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Ace SevenFive AceSevenFive

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async def checkPermissions(user, permrequired):
with"users.txt", "r") as file:
if(user in superusers.readlines()):
return True
userperms = [line for line in file.readlines() if user in line]
perms = userperms.split("=")[3]
if(int(perms, 2) & int(permrequired, 2) >= int(permrequired, 2)):
return True
async def checkPermissions(user, permrequired):
if(permrequired == "777"):
if(user in superusers.readlines()):
return True
return False
with"users.txt", "r") as file:
if(user in superusers.readlines()):
return True
def countVotes(link):
submission = reddit.submission(url=link)
votedict = {"Bills": [x.replace("Y", "").replace(": ", "") for x in re.findall("([CSM]\-\d\d:\sY)", submission.selftext)]}
for x in [x.replace("Y", "").replace(": ", "") for x in re.findall("([CSM]\-\d\d:\sY)", submission.selftext)]:
votedict[x] = {"Yea": 0, "Nay": 0, "Abstain": 0}
for x in re.findall("((C|S|M)-(\d+):\s)([Yy]ea|[Nn]ay|[Aa]bstain|[Oo]ui|[Nn]on|[Aa]bstention)", "".join([y for y in [x.body.replace("\n", "") for x in submission.comments] if not re.match("^P", y)])):
if(x[0].replace(": ", "") in votedict["Bills"]):
if(x[3] in ["Yea", "yea", "Oui", "oui"]):
votedict[x[0].replace(": ", "")]["Yea"] += 1
elif(x[3] in ["Nay", "nay", "Non", "non"]):
async def countVotes(submission, message, viewRawVotes):
embed=discord.Embed(title="CMHOC Clerk")
votedict = {"Bills": [x[0].replace(": Y", "") for x in re.findall("([CSM]\-\d\d(\s\w\d:|:)\sY)", submission.selftext)], "Unknown Votes": {}, "Raw Votes": {}}
for x in votedict["Bills"]:
votedict[x] = {"Yea": 0, "Nay": 0, "Abstain": 0}
for x in re.findall("((C|S|M)-(\d+:|\d+\s\w\d:)\s)([Yy]ea|[Nn]ay|[Aa]bstain|[Oo]ui|[Nn]on|[Aa]bstention)", "".join([y for y in [x.body.replace("\n", "") for x in submission.comments] if not re.match("^P", y)])):
if(x[0].replace(": ", "") in votedict["Bills"]):
if(x[3] in ["Yea", "yea", "Oui", "oui"]):
votedict[x[0].replace(": ", "")]["Yea"] += 1
async def checkPermissions(user, permrequired):
with open(user + ".txt", "r") as file:
return (yaml.load(file)[permrequired] == True)
async def createUserFile(user, message):
permissions = ["Superuser", "Party Editor", "Verifier", "Bit 4", "Bit 5", "Bit 6", "Bit 7", "Bit 8"]
await client.send_message(, "Please send a series of numbers, separated by spaces, corresponding to the permissions to be set. Each bit of the permission field is as follows:")
await client.send_message(, "Bit 1: If set to 1, this user is a superuser and has all permissions." + "\r\n" + "Bit 2: If set to 1, this user can edit party information." + "\r\n" + "Bit 3: If set to 1, this user can manually verify people." + "\r\n" + "Bits 4 through 8 are unimplemented at this time.")
msg = await client.wait_for_message(timeout=30,
if(msg is not None):
with + ".txt", "a") as file:
for x in range(0, 8):
file.write(permissions[x] + ": " + str(bool(msg.content.split(" ")[x])) + "\r\n")