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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am a-underscore-d on github.
  • I am a_d ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASC-mrUuvY8GgQRs5IsPrDpo8blfU6sP52g4A92vfhJnmwo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

A-UNDERSCORE-D / log.txt
Last active July 28, 2017 16:55
EIO log
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
MultiMC version: 0.5.0-887
Minecraft folder is:
Java path is:

What is going on

I have decided, along with a few other staff members, to step down from Snoonet staff. The reasons are laid out below.

Why am I leaving?

Its honestly pretty simple. I have a problem with how the network is run today, and their names are and prawnsalad.

Over the past year, prawnsalad, in the name of, has attempted to erode control away from Snoonet.

IP: 000 op: ipt (03) argModes: []
--> 000: ipt (03) [69]
002: mul (02) -1 2 [70]
006: add (01) [69] [70] [69]
010: add (01) 0 1 [71]
014: add (01) 0 1 [72]
018: add (01) 0 25 [73]
022: jnz (05) 21 40
025: add (01) 0 [71] [74]
029: add (01) [72] [71] [71]
Input code:
initstack 5
def addtest
pop rAdd_1
pop rAdd_2
add rAdd_1 rAdd_2 rAdd_res
ipt rInput1
Last active May 1, 2020 22:36
A_D's list of cool unknown minecraft mods

Minecraft mods I randomly heard about that I think are cool and not mainstream.


Mods that make your life easier

Integrates with various mods that add chunk based resources

from typing import Dict, Any
import companion
class MockSession(companion.Session):
A mocked Session class for use with tests that talk to CAPI
Note that this does NOT do any of the same validation that the real Session does -- its simply here to provide
repeatable outputs and some basic behaviour copying