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Abe Handler AbeHandler

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<title>Testing d3.js in Leaflet.js</title>
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<title>D3 + Leaflet</title>
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// Plugin settings
// Turn the debug output on/off
"show_debug": false,
// Which file types (file extensions), do you want the plugin to
// execute for
"extensions_to_execute": ["php"],
@app.route('/search/<string:q>', methods=['POST'])
def query_docs(q):
q = q.replace("offset:undefined", "offset:0") # if something goes wrong, just set offset to 0
searchterm = str('projectid: "1542-city-of-new-orleans-contracts"' + " " + q).split("&&")[0].strip()
print searchterm
vendor = getTerm(searchterm, 'vendor')
officers = getTerm(searchterm, 'officers')
department = getTerm(searchterm, 'department')
offset = getOffSet(q)
AbeHandler / testdata
Created October 3, 2014 12:34
csvsort confusion
$cat small.test | csvsort -c 1
-0.31829694255,vex,did not by
-0.0233508789385,vex,first brought
0.0367116830716,vex,was a man of
"17-18A": {
"Charles C. Foti, Jr.": {
"parish": "36",
"precinct": "18A",
"total": 91,
"name": "17",
"candidate": "Charles C. Foti, Jr."
"Marlin N. Gusman": {
"parish": "36",
docsplit images "$1"
base=$(basename $1 .pdf)
for i in $IMAGES
FOUND=$(tesseract "$i" out -psm 0 |& grep -ci 'Orientation in degrees: [^0]')
if (("$FOUND" == "1"))
mv "$i" examples
AbeHandler / exe check
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
osd check
DEPENDENCIES = {:java => false, :gm => false, :pdftotext => false, :pdftk => false, :pdftailor => false, :tesseract => false}
# Check for all dependencies, and note their absence.
dirs = ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
DEPENDENCIES.each_key do |dep|
dirs.each do |dir|
if File.executable?(File.join(dir, dep.to_s))
DEPENDENCIES[dep] = true
osd = false
# Check for all dependencies, and note their absence.
dirs = ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)
DEPENDENCIES.each_key do |dep|
dirs.each do |dir|
if File.executable?(File.join(dir, dep.to_s))
DEPENDENCIES[dep] = true
if dep.to_s == 'tesseract' #if the tesseract dependency is found
val = %x[ #{'tesseract --list-langs'} 2>&1 >/dev/null ] #check for the osd plugin.