From ≈2018-01-22T00:00:00Z to ≈2018-01-29T00:00:00Z
Open tickets before: 1718
Open tickets after: 1710
Number of tickets touched: 53
[resolved] RT#126413 WhateverCode loses topic inside given modifier [resolved] RT#126569 xx-repeated expression enclosed in parens can't access the topic $_ of a statement modifier [resolved] RT#126984 WhateverCode in given doesn't get refreshed when entering surrounding block in Rakudo [resolved] RT#127291 temp fails to set hashes with non-string key type constraints [resolved] RT#128054 In a string enclosed in parens, a {}-interpolation can't access the topic $_ of a statement modifier [resolved] RT#128712 quote colon form in identifier lacks line number [resolved] RT#130575 Variables inside a try {} block used with `andthen` don't always get updated to correct values [resolved] RT#131548 andthen weirdness with lexicals [resolved] RT#132172 `orelse` + block in a string gets the wrong $_ [resolved] RT#132211 combination of `andthen` and `orelse` causes closed over variable to never update [resolved] RT#132337 Code block inside `andthen`/`orelse` doesn't close over lexical variables correctly [resolved] RT#132741 Broken on FreeBSD and OpenBSD [resolved] RT#132742 FreeBSD and OpenBSD Builds now dependent on gmake [closed] GH#1212 Uninitialized $_ and weird blowage (<a b c>[$_ xx 2] with 1) [closed] GH#1328 Large diff between HLL and nqp performance in code example [closed] GH#1329 my int $x; ( $x += 42 is slower than $x = $x + 42) [closed] GH#1380 Incompatible pointer type warning in NativeCall tests [closed] GH#1384 Any.skip fails when trying to use a WhateverCode [closed] GH#1416 my int $n; nqp::if($n,1) is 4.5x slower than non-native version [closed] GH#1428 whenever outside react/supply is no longer allowed (one broken module + …?) [closed] GH#1429 Degenerate .tail(Callable) crashes with confusing error [closed] GH#1430 “1” is whitespace according to uniprop [closed] GH#1432 `temp`/`let` lose `is default` of hashes and arrays [closed] GH#1435 Array.clone loses descriptor and Nils [closed] GH#1438 Bag.pick is not working with arguments [closed] GH#1441 Post release [closed] GH#1446 Fix function signature [closed] GH#1447 List.roundrobin does not work as a method on List objects. [closed] GH#1448 Issue 1304 Continued: Re-enable negated chaining on the JVM
[new→open] RT#126702 failing test in S06-multi/subsignature.t: wrong multi candidate called when slurpy and named are passed [updated] RT#132104 EvalServer leaks threads and memory when using Proc::Async [updated] GH#1199 Make sure bots and other things work OK with rakudo/issues [updated] GH#1259 SEGV when running whateverable tests [updated] GH#1280 Memory “leak” in whateverable [updated] GH#1289 [6.d BLOCKER] Implement a Way to Know Caller's Language [updated] GH#1356 Let's remove most (if not all) perl5-oriented error messages for variables [updated] GH#1385 /@foo/ is 163x slower than `.grep: contains` and 83x slower than `.contains: any @foo` [updated] GH#1391 EVAL is not thread safe (by design?) [updated] GH#1414 Class attribute constraints applied on elements of array attribute, not the attribute itself [updated] GH#1420 FreeBSD issues [updated] GH#1424 Calling nqp::getstd***() with standard streams should reset state of handles
[closed] GH#1429 Degenerate .tail(Callable) crashes with confusing error [closed] GH#1430 “1” is whitespace according to uniprop [open] GH#1431 illegal reflective access [closed] GH#1432 `temp`/`let` lose `is default` of hashes and arrays [open] GH#1433 `let`/`temp` fail to restore holes in arrays [open] GH#1434 Array.clone does not clone holes correctly [closed] GH#1435 Array.clone loses descriptor and Nils [open] GH#1436 Path operations are not threadsafe on Windows [open] GH#1437 misleading error message with ".=" and "sprintf" [closed] GH#1438 Bag.pick is not working with arguments [open] GH#1439 Unreachable error message in contextualizer rule [open] GH#1440 Memory leak with NativeCall [closed] GH#1441 Post release [open] GH#1442 Too few positionals passed; expected 2 arguments but got 1 (with HTTP::UserAgent) [open] GH#1443 Generating contributor list shows duplicate names for one email [open] GH#1444 Array.reverse with holes creates Mu holes, rather than Any [open] GH#1445 We do need signal(SIGINT) supplies to work together somehow [closed] GH#1446 Fix function signature [closed] GH#1447 List.roundrobin does not work as a method on List objects. [closed] GH#1448 Issue 1304 Continued: Re-enable negated chaining on the JVM [open] GH#1449 Error message talks about “family 0”, but does no explain what 0 is