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ADIX7 / .gitattributes
Last active July 1, 2019 05:48
Unity git settings
# Unity files
*.unity -text merge=unityyamlmerge diff
ADIX7 / ifExtension.cs
Created July 3, 2019 13:43
Extension method for bool to use if block as expression body
public static class IfExtensions
public static void IfTrue(this bool condition, Action action)
if(condition) action();
public static bool IfTrue(this bool condition, Func<bool> func)
if(condition) return func();
ADIX7 / Main.ruleset
Last active July 14, 2019 07:13
Main Analyzer ruleset
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RuleSet Name="Microsoft Managed Recommended Rules" Description="These rules focus on the most critical problems in your code, including potential security holes, application crashes, and other important logic and design errors. It is recommended to include this rule set in any custom rule set you create for your projects." ToolsVersion="16.0">
<Localization ResourceAssembly="Microsoft.VisualStudio.CodeAnalysis.RuleSets.Strings.dll" ResourceBaseName="Microsoft.VisualStudio.CodeAnalysis.RuleSets.Strings.Localized">
<Name Resource="MinimumRecommendedRules_Name" />
<Description Resource="MinimumRecommendedRules_Description" />
<Include Path=".sonarlint\bimvisualizercsharp.ruleset" Action="Default" />
<Rules AnalyzerId="Microsoft.Analyzers.ManagedCodeAnalysis" RuleNamespace="Microsoft.Rules.Managed">
<Rule Id="CA1001" Action="Warning" />
<Rule Id="CA1009" Action="Warning" />
Created July 18, 2019 13:12
DuckDuckGo GreaseMonkey scripts




$localBranches = git branch --no-color --format="%(refname:short)" -l
$remoteBranches = git branch --no-color --format="%(refname:short)" -r
$branchSummary = ($localBranches | Where-Object { $remoteBranches -contains ("origin/" + $_)} | ForEach-Object {
$name = $_
[pscustomobject]@{name = "$name"; diff = git rev-list "$name...origin/$name" --oneline --left-right}
} | Where-Object {$_.diff.Length -gt 0} | ForEach-Object {
$name = $
$incoming = ($_.diff | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith(">")}).Length
$outgoing = ($_.diff | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith("<")}).Length
Created July 29, 2019 17:07
Synced Git workspaces config


  • origin: Main repository. This is a remote repository.
  • work1: Main working repository.
  • mirror: The 'sync' repository between work1 and work2. This is a bare repository with no remotes. It is accessible from work1 and work2
  • work2: The secondary working repository.
echo $1 $2
while read local_ref local_sha remote_ref remote_sha
echo $local_ref $local_sha $remote_ref $remote_sha
invalid_message=$(git log --pretty=%s $remote_sha..$local_sha | grep 'fixup\|WIP')
if [ -n "$invalid_message" ]; then
echo "error: A commit szövege invalid kifejezést tartalmaz:"