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Created December 30, 2017 21:44
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'use nqp'
Unsupported source “linguist-language"Perl is not a valid attribute name: github”
  in block  at /home/bisectable/git/whateverable/bin/Greppable.p6 line 58 (⚠ uncommitted)
  in block  at /home/bisectable/git/whateverable/bin/Greppable.p6 line 52 (⚠ uncommitted)
  in sub process-grep-line at /home/bisectable/git/whateverable/bin/Greppable.p6 line 51 (⚠ uncommitted)
  in method irc-to-me at /home/bisectable/git/whateverable/bin/Greppable.p6 line 101 (⚠ uncommitted)
  in sub  at /home/bisectable/git/whateverable/lib/Whateverable.pm6 line 64 (⚠ uncommitted)
  in block  at /home/bisectable/.rakudobrew/moar-master/install/share/perl6/site/sources/91300E2449A727CEFB2F4BC51BC01429C567F65B (IRC::Client) line 290
  in method handle-event at /home/bisectable/.rakudobrew/moar-master/install/share/perl6/site/sources/91300E2449A727CEFB2F4BC51BC01429C567F65B (IRC::Client) line 227
  in block  at /home/bisectable/.rakudobrew/moar-master/install/share/perl6/site/sources/91300E2449A727CEFB2F4BC51BC01429C567F65B (IRC::Client) line 109
  in block  at /home/bisectable/.rakudobrew/moar-master/install/share/perl6/site/sources/91300E2449A727CEFB2F4BC51BC01429C567F65B (IRC::Client) line 106
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
# Copyright © 2016-2017
# Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev <>
# Copyright © 2016
# Daniel Green <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
use Misc;
use Whateverable;
use IRC::Client;
use Config::INI;
unit class Greppable does Whateverable;
my $ECO-PATH = ‘data/all-modules’;
my $ECO-ORIGIN = ‘’;
method help($msg) {
“Like this: {$msg.server.current-nick}: password”
sub process-ls-line($line) {
# TODO markdownify
sub process-grep-line($line, %commits) { # 🙈
my $backticks = 「`」 x (($line.comb(/「`」+/) || 「」).max.chars + 1);
my ($path, $line-number, $text) = $line.split: “\x0”, 3;
my $start = “perl6-all-modules/$path”; # Not a module, unless…
if $path ~~ /^ $<source>=[<-[/]>+] ‘/’ $<repo>=[ <-[/]>+ ‘/’ <-[/]>+ ]
‘/’ $<path>=.* $/ {
my $source = $<source>;
my $repo = $<repo>;
my $long-path = $<path>;
my $commit = %commits{“$source/$repo”};
without $commit { # cache it!
$commit = do given $source {
my $dotgitrepo = “$ECO-PATH/$source/$repo/.gitrepo”.IO;
when ‘github’
| ‘gitlab’ { Config::INI::parse(slurp $dotgitrepo)<subrepo><commit> }
when ‘cpan’ { run(:out, :cwd($ECO-PATH),
‘git’, ‘rev-parse’, ‘HEAD’).out.slurp.trim }
default { die “Unsupported source “$source”” }
%commits{$repo} = $commit;
my $link = do given $source {
when ‘github’
| ‘gitlab’ { “https://$$repo/blob/$commit/$long-path#L$line-number” }
when ‘cpan’ { “$ECO-ORIGIN/blob/$commit/$source/$repo/$long-path#L$line-number” }
default { die “Unsupported source “$source”” } # already handled anyway
my $short-path = $long-path.subst: /^ .*‘/’ /, ‘’;
$short-path = “…/$short-path”;# if $long-path ne $short-path;
$start = “[{$repo}<br>``{$short-path}`` :*$line-number*:]($link)”
$text = shorten $text, 300; # do not print too long lines
$text = markdown-escape $text;
$text ~~ s:g/ “\c[ESC][1;31m” (.*?) [ “\c[ESC][m” | $ ] /<b>{$0}<\/b>/; # TODO get rid of \/ ?
“| $start | <code>{$text}</code> |”
multi method irc-to-me($msg where .args[1].starts-with(‘file’ | ‘tree’) &&
/^ \s* [ || ‘/’ $<regex>=[.*] ‘/’
|| $<regex>=[.*?] ] \s* $/) {
my $result = run :out, :cwd($ECO-PATH), ‘git’, ‘ls-files’, ‘-z’;
my $out = perl6-grep $result.out, $<regex>;
‘’ but ProperStr(${ process-ls-line $_ }).join(“\n”))
multi method irc-to-me($msg) {
my @cmd = ‘git’, ‘grep’, ‘--color=always’, ‘-z’, ‘-I’,
‘--perl-regexp’, ‘--line-number’, ‘--’, $msg;
run :out(Nil), :cwd($ECO-PATH), ‘git’, ‘pull’;
my $result = get-output :cwd($ECO-PATH), |@cmd;
say $result<exit-code>;
say $result<signal>;
grumble ‘Sorry, can't do that’ if $result<exit-code> != 0 | 1 or $result<signal> != 0;
grumble ‘Found nothing!’ unless $result<output>;
my %commits = ();
my $gist = “| File | Code |\n|--|--|\n”
~ $result<output>.split(“\n”).map({process-grep-line $_, %commits}).join: “\n”;
‘’ but FileStore({ ‘’ => $gist })
if $ECO-PATH.IO !~~ :d {
run ‘git’, ‘clone’, $ECO-ORIGIN, $ECO-PATH
} ‘greppable6’, [ / [file|tree]? grep6? <before ‘:’> /,
fuzzy-nick(‘greppable6’, 2) ]
# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 ft=perl6
# Copyright © 2016-2017
# Aleks-Daniel Jakimenko-Aleksejev <>
# Copyright © 2016
# Daniel Green <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
use File::Directory::Tree;
use File::Temp;
use HTTP::UserAgent;
use IRC::Client::Message;
use IRC::Client;
use IRC::TextColor;
use JSON::Fast;
use Number::Denominate;
use Pastebin::Gist;
use Terminal::ANSIColor;
use Text::Diff::Sift4;
use Misc;
our $RAKUDO = (%*ENV<TESTABLE> // ‘’).contains(‘rakudo-mock’)
?? ‘./t/data/rakudo’.IO.absolute
!! ‘./data/rakudo-moar’.IO.absolute;
constant MOARVM = ‘./data/moarvm’.IO.absolute;
constant SOURCE = ‘’;
constant WIKI = ‘’;
constant WORKING-DIRECTORY = ‘.’.IO.absolute; # TODO not supported yet
constant ARCHIVES-LOCATION = “{WORKING-DIRECTORY}/data/builds”.IO.absolute;
constant BUILDS-LOCATION = ‘/tmp/whateverable/’.IO.absolute;
constant MESSAGE-LIMIT is export = 260;
constant COMMITS-LIMIT = 500;
our $GIST-LIMIT = 10_000;
constant $CAVE = ‘#whateverable’;
constant $PARENTS = ‘AlexDaniel’, ‘MasterDuke’;
our $RAKUDO-REPO = ‘’;
our $CONFIG = from-json slurp;
constant Message = IRC::Client::Message;
unit role Whateverable[:$default-timeout = 10] does IRC::Client::Plugin does Helpful;
my $default-stdin = slurp ‘stdin’;
has $!bad-releases = set ‘2016.01’, ‘2016.01.1’;
method TWEAK {
# wrap around everything to catch exceptions
once { # per class
self.^lookup(‘irc-to-me’).wrap: sub ($self, $msg) {
LEAVE sleep 0.02; #
try { with (callsame) { return $_ but Reply($msg) } else { return } }
$self.handle-exception: $!, $msg
self.^lookup(‘filter’).wrap: sub ($self, $response) {
my &filter = nextcallee;
try { return filter $self, $response }
try { return filter $self, $self.handle-exception($!, $response.?msg) }
‘Sorry kid, that's not my department.’
# TODO roles should not have TWEAK method
method handle-exception($exception, $msg?) {
CATCH { # exception handling is too fat, so let's do this also…
return ‘Exception was thrown while I was trying to handle another exception…’
~ ‘ What are they gonna do to me, Sarge? What are they gonna do⁈’
if $exception ~~ Whateverable::X::HandleableAdHoc { # oh, it's OK!
return $exception.message but Reply($_) with $msg;
return $exception.message
note $exception;
with $msg {
if .channel ne $CAVE {
.irc.send-cmd: ‘PRIVMSG’, $CAVE, “I'm acting stupid on {.channel}. Help me.”,
:server(.server), :prefix($PARENTS.join(‘, ’) ~ ‘: ’)
my ($text, @files) = flat self.awesomify-exception: $exception;
@files .= map({ ‘uncommitted-’ ~ .split(‘/’).tail => .IO.slurp });
@files.push: ‘|git-diff-HEAD.patch’ => run(:out, ‘git’, ‘diff’, ‘HEAD’).out.slurp-rest if @files;
@files.push: ‘’ => $text;
my $return = (‘’ but FileStore(%@files))
but PrettyLink({“No! It wasn't me! It was the one-armed man! Backtrace: $_”});
$return = $return but Reply($_) with $msg;
method awesomify-exception($exception) {
my @local-files;
my $sha = run(:out, ‘git’, ‘rev-parse’, ‘--verify’, ‘HEAD’).out.slurp-rest;
‘<pre>’ ~
# TODO Proper way to get data out of exceptions?
# For example, right now it is broken for paths with spaces
when /:s ^([\s**2|\s**6]in \w+ \S* at “{WORKING-DIRECTORY}/”?)$<path>=[\S+](
[<.ws>‘(’<-[)]>+‘)’]? line )$<line>=[\d+]$/ {
my $status = run :out, ‘git’, ‘status’, ‘--porcelain’, ‘--untracked-files=no’,
‘--’, ~$<path>;
proceed if !$status && !%*ENV<DEBUGGABLE>; # not a repo file and not in the debug mode
my $private-debugging = !$status;
$status = $status.out.slurp-rest;
my $uncommitted = $status && !$status.starts-with: ‘ ’; # not committed yet
@local-files.push: ~$<path> if $uncommitted || $private-debugging;
my $href = $uncommitted || $private-debugging
?? “#file-uncommitted-{$<path>.split(‘/’)‘.’ => ‘-’)}-” # TODO not perfect but good enough
!! “{SOURCE}/blob/$sha/{markdown-escape $<path>}#”;
$href ~= “L$<line>”;
markdown-escape($0) ~
# let's hope for the best ↓
“<a href="$href">{$<path>}</a>” ~
markdown-escape($1 ~ $<line>) ~
($uncommitted ?? ‘ (⚠ uncommitted)’ !! ‘’)
default { $_ }
~ ‘</pre>’, @local-files
multi method irc-to-me(Message $msg where .text ~~
#↓ Matches only one space on purpose (for whitespace-only stdin)
/:i^ [stdin] [‘ ’|‘=’] [clear|delete|reset|unset] $/) {
$default-stdin = slurp ‘stdin’;
‘STDIN is reset to the default value’
multi method irc-to-me(Message $msg where .text ~~ /:i^ [stdin] [‘ ’|‘=’] $<stdin>=.* $/) {
$default-stdin = self.process-code: ~$<stdin>, $msg;
“STDIN is set to «{shorten $default-stdin, 200}»” # TODO is 200 a good limit
multi method irc-to-me(Message $ where .text ~~ /:i^ [source|url] ‘?’? $/ --> SOURCE) {}
multi method irc-to-me(Message $ where .text ~~ /:i^ wiki ‘?’? $/) { self.get-wiki-link }
multi method irc-to-me(Message $msg where .text ~~ /:i^ help ‘?’? $/) {$msg) ~ “ # See wiki for more examples: {self.get-wiki-link}”
multi method irc-to-me(Message $msg where .text ~~ /:i^ uptime $/) {
use nqp;
use Telemetry;
(denominate now - INIT now) ~ ‘, ’
~ T<max-rss>.fmt(‘%.2f’) ÷ 1024 ~ ‘MiB maxrss. ’
~ (with nqp::getcomp("perl6") {
“This is {.implementation} version {.config<version>} ”
~ “built on {.backend.version_string} ”
~ “implementing {.language_name} {.language_version}.”
multi method irc-notice-me( $ --> ‘Sorry, it is too private here’) {} # TODO issue #16
multi method irc-privmsg-me($ --> ‘Sorry, it is too private here’) {} # TODO issue #16
multi method irc-to-me($) {
‘I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: ’ ~ self.get-wiki-link
sub I'm-alive is export {
use NativeCall;
sub sd_notify(int32, str --> int32) is native(‘systemd’) {*};
sd_notify 0, ‘WATCHDOG=1’; # this may be called too often, see TODO below
multi method irc-all($) {
method get-wiki-link { WIKI ~ self.^name }
method get-short-commit($original-commit) { # TODO not an actual solution tbh
$original-commit ~~ /^ <xdigit> ** 7..40 $/
?? $original-commit.substr(0, 7)
!! $original-commit
# TODO $default-timeout is VNNull when working in non-OOP style. Rakudobug it?
sub get-output(*@run-args, :$timeout = $default-timeout || 10,
:$stdin, :$ENV, :$cwd = $*CWD, :$chomp = True) is export {
my $proc = |@run-args;
my $fh-stdin;
LEAVE .close with $fh-stdin;
my $temp-file;
LEAVE unlink $_ with $temp-file;
with $stdin {
if $stdin ~~ IO::Path {
$fh-stdin = $
} elsif $stdin ~~ IO::Handle {
$fh-stdin = $stdin
} else {
$temp-file = write-code $stdin;
$fh-stdin = $
$proc.bind-stdin: $fh-stdin
my @chunks;
my $result;
my $s-start = now;
my $s-end;
react {
whenever $proc.stdout { @chunks.push: $_ }; # RT #131763
whenever $proc.stderr { @chunks.push: $_ };
whenever$timeout) {
$proc.kill; # TODO sends HUP, but should kill the process tree instead
@chunks.push: “«timed out after $timeout seconds»”
whenever $proc.start: :$ENV, :$cwd { #: scheduler => BEGIN { # TODO do we need to set scheduler?
$result = $_;
$s-end = now;
my $output = @chunks.join;
output => $chomp ?? $output.chomp !! $output,
exit-code => $result.exitcode,
signal => $result.signal,
time => $s-end - $s-start,
sub perl6-grep($stdin, $regex is copy, :$timeout = 180, :$complex = False, :$hack = 0) is export {
my $full-commit = to-full-commit ‘HEAD’ ~ (‘^’ x $hack);
die “No build for $full-commit. Oops!” unless build-exists $full-commit;
$regex = “m⦑ $regex ⦒”;
# TODO can we do something smarter?
my $sep = $complex ?? 「“\0\0”」 !! 「“\0”」;
my $magic = “INIT \$* = $sep; INIT \$* = $sep;”
~ 「use nqp;」
~ 「 next unless」
~ ($complex ?? 「 nqp::substr($_, 0, nqp::index($_, “\0”)) ~~」 !! ‘’) ~ “\n”
~ $regex ~ “;\n”
~ 「last if $++ > 」 ~ $GIST-LIMIT;
my $filename = write-code $magic;
LEAVE unlink $_ with $filename;
my $result = run-snippet $full-commit, $filename, :$timeout, :$stdin, args => (‘-np’,);
my $output = $result<output>;
# numbers less than zero indicate other weird failures ↓
grumble “Something went wrong ($output)” if $result<signal> < 0;
$output ~= “ «exit code = $result<exit-code>»” if $result<exit-code> ≠ 0;
$output ~= “ «exit signal = {Signal($result<signal>)} ($result<signal>)»” if $result<signal> ≠ 0;
grumble $output if $result<exit-code> ≠ 0 or $result<signal> ≠ 0;
my @elems = $output.split: ($complex ?? “\0\0” !! “\0”), :skip-empty;
if @elems > $GIST-LIMIT {
grumble “Cowardly refusing to gist more than $GIST-LIMIT lines”
return ‘Found nothing!’ if @elems == 0;
sub build-exists($full-commit-hash, :$backend=‘rakudo-moar’) is export {
“{ARCHIVES-LOCATION}/$backend/$full-commit-hash.zst”.IO ~~ :e
“{ARCHIVES-LOCATION}/$backend/$full-commit-hash”.IO ~~ :e # long-term storage (symlink to a large archive)
method get-similar($tag-or-hash, @other?, :$repo=$RAKUDO) {
my @options = @other;
my @tags = get-output(cwd => $repo, ‘git’, ‘tag’,
.grep({ build-exists .[0] || .[1] })
my $cutoff = $tag-or-hash.chars max 7;
my @commits = get-output(cwd => $repo, ‘git’, ‘rev-list’,
‘--all’, ‘--since=2014-01-01’)<output>*.substr: 0, $cutoff);
# flat(@options, @tags, @commits).min: { sift4($_, $tag-or-hash, 5, 8) }
my $ans = ‘HEAD’;
my $ans_min = ∞;
for flat @options, @tags, @commits {
my $dist = sift4 $_, $tag-or-hash, $cutoff;
if $dist < $ans_min {
$ans = $_;
$ans_min = $dist;
sub run-smth($full-commit-hash, $code, :$backend=‘rakudo-moar’) is export {
my $build-prepath = “{BUILDS-LOCATION}/$backend”;
my $build-path = “$build-prepath/$full-commit-hash”;
my $archive-path = “{ARCHIVES-LOCATION}/$backend/$full-commit-hash.zst”;
my $archive-link = “{ARCHIVES-LOCATION}/$backend/$full-commit-hash”;
mkdir $build-prepath; # create all parent directories just in case
# (may be needed for isolated /tmp)
# lock on the destination directory to make
# sure that other bots will not get in our way.
while run(:err(Nil), ‘mkdir’, ‘--’, $build-path).exitcode ≠ 0 {
use NativeCall;
sub kill(int32, int32) is native {*};
sub getppid(--> int32) is native {*};
kill getppid, 10; # SIGUSR1
note “$build-path is locked. Waiting…”;
sleep 0.5 # should never happen if setup correctly
if $archive-path.IO ~~ :e {
my $proc = run :out, :bin, ‘pzstd’, ‘-dqc’, ‘--’, $archive-path;
run :in($proc.out), :bin, ‘tar’, ‘x’, ‘--absolute-names’;
} else {
my $proc = run :out, :bin, ‘lrzip’, ‘-dqo’, ‘-’, ‘--’, $archive-link;
run :in($proc.out), :bin, ‘tar’, ‘--extract’, ‘--absolute-names’, ‘--’, $build-path;
my $return = $code($build-path); # basically, we wrap around $code
rmtree $build-path;
# TODO $default-timeout is VNNull when working in non-OOP style. Rakudobug it?
sub run-snippet($full-commit-hash, $file, :$backend=‘rakudo-moar’, :@args=Empty,
:$timeout=$default-timeout||10, :$stdin=$default-stdin, :$ENV) is export {
run-smth :$backend, $full-commit-hash, -> $path {
“$path/bin/perl6”.IO !~~ :e
?? %(output => ‘Commit exists, but a perl6 executable could not be built for it’,
exit-code => -1, signal => -1, time => -1,)
!! get-output “$path/bin/perl6”, |@args,
‘--’, $file, :$stdin, :$timeout, :$ENV, :!chomp
method get-commits($_, :$repo=$RAKUDO) {
return .split: /‘,’\s*/ if .contains: ‘,’;
if /^ $<start>=\S+ ‘..’ $<end>=\S+ $/ {
if run(:out(Nil), :err(Nil), :cwd($repo),
‘git’, ‘rev-parse’, ‘--verify’, $<start>).exitcode ≠ 0 {
grumble “Bad start, cannot find a commit for “$<start>””
if run(:out(Nil), :err(Nil), :cwd($repo),
‘git’, ‘rev-parse’, ‘--verify’, $<end>).exitcode ≠ 0 {
grumble “Bad end, cannot find a commit for “$<end>””
my $result = get-output :cwd($repo), ‘git’, ‘rev-list’, ‘--reverse’,
“$<start>^..$<end>”; # TODO unfiltered input
grumble ‘Couldn't find anything in the range’ if $result<exit-code> ≠ 0;
my @commits = $result<output>.lines;
if @commits.elems > COMMITS-LIMIT {
grumble “Too many commits ({@commits.elems}) in range, you're only allowed {COMMITS-LIMIT}”
return @commits
return self.get-tags: ‘2015-12-24’, :$repo if /:i ^ [ releases | v? 6 ‘.’? c ] $/;
return self.get-tags: ‘2014-01-01’, :$repo if /:i ^ all $/;
return ~$<commit> if /:i ^ compare \s $<commit>=\S+ $/;
return $_
method get-tags($date, :$repo=$RAKUDO) {
my @tags = <HEAD>;
my %seen;
for get-output(cwd => $repo, ‘git’, ‘log’, ‘--pretty="%d"’,
‘--tags’, ‘--no-walk’, “--since=$date”)<output>.lines -> $tag {
next unless $tag ~~ /:i ‘tag:’ \s* ((\d\d\d\d\.\d\d)[\.\d\d?]?) /; # TODO use tag -l
next if $!bad-releases{$0}:exists;
next if %seen{$0[0]}++;
sub to-full-commit($commit, :$short=False, :$repo=$RAKUDO) is export {
return if run(:out(Nil), :err(Nil), :cwd($repo),
‘git’, ‘rev-parse’, ‘--verify’, $commit).exitcode ≠ 0; # make sure that $commit is valid
my $result = get-output cwd => $repo,
|(‘git’, ‘rev-list’, ‘-1’, # use rev-list to handle tags
($short ?? ‘--abbrev-commit’ !! Empty), $commit);
return if $result<exit-code> ≠ 0;
return unless $result<output>;
sub write-code($code) is export {
my ($filename, $filehandle) = tempfile :!unlink;
$filehandle.print: $code;
sub process-url($url, $msg) is export {
my $ua =;
my $response;
try {
$response = $ua.get: $url;
grumble ‘It looks like a URL, but for some reason I cannot download it’
~ “ ({.message})”
if not $ {
grumble ‘It looks like a URL, but for some reason I cannot download it’
~ “ (HTTP status line is {$response.status-line}).”
if not $response.content-type.contains: ‘text/plain’ | ‘perl’ {
grumble “It looks like a URL, but mime type is ‘{$response.content-type}’”
~ ‘ while I was expecting something with ‘text/plain’ or ‘perl’’
~ ‘ in it. I can only understand raw links, sorry.’
my $body = $response.decoded-content;
.reply: ‘Successfully fetched the code from the provided URL.’ with $msg;
sleep 0.02; #
method process-code($code is copy, $msg) {
$code ~~ m{^ ( ‘http’ s? ‘://’ \S+ ) }
?? process-url(~$0, $msg)
!! $code.subst: :g, ‘␤’, “\n”
multi method filter($response where (.encode.elems > MESSAGE-LIMIT
or ?.?additional-files
or (!~$_ and $_ ~~ ProperStr))) {
# Here $response is a Str with a lot of stuff mixed in (possibly)
my $description = ‘Whateverable’;
my $text = colorstrip $response.?long-str // ~$response;
my %files;
%files<result> = $text if $text;
%files.push: $_ with $response.?additional-files;
if $response ~~ Reply {
$description = $response.msg.server.current-nick;
%files<query> = $_ with $response.?msg.text;
my $url = self.upload: %files, public => !%*ENV<DEBUGGABLE>, :$description;
$url = $$url) if $response ~~ PrettyLink;
multi method filter($text is copy) {
“\n” => ‘␤’,
3.chr => 3.chr, 0xF.chr => 0xF.chr, # keep these for IRC colors
|((^32)».chr Z=> (0x2400..*).map(*.chr)), # convert all unreadable ASCII crap
127.chr => ‘␡’, /<:Cc>/ => ‘␦’
method upload(%files is copy, :$description = ‘’, Bool :$public = True) {
my $nick = $.irc.servers.values[0].current-nick;
my $gists-path = “{BUILDS-LOCATION}/tist/$nick”;
rmtree $gists-path if $gists-path.IO ~~ :d;
mkdir $gists-path;
spurt “$gists-path/{.key}”, .value for %files;
return ‘’;
%files = { .key => %( ‘content’ => .value ) }; # github format
my $gist = => $CONFIG<github><access_token>);
return $gist.paste: %files, desc => $description, public => $public
method selfrun($nick is copy, @alias?) {
$nick ~= ‘test’ if %*ENV<DEBUGGABLE>;
.run with
:username($nick.substr(0, 3) ~ ‘-able’)
:password(?%*ENV<TESTABLE> ?? ‘’ !! $CONFIG<irc><login password>.join: ‘:’)
# IPv4 address of is hardcoded so that we can double the limit ↓
:host(%*ENV<TESTABLE> ?? ‘’ !! (‘’, ‘’).pick)
?? ‘#whateverable’
?? “#whateverable_$nick”
!! (|<#perl6 #perl6-dev #zofbot #moarvm>, $CAVE) )
:filters( -> |c { self.filter(|c) } )
# TODO move somewhere
# TODO commit unused
sub subprocess-commit($commit, $filename, $full-commit, :%ENV) is export {
return ‘No build for this commit’ unless build-exists $full-commit;
$_ = run-snippet $full-commit, $filename, :%ENV; # actually run the code
# numbers less than zero indicate other weird failures ↓
return “Cannot test this commit ($_<output>)” if .<signal> < 0;
my $output = .<output>;
$output ~= “ «exit code = $_<exit-code>»” if .<exit-code> ≠ 0;
$output ~= “ «exit signal = {Signal($_<signal>)} ($_<signal>)»” if .<signal> ≠ 0;
# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 ft=perl6
diff --git a/Sakefile b/Sakefile
index d40e428..d0f72dc 100644
--- a/Sakefile
+++ b/Sakefile
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ for @bots -> $file {
my $bot = to-name $file;
task ‘debug:’ ~ ( $bot | $ ), {
note “Starting $bot…”;
- run $file, :env(|%*ENV, PERL6LIB => ‘lib’, DEBUGGABLE => 1);
+ run $file, :in(‘config.json’,
+ :env(|%*ENV, PERL6LIB => ‘lib’, DEBUGGABLE => 1);
task ‘kill:’ ~ ( $bot | $ ), {
diff --git a/bin/Bisectable.p6 b/bin/Bisectable.p6
index 2ba2f3b..858db10 100755
--- a/bin/Bisectable.p6
+++ b/bin/Bisectable.p6
@@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ method process($msg, $code is copy, $old, $new) {
+note ‘PID: ’, $*PID; ‘bisectable6’, [ / [ b[isect]?6? | ‘what’ ] <before ‘:’> /,
fuzzy-nick(‘bisectable6’, 2) ]
diff --git a/bin/Bloatable.p6 b/bin/Bloatable.p6
index 5966f30..7b0498f 100755
--- a/bin/Bloatable.p6
+++ b/bin/Bloatable.p6
@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ method did-you-mean($out) {
return if $out<exit-code> == 0;
return unless $out<output> ~~ /(‘no such data source:’ .*)/;
$ ~ ‘ (Did you mean one of these: ’
- ~ get-output(‘bloaty’, ‘--list-sources’)<output>.lines.join(‘ ’)
+ ~ get-output(‘bloaty’, ‘--list-sources’
+ )<output>*.words[0]).join(‘ ’)
~ ‘ ?)’
diff --git a/bin/Greppable.p6 b/bin/Greppable.p6
index 2b6c4a9..e59395e 100755
--- a/bin/Greppable.p6
+++ b/bin/Greppable.p6
@@ -91,7 +91,9 @@ multi method irc-to-me($msg) {
run :out(Nil), :cwd($ECO-PATH), ‘git’, ‘pull’;
my $result = get-output :cwd($ECO-PATH), |@cmd;
- grumble ‘Sorry, can't do that’ if $result<exit-code> ≠ 0 | 1 or $result<signal> ≠ 0;
+ say $result<exit-code>;
+ say $result<signal>;
+ grumble ‘Sorry, can't do that’ if $result<exit-code> != 0 | 1 or $result<signal> != 0;
grumble ‘Found nothing!’ unless $result<output>;
my %commits = ();
diff --git a/bin/Releasable.p6 b/bin/Releasable.p6
index b3ead49..50a7f23 100755
--- a/bin/Releasable.p6
+++ b/bin/Releasable.p6
@@ -164,12 +164,11 @@ multi method irc-to-me($msg where /^ :i \s*
return if none %blockers<tickets>, %stats<unlogged>, %stats<warnings>;
# ↓ And here just to make a pretty gist ↓
- my &escape-html = { .trans: (‘&’, ‘<’, ‘>’) => (‘&amp;’, ‘&lt;’, ‘&gt;’) };
my %files;
my $blockers = join “\n”, (%blockers<tickets> // ()).map: { ‘<a href="’
~ $TICKET-URL ~ .<ticket_id> ~ ‘">RT #’
- ~ .<ticket_id> ~ ‘</a> ’ ~ escape-html .<subject> };
+ ~ .<ticket_id> ~ ‘</a> ’ ~ html-escape .<subject> };
%files<!blockers!.md> = ‘<pre>’ ~ $blockers ~ ‘</pre>’ if %blockers<tickets>;
my $warnings = .join(“\n”) with %stats<warnings>;
@@ -183,7 +182,7 @@ multi method irc-to-me($msg where /^ :i \s*
‘--format=[<a href="’ ~ $RAKUDO-REPO ~ ‘/commit/%H">%h</a>]’,
“--abbrev=$SHA-LENGTH”, ‘--quiet’, |%stats<unlogged>;
my $unreviewed = join “\n”, ($descs.out.lines Z $links.out.lines).map:
- {‘ + ’ ~ escape-html(.[0]) ~ ‘ ’ ~ .[1]};
+ {‘ + ’ ~ html-escape(.[0]) ~ ‘ ’ ~ .[1]};
%files<> = ‘<pre>’ ~ $unreviewed ~ ‘</pre>’ if $unreviewed;
(‘’ but FileStore(%files)) but PrettyLink({“Details: $_”})
diff --git a/bin/Reportable.p6 b/bin/Reportable.p6
index 44e417c..1544fbe 100755
--- a/bin/Reportable.p6
+++ b/bin/Reportable.p6
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@ my $next-date = now.DateTime.truncated-to: ‘day’;
start loop {
- $next-date .= later(:6hour);
+ $next-date .= later: :6hours;
next if $next-date < now.DateTime;
await $next-date.Instant;
$semaphore.acquire; # released in the snapshot sub
- snapshot;
+ await snapshot
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ multi method irc-to-me($msg where ‘list’) {
‘’ but ProperStr(*.basename).join: “\n”)
-multi method irc-to-me($msg where ‘montly’) {
+multi method irc-to-me($msg where ‘monthly’) {
‘You can implement this feature if you need it :)’
~ ‘ (meanwhile try to be more specific by using 「list」 command)’
@@ -104,14 +104,16 @@ sub snapshot($msg?) {
my $datetime = now.DateTime.truncated-to: ‘minute’;
.reply: ‘OK! Working on it. This will take forever, so don't hold your breath.’ with $msg;
- # TODO authenticate on github to get rid of unlikely rate limiting
- my %config = from-json slurp CONFIG;
+ my $env = %*ENV;
+ $env<PATH> = ‘/home/bisectable/.rakudobrew/bin/’ ~ ‘:’ ~ $env<PATH>;
mkdir “$temp-folder/GH”;
- run ‘maintenance/pull-gh’, “$temp-folder/GH”;
+ run ‘maintenance/pull-gh’, “$temp-folder/GH”; # TODO authenticate on github to get rid of unlikely rate limiting
mkdir “$temp-folder/RT”;
- run ‘maintenance/pull-rt’, “$temp-folder/RT”, |%config<reportable><RT><user pass>;
+ run ‘maintenance/pull-rt’, “$temp-folder/RT”, |$CONFIG<reportable><RT><user pass>;
- rename $temp-folder, $dir.add: $datetime;
+ # .move does not work with directories and rename does not work across devices,
+ # so just run ‘mv’
+ run ‘mv’, ‘--’, $temp-folder, $dir.add: $datetime;
@@ -191,7 +193,7 @@ sub analyze(IO() $before-dir where .d, IO() $after-dir where .d) {
my $subject = $after<title>;
$subject .= subst(/^ \s* [‘[’ \w+ ‘]’]* %% \s* /, ‘’);
- $subject = “$subject”; # TODO trim long subjects? # TODO escape
+ $subject = html-escape $subject; # TODO trim long subjects?
my $link = “<a href="{.<html_url>}">{sprintf ‘% 9s’, .<uni-id>}</a>”;
my $str = “$link $subject”;
if $before<state> ne $after<state> {
@@ -244,6 +246,6 @@ sub analyze(IO() $before-dir where .d, IO() $after-dir where .d) {
} ‘reportable6’, [ / report6? <before ‘:’> /,
- fuzzy-nick(‘reportable6’, 3) ]
+ fuzzy-nick(‘reportable6’, 2) ]
# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 ft=perl6
diff --git a/bin/Squashable.p6 b/bin/Squashable.p6
index f2c89c5..c35ca13 100755
--- a/bin/Squashable.p6
+++ b/bin/Squashable.p6
@@ -137,8 +137,7 @@ multi method irc-to-me($msg where /^ \s* [log|status|info|when|next]
use HTTP::Server::Async;
use JSON::Fast;
-my %config = from-json slurp CONFIG;
-my $server = |(%config<squashable><host port>:p).Capture;
+my $server = |($CONFIG<squashable><host port>:p).Capture;
my $channel =;
my $squashable =;
@@ -153,7 +152,7 @@ $server.handler: sub ($request, $response) {
use Digest::HMAC;
my $body = $;
$body .= subbuf: 0..^($body - 1) if $body[*-1] == 0; # TODO trailing null byte. Why is it there?
- my $hmac = ‘sha1=’ ~ hmac-hex %config<squashable><secret>, $body, &sha1;
+ my $hmac = ‘sha1=’ ~ hmac-hex $CONFIG<squashable><secret>, $body, &sha1;
if $hmac ne $request.headers<X-Hub-Signature> {
$response.status = 400; $response.close(‘Signatures didn't match’);
diff --git a/bin/build.p6 b/bin/build.p6
index a737ff8..538ff3b 100755
--- a/bin/build.p6
+++ b/bin/build.p6
@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ my \EVERYTHING-RANGE = ‘2014.01^..HEAD’; # to build everything, but in hist
my \WORKING-DIRECTORY = ‘.’; # TODO not supported yet
+my \RAKUDO-NQP-LATEST = “/tmp/whateverable/rakudo-triple-nqp-repo”;
+my \RAKUDO-MOAR-LATEST = “/tmp/whateverable/rakudo-triple-moar-repo”;
?? ‘’
!! ‘’;
@@ -60,13 +64,19 @@ exit 0 unless run ‘mkdir’, :err(Nil), ‘--’, BUILD-LOCK; # only one insta
my $locked = True;
END BUILD-LOCK.IO.rmdir if $locked;
-if REPO-LATEST.IO ~~ :d {
- my $old-dir = $*CWD;
- LEAVE chdir $old-dir;
- chdir REPO-LATEST;
- run ‘git’, ‘pull’;
-} else {
- exit unless run ‘git’, ‘clone’, ‘--’, REPO-ORIGIN, REPO-LATEST;
+sub pull-or-clone($repo-origin, $repo-path) {
+ if $repo-path.IO ~~ :d {
+ my $old-dir = $*CWD;
+ run :cwd($repo-path), ‘git’, ‘pull’;
+ } else {
+ exit unless run ‘git’, ‘clone’, ‘--’, $repo-origin, $repo-path;
+ }
+pull-or-clone REPO-ORIGIN, REPO-LATEST;
if REPO-CURRENT.IO !~~ :d {
@@ -75,21 +85,61 @@ if REPO-CURRENT.IO !~~ :d {
my $channel =;
-my @git-latest = ‘git’, ‘--git-dir’, “{REPO-LATEST}/.git”, ‘--work-tree’, REPO-LATEST;
-my @args-tags = |@git-latest, ‘log’, ‘-z’, ‘--pretty=%H’, ‘--tags’, ‘--no-walk’, ‘--since’, TAGS-SINCE;
-my @args-latest = |@git-latest, ‘log’, ‘-z’, ‘--pretty=%H’, COMMIT-RANGE;
-my @args-recent = |@git-latest, ‘log’, ‘-z’, ‘--pretty=%H’, ‘--all’, ‘--since’, ALL-SINCE;
-my @args-old = |@git-latest, ‘log’, ‘-z’, ‘--pretty=%H’, ‘--reverse’, EVERYTHING-RANGE;
+my @git-log = ‘git’, ‘log’, ‘-z’, ‘--pretty=%H’;
+my @args-tags = |@git-log, ‘--tags’, ‘--no-walk’, ‘--since’, TAGS-SINCE;
+my @args-latest = |@git-log, COMMIT-RANGE;
+my @args-recent = |@git-log, ‘--all’, ‘--since’, ALL-SINCE;
+my @args-old = |@git-log, ‘--reverse’, EVERYTHING-RANGE;
my %commits;
+# Normal Rakudo commits
for @args-tags, @args-latest, @args-recent, @args-old -> @_ {
- for run(:out, |@_).out.split(0.chr, :skip-empty) {
+ for run(:cwd(REPO-LATEST), :out, |@_).out.split(0.chr, :skip-empty) {
next if %commits{$_}:exists;
$channel.send: $_
+sub get-build-revision($repo, $on-commit, $file) {
+ run(:cwd($repo), :out, ‘git’, ‘show’,
+ “{$on-commit}:tools/build/$file”).out.slurp-rest.trim
+# Rakudo-NQP-Moar triples (for bumps)
+if PROJECT == Rakudo-Moar {
+ my @args-bumps = ‘git’, ‘log’, ‘-z’, ‘--pretty=%x00%H’,
+ ‘--follow’, ‘--reverse’,
+ for run(:cwd(REPO-LATEST), :out, |@args-bumps)
+ .out.split(0.chr, :skip-empty).rotor(2) -> ($rakudo-sha, $diff) {
+ #my $nqp-old = get-build-revision REPO-LATEST, “$rakudo-sha^”, ‘NQP_REVISION’;
+ #my $nqp-new = get-build-revision REPO-LATEST, “$rakudo-sha”, ‘NQP_REVISION’;
+ #say “$rakudo-sha”;
+ for run(:cwd(RAKUDO-NQP-LATEST), :out, |@git-log, “$nqp-old..$nqp-new”)
+ .out.split(0.chr, :skip-empty) -> $nqp-sha {
+ my $moar-sha = get-build-revision RAKUDO-NQP-LATEST, “$nqp-sha”, ‘MOAR_REVISION’;
+ # TODO shas are not shas
+ say “|- $nqp-sha - $moar-sha”;
+ }
+ for run(:cwd(RAKUDO-NQP-LATEST), :out, |@git-log, ‘--follow’, ‘--reverse’,
+ “$nqp-old..$nqp-new”, ‘tools/build/MOAR_REVISION’)
+ .out.split(0.chr, :skip-empty) -> $nqp-sha {
+ my $moar-old = get-build-revision RAKUDO-NQP-LATEST, “$nqp-sha^”, ‘MOAR_REVISION’;
+ my $moar-new = get-build-revision RAKUDO-NQP-LATEST, “$nqp-sha”, ‘MOAR_REVISION’;
+ for run(:cwd(RAKUDO-MOAR-LATEST), :out, |@git-log, “$moar-old..$moar-new”)
+ .out.split(0.chr, :skip-empty) -> $moar-sha {
+ say “ |- $moar-sha”;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# 」」」
await (for ^PARALLEL-COUNT { # TODO rewrite when .race starts working in rakudo
start loop {
my $commit = $channel.poll;
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