.env
$ set +o allexport
$ . /gpfs/${SPACK_DEPLOYMENT_SUFFIX}/config/
$ echo "MODULEPATH=${MODULEPATH}" > spack_clone_variables.env
$ echo Preparing to clone Spack into ${PWD}
Preparing to clone Spack into /gpfs/
$ if [[ -z "${SPACK_BRANCH}" && ( -n "${SPACK_COMMIT}" || -n "${SPACK_TAG}" ) ]]; then
$ echo Checking out the ${SPACK_BRANCH} of Spack...
Checking out the sandbox/jblanco/lfp of Spack...
$ module load unstable git
$ git clone -c feature.manyFiles=true --depth 1 --single-branch --branch ${SPACK_BRANCH} ${SPACK_URL} spack
Cloning into 'spack'...
Updating files: 12% (1106/9130) Updating files: 13% (1187/9130) Updating files: 14% (1279/9130) Updating files: 15% (1370/9130) Updating files: 16% (1461/9130) Updating files: 17% (1553/9130) Updating files: 18% (1644/9130) Updating files: 19% (1735/9130) Updating files: 20% (1826/9130) Updating files: 20% (1892/9130) Updating files: 21% (1918/9130) Updating files: 22% (2009/9130) Updating files: 23% (2100/9130) Updating files: 24% (2192/9130) Updating files: 25% (2283/9130) Updating files: 26% (2374/9130) Updating files: 27% (2466/9130) Updating files: 28% (2557/9130) Updating files: 29% (2648/9130) Updating files: 29% (2674/9130) Updating files: 30% (2739/9130) Updating files: 31% (2831/9130) Updating files: 32% (2922/9130) Updating files: 33% (3013/9130) Updating files: 34% (3105/9130) Updating files: 35% (3196/9130) Updating files: 36% (3287/9130) Updating files: 36% (3317/9130) Updating files: 37% (3379/9130) Updating files: 38% (3470/9130) Updating files: 39% (3561/9130) Updating files: 40% (3652/9130) Updating files: 41% (3744/9130) Updating files: 42% (3835/9130) Updating files: 43% (3926/9130) Updating files: 43% (4015/9130) Updating files: 44% (4018/9130) Updating files: 45% (4109/9130) Updating files: 46% (4200/9130) Updating files: 47% (4292/9130) Updating files: 48% (4383/9130) Updating files: 49% (4474/9130) Updating files: 50% (4565/9130) Updating files: 51% (4657/9130) Updating files: 52% (4748/9130) Updating files: 52% (4766/9130) Updating files: 53% (4839/9130) Updating files: 54% (4931/9130) Updating files: 55% (5022/9130) Updating files: 56% (5113/9130) Updating files: 57% (5205/9130) Updating files: 58% (5296/9130) Updating files: 59% (5387/9130) Updating files: 60% (5478/9130) Updating files: 60% (5532/9130) Updating files: 61% (5570/9130) Updating files: 62% (5661/9130) Updating files: 63% (5752/9130) Updating files: 64% (5844/9130) Updating files: 65% (5935/9130) Updating files: 66% (6026/9130) Updating files: 67% (6118/9130) Updating files: 68% (6209/9130) Updating files: 68% (6283/9130) Updating files: 69% (6300/9130) Updating files: 70% (6391/9130) Updating files: 71% (6483/9130) Updating files: 72% (6574/9130) Updating files: 73% (6665/9130) Updating files: 74% (6757/9130) Updating files: 75% (6848/9130) Updating files: 76% (6939/9130) Updating files: 77% (7031/9130) Updating files: 77% (7085/9130) Updating files: 78% (7122/9130) Updating files: 79% (7213/9130) Updating files: 80% (7304/9130) Updating files: 81% (7396/9130) Updating files: 82% (7487/9130) Updating files: 83% (7578/9130) Updating files: 84% (7670/9130) Updating files: 84% (7713/9130) Updating files: 85% (7761/9130) Updating files: 86% (7852/9130) Updating files: 87% (7944/9130) Updating files: 88% (8035/9130) Updating files: 89% (8126/9130) Updating files: 90% (8217/9130) Updating files: 91% (8309/9130) Updating files: 92% (8400/9130) Updating files: 93% (8491/9130) Updating files: 94% (8583/9130) Updating files: 94% (8624/9130) Updating files: 95% (8674/9130) Updating files: 96% (8765/9130) Updating files: 97% (8857/9130) Updating files: 98% (8948/9130) Updating files: 99% (9039/9130) Updating files: 100% (9130/9130) Updating files: 100% (9130/9130), done.
$ export SPACK_ROOT=${PWD}/spack
$ echo "SPACK_ROOT=${SPACK_ROOT}" >> spack_clone_variables.env
$ echo "SPACK_USER_CACHE_PATH=${SPACK_USER_CACHE_PATH}" >> spack_clone_variables.env
$ echo "SPACK_SYSTEM_CONFIG_PATH=${SPACK_SYSTEM_CONFIG_PATH}" >> spack_clone_variables.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ export XDG_CONFIG_HOME=${CI_BUILDS_DIR}/J${CI_JOB_ID}_local_config
$ echo "Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (${XDG_CONFIG_HOME})"
Configuring git to use CI_JOB_TOKEN to access (/gpfs/
$ mkdir -p "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git"
$ echo -e "[url \"https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}\"]\n insteadOf =" > "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
$ cat "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/git/config"
[url "https://gitlab-ci-token:[MASKED]"]
insteadOf =
$ env -0 | sed -nz '/^CUSTOM_ENV_/d;/^[^=]\+_\(BRANCH\|COMMIT\|TAG\)=.\+/p' | xargs -0t spack configure-pipeline --ignore-packages CI_BUILD CI_COMMIT CI_DEFAULT GITLAB_PIPELINES SPACK ${SPACK_SETUP_IGNORE_PACKAGE_VARIABLES} --write-commit-file=commit-mapping.env
spack configure-pipeline --ignore-packages CI_BUILD CI_COMMIT CI_DEFAULT GITLAB_PIPELINES SPACK --write-commit-file=commit-mapping.env CI_COMMIT_BRANCH=sandbox/jblanco/lfp GITLAB_PIPELINES_BRANCH=main NEURON_BRANCH=sandbox/jblanco/lfp NMODL_BRANCH=master SPACK_BRANCH=sandbox/jblanco/lfp CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH=master CORENEURON_COMMIT=54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5
==> CI_COMMIT: ignoring CI_COMMIT_BRANCH=sandbox/jblanco/lfp
==> SPACK: ignoring SPACK_BRANCH=sandbox/jblanco/lfp
==> CI_DEFAULT: ignoring CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH=master
==> neuron: resolved branch sandbox/jblanco/lfp to d3c27f20b34b73f2b3026a6c537dbba7b23f789a
==> nmodl: resolved branch master to 4f45a1c8a9b99c64127ea795eb12952e754b775c
==> neuron@develop: remove branch/commit/tag
==> neuron@develop: use commit="d3c27f20b34b73f2b3026a6c537dbba7b23f789a"
==> neuron@develop: add preferred=True
==> nmodl@develop: remove branch/commit/tag
==> nmodl@develop: use commit="4f45a1c8a9b99c64127ea795eb12952e754b775c"
==> nmodl@develop: add preferred=True
==> coreneuron@develop: remove branch/commit/tag
==> coreneuron@develop: use commit="54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5"
==> coreneuron@develop: add preferred=True
$ (cd "${SPACK_ROOT}" && git diff)
diff --git a/bluebrain/repo-bluebrain/packages/coreneuron/ b/bluebrain/repo-bluebrain/packages/coreneuron/
index fd23f00..09d793f 100644
--- a/bluebrain/repo-bluebrain/packages/coreneuron/
+++ b/bluebrain/repo-bluebrain/packages/coreneuron/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class Coreneuron(CMakePackage):
# This simplifies testing the gitlab-pipelines repository:
git = ""
- version('develop', branch='master')
+ version('develop', preferred=True, commit='54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5') # old: branch='master'
version('8.2.0_lfp', branch='sandbox/jblanco/lfp')
version('8.2.0', tag='8.2.0')
# 1.0.1 > > 1.0 as far as Spack is concerned
diff --git a/bluebrain/repo-bluebrain/packages/nmodl/ b/bluebrain/repo-bluebrain/packages/nmodl/
index a79f28b..b922447 100644
--- a/bluebrain/repo-bluebrain/packages/nmodl/
+++ b/bluebrain/repo-bluebrain/packages/nmodl/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ class Nmodl(CMakePackage):
git = ""
# 0.3.1 > > 0.3.0 > 0.3b > 0.3 to Spack
- version("develop", branch="master", submodules=True)
+ version('develop', preferred=True, commit='4f45a1c8a9b99c64127ea795eb12952e754b775c', submodules=True) # old: branch="master"
version("llvm", branch="llvm", submodules=True)
version("0.4.0", tag="0.4")
# This is the merge commit of #875, which allows catch2 etc. to be dependencies
diff --git a/bluebrain/repo-patches/packages/neuron/ b/bluebrain/repo-patches/packages/neuron/
index ed4b528..57140d8 100644
--- a/bluebrain/repo-patches/packages/neuron/
+++ b/bluebrain/repo-patches/packages/neuron/
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class Neuron(CMakePackage):
# Patch for recent CMake versions that don't identify NVHPC as PGI
patch("patch-v800-cmake-nvhpc.patch", when="@8.0.0%nvhpc^cmake@3.20:")
- version("develop", branch="master")
+ version('develop', preferred=True, commit='d3c27f20b34b73f2b3026a6c537dbba7b23f789a') # old: branch="master"
version("8.2.0_lfp", branch="sandbox/jblanco/lfp_master")
version("8.2.0", tag="8.2.0")
version("8.1.0", tag="8.1.0")
$ cat commit-mapping.env
$ echo "SPACK_BRANCH=${SPACK_BRANCH}" >> commit-mapping.env
$ cat commit-mapping.env >> spack_clone_variables.env
$ spack spec -IL ninja
Input spec
- ninja
==> Bootstrapping clingo from pre-built binaries
- utrxbc3aohnru5eynalc3hyv4ca4jqte ninja@1.10.2%gcc@11.2.0 arch=linux-rhel7-skylake
$ echo "SPACK_SETUP_COMMIT_MAPPING_URL=${CI_API_V4_URL}/projects/${CI_PROJECT_ID}/jobs/${CI_JOB_ID}/artifacts/commit-mapping.env" >> spack_clone_variables.env
$ spack config --scope site add "config:ccache:true"
$ echo "SPACK_USE_CCACHE=true" >> spack_clone_variables.env
section_end:1661772808:step_script section_start:1661772808:upload_artifacts_on_success Uploading artifacts for successful job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=108563 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
commit-mapping.env: found 1 matching files and directories
input_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340002 responseStatus=201 Created token=JaPAPbP4
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=108607 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
spack_clone_variables.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Uploading artifacts as "dotenv" to coordinator... ok id=340002 responseStatus=201 Created token=JaPAPbP4
section_end:1661772809:upload_artifacts_on_success section_start:1661772809:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661772810:cleanup_file_variables Job succeeded
Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773136:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773136:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773136:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340042
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=1, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340042_PROD_P112_CP16_C20
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=1, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=8 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750840
job state: PD
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=8 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J340042_PROD_P112_CP16_C20 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=8 --jobid=750840 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M
section_end:1661773138:prepare_executor section_start:1661773138:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i7n30 via
section_end:1661773142:prepare_script section_start:1661773142:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773143:get_sources section_start:1661773143:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:mod2c:intel:shared:debug (340008)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=122201 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340008 responseStatus=200 OK token=r83FK_Yz
section_end:1661773144:download_artifacts section_start:1661773144:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ i_am_a_failure=0
$ spack build-env ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} -- ctest --output-on-failure -T Test || i_am_a_failure=1
Site: r1i6n20
Build name: Linux-icpc
Create new tag: 20220829-1140 - Experimental
Test project /gpfs/
Start 1: cmd_interface_test
Start 2: interleave_info_constructor_test
Start 3: alignment_test
Start 4: queuing_test
Start 5: test-solver
Start 6: lfp_test
Start 7: ring_TEST
1/18 Test #3: alignment_test ..................... Passed 0.88 sec
Start 18: reporting_1
2/18 Test #1: cmd_interface_test ................. Passed 0.92 sec
3/18 Test #4: queuing_test ....................... Passed 0.88 sec
Start 8: ring_binqueue_TEST
4/18 Test #6: lfp_test ........................... Passed 0.87 sec
5/18 Test #2: interleave_info_constructor_test ... Passed 0.92 sec
Start 9: ring_multisend_TEST
6/18 Test #5: test-solver ........................ Passed 1.68 sec
7/18 Test #7: ring_TEST .......................... Passed 3.38 sec
Start 10: ring_spike_buffer_TEST
8/18 Test #9: ring_multisend_TEST ................ Passed 3.60 sec
Start 11: ring_gap_TEST
9/18 Test #8: ring_binqueue_TEST ................. Passed 3.73 sec
Start 12: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST
10/18 Test #18: reporting_1 ........................***Failed 5.92 sec
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2020
Version : 9.0.0 54b4d266 (2022-08-29 13:31:34 +0200)
Additional mechanisms from files
exp2syn.mod expsyn.mod halfgap.mod hh.mod netstim.mod passive.mod pattern.mod stim.mod svclmp.mod
Memory (MBs) : After mk_mech : Max 17.3750, Min 17.1836, Avg 17.2793
Memory (MBs) : After MPI_Init : Max 17.3750, Min 17.2266, Avg 17.3008
Memory (MBs) : Before nrn_setup : Max 17.5000, Min 17.3086, Avg 17.4043
no chkpnt line for 31
../spack-src/coreneuron/io/nrn_filehandler.cpp:96: Assertion 'n_scan == 1' failed.
MPT ERROR: Rank 1(g:1) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 124508, Host: r1i7n30, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
no chkpnt line for 33
../spack-src/coreneuron/io/nrn_filehandler.cpp:96: Assertion 'n_scan == 1' failed.
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host r1i7n30, Program /gpfs/, Rank 1, Process 124508: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: r1i7n30: task 1: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=750840.6
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 750840.6 ON r1i7n30 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T13:40:39 ***
srun: error: r1i7n30: task 0: Terminated
srun: Force Terminated StepId=750840.6
Start 13: ring_gap_multisend_TEST
11/18 Test #10: ring_spike_buffer_TEST ............. Passed 3.51 sec
Start 14: ring_permute0_TEST
12/18 Test #11: ring_gap_TEST ...................... Passed 3.20 sec
Start 15: ring_gap_permute0_TEST
13/18 Test #12: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST ............. Passed 3.80 sec
Start 16: ring_permute1_TEST
14/18 Test #14: ring_permute0_TEST ................. Passed 3.71 sec
Start 17: ring_gap_permute1_TEST
15/18 Test #13: ring_gap_multisend_TEST ............ Passed 3.99 sec
16/18 Test #15: ring_gap_permute0_TEST ............. Passed 3.88 sec
17/18 Test #16: ring_permute1_TEST ................. Passed 3.26 sec
18/18 Test #17: ring_gap_permute1_TEST ............. Passed 3.73 sec
94% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 18
Total Test time (real) = 14.54 sec
The following tests FAILED:
18 - reporting_1 (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
$ cp -r Testing/ ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ module load unstable unit-test-translator
Autoloading python/3.9.7
$ cmake2junit > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ctest.xml
$ exit ${i_am_a_failure}
srun: error: r1i7n30: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
section_end:1661773250:step_script section_start:1661773250:upload_artifacts_on_failure Uploading artifacts for failed job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=125799 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Testing/: found 8 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340042 responseStatus=201 Created token=r83FK_Yz
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=125834 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ctest.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340042 responseStatus=201 Created token=r83FK_Yz
section_end:1661773251:upload_artifacts_on_failure section_start:1661773251:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661773252:cleanup_file_variables ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773262:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773262:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773262:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340048
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=1, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340048_PROD_P112_CP7_C10
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=1, duration=1:00:00, constraint=volta ntasks=8 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
Submitted batch job 750851
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=8 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J340048_PROD_P112_CP7_C10 -C volta --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=8 --jobid=750851 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M
section_end:1661773263:prepare_executor section_start:1661773263:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on via
section_end:1661773272:prepare_script section_start:1661773272:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773273:get_sources section_start:1661773273:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:mod2c:nvhpc:acc:debug:unified (340013)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=28292 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340013 responseStatus=200 OK token=4zmpz-sR
section_end:1661773274:download_artifacts section_start:1661773274:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ i_am_a_failure=0
$ spack build-env ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} -- ctest --output-on-failure -T Test || i_am_a_failure=1
Site: r1i6n22
Build name: Linux-nvc++
Create new tag: 20220829-1141 - Experimental
Test project /gpfs/
Start 1: cmd_interface_test
Start 2: interleave_info_constructor_test
Start 3: alignment_test
Start 4: queuing_test
Start 5: test-solver
Start 6: lfp_test
Start 7: ring_TEST
1/20 Test #6: lfp_test ............................... Passed 0.20 sec
Start 20: reporting_1
2/20 Test #4: queuing_test ........................... Passed 0.33 sec
3/20 Test #1: cmd_interface_test ..................... Passed 0.34 sec
Start 8: ring_binqueue_TEST
4/20 Test #3: alignment_test ......................... Passed 1.90 sec
5/20 Test #2: interleave_info_constructor_test ....... Passed 2.24 sec
Start 9: ring_multisend_TEST
6/20 Test #5: test-solver ............................ Passed 5.58 sec
7/20 Test #20: reporting_1 ............................***Failed 7.80 sec
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2020
Version : 9.0.0 54b4d266 (2022-08-29 13:31:34 +0200)
Additional mechanisms from files
exp2syn.mod expsyn.mod halfgap.mod hh.mod netstim.mod passive.mod pattern.mod stim.mod svclmp.mod
Memory (MBs) : After mk_mech : Max 22.8945, Min 22.7070, Avg 22.8008
Memory (MBs) : After MPI_Init : Max 26.2070, Min 26.0273, Avg 26.1172
Memory (MBs) : Before nrn_setup : Max 26.4492, Min 26.2773, Avg 26.3633
no chkpnt line for 31
../spack-src/coreneuron/io/nrn_filehandler.cpp:96: Assertion 'n_scan == 1' failed.
MPT ERROR: Rank 1(g:1) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 31416, Host:, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
no chkpnt line for 33
../spack-src/coreneuron/io/nrn_filehandler.cpp:96: Assertion 'n_scan == 1' failed.
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host, Program /gpfs/, Rank 1, Process 31416: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: ldir01u05: task 1: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=750851.5
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 750851.5 ON ldir01u05 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T13:41:56 ***
srun: error: ldir01u05: task 0: Terminated
srun: Force Terminated StepId=750851.5
Start 10: ring_spike_buffer_TEST
8/20 Test #8: ring_binqueue_TEST ..................... Passed 182.65 sec
Start 11: ring_gap_TEST
9/20 Test #7: ring_TEST .............................. Passed 182.98 sec
Start 12: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST
10/20 Test #9: ring_multisend_TEST .................... Passed 185.22 sec
Start 13: ring_gap_multisend_TEST
11/20 Test #10: ring_spike_buffer_TEST ................. Passed 180.47 sec
Start 14: ring_permute1_TEST
12/20 Test #14: ring_permute1_TEST ..................... Passed 178.53 sec
Start 15: ring_gap_permute1_TEST
13/20 Test #11: ring_gap_TEST .......................... Passed 237.73 sec
Start 16: ring_permute2_TEST
14/20 Test #12: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST ................. Passed 239.73 sec
Start 17: ring_gap_permute2_TEST
15/20 Test #13: ring_gap_multisend_TEST ................ Passed 244.37 sec
Start 18: ring_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST
16/20 Test #16: ring_permute2_TEST ..................... Passed 179.20 sec
Start 19: ring_gap_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST
17/20 Test #18: ring_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST ....... Passed 171.93 sec
18/20 Test #15: ring_gap_permute1_TEST ................. Passed 243.81 sec
19/20 Test #17: ring_gap_permute2_TEST ................. Passed 228.81 sec
20/20 Test #19: ring_gap_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST ... Passed 112.30 sec
95% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 20
Total Test time (real) = 712.34 sec
The following tests FAILED:
20 - reporting_1 (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
$ cp -r Testing/ ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ module load unstable unit-test-translator
Autoloading python/3.9.7
$ cmake2junit > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ctest.xml
$ exit ${i_am_a_failure}
srun: error: ldir01u05: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
section_end:1661774021:step_script section_start:1661774021:upload_artifacts_on_failure Uploading artifacts for failed job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=50261 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Testing/: found 8 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340048 responseStatus=201 Created token=4zmpz-sR
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=50297 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ctest.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340048 responseStatus=201 Created token=4zmpz-sR
section_end:1661774022:upload_artifacts_on_failure section_start:1661774022:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661774023:cleanup_file_variables ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773265:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773265:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773265:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340050
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=1, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340050_PROD_P112_CP16_C20
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=1, duration=1:00:00, constraint=volta ntasks=8 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
Submitted batch job 750853
job state: PD
job state: PD
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=8 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J340050_PROD_P112_CP16_C20 -C volta --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=8 --jobid=750853 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M
section_end:1661773268:prepare_executor section_start:1661773268:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on via
section_end:1661773276:prepare_script section_start:1661773276:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773276:get_sources section_start:1661773276:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:mod2c:nvhpc:acc:shared (340015)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=28977 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340015 responseStatus=200 OK token=q1roGJfF
section_end:1661773277:download_artifacts section_start:1661773277:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ i_am_a_failure=0
$ spack build-env ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} -- ctest --output-on-failure -T Test || i_am_a_failure=1
Site: r1i6n22
Build name: Linux-nvc++
Create new tag: 20220829-1141 - Experimental
Test project /gpfs/
Start 1: cmd_interface_test
Start 2: interleave_info_constructor_test
Start 3: alignment_test
Start 4: queuing_test
Start 5: test-solver
Start 6: lfp_test
Start 7: ring_TEST
1/20 Test #3: alignment_test ......................... Passed 0.16 sec
Start 20: reporting_1
2/20 Test #4: queuing_test ........................... Passed 0.17 sec
3/20 Test #1: cmd_interface_test ..................... Passed 0.28 sec
Start 8: ring_binqueue_TEST
4/20 Test #6: lfp_test ............................... Passed 0.26 sec
5/20 Test #2: interleave_info_constructor_test ....... Passed 0.30 sec
Start 9: ring_multisend_TEST
6/20 Test #20: reporting_1 ............................***Failed 4.71 sec
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2020
Version : 9.0.0 54b4d266 (2022-08-29 13:31:34 +0200)
Additional mechanisms from files
exp2syn.mod expsyn.mod halfgap.mod hh.mod netstim.mod passive.mod pattern.mod stim.mod svclmp.mod
Memory (MBs) : After mk_mech : Max 15.8320, Min 15.6406, Avg 15.7363
Memory (MBs) : After MPI_Init : Max 19.0820, Min 18.9062, Avg 18.9941
Memory (MBs) : Before nrn_setup : Max 19.3008, Min 19.1328, Avg 19.2168
no chkpnt line for 31
../spack-src/coreneuron/io/nrn_filehandler.cpp:96: Assertion 'n_scan == 1' failed.
MPT ERROR: Rank 1(g:1) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 31580, Host:, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
no chkpnt line for 33
../spack-src/coreneuron/io/nrn_filehandler.cpp:96: Assertion 'n_scan == 1' failed.
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host, Program /gpfs/, Rank 1, Process 31580: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: ldir01u05: task 1: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=750853.5
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 750853.5 ON ldir01u05 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T13:41:54 ***
srun: error: ldir01u05: task 0: Terminated
srun: Force Terminated StepId=750853.5
7/20 Test #5: test-solver ............................ Passed 9.01 sec
Start 10: ring_spike_buffer_TEST
8/20 Test #7: ring_TEST .............................. Passed 205.63 sec
Start 11: ring_gap_TEST
9/20 Test #9: ring_multisend_TEST .................... Passed 205.97 sec
Start 12: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST
10/20 Test #8: ring_binqueue_TEST ..................... Passed 206.59 sec
Start 13: ring_gap_multisend_TEST
11/20 Test #10: ring_spike_buffer_TEST ................. Passed 198.89 sec
Start 14: ring_permute1_TEST
12/20 Test #14: ring_permute1_TEST ..................... Passed 205.33 sec
Start 15: ring_gap_permute1_TEST
13/20 Test #11: ring_gap_TEST .......................... Passed 289.07 sec
Start 16: ring_permute2_TEST
14/20 Test #12: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST ................. Passed 289.08 sec
Start 17: ring_gap_permute2_TEST
15/20 Test #13: ring_gap_multisend_TEST ................ Passed 289.63 sec
Start 18: ring_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST
16/20 Test #16: ring_permute2_TEST ..................... Passed 168.66 sec
Start 19: ring_gap_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST
17/20 Test #15: ring_gap_permute1_TEST ................. Passed 250.68 sec
18/20 Test #18: ring_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST ....... Passed 168.15 sec
19/20 Test #17: ring_gap_permute2_TEST ................. Passed 200.52 sec
20/20 Test #19: ring_gap_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST ... Passed 86.62 sec
95% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 20
Total Test time (real) = 750.04 sec
The following tests FAILED:
20 - reporting_1 (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
$ cp -r Testing/ ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ module load unstable unit-test-translator
Autoloading python/3.9.7
$ cmake2junit > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ctest.xml
$ exit ${i_am_a_failure}
srun: error: ldir01u05: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
section_end:1661774059:step_script section_start:1661774059:upload_artifacts_on_failure Uploading artifacts for failed job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=51797 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Testing/: found 8 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340050 responseStatus=201 Created token=q1roGJfF
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=51830 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ctest.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340050 responseStatus=201 Created token=q1roGJfF
section_end:1661774061:upload_artifacts_on_failure section_start:1661774061:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661774062:cleanup_file_variables ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773562:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773562:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773562:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340044
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=1, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340044_PROD_P112_CP10_C29
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=1, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=8 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750923
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=8 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J340044_PROD_P112_CP10_C29 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=8 --jobid=750923 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M
section_end:1661773564:prepare_executor section_start:1661773564:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i6n20 via
section_end:1661773566:prepare_script section_start:1661773566:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773567:get_sources section_start:1661773567:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:nmodl:intel:debug:legacy (340009)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=252534 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340009 responseStatus=200 OK token=x4FLCK6K
section_end:1661773568:download_artifacts section_start:1661773568:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ i_am_a_failure=0
$ spack build-env ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} -- ctest --output-on-failure -T Test || i_am_a_failure=1
Site: r1i6n20
Build name: Linux-icpc
Create new tag: 20220829-1146 - Experimental
Test project /gpfs/
Start 1: cmd_interface_test
Start 2: interleave_info_constructor_test
Start 3: alignment_test
Start 4: queuing_test
Start 5: test-solver
Start 6: lfp_test
Start 7: ring_TEST
1/18 Test #1: cmd_interface_test ................. Passed 0.18 sec
Start 18: reporting_1
2/18 Test #2: interleave_info_constructor_test ... Passed 0.20 sec
3/18 Test #3: alignment_test ..................... Passed 0.20 sec
Start 8: ring_binqueue_TEST
4/18 Test #4: queuing_test ....................... Passed 0.21 sec
5/18 Test #6: lfp_test ........................... Passed 0.22 sec
Start 9: ring_multisend_TEST
6/18 Test #5: test-solver ........................ Passed 1.04 sec
7/18 Test #7: ring_TEST .......................... Passed 1.07 sec
Start 10: ring_spike_buffer_TEST
8/18 Test #8: ring_binqueue_TEST ................. Passed 1.03 sec
Start 11: ring_gap_TEST
9/18 Test #9: ring_multisend_TEST ................ Passed 1.10 sec
Start 12: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST
10/18 Test #10: ring_spike_buffer_TEST ............. Passed 0.80 sec
Start 13: ring_gap_multisend_TEST
11/18 Test #11: ring_gap_TEST ...................... Passed 0.95 sec
Start 14: ring_permute0_TEST
12/18 Test #12: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST ............. Passed 0.94 sec
Start 15: ring_gap_permute0_TEST
13/18 Test #13: ring_gap_multisend_TEST ............ Passed 0.90 sec
Start 16: ring_permute1_TEST
14/18 Test #14: ring_permute0_TEST ................. Passed 0.80 sec
Start 17: ring_gap_permute1_TEST
15/18 Test #15: ring_gap_permute0_TEST ............. Passed 0.94 sec
16/18 Test #16: ring_permute1_TEST ................. Passed 0.80 sec
17/18 Test #17: ring_gap_permute1_TEST ............. Passed 0.82 sec
18/18 Test #18: reporting_1 ........................***Failed 3.68 sec
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2020
Version : 9.0.0 54b4d266 (2022-08-29 13:31:34 +0200)
Additional mechanisms from files
exp2syn.mod expsyn.mod halfgap.mod hh.mod netstim.mod passive.mod pattern.mod stim.mod svclmp.mod
Memory (MBs) : After mk_mech : Max 17.4180, Min 17.2266, Avg 17.3223
Memory (MBs) : After MPI_Init : Max 17.4180, Min 17.2617, Avg 17.3398
Memory (MBs) : Before nrn_setup : Max 17.5312, Min 17.3477, Avg 17.4395
no chkpnt line for 33
../spack-src/coreneuron/io/nrn_filehandler.cpp:96: Assertion 'n_scan == 1' failed.
MPT ERROR: Rank 0(g:0) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 253201, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
no chkpnt line for 31
../spack-src/coreneuron/io/nrn_filehandler.cpp:96: Assertion 'n_scan == 1' failed.
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host r1i6n20, Program /gpfs/, Rank 0, Process 253201: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=750923.5
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 750923.5 ON r1i6n20 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T13:46:40 ***
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 1: Terminated
srun: Force Terminated StepId=750923.5
94% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 18
Total Test time (real) = 3.87 sec
The following tests FAILED:
18 - reporting_1 (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
$ cp -r Testing/ ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ module load unstable unit-test-translator
Autoloading python/3.9.7
$ cmake2junit > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ctest.xml
$ exit ${i_am_a_failure}
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
section_end:1661773600:step_script section_start:1661773600:upload_artifacts_on_failure Uploading artifacts for failed job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=253751 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Testing/: found 8 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340044 responseStatus=201 Created token=x4FLCK6K
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=253784 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ctest.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340044 responseStatus=201 Created token=x4FLCK6K
section_end:1661773602:upload_artifacts_on_failure section_start:1661773602:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661773603:cleanup_file_variables ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773418:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773418:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773418:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340046
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=1, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340046_PROD_P112_CP10_C15
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=1, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=8 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 750908
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=8 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J340046_PROD_P112_CP10_C15 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=8 --jobid=750908 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M
section_end:1661773419:prepare_executor section_start:1661773419:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i4n22 via
section_end:1661773422:prepare_script section_start:1661773422:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773423:get_sources section_start:1661773423:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:nmodl:intel:shared:debug (340011)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=88680 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340011 responseStatus=200 OK token=axoNiVgA
section_end:1661773424:download_artifacts section_start:1661773424:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ i_am_a_failure=0
$ spack build-env ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} -- ctest --output-on-failure -T Test || i_am_a_failure=1
Site: r1i6n29
Build name: Linux-icpc
Create new tag: 20220829-1144 - Experimental
Test project /gpfs/
Start 1: cmd_interface_test
Start 2: interleave_info_constructor_test
Start 3: alignment_test
Start 4: queuing_test
Start 5: test-solver
Start 6: lfp_test
Start 7: ring_TEST
1/18 Test #2: interleave_info_constructor_test ... Passed 0.34 sec
Start 18: reporting_1
2/18 Test #1: cmd_interface_test ................. Passed 0.35 sec
3/18 Test #3: alignment_test ..................... Passed 0.34 sec
Start 8: ring_binqueue_TEST
4/18 Test #4: queuing_test ....................... Passed 0.35 sec
5/18 Test #6: lfp_test ........................... Passed 0.36 sec
Start 9: ring_multisend_TEST
6/18 Test #5: test-solver ........................ Passed 1.15 sec
7/18 Test #7: ring_TEST .......................... Passed 1.79 sec
Start 10: ring_spike_buffer_TEST
8/18 Test #8: ring_binqueue_TEST ................. Passed 1.85 sec
Start 11: ring_gap_TEST
9/18 Test #9: ring_multisend_TEST ................ Passed 1.89 sec
Start 12: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST
10/18 Test #10: ring_spike_buffer_TEST ............. Passed 1.74 sec
Start 13: ring_gap_multisend_TEST
11/18 Test #11: ring_gap_TEST ...................... Passed 1.78 sec
Start 14: ring_permute0_TEST
12/18 Test #12: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST ............. Passed 1.84 sec
Start 15: ring_gap_permute0_TEST
13/18 Test #18: reporting_1 ........................***Failed 4.44 sec
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2020
Version : 9.0.0 54b4d266 (2022-08-29 13:31:34 +0200)
Additional mechanisms from files
exp2syn.mod expsyn.mod halfgap.mod hh.mod netstim.mod passive.mod pattern.mod stim.mod svclmp.mod
Memory (MBs) : After mk_mech : Max 12.2617, Min 12.0742, Avg 12.1680
Memory (MBs) : After MPI_Init : Max 12.5195, Min 12.3086, Avg 12.4141
Memory (MBs) : Before nrn_setup : Max 12.5898, Min 12.3945, Avg 12.4922
no chkpnt line for 31
../spack-src/coreneuron/io/nrn_filehandler.cpp:96: Assertion 'n_scan == 1' failed.
MPT ERROR: Rank 1(g:1) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 90591, Host: r1i4n22, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
no chkpnt line for 33
../spack-src/coreneuron/io/nrn_filehandler.cpp:96: Assertion 'n_scan == 1' failed.
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host r1i4n22, Program /gpfs/, Rank 1, Process 90591: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: r1i4n22: task 1: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=750908.5
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 750908.5 ON r1i4n22 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T13:44:40 ***
srun: error: r1i4n22: task 0: Terminated
srun: Force Terminated StepId=750908.5
Start 16: ring_permute1_TEST
14/18 Test #13: ring_gap_multisend_TEST ............ Passed 1.72 sec
Start 17: ring_gap_permute1_TEST
15/18 Test #14: ring_permute0_TEST ................. Passed 1.84 sec
16/18 Test #15: ring_gap_permute0_TEST ............. Passed 1.85 sec
17/18 Test #16: ring_permute1_TEST ................. Passed 1.77 sec
18/18 Test #17: ring_gap_permute1_TEST ............. Passed 1.64 sec
94% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 18
Total Test time (real) = 7.01 sec
The following tests FAILED:
18 - reporting_1 (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
$ cp -r Testing/ ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ module load unstable unit-test-translator
Autoloading python/3.9.7
$ cmake2junit > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ctest.xml
$ exit ${i_am_a_failure}
srun: error: r1i4n22: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
section_end:1661773483:step_script section_start:1661773483:upload_artifacts_on_failure Uploading artifacts for failed job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=91316 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Testing/: found 8 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340046 responseStatus=201 Created token=axoNiVgA
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=91351 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ctest.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340046 responseStatus=201 Created token=axoNiVgA
section_end:1661773485:upload_artifacts_on_failure section_start:1661773485:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661773486:cleanup_file_variables ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773757:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773757:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773757:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340052
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=1, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340052_PROD_P112_CP11_C23
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=1, duration=1:00:00, constraint=volta ntasks=8 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
Submitted batch job 750933
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=8 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J340052_PROD_P112_CP11_C23 -C volta --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=8 --jobid=750933 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M
section_end:1661773759:prepare_executor section_start:1661773759:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on via
section_end:1661773767:prepare_script section_start:1661773767:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773768:get_sources section_start:1661773768:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:nmodl:nvhpc:acc:debug:legacy (340017)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=83304 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340017 responseStatus=200 OK token=grU5MdD7
section_end:1661773768:download_artifacts section_start:1661773768:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ i_am_a_failure=0
$ spack build-env ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} -- ctest --output-on-failure -T Test || i_am_a_failure=1
Site: r1i6n20
Build name: Linux-nvc++
Create new tag: 20220829-1149 - Experimental
Test project /gpfs/
Start 1: cmd_interface_test
Start 2: interleave_info_constructor_test
Start 3: alignment_test
Start 4: queuing_test
Start 5: test-solver
Start 6: lfp_test
Start 7: ring_TEST
1/20 Test #2: interleave_info_constructor_test ....... Passed 0.41 sec
Start 20: reporting_1
2/20 Test #1: cmd_interface_test ..................... Passed 0.42 sec
3/20 Test #3: alignment_test ......................... Passed 0.41 sec
Start 8: ring_binqueue_TEST
4/20 Test #4: queuing_test ........................... Passed 0.41 sec
5/20 Test #6: lfp_test ............................... Passed 0.42 sec
Start 9: ring_multisend_TEST
6/20 Test #20: reporting_1 ............................***Failed 7.18 sec
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2020
Version : 9.0.0 54b4d266 (2022-08-29 13:31:34 +0200)
Additional mechanisms from files
exp2syn.mod expsyn.mod halfgap.mod hh.mod netstim.mod passive.mod pattern.mod stim.mod svclmp.mod
Memory (MBs) : After mk_mech : Max 17.1250, Min 16.9336, Avg 17.0293
Memory (MBs) : After MPI_Init : Max 20.4023, Min 20.2227, Avg 20.3125
Memory (MBs) : Before nrn_setup : Max 20.6328, Min 20.4648, Avg 20.5488
no chkpnt line for 33
../spack-src/coreneuron/io/nrn_filehandler.cpp:96: Assertion 'n_scan == 1' failed.
MPT ERROR: Rank 0(g:0) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 84102, Host:, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
no chkpnt line for 31
../spack-src/coreneuron/io/nrn_filehandler.cpp:96: Assertion 'n_scan == 1' failed.
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host, Program /gpfs/, Rank 0, Process 84102: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: ldir01u01: task 0: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=750933.5
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 750933.5 ON ldir01u01 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T13:50:04 ***
srun: error: ldir01u01: task 1: Terminated
srun: Force Terminated StepId=750933.5
7/20 Test #5: test-solver ............................ Passed 7.73 sec
Start 10: ring_spike_buffer_TEST
8/20 Test #9: ring_multisend_TEST .................... Passed 26.39 sec
Start 11: ring_gap_TEST
9/20 Test #7: ring_TEST .............................. Passed 28.85 sec
Start 12: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST
10/20 Test #8: ring_binqueue_TEST ..................... Passed 28.56 sec
Start 13: ring_gap_multisend_TEST
11/20 Test #10: ring_spike_buffer_TEST ................. Passed 22.54 sec
Start 14: ring_permute1_TEST
12/20 Test #11: ring_gap_TEST .......................... Passed 26.98 sec
Start 15: ring_gap_permute1_TEST
13/20 Test #14: ring_permute1_TEST ..................... Passed 24.92 sec
Start 16: ring_permute2_TEST
14/20 Test #13: ring_gap_multisend_TEST ................ Passed 33.89 sec
Start 17: ring_gap_permute2_TEST
15/20 Test #12: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST ................. Passed 35.37 sec
Start 18: ring_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST
16/20 Test #16: ring_permute2_TEST ..................... Passed 33.40 sec
Start 19: ring_gap_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST
17/20 Test #18: ring_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST ....... Passed 32.94 sec
18/20 Test #15: ring_gap_permute1_TEST ................. Passed 44.86 sec
19/20 Test #17: ring_gap_permute2_TEST ................. Passed 42.17 sec
20/20 Test #19: ring_gap_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST ... Passed 31.96 sec
95% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 20
Total Test time (real) = 120.59 sec
The following tests FAILED:
20 - reporting_1 (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
$ cp -r Testing/ ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ module load unstable unit-test-translator
Autoloading python/3.9.7
$ cmake2junit > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ctest.xml
$ exit ${i_am_a_failure}
srun: error: ldir01u01: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
section_end:1661773918:step_script section_start:1661773918:upload_artifacts_on_failure Uploading artifacts for failed job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=88549 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Testing/: found 8 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340052 responseStatus=201 Created token=grU5MdD7
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=88582 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ctest.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340052 responseStatus=201 Created token=grU5MdD7
section_end:1661773919:upload_artifacts_on_failure section_start:1661773919:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661773920:cleanup_file_variables ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773811:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773811:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773811:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340054
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=1, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340054_PROD_P112_CP12_C17
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=1, duration=1:00:00, constraint=volta ntasks=8 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
Submitted batch job 750936
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=8 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J340054_PROD_P112_CP12_C17 -C volta --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=8 --jobid=750936 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M
section_end:1661773813:prepare_executor section_start:1661773813:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on via
section_end:1661773821:prepare_script section_start:1661773821:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773822:get_sources section_start:1661773822:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:nmodl:nvhpc:acc:shared (340019)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=84603 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340019 responseStatus=200 OK token=ZEXsr1b4
section_end:1661773823:download_artifacts section_start:1661773823:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ i_am_a_failure=0
$ spack build-env ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} -- ctest --output-on-failure -T Test || i_am_a_failure=1
Site: r1i6n29
Build name: Linux-nvc++
Create new tag: 20220829-1150 - Experimental
Test project /gpfs/
Start 1: cmd_interface_test
Start 2: interleave_info_constructor_test
Start 3: alignment_test
Start 4: queuing_test
Start 5: test-solver
Start 6: lfp_test
Start 7: ring_TEST
1/20 Test #4: queuing_test ........................... Passed 0.23 sec
Start 20: reporting_1
2/20 Test #1: cmd_interface_test ..................... Passed 0.25 sec
3/20 Test #3: alignment_test ......................... Passed 0.24 sec
Start 8: ring_binqueue_TEST
4/20 Test #6: lfp_test ............................... Passed 0.23 sec
5/20 Test #2: interleave_info_constructor_test ....... Passed 0.26 sec
Start 9: ring_multisend_TEST
6/20 Test #5: test-solver ............................ Passed 2.52 sec
7/20 Test #20: reporting_1 ............................***Failed 4.06 sec
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2020
Version : 9.0.0 54b4d266 (2022-08-29 13:31:34 +0200)
Additional mechanisms from files
exp2syn.mod expsyn.mod halfgap.mod hh.mod netstim.mod passive.mod pattern.mod stim.mod svclmp.mod
Memory (MBs) : After mk_mech : Max 17.8398, Min 17.6484, Avg 17.7441
Memory (MBs) : After MPI_Init : Max 21.1016, Min 20.9180, Avg 21.0098
Memory (MBs) : Before nrn_setup : Max 21.3281, Min 21.1602, Avg 21.2441
no chkpnt line for 31
../spack-src/coreneuron/io/nrn_filehandler.cpp:96: Assertion 'n_scan == 1' failed.
MPT ERROR: Rank 1(g:1) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 85584, Host:, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
no chkpnt line for 33
../spack-src/coreneuron/io/nrn_filehandler.cpp:96: Assertion 'n_scan == 1' failed.
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host, Program /gpfs/, Rank 1, Process 85584: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: ldir01u01: task 1: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=750936.5
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 750936.5 ON ldir01u01 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T13:50:53 ***
srun: error: ldir01u01: task 0: Terminated
srun: Force Terminated StepId=750936.5
Start 10: ring_spike_buffer_TEST
8/20 Test #7: ring_TEST .............................. Passed 31.45 sec
Start 11: ring_gap_TEST
9/20 Test #9: ring_multisend_TEST .................... Passed 33.16 sec
Start 12: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST
10/20 Test #8: ring_binqueue_TEST ..................... Passed 33.42 sec
Start 13: ring_gap_multisend_TEST
11/20 Test #10: ring_spike_buffer_TEST ................. Passed 33.14 sec
Start 14: ring_permute1_TEST
12/20 Test #14: ring_permute1_TEST ..................... Passed 23.36 sec
Start 15: ring_gap_permute1_TEST
13/20 Test #11: ring_gap_TEST .......................... Passed 32.45 sec
Start 16: ring_permute2_TEST
14/20 Test #12: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST ................. Passed 31.70 sec
Start 17: ring_gap_permute2_TEST
15/20 Test #13: ring_gap_multisend_TEST ................ Passed 32.24 sec
Start 18: ring_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST
16/20 Test #16: ring_permute2_TEST ..................... Passed 40.77 sec
Start 19: ring_gap_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST
17/20 Test #18: ring_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST ....... Passed 44.88 sec
18/20 Test #15: ring_gap_permute1_TEST ................. Passed 56.68 sec
19/20 Test #17: ring_gap_permute2_TEST ................. Passed 60.19 sec
20/20 Test #19: ring_gap_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST ... Passed 59.66 sec
95% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 20
Total Test time (real) = 164.37 sec
The following tests FAILED:
20 - reporting_1 (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
$ cp -r Testing/ ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ module load unstable unit-test-translator
Autoloading python/3.9.7
$ cmake2junit > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ctest.xml
$ exit ${i_am_a_failure}
srun: error: ldir01u01: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
section_end:1661774014:step_script section_start:1661774014:upload_artifacts_on_failure Uploading artifacts for failed job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=90568 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Testing/: found 8 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340054 responseStatus=201 Created token=ZEXsr1b4
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=90600 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ctest.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340054 responseStatus=201 Created token=ZEXsr1b4
section_end:1661774016:upload_artifacts_on_failure section_start:1661774016:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661774017:cleanup_file_variables ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773871:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773871:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773871:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340058
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=1, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340058_PROD_P112_CP15_C15
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=1, duration=1:00:00, constraint=volta ntasks=8 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
Submitted batch job 750942
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=8 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J340058_PROD_P112_CP15_C15 -C volta --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=8 --jobid=750942 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M
section_end:1661773873:prepare_executor section_start:1661773873:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on via
section_end:1661773881:prepare_script section_start:1661773881:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773882:get_sources section_start:1661773882:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:nmodl:nvhpc:omp:debug (340023)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=86515 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340023 responseStatus=200 OK token=xxta8W5S
section_end:1661773883:download_artifacts section_start:1661773883:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ i_am_a_failure=0
$ spack build-env ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} -- ctest --output-on-failure -T Test || i_am_a_failure=1
Site: r1i6n32
Build name: Linux-nvc++
Create new tag: 20220829-1151 - Experimental
Test project /gpfs/
Start 1: cmd_interface_test
Start 2: interleave_info_constructor_test
Start 3: alignment_test
Start 4: queuing_test
Start 5: test-solver
Start 6: lfp_test
Start 7: ring_TEST
1/20 Test #2: interleave_info_constructor_test ....... Passed 0.28 sec
Start 20: reporting_1
2/20 Test #3: alignment_test ......................... Passed 0.27 sec
3/20 Test #1: cmd_interface_test ..................... Passed 0.28 sec
Start 8: ring_binqueue_TEST
4/20 Test #4: queuing_test ........................... Passed 0.27 sec
5/20 Test #6: lfp_test ............................... Passed 0.27 sec
Start 9: ring_multisend_TEST
6/20 Test #5: test-solver ............................ Passed 4.11 sec
7/20 Test #20: reporting_1 ............................***Failed 3.87 sec
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2020
Version : 9.0.0 54b4d266 (2022-08-29 13:31:34 +0200)
Additional mechanisms from files
exp2syn.mod expsyn.mod halfgap.mod hh.mod netstim.mod passive.mod pattern.mod stim.mod svclmp.mod
Memory (MBs) : After mk_mech : Max 23.5781, Min 23.3867, Avg 23.4824
Memory (MBs) : After MPI_Init : Max 26.9180, Min 26.7344, Avg 26.8262
Memory (MBs) : Before nrn_setup : Max 27.1523, Min 26.9766, Avg 27.0645
no chkpnt line for 33
../spack-src/coreneuron/io/nrn_filehandler.cpp:96: Assertion 'n_scan == 1' failed.
MPT ERROR: Rank 0(g:0) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 88159, Host:, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
no chkpnt line for 31
../spack-src/coreneuron/io/nrn_filehandler.cpp:96: Assertion 'n_scan == 1' failed.
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host, Program /gpfs/, Rank 0, Process 88159: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: ldir01u01: task 0: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=750942.5
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 750942.5 ON ldir01u01 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T13:51:55 ***
srun: error: ldir01u01: task 1: Terminated
srun: Force Terminated StepId=750942.5
Start 10: ring_spike_buffer_TEST
8/20 Test #7: ring_TEST .............................. Passed 117.83 sec
Start 11: ring_gap_TEST
9/20 Test #9: ring_multisend_TEST .................... Passed 118.57 sec
Start 12: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST
10/20 Test #8: ring_binqueue_TEST ..................... Passed 118.68 sec
Start 13: ring_gap_multisend_TEST
11/20 Test #10: ring_spike_buffer_TEST ................. Passed 121.41 sec
Start 14: ring_permute1_TEST
12/20 Test #14: ring_permute1_TEST ..................... Passed 127.81 sec
Start 15: ring_gap_permute1_TEST
13/20 Test #11: ring_gap_TEST .......................... Passed 161.40 sec
Start 16: ring_permute2_TEST
14/20 Test #12: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST ................. Passed 162.80 sec
Start 17: ring_gap_permute2_TEST
15/20 Test #13: ring_gap_multisend_TEST ................ Passed 162.76 sec
Start 18: ring_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST
16/20 Test #16: ring_permute2_TEST .....................***Failed 7.34 sec
Info : 4 GPUs shared by 2 ranks per node
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2020
Version : 9.0.0 54b4d266 (2022-08-29 13:31:34 +0200)
Additional mechanisms from files
exp2syn.mod expsyn.mod halfgap.mod hh.mod netstim.mod passive.mod pattern.mod stim.mod svclmp.mod
Memory (MBs) : After mk_mech : Max 242.2617, Min 241.9375, Avg 242.0996
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3138.000000, Free = 29372.500000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : After MPI_Init : Max 242.2617, Min 241.9375, Avg 242.0996
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3138.000000, Free = 29372.500000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : Before nrn_setup : Max 242.3984, Min 242.1094, Avg 242.2539
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3138.000000, Free = 29372.500000, Total = 32510.500000
best_balance=0.82093 ncell=10 ntype=3 nwarp=10
best_balance=0.848837 ncell=10 ntype=3 nwarp=10
Setup Done : 0.01 seconds
Model size : 91.20 kB
Memory (MBs) : After nrn_setup : Max 242.9492, Min 242.6602, Avg 242.8047
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3138.000000, Free = 29372.500000, Total = 32510.500000
Start time (t) = 0
Memory (MBs) : After mk_spikevec_buffer : Max 242.9492, Min 242.6602, Avg 242.8047
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3138.000000, Free = 29372.500000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : After nrn_finitialize : Max 307.5586, Min 307.2578, Avg 307.4082
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3138.000000, Free = 29372.500000, Total = 32510.500000
psolve | | t: 0.00 ETA: 0h00m00s Fatal error: expression 'HX_CU_CALL_CHECK(p_cuStreamSynchronize(stream[dev]))' (value 1) is not equal to expression 'HX_SUCCESS' (value 0)
MPT ERROR: Rank 0(g:0) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 91889, Host:, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host, Program /gpfs/, Rank 0, Process 91889: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: ldir01u01: task 0: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=750942.14
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 750942.14 ON ldir01u01 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T13:56:37 ***
srun: error: ldir01u01: task 1: Terminated
srun: Force Terminated StepId=750942.14
Start 19: ring_gap_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST
17/20 Test #17: ring_gap_permute2_TEST .................***Failed 6.63 sec
Info : 4 GPUs shared by 2 ranks per node
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2020
Version : 9.0.0 54b4d266 (2022-08-29 13:31:34 +0200)
Additional mechanisms from files
exp2syn.mod expsyn.mod halfgap.mod hh.mod netstim.mod passive.mod pattern.mod stim.mod svclmp.mod
Memory (MBs) : After mk_mech : Max 242.2578, Min 241.9336, Avg 242.0957
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3764.000000, Free = 28746.500000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : After MPI_Init : Max 242.2578, Min 241.9336, Avg 242.0957
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3764.000000, Free = 28746.500000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : Before nrn_setup : Max 242.3906, Min 242.1016, Avg 242.2461
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3764.000000, Free = 28746.500000, Total = 32510.500000
Model uses gap junctions
best_balance=0.848837 ncell=10 ntype=3 nwarp=10
best_balance=0.82093 ncell=10 ntype=3 nwarp=10
Setup Done : 0.01 seconds
Model size : 92.68 kB
Memory (MBs) : After nrn_setup : Max 242.9414, Min 242.6562, Avg 242.7988
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3764.000000, Free = 28746.500000, Total = 32510.500000
Start time (t) = 0
Memory (MBs) : After mk_spikevec_buffer : Max 242.9414, Min 242.6562, Avg 242.7988
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3764.000000, Free = 28746.500000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : After nrn_finitialize : Max 307.4648, Min 307.1836, Avg 307.3242
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3764.000000, Free = 28746.500000, Total = 32510.500000
psolve | | t: 0.00 ETA: 0h00m00s Fatal error: expression 'HX_CU_CALL_CHECK(p_cuStreamSynchronize(stream[dev]))' (value 1) is not equal to expression 'HX_SUCCESS' (value 0)
MPT ERROR: Rank 0(g:0) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 91971, Host:, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
Fatal error: expression 'HX_CU_CALL_CHECK(p_cuStreamSynchronize(stream[dev]))' (value 1) is not equal to expression 'HX_SUCCESS' (value 0)
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host, Program /gpfs/, Rank 0, Process 91971: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: ldir01u01: task 0: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=750942.15
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 750942.15 ON ldir01u01 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T13:56:39 ***
srun: error: ldir01u01: task 1: Terminated
srun: Force Terminated StepId=750942.15
18/20 Test #18: ring_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST .......***Failed 7.47 sec
Info : 4 GPUs shared by 2 ranks per node
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2020
Version : 9.0.0 54b4d266 (2022-08-29 13:31:34 +0200)
Additional mechanisms from files
exp2syn.mod expsyn.mod halfgap.mod hh.mod netstim.mod passive.mod pattern.mod stim.mod svclmp.mod
Memory (MBs) : After mk_mech : Max 242.2617, Min 241.9375, Avg 242.0996
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3764.000000, Free = 28746.500000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : After MPI_Init : Max 242.2617, Min 241.9375, Avg 242.0996
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3764.000000, Free = 28746.500000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : Before nrn_setup : Max 242.3945, Min 242.1016, Avg 242.2480
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3764.000000, Free = 28746.500000, Total = 32510.500000
best_balance=0.848837 ncell=10 ntype=3 nwarp=10
best_balance=0.82093 ncell=10 ntype=3 nwarp=10
Setup Done : 0.00 seconds
Model size : 91.20 kB
Memory (MBs) : After nrn_setup : Max 242.9453, Min 242.6523, Avg 242.7988
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3764.000000, Free = 28746.500000, Total = 32510.500000
Start time (t) = 0
Memory (MBs) : After mk_spikevec_buffer : Max 242.9453, Min 242.6523, Avg 242.7988
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3764.000000, Free = 28746.500000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : After nrn_finitialize : Max 307.5547, Min 307.2539, Avg 307.4043
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3764.000000, Free = 28746.500000, Total = 32510.500000
psolve | | t: 0.00 ETA: 0h00m00s Fatal error: expression 'HX_CU_CALL_CHECK(p_cuStreamSynchronize(stream[dev]))' (value 1) is not equal to expression 'HX_SUCCESS' (value 0)
MPT ERROR: Rank 0(g:0) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 91978, Host:, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host, Program /gpfs/, Rank 0, Process 91978: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: ldir01u01: task 0: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=750942.16
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 750942.16 ON ldir01u01 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T13:56:40 ***
srun: error: ldir01u01: task 1: Terminated
srun: Force Terminated StepId=750942.16
19/20 Test #19: ring_gap_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST ...***Failed 5.62 sec
Info : 4 GPUs shared by 2 ranks per node
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2020
Version : 9.0.0 54b4d266 (2022-08-29 13:31:34 +0200)
Additional mechanisms from files
exp2syn.mod expsyn.mod halfgap.mod hh.mod netstim.mod passive.mod pattern.mod stim.mod svclmp.mod
Memory (MBs) : After mk_mech : Max 242.2578, Min 241.9375, Avg 242.0977
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3451.000000, Free = 29059.500000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : After MPI_Init : Max 242.2578, Min 241.9375, Avg 242.0977
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3451.000000, Free = 29059.500000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : Before nrn_setup : Max 242.3906, Min 242.1016, Avg 242.2461
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3451.000000, Free = 29059.500000, Total = 32510.500000
Model uses gap junctions
best_balance=0.848837 ncell=10 ntype=3 nwarp=10
best_balance=0.82093 ncell=10 ntype=3 nwarp=10
Setup Done : 0.01 seconds
Model size : 92.68 kB
Memory (MBs) : After nrn_setup : Max 242.9414, Min 242.6523, Avg 242.7969
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3451.000000, Free = 29059.500000, Total = 32510.500000
Start time (t) = 0
Memory (MBs) : After mk_spikevec_buffer : Max 242.9414, Min 242.6523, Avg 242.7969
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3451.000000, Free = 29059.500000, Total = 32510.500000
Memory (MBs) : After nrn_finitialize : Max 307.4688, Min 307.2461, Avg 307.3574
GPU Memory (MiBs) : Used = 3451.000000, Free = 29059.500000, Total = 32510.500000
psolve | | t: 0.00 ETA: 0h00m00s Fatal error: expression 'HX_CU_CALL_CHECK(p_cuStreamSynchronize(stream[dev]))' (value 1) is not equal to expression 'HX_SUCCESS' (value 0)
MPT ERROR: Rank 0(g:0) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 92072, Host:, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
Fatal error: expression 'HX_CU_CALL_CHECK(p_cuStreamSynchronize(stream[dev]))' (value 1) is not equal to expression 'HX_SUCCESS' (value 0)
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host, Program /gpfs/, Rank 0, Process 92072: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: ldir01u01: task 0: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=750942.17
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 750942.17 ON ldir01u01 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T13:56:43 ***
srun: error: ldir01u01: task 1: Terminated
srun: Force Terminated StepId=750942.17
20/20 Test #15: ring_gap_permute1_TEST ................. Passed 94.22 sec
75% tests passed, 5 tests failed out of 20
Total Test time (real) = 347.61 sec
The following tests FAILED:
16 - ring_permute2_TEST (Failed)
17 - ring_gap_permute2_TEST (Failed)
18 - ring_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST (Failed)
19 - ring_gap_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST (Failed)
20 - reporting_1 (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
$ cp -r Testing/ ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ module load unstable unit-test-translator
Autoloading python/3.9.7
$ cmake2junit > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ctest.xml
$ exit ${i_am_a_failure}
srun: error: ldir01u01: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
section_end:1661774258:step_script section_start:1661774258:upload_artifacts_on_failure Uploading artifacts for failed job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=92789 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Testing/: found 8 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340058 responseStatus=201 Created token=xxta8W5S
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=92823 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ctest.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340058 responseStatus=201 Created token=xxta8W5S
section_end:1661774260:upload_artifacts_on_failure section_start:1661774260:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661774260:cleanup_file_variables ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661773952:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661773952:resolve_secrets section_start:1661773952:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340056
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=1, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340056_PROD_P112_CP10_C8
Job parameters: memory=30750M, cpus_per_task=1, duration=1:00:00, constraint=volta ntasks=8 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
Submitted batch job 750946
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=8 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M --job-name=GL_J340056_PROD_P112_CP10_C8 -C volta --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=8 --jobid=750946 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=30750M
section_end:1661773954:prepare_executor section_start:1661773954:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on via
section_end:1661773962:prepare_script section_start:1661773962:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661773963:get_sources section_start:1661773963:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:coreneuron:nmodl:nvhpc:omp:legacy (340021)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=89530 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340021 responseStatus=200 OK token=F5xudZRe
section_end:1661773963:download_artifacts section_start:1661773963:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ i_am_a_failure=0
$ spack build-env ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} -- ctest --output-on-failure -T Test || i_am_a_failure=1
Site: r1i6n32
Build name: Linux-nvc++
Create new tag: 20220829-1153 - Experimental
Test project /gpfs/
Start 1: cmd_interface_test
Start 2: interleave_info_constructor_test
Start 3: alignment_test
Start 4: queuing_test
Start 5: test-solver
Start 6: lfp_test
Start 7: ring_TEST
1/20 Test #4: queuing_test ........................... Passed 0.26 sec
Start 20: reporting_1
2/20 Test #1: cmd_interface_test ..................... Passed 0.28 sec
3/20 Test #2: interleave_info_constructor_test ....... Passed 0.27 sec
Start 8: ring_binqueue_TEST
4/20 Test #3: alignment_test ......................... Passed 0.27 sec
5/20 Test #6: lfp_test ............................... Passed 0.26 sec
Start 9: ring_multisend_TEST
6/20 Test #5: test-solver ............................ Passed 3.23 sec
7/20 Test #20: reporting_1 ............................***Failed 3.89 sec
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2020
Version : 9.0.0 54b4d266 (2022-08-29 13:31:34 +0200)
Additional mechanisms from files
exp2syn.mod expsyn.mod halfgap.mod hh.mod netstim.mod passive.mod pattern.mod stim.mod svclmp.mod
Memory (MBs) : After mk_mech : Max 19.9648, Min 19.7734, Avg 19.8691
Memory (MBs) : After MPI_Init : Max 23.2070, Min 23.0234, Avg 23.1152
Memory (MBs) : Before nrn_setup : Max 23.4375, Min 23.2578, Avg 23.3477
no chkpnt line for 31
../spack-src/coreneuron/io/nrn_filehandler.cpp:96: Assertion 'n_scan == 1' failed.
MPT ERROR: Rank 1(g:1) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 90351, Host:, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
no chkpnt line for 33
../spack-src/coreneuron/io/nrn_filehandler.cpp:96: Assertion 'n_scan == 1' failed.
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host, Program /gpfs/, Rank 1, Process 90351: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: ldir01u01: task 1: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=750946.5
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 750946.5 ON ldir01u01 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T13:53:15 ***
srun: error: ldir01u01: task 0: Terminated
srun: Force Terminated StepId=750946.5
Start 10: ring_spike_buffer_TEST
8/20 Test #7: ring_TEST .............................. Passed 128.74 sec
Start 11: ring_gap_TEST
9/20 Test #8: ring_binqueue_TEST ..................... Passed 128.60 sec
Start 12: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST
10/20 Test #9: ring_multisend_TEST .................... Passed 128.64 sec
Start 13: ring_gap_multisend_TEST
11/20 Test #10: ring_spike_buffer_TEST ................. Passed 128.17 sec
Start 14: ring_permute1_TEST
12/20 Test #14: ring_permute1_TEST ..................... Passed 101.98 sec
Start 15: ring_gap_permute1_TEST
13/20 Test #11: ring_gap_TEST .......................... Passed 119.28 sec
Start 16: ring_permute2_TEST
14/20 Test #12: ring_gap_binqueue_TEST ................. Passed 119.29 sec
Start 17: ring_gap_permute2_TEST
15/20 Test #13: ring_gap_multisend_TEST ................ Passed 119.42 sec
Start 18: ring_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST
16/20 Test #16: ring_permute2_TEST ..................... Passed 45.57 sec
Start 19: ring_gap_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST
17/20 Test #18: ring_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST ....... Passed 45.51 sec
18/20 Test #15: ring_gap_permute1_TEST ................. Passed 59.64 sec
19/20 Test #17: ring_gap_permute2_TEST ................. Passed 46.49 sec
20/20 Test #19: ring_gap_permute2_cudaInterface_TEST ... Passed 5.01 sec
95% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 20
Total Test time (real) = 298.64 sec
The following tests FAILED:
20 - reporting_1 (Failed)
Errors while running CTest
$ cp -r Testing/ ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/
$ module load unstable unit-test-translator
Autoloading python/3.9.7
$ cmake2junit > ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/ctest.xml
$ exit ${i_am_a_failure}
srun: error: ldir01u01: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
section_end:1661774289:step_script section_start:1661774289:upload_artifacts_on_failure Uploading artifacts for failed job
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=93333 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
initial_environment.env: found 1 matching files and directories
Testing/: found 8 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "archive" to coordinator... ok id=340056 responseStatus=201 Created token=F5xudZRe
Uploading artifacts...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=93365 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
ctest.xml: found 1 matching files and directories 
Uploading artifacts as "junit" to coordinator... ok id=340056 responseStatus=201 Created token=F5xudZRe
section_end:1661774291:upload_artifacts_on_failure section_start:1661774291:cleanup_file_variables Cleaning up project directory and file based variables
section_end:1661774291:cleanup_file_variables ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
Running with gitlab-runner 15.1.0 (76984217)
 on BB5 map runner pnPo3yJy
section_start:1661774900:resolve_secrets Resolving secrets
section_end:1661774900:resolve_secrets section_start:1661774900:prepare_executor Preparing the "custom" executor
Using Custom executor with driver BB5 PROD runner v0.0.3...
BB5 PROD runner running on, version 15.1.0, user
TMPDIR is /gpfs/, slurm job id
Runner ID 29, project root hpc, project name coreneuron
Pipeline ID 71711, build ref 54b4d266ceab6399db5a4cc652b84b23247d19c5, job ID 340060
Build dir /gpfs/, optional exclusive flag , optional cpus per task flag --cpus-per-task=1, optional qos flag
A slurm job will be created with name GL_J340060_PROD_P112_CP2_C4
Job parameters: memory=76G, cpus_per_task=1, duration=1:00:00, constraint=cpu ntasks=16 account=proj9998 user=bbpcihpcproj12 partition=prod qos=
Not executing the chown -R
sbatch: INFO: Activating auto partition selection plugin, please report errors to HPC/CS
sbatch: INFO: Job specifies cpu constraint, setting --constraint=[skl|clx]
Submitted batch job 751073
job state: R
sbatch: sbatch -p prod -A proj9998 --ntasks=16 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=76G --job-name=GL_J340060_PROD_P112_CP2_C4 -C cpu --no-requeue -D /gpfs/ --time=1:00:00 --wrap="sleep infinity"
srun: srun --mpi=none --chdir=/gpfs/ --ntasks=16 --jobid=751073 --cpus-per-task=1 --mem=76G
section_end:1661774902:prepare_executor section_start:1661774902:prepare_script Preparing environment
Running on r1i6n20 via
section_end:1661774905:prepare_script section_start:1661774905:get_sources Getting source from Git repository
Skipping Git repository setup
Skipping Git checkout
Skipping Git submodules setup
section_end:1661774906:get_sources section_start:1661774906:download_artifacts Downloading artifacts
Downloading artifacts for build:neuron:mod2c:intel:shared:debug (340025)...
Runtime platform  arch=amd64 os=linux pid=262263 revision=58ba2b95 version=14.2.0
Downloading artifacts from coordinator... ok  id=340025 responseStatus=200 OK token=QvMj-fak
section_end:1661774907:download_artifacts section_start:1661774907:step_script Executing "step_script" stage of the job script
WARNING: Starting with version 14.0 the 'build_script' stage will be replaced with 'step_script':
$ env -0 | sort -z | xargs -0 -L 1 echo > initial_environment.env
$ . ${SPACK_ROOT}/share/spack/
$ i_am_a_failure=0
$ spack build-env ${SPACK_FULL_SPEC} -- ctest --output-on-failure -T Test || i_am_a_failure=1
Site: r1i4n21
Build name: Linux-icpc
Create new tag: 20220829-1208 - Experimental
Test project /gpfs/
Start 49: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_offline::preparation
Start 56: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 62: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 68: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 74: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 80: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 85: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 91: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
Start 97: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
1/121 Test #68: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ............. Passed 3.23 sec
Start 44: external_ringtest::neuron
2/121 Test #62: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation .............. Passed 3.35 sec
Start 52: testcorenrn_bbcore::neuron
3/121 Test #56: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ............ Passed 3.62 sec
Start 53: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_online
4/121 Test #80: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ............... Passed 3.96 sec
Start 54: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
5/121 Test #74: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ................ Passed 4.27 sec
Start 103: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation
6/121 Test #91: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ........... Passed 4.31 sec
Start 45: external_ringtest::neuron_mpi
7/121 Test #85: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ........... Passed 4.35 sec
Start 46: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_offline_saverestore
8/121 Test #97: testcorenrn_vecevent::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation .......... Passed 4.43 sec
Start 118: olfactory-bulb-3d::neuron::preparation
9/121 Test #118: olfactory-bulb-3d::neuron::preparation ............................. Passed 0.03 sec
Start 120: olfactory-bulb-3d::coreneuron_cpu_online::preparation
10/121 Test #49: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_offline::preparation .........***Failed 4.51 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
[10, 20] [1, 1]
cell per ring=8
0 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
0 near line 0
0 ^
1 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
1 near line 0
1 ^
1 ParallelContext[1].psolve(0)
0 ParallelContext[1].psolve(0)
MPT ERROR: Rank 0(g:0) is aborting with error code -1.
Process ID: 263021, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 32 seconds for job step to finish.
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 751073.4 ON r1i6n20 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T14:08:58 ***
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Killed
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.4
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 1: Exited with exit code 255
Start 47: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi
11/121 Test #120: olfactory-bulb-3d::coreneuron_cpu_online::preparation .............. Passed 0.03 sec
Start 41: reduced_dentate::neuron
12/121 Test #52: testcorenrn_bbcore::neuron ......................................... Passed 1.55 sec
Start 55: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_offline
13/121 Test #53: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_online ..........................***Failed 1.78 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Gfluct3.mod" "./hhderiv.mod" "./hhkin.mod" "./hhwatch.mod" "./nacum.mod" "./vecevent.mod"
arg_tstop 100
arg_coreneuron 1
arg_coreneuron_filemode 0
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 0
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_psolve_test_mode 0
nrncore_arg: | --tstop 100 --cell-permute 0 --verbose 2 --voltage 1000.|
/gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
in testbbcore.hoc near line 41
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.14
Start 58: testcorenrn_conc::neuron
14/121 Test #44: external_ringtest::neuron .......................................... Passed 2.24 sec
Start 59: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_online
15/121 Test #54: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate .........***Failed 1.86 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Gfluct3.mod" "./hhderiv.mod" "./hhkin.mod" "./hhwatch.mod" "./nacum.mod" "./vecevent.mod"
arg_tstop 100
arg_coreneuron 1
arg_coreneuron_filemode 0
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 0
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_psolve_test_mode 3
nrncore_arg: | --tstop 100 --cell-permute 0 --verbose 2 --voltage 1000.|
/gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
in testbbcore.hoc near line 41
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.15
Start 60: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
16/121 Test #103: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_offline::preparation ............. Passed 2.72 sec
Start 48: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_offline
17/121 Test #46: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_offline_saverestore ..........***Failed 4.01 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
[10, 20] [1, 1]
cell per ring=8
0 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
0 near line 0
0 ^
1 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
1 near line 0
1 ^
1 ParallelContext[1].psolve(0)
0 ParallelContext[1].psolve(0)
MPT ERROR: Rank 0(g:0) is aborting with error code -1.
Process ID: 263483, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 32 seconds for job step to finish.
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 751073.18 ON r1i6n20 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T14:09:02 ***
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Killed
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.18
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 1: Exited with exit code 255
Start 61: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_offline
Start 64: testcorenrn_deriv::neuron
18/121 Test #58: testcorenrn_conc::neuron ........................................... Passed 3.06 sec
Start 65: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_online
19/121 Test #47: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi ..............................***Failed 4.08 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
[10, 20] [1, 1]
cell per ring=8
1 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
1 near line 0
1 ^
1 ParallelContext[1].psolve(100)
MPT ERROR: Rank 1(g:1) is aborting with error code -1.
Process ID: 263516, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
0 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
0 near line 0
0 ^
0 ParallelContext[1].psolve(100)
srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 32 seconds for job step to finish.
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 751073.19 ON r1i6n20 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T14:09:02 ***
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 255
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.19
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 1: Killed
Start 66: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
Start 67: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_offline
20/121 Test #60: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ...........***Failed 2.83 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Gfluct3.mod" "./hhderiv.mod" "./hhkin.mod" "./hhwatch.mod" "./nacum.mod" "./vecevent.mod"
arg_tstop 100
arg_coreneuron 1
arg_coreneuron_filemode 0
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 0
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_psolve_test_mode 3
nrncore_arg: | --tstop 100 --cell-permute 0 --verbose 2 --voltage 1000.|
/gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
in testconc.hoc near line 46
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.24
Start 76: testcorenrn_kin::neuron
21/121 Test #59: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_online ............................***Failed 3.24 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Gfluct3.mod" "./hhderiv.mod" "./hhkin.mod" "./hhwatch.mod" "./nacum.mod" "./vecevent.mod"
arg_tstop 100
arg_coreneuron 1
arg_coreneuron_filemode 0
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 0
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_psolve_test_mode 0
nrncore_arg: | --tstop 100 --cell-permute 0 --verbose 2 --voltage 1000.|
/gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
in testconc.hoc near line 46
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.23
Start 77: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_online
22/121 Test #45: external_ringtest::neuron_mpi ...................................... Passed 4.67 sec
Start 70: testcorenrn_gf::neuron
23/121 Test #64: testcorenrn_deriv::neuron .......................................... Passed 1.87 sec
Start 78: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
24/121 Test #65: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_online ...........................***Failed 2.09 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Gfluct3.mod" "./hhderiv.mod" "./hhkin.mod" "./hhwatch.mod" "./nacum.mod" "./vecevent.mod"
arg_tstop 100
arg_coreneuron 1
arg_coreneuron_filemode 0
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 0
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_psolve_test_mode 0
nrncore_arg: | --tstop 100 --cell-permute 0 --verbose 2 --voltage 1000.|
/gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
in testderiv.hoc near line 49
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.28
Start 79: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_offline
25/121 Test #76: testcorenrn_kin::neuron ............................................ Passed 1.96 sec
Start 109: channel_benchmark_hippo::neuron
26/121 Test #66: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ..........***Failed 2.08 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Gfluct3.mod" "./hhderiv.mod" "./hhkin.mod" "./hhwatch.mod" "./nacum.mod" "./vecevent.mod"
arg_tstop 100
arg_coreneuron 1
arg_coreneuron_filemode 0
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 0
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_psolve_test_mode 3
nrncore_arg: | --tstop 100 --cell-permute 0 --verbose 2 --voltage 1000.|
/gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
in testderiv.hoc near line 49
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.29
Start 110: channel_benchmark_hippo::coreneuron_cpu_online
27/121 Test #55: testcorenrn_bbcore::coreneuron_cpu_offline .........................***Failed 5.86 sec
Error: Incompatible binary input dataset version (expected 1.6, input 1.5)
MPT ERROR: Rank 0(g:0) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 263583, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host r1i6n20, Program /gpfs/, Rank 0, Process 263583: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.21
Start 111: channel_benchmark_hippo::coreneuron_cpu_filemode
28/121 Test #77: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_online .............................***Failed 2.17 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Gfluct3.mod" "./hhderiv.mod" "./hhkin.mod" "./hhwatch.mod" "./nacum.mod" "./vecevent.mod"
arg_tstop 100
arg_coreneuron 1
arg_coreneuron_filemode 0
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 0
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_psolve_test_mode 0
nrncore_arg: | --tstop 100 --cell-permute 0 --verbose 2 --voltage 1000.|
/gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
in testkin.hoc near line 44
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.32
Start 113: channel_benchmark_sscx::neuron
29/121 Test #70: testcorenrn_gf::neuron ............................................. Passed 2.32 sec
Start 71: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_online
30/121 Test #48: external_ringtest::coreneuron_cpu_mpi_offline ......................***Failed 4.79 sec
Error: Incompatible binary input dataset version (expected 1.6, input 1.5)
MPT ERROR: Rank 1(g:1) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 263744, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host r1i6n20, Program /gpfs/, Rank 1, Process 263744: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 1: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.25
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 751073.25 ON r1i6n20 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T14:09:05 ***
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Terminated
srun: Force Terminated StepId=751073.25
Start 72: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
31/121 Test #78: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ............***Failed 1.89 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Gfluct3.mod" "./hhderiv.mod" "./hhkin.mod" "./hhwatch.mod" "./nacum.mod" "./vecevent.mod"
arg_tstop 100
arg_coreneuron 1
arg_coreneuron_filemode 0
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 0
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_psolve_test_mode 3
nrncore_arg: | --tstop 100 --cell-permute 0 --verbose 2 --voltage 1000.|
/gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
in testkin.hoc near line 44
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.34
Start 114: channel_benchmark_sscx::coreneuron_cpu_online
32/121 Test #61: testcorenrn_conc::coreneuron_cpu_offline ...........................***Failed 4.52 sec
Error: Incompatible binary input dataset version (expected 1.6, input 1.5)
MPT ERROR: Rank 0(g:0) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 263882, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host r1i6n20, Program /gpfs/, Rank 0, Process 263882: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.26
Start 115: channel_benchmark_sscx::coreneuron_cpu_filemode
33/121 Test #67: testcorenrn_deriv::coreneuron_cpu_offline ..........................***Failed 4.54 sec
Error: Incompatible binary input dataset version (expected 1.6, input 1.5)
MPT ERROR: Rank 0(g:0) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 263959, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host r1i6n20, Program /gpfs/, Rank 0, Process 263959: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.30
Start 1: testneuron
34/121 Test #1: testneuron ......................................................... Passed 0.12 sec
Start 2: ringtest
35/121 Test #71: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_online ..............................***Failed 2.10 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Gfluct3.mod" "./hhderiv.mod" "./hhkin.mod" "./hhwatch.mod" "./nacum.mod" "./vecevent.mod"
arg_tstop 100
arg_coreneuron 1
arg_coreneuron_filemode 0
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 0
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_psolve_test_mode 0
nrncore_arg: | --tstop 100 --cell-permute 0 --verbose 2 --mpi --voltage 1000.|
1 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
1 in testgf.hoc near line 52
1 prun("")
1 ParallelContext[0].psolve(100)
1 prun("")
MPT ERROR: Rank 1(g:1) is aborting with error code -1.
Process ID: 264358, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
0 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
0 in testgf.hoc near line 52
0 prun("")
0 ParallelContext[0].psolve(100)
0 prun("")
srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 32 seconds for job step to finish.
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 751073.40 ON r1i6n20 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T14:09:07 ***
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 255
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.40
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 1: Killed
Start 73: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_offline
36/121 Test #2: ringtest ........................................................... Passed 0.64 sec
Start 3: connect_dend
37/121 Test #72: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate .............***Failed 2.24 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Gfluct3.mod" "./hhderiv.mod" "./hhkin.mod" "./hhwatch.mod" "./nacum.mod" "./vecevent.mod"
arg_tstop 100
arg_coreneuron 1
arg_coreneuron_filemode 0
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 0
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_psolve_test_mode 3
nrncore_arg: | --tstop 100 --cell-permute 0 --verbose 2 --mpi --voltage 1000.|
1 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
1 in testgf.hoc near line 52
1 prun("")
1 ParallelContext[0].psolve(1)
1 prun("")
MPT ERROR: Rank 1(g:1) is aborting with error code -1.
Process ID: 264400, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
0 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
0 in testgf.hoc near line 52
0 prun("")
0 ParallelContext[0].psolve(1)
0 prun("")
srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 32 seconds for job step to finish.
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 751073.41 ON r1i6n20 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T14:09:07 ***
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 255
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.41
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 1: Killed
Start 82: testcorenrn_patstim::neuron
38/121 Test #3: connect_dend ....................................................... Passed 0.23 sec
Start 4: mpi_init::nrniv_mpiopt
39/121 Test #4: mpi_init::nrniv_mpiopt ............................................. Passed 0.12 sec
Start 5: mpi_init::nrniv_nrnmpi_init
40/121 Test #5: mpi_init::nrniv_nrnmpi_init ........................................ Passed 0.13 sec
Start 6: mpi_init::python_nrnmpi_init
41/121 Test #41: reduced_dentate::neuron ............................................ Passed 10.20 sec
Start 42: reduced_dentate::coreneuron_cpu
42/121 Test #6: mpi_init::python_nrnmpi_init ....................................... Passed 0.45 sec
Start 7: mpi_init::python_mpienv
43/121 Test #79: testcorenrn_kin::coreneuron_cpu_offline ............................***Failed 4.51 sec
Error: Incompatible binary input dataset version (expected 1.6, input 1.5)
MPT ERROR: Rank 0(g:0) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 264222, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host r1i6n20, Program /gpfs/, Rank 0, Process 264222: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.35
Start 8: mpi_init::nrniv_mpiexec_mpiopt
44/121 Test #7: mpi_init::python_mpienv ............................................ Passed 0.65 sec
Start 9: mpi_init::nrniv_mpiexec_nrnmpi_init
45/121 Test #82: testcorenrn_patstim::neuron ........................................ Passed 1.96 sec
Start 83: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_cpu_offline_saverestore
46/121 Test #8: mpi_init::nrniv_mpiexec_mpiopt ..................................... Passed 1.87 sec
Start 10: mpi_init::python_mpiexec_nrnmpi_init
47/121 Test #9: mpi_init::nrniv_mpiexec_nrnmpi_init ................................ Passed 1.72 sec
Start 11: mpi_init::python_mpiexec_mpienv
48/121 Test #73: testcorenrn_gf::coreneuron_cpu_offline .............................***Failed 4.82 sec
Error: Incompatible binary input dataset version (expected 1.6, input 1.5)
MPT ERROR: Rank 0(g:0) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 264556, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host r1i6n20, Program /gpfs/, Rank 0, Process 264556: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.44
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 751073.44 ON r1i6n20 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T14:09:12 ***
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 1: Terminated
srun: Force Terminated StepId=751073.44
Start 84: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_cpu_offline
49/121 Test #10: mpi_init::python_mpiexec_nrnmpi_init ............................... Passed 2.86 sec
Start 12: pynrn::basic_tests
50/121 Test #11: mpi_init::python_mpiexec_mpienv .................................... Passed 4.00 sec
Start 13: coverage_tests::cover_tests
51/121 Test #83: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_cpu_offline_saverestore ............***Failed 7.53 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Gfluct3.mod" "./hhderiv.mod" "./hhkin.mod" "./hhwatch.mod" "./nacum.mod" "./vecevent.mod"
arg_tstop 100
arg_coreneuron 0
arg_coreneuron_filemode 0
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 1
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_psolve_test_mode 0
dump_coreneuron_model=1, finishing execution without simulation
dump_coreneuron_model=1, finishing execution without simulation
Error: Incompatible binary input dataset version (expected 1.6, input 1.5)
MPT ERROR: Rank 1(g:1) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 264934, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host r1i6n20, Program /gpfs/, Rank 1, Process 264934: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 1: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.53
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 751073.53 ON r1i6n20 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T14:09:17 ***
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Terminated
srun: Force Terminated StepId=751073.53
Start 87: testcorenrn_vecplay::neuron
52/121 Test #84: testcorenrn_patstim::coreneuron_cpu_offline ........................***Failed 5.73 sec
Error: Incompatible binary input dataset version (expected 1.6, input 1.5)
MPT ERROR: Rank 0(g:0) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 264919, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host r1i6n20, Program /gpfs/, Rank 0, Process 264919: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.52
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 751073.52 ON r1i6n20 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T14:09:17 ***
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 1: Terminated
srun: Force Terminated StepId=751073.52
Start 88: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_online
53/121 Test #42: reduced_dentate::coreneuron_cpu .................................... Passed 10.24 sec
Start 89: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
Start 90: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_offline
54/121 Test #87: testcorenrn_vecplay::neuron ........................................ Passed 2.17 sec
Start 99: testcorenrn_watch::neuron
55/121 Test #88: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_online .........................***Failed 2.29 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Gfluct3.mod" "./hhderiv.mod" "./hhkin.mod" "./hhwatch.mod" "./nacum.mod" "./vecevent.mod"
arg_tstop 100
arg_coreneuron 1
arg_coreneuron_filemode 0
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 0
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_psolve_test_mode 0
nrncore_arg: | --tstop 100 --cell-permute 0 --verbose 2 --mpi --voltage 1000.|
0 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
0 in testvecplay.hoc near line 54
0 prun("")
0 ParallelContext[0].psolve(100)
0 prun("")
MPT ERROR: Rank 0(g:0) is aborting with error code -1.
Process ID: 265124, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 32 seconds for job step to finish.
1 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
1 in testvecplay.hoc near line 54
1 prun("")
1 ParallelContext[0].psolve(100)
1 prun("")
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 751073.55 ON r1i6n20 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T14:09:20 ***
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Killed
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.55
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 1: Exited with exit code 255
Start 100: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_online
56/121 Test #13: coverage_tests::cover_tests ........................................ Passed 5.72 sec
Start 14: parallel_tests
57/121 Test #89: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ........***Failed 2.38 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Gfluct3.mod" "./hhderiv.mod" "./hhkin.mod" "./hhwatch.mod" "./nacum.mod" "./vecevent.mod"
arg_tstop 100
arg_coreneuron 1
arg_coreneuron_filemode 0
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 0
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_psolve_test_mode 3
nrncore_arg: | --tstop 100 --cell-permute 0 --verbose 2 --mpi --voltage 1000.|
0 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
0 in testvecplay.hoc near line 54
0 prun("")
0 ParallelContext[0].psolve(1)
0 prun("")
MPT ERROR: Rank 0(g:0) is aborting with error code -1.
Process ID: 265298, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
1 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
1 in testvecplay.hoc near line 54
1 prun("")
1 ParallelContext[0].psolve(1)
1 prun("")
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 751073.57 ON r1i6n20 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T14:09:21 ***
srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 32 seconds for job step to finish.
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Killed
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.57
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 1: Exited with exit code 255
Start 101: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
58/121 Test #99: testcorenrn_watch::neuron .......................................... Passed 2.36 sec
Start 102: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_offline
59/121 Test #100: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_online ...........................***Failed 2.30 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Gfluct3.mod" "./hhderiv.mod" "./hhkin.mod" "./hhwatch.mod" "./nacum.mod" "./vecevent.mod"
arg_tstop 100
arg_coreneuron 1
arg_coreneuron_filemode 0
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 0
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_psolve_test_mode 0
nrncore_arg: | --tstop 100 --cell-permute 0 --verbose 2 --mpi --voltage 1000.|
1 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
1 in testwatch.hoc near line 54
1 prun("")
1 ParallelContext[0].psolve(100)
1 prun("")
MPT ERROR: Rank 1(g:1) is aborting with error code -1.
Process ID: 265451, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
0 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
0 in testwatch.hoc near line 54
0 prun("")
0 ParallelContext[0].psolve(100)
0 prun("")
srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 32 seconds for job step to finish.
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 751073.59 ON r1i6n20 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T14:09:22 ***
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 255
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.59
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 1: Killed
Start 105: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::direct_netstimdirect
60/121 Test #12: pynrn::basic_tests ................................................. Passed 10.17 sec
Start 15: parallel_partrans
61/121 Test #90: testcorenrn_vecplay::coreneuron_cpu_offline ........................***Failed 5.05 sec
Error: Incompatible binary input dataset version (expected 1.6, input 1.5)
MPT ERROR: Rank 0(g:0) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 265265, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host r1i6n20, Program /gpfs/, Rank 0, Process 265265: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.56
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 751073.56 ON r1i6n20 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T14:09:23 ***
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 1: Terminated
srun: Force Terminated StepId=751073.56
Start 106: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::direct_netstimdirect_psolve_alternate
62/121 Test #14: parallel_tests ..................................................... Passed 3.74 sec
Start 16: parallel_netpar
63/121 Test #101: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate ..........***Failed 3.42 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Gfluct3.mod" "./hhderiv.mod" "./hhkin.mod" "./hhwatch.mod" "./nacum.mod" "./vecevent.mod"
arg_tstop 100
arg_coreneuron 1
arg_coreneuron_filemode 0
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 0
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_psolve_test_mode 3
nrncore_arg: | --tstop 100 --cell-permute 0 --verbose 2 --mpi --voltage 1000.|
1 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
1 in testwatch.hoc near line 54
1 prun("")
1 ParallelContext[0].psolve(1)
1 prun("")
MPT ERROR: Rank 1(g:1) is aborting with error code -1.
Process ID: 265561, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
0 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
0 in testwatch.hoc near line 54
0 prun("")
0 ParallelContext[0].psolve(1)
0 prun("")
srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 32 seconds for job step to finish.
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 751073.61 ON r1i6n20 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T14:09:24 ***
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 255
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.61
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 1: Killed
Start 17: parallel_bas
Start 18: coreneuron_modtests::version_macros
64/121 Test #105: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::direct_netstimdirect ....................***Failed 2.78 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Gfluct3.mod" "./hhderiv.mod" "./hhkin.mod" "./hhwatch.mod" "./nacum.mod" "./vecevent.mod"
arg_tstop 100
arg_coreneuron 0
arg_coreneuron_filemode 0
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 0
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_psolve_test_mode 0
psolve time 0.04
1 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
1 in testnetstimdirect.hoc near line 68
1 prun("")
1 ParallelContext[0].psolve(100)
1 prun("")
MPT ERROR: Rank 1(g:1) is aborting with error code -1.
Process ID: 265646, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
nrncore_arg: | --tstop 100 --cell-permute 0 --verbose 2 --mpi --voltage 1000.|
0 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
0 in testnetstimdirect.hoc near line 68
0 prun("")
0 ParallelContext[0].psolve(100)
0 prun("")
srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 32 seconds for job step to finish.
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 751073.63 ON r1i6n20 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T14:09:25 ***
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 255
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.63
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 1: Killed
Start 19: coreneuron_modtests::fornetcon_py_cpu
Start 20: coreneuron_modtests::direct_py_cpu
65/121 Test #15: parallel_partrans .................................................. Passed 2.32 sec
Start 21: coreneuron_modtests::direct_hoc_cpu
66/121 Test #106: testcorenrn_netstimdirect::direct_netstimdirect_psolve_alternate ...***Failed 2.50 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Gfluct3.mod" "./hhderiv.mod" "./hhkin.mod" "./hhwatch.mod" "./nacum.mod" "./vecevent.mod"
arg_tstop 100
arg_coreneuron 0
arg_coreneuron_filemode 0
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 0
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_psolve_test_mode 3
psolve time 0.0599999
nrncore_arg: | --tstop 100 --cell-permute 0 --verbose 2 --mpi --voltage 1000.|
0 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
0 in testnetstimdirect.hoc near line 68
0 prun("")
0 ParallelContext[0].psolve(1)
0 prun("")
MPT ERROR: Rank 0(g:0) is aborting with error code -1.
Process ID: 265745, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
1 /gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
1 in testnetstimdirect.hoc near line 68
1 prun("")
1 ParallelContext[0].psolve(1)
1 prun("")
srun: Job step aborted: Waiting up to 32 seconds for job step to finish.
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 751073.65 ON r1i6n20 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T14:09:26 ***
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Killed
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.65
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 1: Exited with exit code 255
Start 22: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_py_cpu
Start 23: coreneuron_modtests::spikes_file_mode_py_cpu
67/121 Test #110: channel_benchmark_hippo::coreneuron_cpu_online .....................***Failed 22.12 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Ca.mod" "./CaDynamics_DC0.mod" "./CaDynamics_E2.mod" "./Ca_HVA.mod" "./Ca_HVA2.mod" "./Ca_LVAst.mod" "./CoreConfig.mod" "./Ih.mod" "./Im.mod" "./K_Pst.mod" "./K_Tst.mod" "./KdShu2007.mod" "./NaTa_t.mod" "./NaTg.mod" "./NaTs2_t.mod" "./Nap_Et2.mod" "./ProbAMPANMDA_EMS.mod" "./ProbGABAAB_EMS.mod" "./ProfileHelper.mod" "./SK_E2.mod" "./SKv3_1.mod" "./TTXDynamicsSwitch.mod" "./VecStim.mod" "./cacumm.mod" "./cacummb.mod" "./cagk.mod" "./cal2.mod" "./can2.mod" "./cat.mod" "./gap.mod" "./h.mod" "./halfgap.mod" "./kadist.mod" "./kaprox.mod" "./kca.mod" "./kd.mod" "./kd2.mod" "./kdb.mod" "./kdrbca1.mod" "./kdrca1.mod" "./km.mod" "./kmb.mod" "./na3n.mod" "./naxn.mod" "./netstim_inhpoisson.mod" "./new_calcium_channels.mod"
arg_tstop 10
arg_target_count 6
arg_model hippo
arg_coreneuron 1
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_coreneuron_filemode 0
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 0
arg_datapath benchmark/channels
arg_prcell_gid -1
Loading 6 templates
Instatiated 0 cell of type 0
Instatiated 1 cell of type 1
Instatiated 2 cell of type 2
Instatiated 3 cell of type 3
Instatiated 4 cell of type 4
Instatiated 5 cell of type 5
done cells
add report
Starting Simulation
/gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
in benchmark/channels/lib/hoclib/init.hoc near line 285
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.37
Start 24: coreneuron_modtests::fast_imem_py_cpu
68/121 Test #16: parallel_netpar .................................................... Passed 2.58 sec
Start 25: coreneuron_modtests::datareturn_py_cpu
69/121 Test #102: testcorenrn_watch::coreneuron_cpu_offline ..........................***Failed 5.58 sec
MPT ERROR: Rank 1(g:1) received signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6).
Process ID: 265597, Host: r1i6n20, Program: /gpfs/
MPT Version: HPE HMPT 2.25 10/22/21 03:18:39
MPT: --------stack traceback-------
Error: Incompatible binary input dataset version (expected 1.6, input 1.5)
MPT: ImportError: No module named site
MPT: -----stack traceback ends-----
MPT: On host r1i6n20, Program /gpfs/, Rank 1, Process 265597: Dumping core on signal SIGABRT/SIGIOT(6) into directory /gpfs/
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 1: Aborted (core dumped)
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.62
slurmstepd: error: *** STEP 751073.62 ON r1i6n20 CANCELLED AT 2022-08-29T14:09:27 ***
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Terminated
srun: Force Terminated StepId=751073.62
Start 26: coreneuron_modtests::test_units_py_cpu
Start 27: coreneuron_modtests::test_netmove_py_cpu
70/121 Test #21: coreneuron_modtests::direct_hoc_cpu ................................***Failed 1.63 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./axial.mod" "./axial_pp.mod" "./bacur.mod" "./banocur.mod" "./fornetcon.mod" "./invlfire.mod" "./natrans.mod" "./netmove.mod" "./sample.mod" "./unitstest.mod" "./version_macros.mod" "./watchrange.mod"
nrncore_arg: | --tstop 5 --cell-permute 0 --verbose 2 --voltage 1000.|
/gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
in test/coreneuron/test_direct.hoc near line 79
Start 28: coreneuron_modtests::test_pointer_py_cpu
71/121 Test #111: channel_benchmark_hippo::coreneuron_cpu_filemode ...................***Failed 23.61 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Ca.mod" "./CaDynamics_DC0.mod" "./CaDynamics_E2.mod" "./Ca_HVA.mod" "./Ca_HVA2.mod" "./Ca_LVAst.mod" "./CoreConfig.mod" "./Ih.mod" "./Im.mod" "./K_Pst.mod" "./K_Tst.mod" "./KdShu2007.mod" "./NaTa_t.mod" "./NaTg.mod" "./NaTs2_t.mod" "./Nap_Et2.mod" "./ProbAMPANMDA_EMS.mod" "./ProbGABAAB_EMS.mod" "./ProfileHelper.mod" "./SK_E2.mod" "./SKv3_1.mod" "./TTXDynamicsSwitch.mod" "./VecStim.mod" "./cacumm.mod" "./cacummb.mod" "./cagk.mod" "./cal2.mod" "./can2.mod" "./cat.mod" "./gap.mod" "./h.mod" "./halfgap.mod" "./kadist.mod" "./kaprox.mod" "./kca.mod" "./kd.mod" "./kd2.mod" "./kdb.mod" "./kdrbca1.mod" "./kdrca1.mod" "./km.mod" "./kmb.mod" "./na3n.mod" "./naxn.mod" "./netstim_inhpoisson.mod" "./new_calcium_channels.mod"
arg_tstop 10
arg_target_count 6
arg_model hippo
arg_coreneuron 1
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_coreneuron_filemode 1
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 0
arg_datapath benchmark/channels
arg_prcell_gid -1
Loading 6 templates
Instatiated 0 cell of type 0
Instatiated 1 cell of type 1
Instatiated 2 cell of type 2
Instatiated 3 cell of type 3
Instatiated 4 cell of type 4
Instatiated 5 cell of type 5
done cells
add report
Starting CoreNEURON data generation
Starting Simulation
/gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
in benchmark/channels/lib/hoclib/init.hoc near line 285
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.38
Start 29: coreneuron_modtests::test_watchrange_py_cpu
72/121 Test #115: channel_benchmark_sscx::coreneuron_cpu_filemode ....................***Failed 21.56 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Ca.mod" "./CaDynamics_DC0.mod" "./CaDynamics_E2.mod" "./Ca_HVA.mod" "./Ca_HVA2.mod" "./Ca_LVAst.mod" "./CoreConfig.mod" "./Ih.mod" "./Im.mod" "./K_Pst.mod" "./K_Tst.mod" "./KdShu2007.mod" "./NaTa_t.mod" "./NaTg.mod" "./NaTs2_t.mod" "./Nap_Et2.mod" "./ProbAMPANMDA_EMS.mod" "./ProbGABAAB_EMS.mod" "./ProfileHelper.mod" "./SK_E2.mod" "./SKv3_1.mod" "./TTXDynamicsSwitch.mod" "./VecStim.mod" "./cacumm.mod" "./cacummb.mod" "./cagk.mod" "./cal2.mod" "./can2.mod" "./cat.mod" "./gap.mod" "./h.mod" "./halfgap.mod" "./kadist.mod" "./kaprox.mod" "./kca.mod" "./kd.mod" "./kd2.mod" "./kdb.mod" "./kdrbca1.mod" "./kdrca1.mod" "./km.mod" "./kmb.mod" "./na3n.mod" "./naxn.mod" "./netstim_inhpoisson.mod" "./new_calcium_channels.mod"
arg_tstop 10
arg_target_count 16
arg_model sscx
arg_coreneuron 1
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_coreneuron_filemode 1
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 0
arg_datapath benchmark/channels
arg_prcell_gid -1
Loading 16 templates
Instatiated 0 cell of type 0
Instatiated 1 cell of type 1
Instatiated 2 cell of type 2
Instatiated 3 cell of type 3
Instatiated 4 cell of type 4
Instatiated 5 cell of type 5
Instatiated 6 cell of type 6
Instatiated 7 cell of type 7
Instatiated 8 cell of type 8
Instatiated 9 cell of type 9
Instatiated 10 cell of type 10
Instatiated 11 cell of type 11
Instatiated 12 cell of type 12
Instatiated 13 cell of type 13
Instatiated 14 cell of type 14
Instatiated 15 cell of type 15
done cells
add report
Starting CoreNEURON data generation
Starting Simulation
/gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
in benchmark/channels/lib/hoclib/init.hoc near line 285
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.43
Start 30: coreneuron_modtests::test_psolve_py_cpu
73/121 Test #114: channel_benchmark_sscx::coreneuron_cpu_online ......................***Failed 22.49 sec
NEURON -- VERSION 8.2.0-2-gd3c27f20+ HEAD (d3c27f20+) 2022-08-12
Duke, Yale, and the BlueBrain Project -- Copyright 1984-2021
Additional mechanisms from files
"./Ca.mod" "./CaDynamics_DC0.mod" "./CaDynamics_E2.mod" "./Ca_HVA.mod" "./Ca_HVA2.mod" "./Ca_LVAst.mod" "./CoreConfig.mod" "./Ih.mod" "./Im.mod" "./K_Pst.mod" "./K_Tst.mod" "./KdShu2007.mod" "./NaTa_t.mod" "./NaTg.mod" "./NaTs2_t.mod" "./Nap_Et2.mod" "./ProbAMPANMDA_EMS.mod" "./ProbGABAAB_EMS.mod" "./ProfileHelper.mod" "./SK_E2.mod" "./SKv3_1.mod" "./TTXDynamicsSwitch.mod" "./VecStim.mod" "./cacumm.mod" "./cacummb.mod" "./cagk.mod" "./cal2.mod" "./can2.mod" "./cat.mod" "./gap.mod" "./h.mod" "./halfgap.mod" "./kadist.mod" "./kaprox.mod" "./kca.mod" "./kd.mod" "./kd2.mod" "./kdb.mod" "./kdrbca1.mod" "./kdrca1.mod" "./km.mod" "./kmb.mod" "./na3n.mod" "./naxn.mod" "./netstim_inhpoisson.mod" "./new_calcium_channels.mod"
arg_tstop 10
arg_target_count 16
arg_model sscx
arg_coreneuron 1
arg_coreneuron_gpu 0
arg_coreneuron_filemode 0
arg_dump_coreneuron_model 0
arg_datapath benchmark/channels
arg_prcell_gid -1
Loading 16 templates
Instatiated 0 cell of type 0
Instatiated 1 cell of type 1
Instatiated 2 cell of type 2
Instatiated 3 cell of type 3
Instatiated 4 cell of type 4
Instatiated 5 cell of type 5
Instatiated 6 cell of type 6
Instatiated 7 cell of type 7
Instatiated 8 cell of type 8
Instatiated 9 cell of type 9
Instatiated 10 cell of type 10
Instatiated 11 cell of type 11
Instatiated 12 cell of type 12
Instatiated 13 cell of type 13
Instatiated 14 cell of type 14
Instatiated 15 cell of type 15
done cells
add report
Starting Simulation
/gpfs/ Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
in benchmark/channels/lib/hoclib/init.hoc near line 285
srun: error: r1i6n20: task 0: Exited with exit code 1
srun: launch/slurm: _step_signal: Terminating StepId=751073.42
Start 31: coreneuron_modtests::test_ba_py_cpu
74/121 Test #18: coreneuron_modtests::version_macros ................................***Failed 5.20 sec
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.9.7, pytest-6.2.4, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.0
rootdir: /gpfs/
plugins: cov-2.8.1
collected 1 item
test/pynrn/ F [100%]
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_____________________________ test_version_macros ______________________________
def test_version_macros():
Use the special version_macros.mod mechanism to test the
NRN_VERSION_X(maj, min, pat) preprocessor macros in VERBATIM blocks.
# Get the CMake PACKAGE_VERSION variable, which should always be in
# major.minor.patch format. This should be baked into C++ as part of the main
# NEURON build, not as part of nrnivmodl.
ver = tuple(int(x) for x in h.nrnversion(0).split(".", 2))
pc = h.ParallelContext()
s = h.Section()
coreneuron.enable = bool(
distutils.util.strtobool(os.environ.get("NRN_CORENEURON_ENABLE", "false"))
coreneuron.verbose = True
> pc.psolve(0.1)
E RuntimeError: hocobj_call error
test/pynrn/ RuntimeError
----------------------------- Captured stderr call -----------------------------
NEURON: Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
near line 0
objref hoc_obj_[2]
----------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.9.7-final-0 -----------
Coverage XML written to file coverage.xml
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED test/pynrn/ - RuntimeError:...
============================== 1 failed in 3.79s ===============================
Start 32: coreneuron_modtests::test_natrans_py_cpu
75/121 Test #113: channel_benchmark_sscx::neuron ..................................... Passed 26.12 sec
Start 36: modlunit_unitstest
76/121 Test #19: coreneuron_modtests::fornetcon_py_cpu ..............................***Failed 5.72 sec
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.9.7, pytest-6.2.4, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.0
rootdir: /gpfs/
plugins: cov-2.8.1
collected 1 item
test/coreneuron/ F [100%]
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
________________________________ test_fornetcon ________________________________
def test_fornetcon():
from neuron import coreneuron
coreneuron.enable = False
ncell = 10
gids = range(, ncell, pc.nhost()) # round robin
cells = [Cell(gid) for gid in gids]
nclist = []
# src first to more easily randomize NetCon creation order
# so that NetCon to target not all adjacent
for srcgid in range(ncell):
for tarcell in cells:
if int(tarcell.r.discunif(0, 1)) == 1:
nclist.append(pc.gid_connect(srcgid, tarcell.syn))
nclist[-1].delay = tarcell.r.discunif(10, 50) * h.dt
nclist[-1].weight[0] = srcgid * 10000 + tarcell.gid
spiketime = h.Vector()
spikegid = h.Vector()
pc.spike_record(-1, spiketime, spikegid)
tstop = 8
def run(tstop, mode):
if mode == 0:
elif mode == 1:
while h.t < tstop:
pc.psolve(h.t + 1.0)
while h.t < tstop:
h.continuerun(h.t + 0.5)
pc.psolve(h.t + 0.5)
run(tstop, 0) # NEURON run
spiketime_std = spiketime.c()
spikegid_std = spikegid.c()
def get_weights():
weight = []
for nc in nclist:
w = nc.weight
weight.append((w[0], w[1], w[2], w[3], w[4]))
return weight
weight_std = get_weights()
print("CoreNEURON run")
coreneuron.enable = True
coreneuron.gpu = bool(
distutils.util.strtobool(os.environ.get("CORENRN_ENABLE_GPU", "false"))
def runassert(mode):
run(tstop, mode)
assert len(spiketime) > 0
assert spiketime_std.eq(spiketime) == 1.0
assert spikegid_std.eq(spikegid) == 1.0
assert len(weight_std) > 0
assert weight_std == get_weights()
for mode in [0, 1, 2]:
> runassert(mode)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
test/coreneuron/ in runassert
run(tstop, mode)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tstop = 8, mode = 0
def run(tstop, mode):
if mode == 0:
> pc.psolve(tstop)
E RuntimeError: hocobj_call error
test/coreneuron/ RuntimeError
----------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------
CoreNEURON run
----------------------------- Captured stderr call -----------------------------
NEURON: Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
near line 0
----------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.9.7-final-0 -----------
Coverage XML written to file coverage.xml
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED test/coreneuron/ - RuntimeError: hoco...
============================== 1 failed in 4.54s ===============================
Start 37: modlunit_hh
77/121 Test #36: modlunit_unitstest ................................................. Passed 0.24 sec
Start 38: modlunit_stim
78/121 Test #37: modlunit_hh ........................................................ Passed 0.24 sec
Start 39: modlunit_pattern
79/121 Test #38: modlunit_stim ...................................................... Passed 0.22 sec
Start 40: external_nrntest
80/121 Test #39: modlunit_pattern ................................................... Passed 0.25 sec
Start 43: reduced_dentate::compare_results
81/121 Test #20: coreneuron_modtests::direct_py_cpu .................................***Failed 6.28 sec
============================= test session starts ==============================
platform linux -- Python 3.9.7, pytest-6.2.4, py-1.9.0, pluggy-0.13.0
rootdir: /gpfs/
plugins: cov-2.8.1
collected 1 item
test/coreneuron/ F [100%]
=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_________________________ test_direct_memory_transfer __________________________
def test_direct_memory_transfer():
h("""create soma""")
h.soma.L = 5.6419
h.soma.diam = 5.6419
ic = h.IClamp(h.soma(0.5))
ic.delay = 0.5
ic.dur = 0.1
ic.amp = 0.3
# for testing external mod file
v = h.Vector()
v.record(h.soma(0.5)._ref_v, sec=h.soma)
i_mem = h.Vector()
i_mem.record(h.soma(0.5)._ref_i_membrane_, sec=h.soma)
tv = h.Vector()
tv.record(h._ref_t, sec=h.soma)
vstd =
tvstd =
i_memstd =
# Save current (after run) value to compare with transfer back from coreneuron
tran_std = [h.t, h.soma(0.5).v, h.soma(0.5).hh.m]
from neuron import coreneuron
coreneuron.enable = True
coreneuron.verbose = 0
coreneuron.model_stats = True
coreneuron.gpu = bool(
distutils.util.strtobool(os.environ.get("CORENRN_ENABLE_GPU", "false"))
coreneuron.num_gpus = 1
pc = h.ParallelContext()
def run(mode):
if mode == 0:
elif mode == 1:
while abs(h.t - h.tstop) > 0.1 * h.dt:
pc.psolve(h.t + 1.0)
while abs(h.t - h.tstop) > 0.1 * h.dt:
h.continuerun(h.t + 0.5)
pc.psolve(h.t + 0.5)
tran = [h.t, h.soma(0.5).v, h.soma(0.5).hh.m]
assert tv.eq(tvstd)
assert ( < 1e-10
) # usually v == vstd, some compilers might give slightly different results
assert < 1e-10
assert h.Vector(tran_std).sub(h.Vector(tran)).abs().max() < 1e-10
for mode in [0, 1, 2]:
> run(mode)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
mode = 0
def run(mode):
if mode == 0:
> pc.psolve(h.tstop)
E RuntimeError: hocobj_call error
test/coreneuron/ RuntimeError
----------------------------- Captured stderr call -----------------------------
NEURON: Incompatible NEURON and CoreNEURON versions : 1.5 vs 1.6
near line 0
create soma
----------- coverage: platform linux, python 3.9.7-final-0 -----------
Coverage XML written to file coverage.xml
=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED test/coreneuron/ - RuntimeE...
============================== 1 failed in 5.01s ===============================
Start 57: testcorenrn_bbcore::compare_results
82/121 Test #109: channel_benchmark_hippo::neuron .................................... Passed 27.40 sec
Start 63: testcorenrn_conc::compare_results
83/121 Test #43: reduced_dentate::compare_results ...................................***Failed 0.85 sec
neuron DOES NOT match coreneuron_cpu
--- neuron
+++ coreneuron_cpu
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
-(3.0, 1064060)
-(3.0, 1064070)
-(3.0, 1064080)
-(3.0, 1064090)
-(3.0, 1064140)
-(3.0, 1064150)
-(3.0, 1064160)
-(3.0, 1064170)
-(3.0, 1064180)
-(3.0, 1064190)
-(5.525, 500006)
-(5.525, 500009)
-(5.9, 1000694)
-(6.025, 1001197)
-(6.05, 1001242)
-(6.05, 1001249)
-(6.1, 1000730)
-(6.1, 1001081)
-(6.1, 1001111)
-(6.1, 1001158)
-(6.125, 1001085)
-(6.125, 1001165)
-(6.15, 1000674)
-(6.15, 1000773)
-(6.175, 1000827)
-(6.175, 1000932)
-(6.2, 1000093)
-(6.2, 1000864)
-(6.2, 1001091)
-(6.2, 1030774)
-(6.2, 1030962)
-(6.2, 1031005)
-(6.2, 1031024)
-(6.2, 1031041)
-(6.2, 1031148)
-(6.2, 1031149)
-(6.2, 1031166)
-(6.2, 1031197)
-(6.2, 1031277)
-(6.2, 1031317)
-(6.2, 1031521)
-(6.2, 1031550)
-(6.2, 1031557)
-(6.2, 1031583)
-(6.2, 1031618)
-(6.2, 1031624)
-(6.2, 1031651)
-(6.2, 1031653)
-(6.2, 1031698)
-(6.2, 1031711)
-(6.2, 1031736)
-(6.2, 1031745)
-(6.2, 1031792)
-(6.2, 1031803)
-(6.2, 1031816)
-(6.2, 1031826)
-(6.2, 1031850)
-(6.2, 1031912)
-(6.2, 1031976)
-(6.2, 1032009)
-(6.2, 1032118)
-(6.2, 1032126)
-(6.2, 1032175)
-(6.2, 1032183)
-(6.2, 1032207)
-(6.2, 1032214)
-(6.2, 1032220)
-(6.2, 1032229)
-(6.2, 1032254)
-(6.2, 1032281)
-(6.2, 1032327)
-(6.2, 1032329)
-(6.2, 1032332)
-(6.2, 1032333)
-(6.2, 1032371)
-(6.2, 1032417)
-(6.2, 1032434)
-(6.2, 1032494)
-(6.2, 1032503)
-(6.2, 1032525)
-(6.2, 1032527)
-(6.2, 1032530)
-(6.2, 1032535)
-(6.2, 1032545)
-(6.2, 1032565)
-(6.2, 1032582)
-(6.2, 1032646)
-(6.2, 1032654)
-(6.2, 1032674)
-(6.2, 1032676)
-(6.2, 1032682)
-(6.2, 1032693)
-(6.2, 1032698)
-(6.2, 1032722)
-(6.2, 1032792)
-(6.2, 1032812)
-(6.2, 1032839)
-(6.2, 1032885)
-(6.2, 1032892)
-(6.2, 1032896)
-(6.2, 1032910)
-(6.2, 1032954)
-(6.2, 1032987)
-(6.2, 1033000)
-(6.2, 1033010)
-(6.2, 1033019)
-(6.2, 1033041)
-(6.2, 1033047)
-(6.2, 1033097)
-(6.2, 1033114)
-(6.2, 1033438)
-(6.2, 1033448)
-(6.2, 1033450)
-(6.2, 1033489)
-(6.2, 1033517)
-(6.2, 1033629)
-(6.2, 1033767)
-(6.2, 1033784)
-(6.2, 1033881)
-(6.2, 1034083)
-(6.2, 1034171)
-(6.2, 1034180)
-(6.2, 1035296)
-(6.225, 1000505)
-(6.225, 1000945)
-(6.25, 500000)
-(6.25, 500001)
-(6.25, 500002)
-(6.25, 500003)
-(6.25, 500004)
-(6.25, 500005)
-(6.25, 500007)
-(6.25, 500008)
-(6.25, 1000434)
-(6.25, 1000741)
-(6.275, 1000909)
-(6.3, 1000680)
-(6.325, 1001041)
-(6.35, 1000352)
-(6.35, 1000591)
-(6.35, 1001177)
-(6.375, 1001027)
-(6.375, 1001261)
-(6.4, 1000367)
-(6.4, 1001256)
-(6.425, 1000672)
-(6.425, 1001007)
-(6.45, 1000991)
-(6.475, 1000221)
-(6.475, 1000974)
-(6.5, 1001272)
-(6.525, 1000839)
-(6.525, 1000879)
-(6.55, 1000310)
-(6.55, 1000394)
-(6.55, 1000840)
-(6.55, 1001032)
-(6.575, 1000734)
-(6.6, 1000060)
-(6.6, 1000831)
-(6.6, 1000876)
-(6.625, 1000791)
-(6.625, 1001187)
-(6.625, 1001263)
-(6.65, 1001188)
-(6.65, 1001266)
-(6.675, 1000122)
-(6.675, 1000897)
-(6.675, 1000949)
-(6.7, 1000276)
-(6.7, 1000633)
-(6.7, 1001147)
-(6.725, 1000768)
-(6.725, 1001008)
-(6.725, 1001232)
-(6.75, 1001226)
-(6.775, 1000889)
-(6.775, 1000976)
-(6.8, 1000419)
-(6.8, 1000960)
-(6.8, 1001168)
-(6.8, 1001238)
-(6.825, 1000846)
-(6.825, 1001203)
-(6.85, 1000650)
-(6.85, 1000809)
-(6.85, 1000820)
-(6.9, 1000059)
-(6.925, 1001254)
-(6.975, 1000238)
-(6.975, 1001061)
-(7.025, 1000676)
-(7.025, 1001082)
-(7.075, 1000920)
-(7.075, 1000969)
-(7.1, 1000925)
-(7.125, 1039531)
-(7.125, 1039539)
-(7.125, 1039568)
-(7.125, 1039571)
-(7.125, 1039580)
-(7.125, 1039581)
-(7.125, 1039592)
-(7.125, 1039595)
-(7.125, 1039606)
-(7.125, 1039609)
-(7.125, 1039618)
-(7.125, 1039626)
-(7.125, 1039627)
-(7.125, 1039640)
-(7.125, 1039644)
-(7.125, 1039645)
-(7.125, 1039646)
-(7.125, 1039652)
-(7.125, 1039657)
-(7.125, 1039660)
-(7.125, 1039665)
-(7.125, 1039675)
-(7.125, 1039676)
-(7.125, 1039678)
-(7.125, 1039684)
-(7.125, 1039693)
-(7.125, 1039694)
-(7.125, 1039699)
-(7.125, 1039735)
-(7.125, 1039763)
-(7.125, 1039803)
-(7.125, 1041156)
-(7.125, 1041158)
-(7.125, 1041193)
-(7.125, 1041232)
-(7.125, 1041261)
-(7.125, 1041263)
-(7.125, 1041271)
-(7.125, 1041281)
-(7.125, 1041286)
-(7.125, 1041289)
-(7.125, 1041290)
-(7.125, 1041296)
-(7.125, 1041297)
-(7.125, 1041305)
-(7.125, 1041308)
-(7.125, 1041316)
-(7.125, 1041324)
-(7.125, 1041327)
-(7.125, 1041330)
-(7.125, 1041333)
-(7.125, 1041339)
-(7.125, 1041342)
-(7.125, 1041355)
-(7.125, 1041364)
-(7.125, 1041369)
-(7.125, 1041370)
-(7.125, 1041375)
-(7.125, 1041380)
-(7.125, 1041389)
-(7.125, 1041406)
-(7.125, 1041407)
-(7.125, 1042504)
-(7.125, 1042531)
-(7.125, 1042536)
-(7.175, 1001153)
-(7.2, 1001257)
-(7.225, 1000762)
-(7.5, 1000488)
-(7.525, 1000737)
-(7.525, 1000787)
-(7.975, 1000152)
-(8.05, 1000901)
-(8.1, 1045857)
-(8.1, 1045985)
-(8.1, 1046064)
-(8.1, 1046073)
-(8.1, 1046096)
-(8.1, 1046146)
-(8.1, 1046150)
-(8.1, 1046172)
-(8.1, 1046304)
-(8.1, 1046305)
-(8.1, 1046308)
-(8.1, 1046311)
-(8.1, 1046315)
-(8.1, 1046316)
-(8.1, 1046319)
-(8.1, 1046330)
-(8.1, 1046333)
-(8.1, 1046335)
-(8.1, 1046336)
-(8.1, 1046337)
-(8.1, 1046338)
-(8.1, 1046342)
-(8.1, 1046344)
-(8.1, 1046348)
-(8.1, 1046351)
-(8.1, 1046352)
-(8.1, 1046353)
-(8.1, 1046355)
-(8.1, 1046358)
-(8.1, 1046360)
-(8.1, 1046362)
-(8.1, 1046364)
-(8.1, 1046369)
-(8.1, 1046370)
-(8.1, 1046372)
-(8.1, 1046374)
-(8.1, 1046380)
-(8.1, 1046381)
-(8.1, 1046382)
-(8.1, 1046384)
-(8.1, 1046387)
-(8.1, 1046388)
-(8.1, 1046389)
-(8.1, 1046397)
-(8.1, 1046400)
-(8.1, 1046404)
-(8.1, 1046405)
-(8.1, 1046406)
-(8.1, 1046410)
-(8.1, 1046412)
-(8.1, 1046415)
-(8.1, 1046417)
-(8.1, 1046418)
-(8.1, 1046420)
-(8.1, 1046421)
-(8.1, 1046424)
-(8.1, 1046425)
-(8.1, 1046428)
-(8.1, 1046429)
-(8.1, 1046433)
-(8.1, 1046439)
-(8.1, 1046441)
-(8.1, 1046450)
-(8.1, 1046451)
-(8.1, 1046453)
-(8.1, 1046455)
-(8.1, 1046456)
-(8.1, 1046457)
-(8.1, 1046460)
-(8.1, 1046464)
-(8.1, 1046466)
-(8.1, 1046468)
-(8.1, 1046472)
-(8.1, 1046479)
-(8.1, 1046485)
-(8.1, 1046488)
-(8.1, 1046489)
-(8.1, 1046492)
-(8.1, 1046495)
-(8.1, 1046496)
-(8.1, 1046502)
-(8.1, 1046504)
-(8.1, 1046505)
-(8.1, 1046507)
-(8.1, 1046509)
-(8.1, 1046512)
-(8.1, 1046513)
-(8.1, 1046515)
-(8.1, 1046518)
-(8.1, 1046519)
-(8.1, 1046522)
-(8.1, 1046524)
-(8.1, 1046526)
-(8.1, 1046527)
-(8.1, 1046529)
-(8.1, 1046531)
-(8.1, 1046539)
-(8.1, 1046544)
-(8.1, 1046545)
-(8.1, 1046547)
-(8.175, 1001185)
-(8.175, 1001283)
-(8.45, 1001274)
-(9.175, 1042854)
-(9.175, 1042858)
-(9.175, 1042866)
-(9.175, 1042867)
-(9.175, 1042869)
-(9.175, 1042872)
-(9.175, 1042876)
-(9.175, 1042878)
-(9.175, 1042879)
-(9.175, 1042880)
-(9.175, 1042881)
-(9.175, 1042882)
-(9.175, 1042883)
-(9.175, 1042895)
-(9.175, 1043065)
-(9.175, 1043066)
-(9.175, 1043068)
-(9.175, 1043069)
-(9.175, 1043075)
-(9.175, 1043077)
-(9.175, 1043078)
-(9.175, 1043079)
-(9.175, 1043080)
-(9.175, 1043081)
-(9.175, 1043082)
-(9.175, 1043085)
-(9.175, 1043095)
-(9.175, 1043218)
. x | A = coreneuron_cpu
. | B = neuron
x = mismatch
Start 69: testcorenrn_deriv::compare_results
84/121 Test #57: testcorenrn_bbcore::compare_results ................................***Failed 0.87 sec
neuron DOES NOT match coreneuron_cpu_online
--- neuron
+++ coreneuron_cpu_online
@@ -1,496 +0,0 @@
-(1.0386472, 1)
-(1.1653623, 0)
-(1.2618904, 8)
-(1.3954657, 2)
-(1.5390579, 4)
-(1.5557037, 5)
-(1.7487494, 9)
-(1.8741976, 3)
-(1.9352488, 4)
-(2.2694475, 5)
-(2.4625496, 5)
-(2.5374626, 0)
-(2.7347351, 0)
-(3.2879573, 7)
-(3.3645976, 0)
-(3.4822945, 7)
-(3.7539601, 2)
-(3.8634286, 3)
-(3.93776, 2)
-(3.966805, 6)
-(3.9858152, 1)
-(4.1616036, 4)
-(4.252185, 7)
-(4.3085541, 6)
-(4.3236553, 3)
-(4.4578947, 4)
-(4.6877857, 6)
-(4.8765406, 0)
-(4.8781369, 8)
-(4.9696703, 8)
-(4.98793, 2)
-(5.010769, 4)
-(5.1091463, 2)
-(5.3855068, 8)
-(5.5350269, 3)
-(5.7709778, 5)
-(5.8581219, 3)
-(6.1166359, 8)
-(6.2215791, 2)
-(6.3850957, 4)
-(7.0142762, 6)
-(7.4085251, 7)
-(7.4406902, 4)
-(7.7442894, 0)
-(7.9428805, 0)
-(8.0349487, 4)
-(8.1467741, 1)
-(8.5028341, 4)
-(8.7574101, 2)
-(8.9047397, 4)
-(9.0082061, 9)
-(9.1359907, 3)
-(9.1865513, 4)
-(9.4055742, 8)
-(9.6560711, 8)
-(9.721607, 2)
-(10.644631, 6)
-(11.34478, 5)
-(11.353401, 7)
-(11.910286, 5)
-(11.932574, 9)
-(11.961872, 8)
-(11.993629, 2)
-(12.177409, 0)
-(12.211763, 6)
-(12.280926, 1)
-(12.781584, 1)
-(13.435619, 6)
-(13.446236, 4)
-(13.625582, 1)
-(13.738811, 9)
-(13.892186, 9)
-(13.895334, 1)
-(14.093161, 3)
-(14.293233, 8)
-(14.294592, 1)
-(14.379747, 0)
-(14.387573, 8)
-(14.584336, 8)
-(14.659327, 4)
-(14.713487, 5)
-(15.014523, 5)
-(15.016802, 1)
-(15.127595, 3)
-(15.171868, 7)
-(15.179551, 7)
-(15.274106, 4)
-(15.61039, 5)
-(15.638498, 4)
-(15.73247, 7)
-(16.462197, 2)
-(16.485575, 7)
-(16.601543, 7)
-(16.93168, 9)
-(17.203714, 2)
-(17.235748, 9)
-(17.302063, 6)
-(17.488426, 8)
-(17.578196, 9)
-(17.95851, 9)
-(18.085008, 6)
-(18.246114, 6)
-(18.304743, 0)
-(18.348634, 4)
-(18.378349, 7)
-(18.40777, 1)
-(18.873471, 8)
-(19.270303, 0)
-(19.279869, 7)
-(19.320631, 7)
-(19.503162, 4)
-(20.591674, 8)
-(21.186401, 1)
-(21.235423, 1)
-(21.235896, 3)
-(21.965612, 0)
-(21.989395, 1)
-(22.073991, 8)
-(22.382129, 5)
-(22.71223, 8)
-(22.813806, 7)
-(22.992554, 1)
-(23.641002, 7)
-(23.838112, 7)
-(24.043678, 4)
-(24.060545, 1)
-(24.185424, 0)
-(24.495868, 0)
-(24.872851, 8)
-(25.098571, 9)
-(25.236702, 3)
-(25.40318, 7)
-(25.527239, 4)
-(26.48875, 2)
-(26.673482, 1)
-(26.893845, 4)
-(27.531386, 2)
-(27.892959, 4)
-(28.15897, 5)
-(28.643087, 1)
-(29.665, 7)
-(29.860322, 5)
-(30.451848, 6)
-(30.681954, 7)
-(30.780506, 8)
-(31.045156, 7)
-(31.066682, 1)
-(31.110817, 7)
-(31.257392, 7)
-(31.299158, 1)
-(31.303438, 8)
-(31.359759, 3)
-(31.486221, 9)
-(31.896838, 4)
-(32.039168, 7)
-(32.20076, 9)
-(32.248836, 3)
-(32.535584, 8)
-(32.733073, 7)
-(32.744081, 4)
-(33.056004, 1)
-(33.112915, 7)
-(33.504746, 0)
-(34.053189, 3)
-(34.214759, 9)
-(34.528346, 8)
-(34.759933, 3)
-(34.889492, 3)
-(34.998542, 7)
-(35.022431, 4)
-(35.339501, 9)
-(35.591522, 3)
-(35.617452, 9)
-(36.143125, 1)
-(36.169042, 1)
-(36.225097, 4)
-(36.535648, 3)
-(36.844805, 4)
-(36.903171, 7)
-(37.390227, 4)
-(37.415065, 2)
-(37.635346, 0)
-(38.129067, 6)
-(38.219298, 2)
-(38.31506, 3)
-(38.353752, 3)
-(38.616401, 4)
-(39.086249, 8)
-(39.193884, 9)
-(39.388664, 0)
-(39.394695, 6)
-(39.396632, 2)
-(39.625619, 3)
-(39.632402, 0)
-(39.63791, 2)
-(39.678385, 9)
-(39.758794, 0)
-(39.795936, 7)
-(39.821391, 1)
-(40.188893, 7)
-(40.340498, 2)
-(40.677705, 3)
-(40.863289, 1)
-(40.94722, 4)
-(41.003605, 1)
-(41.483384, 4)
-(41.763195, 3)
-(41.847253, 4)
-(41.948999, 7)
-(42.083045, 5)
-(42.272542, 1)
-(42.306936, 0)
-(42.545155, 0)
-(42.618351, 6)
-(42.808644, 0)
-(43.011619, 2)
-(43.244271, 1)
-(43.661884, 9)
-(44.027464, 8)
-(44.030792, 1)
-(44.133534, 4)
-(44.187678, 8)
-(44.2022, 2)
-(44.619325, 1)
-(44.619499, 0)
-(44.814442, 3)
-(44.815288, 1)
-(45.137445, 1)
-(45.62588, 0)
-(45.770464, 8)
-(46.06419, 0)
-(46.635797, 3)
-(46.662711, 1)
-(46.802322, 1)
-(47.088021, 7)
-(47.12412, 7)
-(47.147787, 6)
-(47.481156, 3)
-(48.14089, 5)
-(48.22425, 2)
-(48.280529, 5)
-(48.333788, 8)
-(49.334492, 0)
-(49.623033, 5)
-(49.919314, 6)
-(50.017834, 6)
-(50.079725, 9)
-(50.10452, 2)
-(50.152045, 4)
-(50.287313, 5)
-(50.958479, 2)
-(51.019134, 5)
-(51.252741, 3)
-(51.840126, 8)
-(51.908422, 8)
-(52.228843, 5)
-(52.269658, 0)
-(52.614321, 6)
-(52.64478, 5)
-(52.819454, 7)
-(52.932954, 1)
-(53.038874, 5)
-(53.229537, 9)
-(53.239604, 1)
-(53.344459, 6)
-(53.798419, 7)
-(53.951504, 3)
-(54.594003, 9)
-(54.790368, 9)
-(54.7958, 2)
-(54.944943, 5)
-(54.95904, 6)
-(55.296689, 1)
-(55.640973, 4)
-(55.939552, 1)
-(56.067476, 5)
-(56.130016, 7)
-(56.211993, 9)
-(56.477443, 6)
-(56.892322, 2)
-(56.957694, 0)
-(57.044321, 7)
-(57.202145, 8)
-(57.246997, 4)
-(57.695812, 7)
-(57.902766, 3)
-(58.032302, 2)
-(58.152611, 9)
-(58.271864, 7)
-(58.58183, 3)
-(58.829916, 1)
-(59.198289, 2)
-(59.333501, 7)
-(59.541857, 0)
-(59.881058, 5)
-(60.00967, 5)
-(60.087913, 0)
-(60.161062, 3)
-(60.601412, 8)
-(61.241003, 1)
-(61.335338, 7)
-(61.382007, 5)
-(61.402078, 8)
-(61.470665, 8)
-(61.607496, 4)
-(61.840906, 1)
-(61.84853, 0)
-(61.943886, 3)
-(62.085612, 3)
-(62.494829, 9)
-(62.576834, 7)
-(62.700686, 9)
-(62.944847, 0)
-(63.237242, 4)
-(63.317067, 1)
-(63.339197, 3)
-(63.49647, 5)
-(63.517084, 5)
-(63.566415, 1)
-(63.770286, 5)
-(64.491541, 7)
-(64.612031, 7)
-(64.689571, 9)
-(64.782408, 3)
-(65.473817, 4)
-(65.496074, 5)
-(65.817052, 7)
-(65.96535, 2)
-(66.1624, 4)
-(66.564397, 2)
-(66.800755, 3)
-(67.012765, 6)
-(67.162062, 4)
-(67.196594, 3)
-(67.306512, 8)
-(67.357364, 1)
-(67.462857, 8)
-(67.526097, 0)
-(67.720333, 2)
-(67.9109, 8)
-(68.532872, 7)
-(68.565769, 8)
-(68.860753, 3)
-(69.305686, 7)
-(69.447249, 7)
-(69.652145, 1)
-(70.277123, 6)
-(70.491123, 0)
-(70.547757, 0)
-(70.691998, 9)
-(70.743355, 0)
-(70.786106, 6)
-(71.002807, 2)
-(71.010956, 7)
-(71.03449, 4)
-(71.055378, 6)
-(71.501461, 0)
-(71.761344, 5)
-(71.799974, 3)
-(71.914556, 7)
-(72.316913, 6)
-(72.382469, 7)
-(72.390676, 1)
-(72.516215, 1)
-(72.621527, 0)
-(72.776371, 7)
-(72.967896, 1)
-(73.081901, 6)
-(73.157405, 1)
-(73.426329, 8)
-(73.608644, 2)
-(73.643676, 6)
-(73.858772, 0)
-(74.178712, 0)
-(74.679968, 8)
-(74.858484, 4)
-(74.989466, 1)
-(75.081438, 0)
-(75.664195, 5)
-(75.799644, 6)
-(75.884404, 5)
-(75.932959, 9)
-(76.1099, 3)
-(76.243151, 9)
-(76.663257, 9)
-(77.53509, 7)
-(77.571879, 1)
-(77.588461, 8)
-(78.435535, 6)
-(78.540913, 1)
-(78.564009, 4)
-(78.658977, 2)
-(78.900855, 1)
-(79.386738, 4)
-(79.491789, 3)
-(79.498644, 1)
-(79.713958, 5)
-(79.885047, 3)
-(80.210657, 2)
-(80.703564, 4)
-(80.897576, 4)
-(80.906444, 9)
-(81.066868, 9)
-(81.178183, 0)
-(81.316568, 5)
-(81.557507, 1)
-(81.786427, 0)
-(82.261009, 8)
-(82.28964, 3)
-(82.30022, 3)
-(82.56496, 6)
-(82.789453, 3)
-(82.867806, 9)
-(82.918009, 9)
-(83.092531, 4)
-(83.330861, 3)
-(83.672673, 7)
-(83.748811, 6)
-(83.851075, 4)
-(83.96133, 6)
-(84.345337, 3)
-(84.483123, 7)
-(84.663788, 6)
-(84.771123, 8)
-(84.773143, 3)
-(84.965628, 5)
-(85.008679, 0)
-(85.134443, 9)
-(85.334921, 1)
-(85.388122, 6)
-(85.618182, 8)
-(85.791066, 7)
-(85.90556, 2)
-(86.080311, 7)
-(86.555121, 8)
-(86.59938, 5)
-(86.609217, 2)
-(86.628006, 4)
-(86.654107, 9)
-(87.29812, 3)
-(87.476938, 7)
-(87.708354, 4)
-(87.715091, 3)
-(87.875662, 8)
-(88.202562, 5)
-(88.614939, 5)
-(88.754988, 5)
-(88.80009, 5)
-(88.912206, 7)
-(88.971113, 8)
-(89.044205, 4)
-(89.080117, 0)
-(89.081446, 0)
-(89.15935, 3)
-(89.455616, 0)
-(89.816288, 1)
-(90.038431, 2)
-(90.047304, 5)
-(90.213023, 8)
-(90.32227, 6)
-(90.408314, 5)
-(90.570727, 7)
-(90.624528, 7)
-(90.783264, 0)
-(90.812418, 3)
-(90.922467, 3)
-(91.112432, 8)
-(91.143812, 9)
-(91.462285, 8)
-(91.854365, 9)
-(92.174309, 3)
-(92.539171, 4)
-(92.653654, 8)
-(92.723772, 1)
-(92.826015, 8)
-(93.009948, 2)
-(93.047841, 3)
-(93.578494, 0)
-(93.633417, 9)
-(93.96444, 7)
-(94.702726, 7)
-(95.208578, 8)
-(95.861659, 3)
-(95.987912, 4)
-(96.314592, 2)
-(97.433173, 2)
-(97.438322, 3)
-(97.609637, 1)
-(97.730635, 2)
-(97.871178, 0)
-(97.877654, 3)
-(98.238422, 2)
-(98.27328, 1)
-(99.20635, 9)
-(99.359838, 4)
-(99.924, 6)
neuron DOES NOT match coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
--- neuron
+++ coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
@@ -1,496 +0,0 @@
-(1.0386472, 1)
-(1.1653623, 0)
-(1.2618904, 8)
-(1.3954657, 2)
-(1.5390579, 4)
-(1.5557037, 5)
-(1.7487494, 9)
-(1.8741976, 3)
-(1.9352488, 4)
-(2.2694475, 5)
-(2.4625496, 5)
-(2.5374626, 0)
-(2.7347351, 0)
-(3.2879573, 7)
-(3.3645976, 0)
-(3.4822945, 7)
-(3.7539601, 2)
-(3.8634286, 3)
-(3.93776, 2)
-(3.966805, 6)
-(3.9858152, 1)
-(4.1616036, 4)
-(4.252185, 7)
-(4.3085541, 6)
-(4.3236553, 3)
-(4.4578947, 4)
-(4.6877857, 6)
-(4.8765406, 0)
-(4.8781369, 8)
-(4.9696703, 8)
-(4.98793, 2)
-(5.010769, 4)
-(5.1091463, 2)
-(5.3855068, 8)
-(5.5350269, 3)
-(5.7709778, 5)
-(5.8581219, 3)
-(6.1166359, 8)
-(6.2215791, 2)
-(6.3850957, 4)
-(7.0142762, 6)
-(7.4085251, 7)
-(7.4406902, 4)
-(7.7442894, 0)
-(7.9428805, 0)
-(8.0349487, 4)
-(8.1467741, 1)
-(8.5028341, 4)
-(8.7574101, 2)
-(8.9047397, 4)
-(9.0082061, 9)
-(9.1359907, 3)
-(9.1865513, 4)
-(9.4055742, 8)
-(9.6560711, 8)
-(9.721607, 2)
-(10.644631, 6)
-(11.34478, 5)
-(11.353401, 7)
-(11.910286, 5)
-(11.932574, 9)
-(11.961872, 8)
-(11.993629, 2)
-(12.177409, 0)
-(12.211763, 6)
-(12.280926, 1)
-(12.781584, 1)
-(13.435619, 6)
-(13.446236, 4)
-(13.625582, 1)
-(13.738811, 9)
-(13.892186, 9)
-(13.895334, 1)
-(14.093161, 3)
-(14.293233, 8)
-(14.294592, 1)
-(14.379747, 0)
-(14.387573, 8)
-(14.584336, 8)
-(14.659327, 4)
-(14.713487, 5)
-(15.014523, 5)
-(15.016802, 1)
-(15.127595, 3)
-(15.171868, 7)
-(15.179551, 7)
-(15.274106, 4)
-(15.61039, 5)
-(15.638498, 4)
-(15.73247, 7)
-(16.462197, 2)
-(16.485575, 7)
-(16.601543, 7)
-(16.93168, 9)
-(17.203714, 2)
-(17.235748, 9)
-(17.302063, 6)
-(17.488426, 8)
-(17.578196, 9)
-(17.95851, 9)
-(18.085008, 6)
-(18.246114, 6)
-(18.304743, 0)
-(18.348634, 4)
-(18.378349, 7)
-(18.40777, 1)
-(18.873471, 8)
-(19.270303, 0)
-(19.279869, 7)
-(19.320631, 7)
-(19.503162, 4)
-(20.591674, 8)
-(21.186401, 1)
-(21.235423, 1)
-(21.235896, 3)
-(21.965612, 0)
-(21.989395, 1)
-(22.073991, 8)
-(22.382129, 5)
-(22.71223, 8)
-(22.813806, 7)
-(22.992554, 1)
-(23.641002, 7)
-(23.838112, 7)
-(24.043678, 4)
-(24.060545, 1)
-(24.185424, 0)
-(24.495868, 0)
-(24.872851, 8)
-(25.098571, 9)
-(25.236702, 3)
-(25.40318, 7)
-(25.527239, 4)
-(26.48875, 2)
-(26.673482, 1)
-(26.893845, 4)
-(27.531386, 2)
-(27.892959, 4)
-(28.15897, 5)
-(28.643087, 1)
-(29.665, 7)
-(29.860322, 5)
-(30.451848, 6)
-(30.681954, 7)
-(30.780506, 8)
-(31.045156, 7)
-(31.066682, 1)
-(31.110817, 7)
-(31.257392, 7)
-(31.299158, 1)
-(31.303438, 8)
-(31.359759, 3)
-(31.486221, 9)
-(31.896838, 4)
-(32.039168, 7)
-(32.20076, 9)
-(32.248836, 3)
-(32.535584, 8)
-(32.733073, 7)
-(32.744081, 4)
-(33.056004, 1)
-(33.112915, 7)
-(33.504746, 0)
-(34.053189, 3)
-(34.214759, 9)
-(34.528346, 8)
-(34.759933, 3)
-(34.889492, 3)
-(34.998542, 7)
-(35.022431, 4)
-(35.339501, 9)
-(35.591522, 3)
-(35.617452, 9)
-(36.143125, 1)
-(36.169042, 1)
-(36.225097, 4)
-(36.535648, 3)
-(36.844805, 4)
-(36.903171, 7)
-(37.390227, 4)
-(37.415065, 2)
-(37.635346, 0)
-(38.129067, 6)
-(38.219298, 2)
-(38.31506, 3)
-(38.353752, 3)
-(38.616401, 4)
-(39.086249, 8)
-(39.193884, 9)
-(39.388664, 0)
-(39.394695, 6)
-(39.396632, 2)
-(39.625619, 3)
-(39.632402, 0)
-(39.63791, 2)
-(39.678385, 9)
-(39.758794, 0)
-(39.795936, 7)
-(39.821391, 1)
-(40.188893, 7)
-(40.340498, 2)
-(40.677705, 3)
-(40.863289, 1)
-(40.94722, 4)
-(41.003605, 1)
-(41.483384, 4)
-(41.763195, 3)
-(41.847253, 4)
-(41.948999, 7)
-(42.083045, 5)
-(42.272542, 1)
-(42.306936, 0)
-(42.545155, 0)
-(42.618351, 6)
-(42.808644, 0)
-(43.011619, 2)
-(43.244271, 1)
-(43.661884, 9)
-(44.027464, 8)
-(44.030792, 1)
-(44.133534, 4)
-(44.187678, 8)
-(44.2022, 2)
-(44.619325, 1)
-(44.619499, 0)
-(44.814442, 3)
-(44.815288, 1)
-(45.137445, 1)
-(45.62588, 0)
-(45.770464, 8)
-(46.06419, 0)
-(46.635797, 3)
-(46.662711, 1)
-(46.802322, 1)
-(47.088021, 7)
-(47.12412, 7)
-(47.147787, 6)
-(47.481156, 3)
-(48.14089, 5)
-(48.22425, 2)
-(48.280529, 5)
-(48.333788, 8)
-(49.334492, 0)
-(49.623033, 5)
-(49.919314, 6)
-(50.017834, 6)
-(50.079725, 9)
-(50.10452, 2)
-(50.152045, 4)
-(50.287313, 5)
-(50.958479, 2)
-(51.019134, 5)
-(51.252741, 3)
-(51.840126, 8)
-(51.908422, 8)
-(52.228843, 5)
-(52.269658, 0)
-(52.614321, 6)
-(52.64478, 5)
-(52.819454, 7)
-(52.932954, 1)
-(53.038874, 5)
-(53.229537, 9)
-(53.239604, 1)
-(53.344459, 6)
-(53.798419, 7)
-(53.951504, 3)
-(54.594003, 9)
-(54.790368, 9)
-(54.7958, 2)
-(54.944943, 5)
-(54.95904, 6)
-(55.296689, 1)
-(55.640973, 4)
-(55.939552, 1)
-(56.067476, 5)
-(56.130016, 7)
-(56.211993, 9)
-(56.477443, 6)
-(56.892322, 2)
-(56.957694, 0)
-(57.044321, 7)
-(57.202145, 8)
-(57.246997, 4)
-(57.695812, 7)
-(57.902766, 3)
-(58.032302, 2)
-(58.152611, 9)
-(58.271864, 7)
-(58.58183, 3)
-(58.829916, 1)
-(59.198289, 2)
-(59.333501, 7)
-(59.541857, 0)
-(59.881058, 5)
-(60.00967, 5)
-(60.087913, 0)
-(60.161062, 3)
-(60.601412, 8)
-(61.241003, 1)
-(61.335338, 7)
-(61.382007, 5)
-(61.402078, 8)
-(61.470665, 8)
-(61.607496, 4)
-(61.840906, 1)
-(61.84853, 0)
-(61.943886, 3)
-(62.085612, 3)
-(62.494829, 9)
-(62.576834, 7)
-(62.700686, 9)
-(62.944847, 0)
-(63.237242, 4)
-(63.317067, 1)
-(63.339197, 3)
-(63.49647, 5)
-(63.517084, 5)
-(63.566415, 1)
-(63.770286, 5)
-(64.491541, 7)
-(64.612031, 7)
-(64.689571, 9)
-(64.782408, 3)
-(65.473817, 4)
-(65.496074, 5)
-(65.817052, 7)
-(65.96535, 2)
-(66.1624, 4)
-(66.564397, 2)
-(66.800755, 3)
-(67.012765, 6)
-(67.162062, 4)
-(67.196594, 3)
-(67.306512, 8)
-(67.357364, 1)
-(67.462857, 8)
-(67.526097, 0)
-(67.720333, 2)
-(67.9109, 8)
-(68.532872, 7)
-(68.565769, 8)
-(68.860753, 3)
-(69.305686, 7)
-(69.447249, 7)
-(69.652145, 1)
-(70.277123, 6)
-(70.491123, 0)
-(70.547757, 0)
-(70.691998, 9)
-(70.743355, 0)
-(70.786106, 6)
-(71.002807, 2)
-(71.010956, 7)
-(71.03449, 4)
-(71.055378, 6)
-(71.501461, 0)
-(71.761344, 5)
-(71.799974, 3)
-(71.914556, 7)
-(72.316913, 6)
-(72.382469, 7)
-(72.390676, 1)
-(72.516215, 1)
-(72.621527, 0)
-(72.776371, 7)
-(72.967896, 1)
-(73.081901, 6)
-(73.157405, 1)
-(73.426329, 8)
-(73.608644, 2)
-(73.643676, 6)
-(73.858772, 0)
-(74.178712, 0)
-(74.679968, 8)
-(74.858484, 4)
-(74.989466, 1)
-(75.081438, 0)
-(75.664195, 5)
-(75.799644, 6)
-(75.884404, 5)
-(75.932959, 9)
-(76.1099, 3)
-(76.243151, 9)
-(76.663257, 9)
-(77.53509, 7)
-(77.571879, 1)
-(77.588461, 8)
-(78.435535, 6)
-(78.540913, 1)
-(78.564009, 4)
-(78.658977, 2)
-(78.900855, 1)
-(79.386738, 4)
-(79.491789, 3)
-(79.498644, 1)
-(79.713958, 5)
-(79.885047, 3)
-(80.210657, 2)
-(80.703564, 4)
-(80.897576, 4)
-(80.906444, 9)
-(81.066868, 9)
-(81.178183, 0)
-(81.316568, 5)
-(81.557507, 1)
-(81.786427, 0)
-(82.261009, 8)
-(82.28964, 3)
-(82.30022, 3)
-(82.56496, 6)
-(82.789453, 3)
-(82.867806, 9)
-(82.918009, 9)
-(83.092531, 4)
-(83.330861, 3)
-(83.672673, 7)
-(83.748811, 6)
-(83.851075, 4)
-(83.96133, 6)
-(84.345337, 3)
-(84.483123, 7)
-(84.663788, 6)
-(84.771123, 8)
-(84.773143, 3)
-(84.965628, 5)
-(85.008679, 0)
-(85.134443, 9)
-(85.334921, 1)
-(85.388122, 6)
-(85.618182, 8)
-(85.791066, 7)
-(85.90556, 2)
-(86.080311, 7)
-(86.555121, 8)
-(86.59938, 5)
-(86.609217, 2)
-(86.628006, 4)
-(86.654107, 9)
-(87.29812, 3)
-(87.476938, 7)
-(87.708354, 4)
-(87.715091, 3)
-(87.875662, 8)
-(88.202562, 5)
-(88.614939, 5)
-(88.754988, 5)
-(88.80009, 5)
-(88.912206, 7)
-(88.971113, 8)
-(89.044205, 4)
-(89.080117, 0)
-(89.081446, 0)
-(89.15935, 3)
-(89.455616, 0)
-(89.816288, 1)
-(90.038431, 2)
-(90.047304, 5)
-(90.213023, 8)
-(90.32227, 6)
-(90.408314, 5)
-(90.570727, 7)
-(90.624528, 7)
-(90.783264, 0)
-(90.812418, 3)
-(90.922467, 3)
-(91.112432, 8)
-(91.143812, 9)
-(91.462285, 8)
-(91.854365, 9)
-(92.174309, 3)
-(92.539171, 4)
-(92.653654, 8)
-(92.723772, 1)
-(92.826015, 8)
-(93.009948, 2)
-(93.047841, 3)
-(93.578494, 0)
-(93.633417, 9)
-(93.96444, 7)
-(94.702726, 7)
-(95.208578, 8)
-(95.861659, 3)
-(95.987912, 4)
-(96.314592, 2)
-(97.433173, 2)
-(97.438322, 3)
-(97.609637, 1)
-(97.730635, 2)
-(97.871178, 0)
-(97.877654, 3)
-(98.238422, 2)
-(98.27328, 1)
-(99.20635, 9)
-(99.359838, 4)
-(99.924, 6)
neuron DOES NOT match coreneuron_cpu_offline
--- neuron
+++ coreneuron_cpu_offline
@@ -1,496 +0,0 @@
-(1.0386472, 1)
-(1.1653623, 0)
-(1.2618904, 8)
-(1.3954657, 2)
-(1.5390579, 4)
-(1.5557037, 5)
-(1.7487494, 9)
-(1.8741976, 3)
-(1.9352488, 4)
-(2.2694475, 5)
-(2.4625496, 5)
-(2.5374626, 0)
-(2.7347351, 0)
-(3.2879573, 7)
-(3.3645976, 0)
-(3.4822945, 7)
-(3.7539601, 2)
-(3.8634286, 3)
-(3.93776, 2)
-(3.966805, 6)
-(3.9858152, 1)
-(4.1616036, 4)
-(4.252185, 7)
-(4.3085541, 6)
-(4.3236553, 3)
-(4.4578947, 4)
-(4.6877857, 6)
-(4.8765406, 0)
-(4.8781369, 8)
-(4.9696703, 8)
-(4.98793, 2)
-(5.010769, 4)
-(5.1091463, 2)
-(5.3855068, 8)
-(5.5350269, 3)
-(5.7709778, 5)
-(5.8581219, 3)
-(6.1166359, 8)
-(6.2215791, 2)
-(6.3850957, 4)
-(7.0142762, 6)
-(7.4085251, 7)
-(7.4406902, 4)
-(7.7442894, 0)
-(7.9428805, 0)
-(8.0349487, 4)
-(8.1467741, 1)
-(8.5028341, 4)
-(8.7574101, 2)
-(8.9047397, 4)
-(9.0082061, 9)
-(9.1359907, 3)
-(9.1865513, 4)
-(9.4055742, 8)
-(9.6560711, 8)
-(9.721607, 2)
-(10.644631, 6)
-(11.34478, 5)
-(11.353401, 7)
-(11.910286, 5)
-(11.932574, 9)
-(11.961872, 8)
-(11.993629, 2)
-(12.177409, 0)
-(12.211763, 6)
-(12.280926, 1)
-(12.781584, 1)
-(13.435619, 6)
-(13.446236, 4)
-(13.625582, 1)
-(13.738811, 9)
-(13.892186, 9)
-(13.895334, 1)
-(14.093161, 3)
-(14.293233, 8)
-(14.294592, 1)
-(14.379747, 0)
-(14.387573, 8)
-(14.584336, 8)
-(14.659327, 4)
-(14.713487, 5)
-(15.014523, 5)
-(15.016802, 1)
-(15.127595, 3)
-(15.171868, 7)
-(15.179551, 7)
-(15.274106, 4)
-(15.61039, 5)
-(15.638498, 4)
-(15.73247, 7)
-(16.462197, 2)
-(16.485575, 7)
-(16.601543, 7)
-(16.93168, 9)
-(17.203714, 2)
-(17.235748, 9)
-(17.302063, 6)
-(17.488426, 8)
-(17.578196, 9)
-(17.95851, 9)
-(18.085008, 6)
-(18.246114, 6)
-(18.304743, 0)
-(18.348634, 4)
-(18.378349, 7)
-(18.40777, 1)
-(18.873471, 8)
-(19.270303, 0)
-(19.279869, 7)
-(19.320631, 7)
-(19.503162, 4)
-(20.591674, 8)
-(21.186401, 1)
-(21.235423, 1)
-(21.235896, 3)
-(21.965612, 0)
-(21.989395, 1)
-(22.073991, 8)
-(22.382129, 5)
-(22.71223, 8)
-(22.813806, 7)
-(22.992554, 1)
-(23.641002, 7)
-(23.838112, 7)
-(24.043678, 4)
-(24.060545, 1)
-(24.185424, 0)
-(24.495868, 0)
-(24.872851, 8)
-(25.098571, 9)
-(25.236702, 3)
-(25.40318, 7)
-(25.527239, 4)
-(26.48875, 2)
-(26.673482, 1)
-(26.893845, 4)
-(27.531386, 2)
-(27.892959, 4)
-(28.15897, 5)
-(28.643087, 1)
-(29.665, 7)
-(29.860322, 5)
-(30.451848, 6)
-(30.681954, 7)
-(30.780506, 8)
-(31.045156, 7)
-(31.066682, 1)
-(31.110817, 7)
-(31.257392, 7)
-(31.299158, 1)
-(31.303438, 8)
-(31.359759, 3)
-(31.486221, 9)
-(31.896838, 4)
-(32.039168, 7)
-(32.20076, 9)
-(32.248836, 3)
-(32.535584, 8)
-(32.733073, 7)
-(32.744081, 4)
-(33.056004, 1)
-(33.112915, 7)
-(33.504746, 0)
-(34.053189, 3)
-(34.214759, 9)
-(34.528346, 8)
-(34.759933, 3)
-(34.889492, 3)
-(34.998542, 7)
-(35.022431, 4)
-(35.339501, 9)
-(35.591522, 3)
-(35.617452, 9)
-(36.143125, 1)
-(36.169042, 1)
-(36.225097, 4)
-(36.535648, 3)
-(36.844805, 4)
-(36.903171, 7)
-(37.390227, 4)
-(37.415065, 2)
-(37.635346, 0)
-(38.129067, 6)
-(38.219298, 2)
-(38.31506, 3)
-(38.353752, 3)
-(38.616401, 4)
-(39.086249, 8)
-(39.193884, 9)
-(39.388664, 0)
-(39.394695, 6)
-(39.396632, 2)
-(39.625619, 3)
-(39.632402, 0)
-(39.63791, 2)
-(39.678385, 9)
-(39.758794, 0)
-(39.795936, 7)
-(39.821391, 1)
-(40.188893, 7)
-(40.340498, 2)
-(40.677705, 3)
-(40.863289, 1)
-(40.94722, 4)
-(41.003605, 1)
-(41.483384, 4)
-(41.763195, 3)
-(41.847253, 4)
-(41.948999, 7)
-(42.083045, 5)
-(42.272542, 1)
-(42.306936, 0)
-(42.545155, 0)
-(42.618351, 6)
-(42.808644, 0)
-(43.011619, 2)
-(43.244271, 1)
-(43.661884, 9)
-(44.027464, 8)
-(44.030792, 1)
-(44.133534, 4)
-(44.187678, 8)
-(44.2022, 2)
-(44.619325, 1)
-(44.619499, 0)
-(44.814442, 3)
-(44.815288, 1)
-(45.137445, 1)
-(45.62588, 0)
-(45.770464, 8)
-(46.06419, 0)
-(46.635797, 3)
-(46.662711, 1)
-(46.802322, 1)
-(47.088021, 7)
-(47.12412, 7)
-(47.147787, 6)
-(47.481156, 3)
-(48.14089, 5)
-(48.22425, 2)
-(48.280529, 5)
-(48.333788, 8)
-(49.334492, 0)
-(49.623033, 5)
-(49.919314, 6)
-(50.017834, 6)
-(50.079725, 9)
-(50.10452, 2)
-(50.152045, 4)
-(50.287313, 5)
-(50.958479, 2)
-(51.019134, 5)
-(51.252741, 3)
-(51.840126, 8)
-(51.908422, 8)
-(52.228843, 5)
-(52.269658, 0)
-(52.614321, 6)
-(52.64478, 5)
-(52.819454, 7)
-(52.932954, 1)
-(53.038874, 5)
-(53.229537, 9)
-(53.239604, 1)
-(53.344459, 6)
-(53.798419, 7)
-(53.951504, 3)
-(54.594003, 9)
-(54.790368, 9)
-(54.7958, 2)
-(54.944943, 5)
-(54.95904, 6)
-(55.296689, 1)
-(55.640973, 4)
-(55.939552, 1)
-(56.067476, 5)
-(56.130016, 7)
-(56.211993, 9)
-(56.477443, 6)
-(56.892322, 2)
-(56.957694, 0)
-(57.044321, 7)
-(57.202145, 8)
-(57.246997, 4)
-(57.695812, 7)
-(57.902766, 3)
-(58.032302, 2)
-(58.152611, 9)
-(58.271864, 7)
-(58.58183, 3)
-(58.829916, 1)
-(59.198289, 2)
-(59.333501, 7)
-(59.541857, 0)
-(59.881058, 5)
-(60.00967, 5)
-(60.087913, 0)
-(60.161062, 3)
-(60.601412, 8)
-(61.241003, 1)
-(61.335338, 7)
-(61.382007, 5)
-(61.402078, 8)
-(61.470665, 8)
-(61.607496, 4)
-(61.840906, 1)
-(61.84853, 0)
-(61.943886, 3)
-(62.085612, 3)
-(62.494829, 9)
-(62.576834, 7)
-(62.700686, 9)
-(62.944847, 0)
-(63.237242, 4)
-(63.317067, 1)
-(63.339197, 3)
-(63.49647, 5)
-(63.517084, 5)
-(63.566415, 1)
-(63.770286, 5)
-(64.491541, 7)
-(64.612031, 7)
-(64.689571, 9)
-(64.782408, 3)
-(65.473817, 4)
-(65.496074, 5)
-(65.817052, 7)
-(65.96535, 2)
-(66.1624, 4)
-(66.564397, 2)
-(66.800755, 3)
-(67.012765, 6)
-(67.162062, 4)
-(67.196594, 3)
-(67.306512, 8)
-(67.357364, 1)
-(67.462857, 8)
-(67.526097, 0)
-(67.720333, 2)
-(67.9109, 8)
-(68.532872, 7)
-(68.565769, 8)
-(68.860753, 3)
-(69.305686, 7)
-(69.447249, 7)
-(69.652145, 1)
-(70.277123, 6)
-(70.491123, 0)
-(70.547757, 0)
-(70.691998, 9)
-(70.743355, 0)
-(70.786106, 6)
-(71.002807, 2)
-(71.010956, 7)
-(71.03449, 4)
-(71.055378, 6)
-(71.501461, 0)
-(71.761344, 5)
-(71.799974, 3)
-(71.914556, 7)
-(72.316913, 6)
-(72.382469, 7)
-(72.390676, 1)
-(72.516215, 1)
-(72.621527, 0)
-(72.776371, 7)
-(72.967896, 1)
-(73.081901, 6)
-(73.157405, 1)
-(73.426329, 8)
-(73.608644, 2)
-(73.643676, 6)
-(73.858772, 0)
-(74.178712, 0)
-(74.679968, 8)
-(74.858484, 4)
-(74.989466, 1)
-(75.081438, 0)
-(75.664195, 5)
-(75.799644, 6)
-(75.884404, 5)
-(75.932959, 9)
-(76.1099, 3)
-(76.243151, 9)
-(76.663257, 9)
-(77.53509, 7)
-(77.571879, 1)
-(77.588461, 8)
-(78.435535, 6)
-(78.540913, 1)
-(78.564009, 4)
-(78.658977, 2)
-(78.900855, 1)
-(79.386738, 4)
-(79.491789, 3)
-(79.498644, 1)
-(79.713958, 5)
-(79.885047, 3)
-(80.210657, 2)
-(80.703564, 4)
-(80.897576, 4)
-(80.906444, 9)
-(81.066868, 9)
-(81.178183, 0)
-(81.316568, 5)
-(81.557507, 1)
-(81.786427, 0)
-(82.261009, 8)
-(82.28964, 3)
-(82.30022, 3)
-(82.56496, 6)
-(82.789453, 3)
-(82.867806, 9)
-(82.918009, 9)
-(83.092531, 4)
-(83.330861, 3)
-(83.672673, 7)
-(83.748811, 6)
-(83.851075, 4)
-(83.96133, 6)
-(84.345337, 3)
-(84.483123, 7)
-(84.663788, 6)
-(84.771123, 8)
-(84.773143, 3)
-(84.965628, 5)
-(85.008679, 0)
-(85.134443, 9)
-(85.334921, 1)
-(85.388122, 6)
-(85.618182, 8)
-(85.791066, 7)
-(85.90556, 2)
-(86.080311, 7)
-(86.555121, 8)
-(86.59938, 5)
-(86.609217, 2)
-(86.628006, 4)
-(86.654107, 9)
-(87.29812, 3)
-(87.476938, 7)
-(87.708354, 4)
-(87.715091, 3)
-(87.875662, 8)
-(88.202562, 5)
-(88.614939, 5)
-(88.754988, 5)
-(88.80009, 5)
-(88.912206, 7)
-(88.971113, 8)
-(89.044205, 4)
-(89.080117, 0)
-(89.081446, 0)
-(89.15935, 3)
-(89.455616, 0)
-(89.816288, 1)
-(90.038431, 2)
-(90.047304, 5)
-(90.213023, 8)
-(90.32227, 6)
-(90.408314, 5)
-(90.570727, 7)
-(90.624528, 7)
-(90.783264, 0)
-(90.812418, 3)
-(90.922467, 3)
-(91.112432, 8)
-(91.143812, 9)
-(91.462285, 8)
-(91.854365, 9)
-(92.174309, 3)
-(92.539171, 4)
-(92.653654, 8)
-(92.723772, 1)
-(92.826015, 8)
-(93.009948, 2)
-(93.047841, 3)
-(93.578494, 0)
-(93.633417, 9)
-(93.96444, 7)
-(94.702726, 7)
-(95.208578, 8)
-(95.861659, 3)
-(95.987912, 4)
-(96.314592, 2)
-(97.433173, 2)
-(97.438322, 3)
-(97.609637, 1)
-(97.730635, 2)
-(97.871178, 0)
-(97.877654, 3)
-(98.238422, 2)
-(98.27328, 1)
-(99.20635, 9)
-(99.359838, 4)
-(99.924, 6)
neuron matches reference_file
coreneuron_cpu_online matches coreneuron_cpu_online_psolve_alternate
coreneuron_cpu_online matches coreneuron_cpu_offline
coreneuron_cpu_online DOES NOT match reference_file
--- coreneuron_cpu_online
+++ reference_file
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+(1.0386472, 1)
+(1.1653623, 0)
+(1.2618904, 8)
+(1.3954657, 2)
+(1.5390579, 4)
+(1.5557037, 5)
+(1.7487494, 9)
+(1.8741976, 3)
+(1.9352488, 4)
+(2.2694475, 5)
+(2.4625496, 5)
+(2.5374626, 0)
+(2.7347351, 0)
+(3.2879573, 7)
+(3.3645976, 0)
+(3.4822945, 7)
+(3.7539601, 2)
+(3.8634286, 3)
+(3.93776, 2)
+(3.966805, 6)
+(3.9858152, 1)
+(4.1616036, 4)
+(4.252185, 7)
+(4.3085541, 6)
+(4.3236553, 3)
+(4.4578947, 4)
+(4.6877857, 6)
+(4.8765406, 0)
+(4.8781369, 8)
+(4.9696703, 8)
+(4.98793, 2)
+(5.010769, 4)
+(5.1091463, 2)
+(5.3855068, 8)
+(5.5350269, 3)
+(5.7709778, 5)
+(5.8581219, 3)
+(6.1166359, 8)
+(6.2215791, 2)
+(6.3850957, 4)
+(7.0142762, 6)
+(7.4085251, 7)
+(7.4406902, 4)
+(7.7442894, 0)
+(7.9428805, 0)
+(8.0349487, 4)
+(8.1467741, 1)
+(8.5028341, 4)
+(8.7574101, 2)
+(8.9047397, 4)
+(9.0082061, 9)
+(9.1359907, 3)
+(9.1865513, 4)
+(9.4055742, 8)
+(9.6560711, 8)
+(9.721607, 2)
+(10.644631, 6)
+(11.34478, 5)
+(11.353401, 7)
+(11.910286, 5)
+(11.932574, 9)
+(11.961872, 8)
+(11.993629, 2)
+(12.177409, 0)
+(12.211763, 6)
+(12.280926, 1)
+(12.781584, 1)
+(13.435619, 6)
+(13.446236, 4)
+(13.625582, 1)
+(13.738811, 9)
+(13.892186, 9)
+(13.895334, 1)
+(14.093161, 3)
+(14.293233, 8)
+(14.294592, 1)
+(14.379747, 0)
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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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(Sorry about that, but we can’t show files that are this big right now.)

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